The Karma Epilogue

The Karma Epilogue

A Chapter by Azulberry

Sergio observes the night sky, trying to navigate with some assistance from the stars, but they are blocked by pesky clouds. The sails brush against the breeze creating a little symphony. The ocean bullies his ship as it strides through the rough currents. He grips the helm tightly as he attempts to stay on course.

"Admit it, we are lost." Isaac conveys as he approaches Sergio from behind. He pauses for a moment before replying back.

"Perhaps." Sergio has the reputation of not taking any recommendations from his co-captains. Though he would hate to admit it, they are truly lost. It's not a huge ship but certainly above the average. The crew is moderately sized, good enough for the ship.

"Shouldn't we have gotten to the New World already? Isaac asks.

"Hmph." Sergio mutters out. Most of the crew is asleep, but Isaac insists on pestering him. He would do anything for his crew, they're loyal to him because of the steady jobs he has given them for years. They have become a small family and care for another deeply.

The rough currents seem to be progressively getting worse, and the zephyr has started to pick up violently. Seemingly out of nowhere dense fog begins to surround the ship. Both Sergio and Isaac look at one another with considerable bewilderment. He then feels the helm start to turn itself in one direction no matter how hard he tried to control it himself. Isaac runs over to try to assist but both cannot even adjust it an inch. Suddenly the sails start to shimmer bright; and both of them turn to the sight of them in a blaze. The fire begins to extend its reach around the ship.

"Rocks ahead!" Sergio yells. The ship crashes into huge rocks and he blacks out.

Sergio starts flickering his eyes as he slowly awakes from his black out. His face is down and covered with sand. He lies on a beach as waves drive onto the beach sand. The sun is out, but appears to be going down soon. Sergio gets up but almost collapses as he does so. The air coming out of his lungs seemed exhausted as if they had just ran a marathon. He struggles to slow down his breathing but turns to notice his ship crashed and sideways on the beach shore. The bottom of it is torn and tattered, it would take weeks to repair with supplies, but he now stands on an island he is unfamiliar with.

The beach leads straight into the jungle, the trees guarding its entrance are gargantuan and hefty. The branches seem entangled with one another as if they were one large tree. As Sergio approaches the trees he hears somebody calling out to him. Isaac comes running up to him, he's trying to catch his breath.

"Don't go in there, something doesn't seem right." He says with worry.

"Why not?" Sergio asks curiously.

"We sent some of the crew in there to look for some wood so we can set up camp, but it's been hours . . . I think." Isaac says while scratching his head. His expression is sour as if he's not completely sure about what he just said. Isaac walks Sergio over to where they are attempting to set up camp.

"Wow, can't believe some of the caballos survived the wreck." Sergio says as he comforts one of the horses as it nickers. "How many in total?"

"Six. But there seems to be a problema. None of the caballos will leave the beach. As a matter of face, they stick to as close to the ocean as possible it seems."

Sergio gives a puzzled look.

"I was out all day?" He asks.

"We all were I guess, some woke up before I did though. I was informed that some of the crew went into the jungle already by the time I did wake."

"Why didn't they just cut some of these trees here by the beach?" Sergio questions the decision.

"The trees could not be penetrated no matter how much we tried, senor. These trees and surrounding botany is like something I've never seen before."

"Dear lord it is hot out here, this humidity is unbearable. At least we have a beautiful sunset." Sergio looks toward the ocean horizon and admires the descending sun.

Their admiration is intruded by the sound of a man screaming. Them two and the rest of the remaining crew turn their attention towards the jungle. The sun dips below the ocean view, ceasing all light, and darkness stretches out all around them. A crew member struggles to get through two gargantuan trees but barely makes it in between them. The man falls onto the warm sand as the two gargantuan-sized trees explode above him. They all observe in pure terror as a creature the equal size of those very trees emerges from the jungle darkness. The man screams as it towers over him.

"Ayuda me!" He screams for help and the rest of the crew rush to get their swords and lances. The creature has two long arms covered with sharp and pointy scales, and with it it reaches down and picks up the man. He yells in utter agony as those scales pierce his sides, causing blood to rush out to paint the sand red. Its head is forest green with two prodigious eyes. It leans its head closer to the screaming man's face, as if it wants to look directly into his eyes deliberately. His eyes stretch open as he gazes up at the creature's eyes in horror. It tilts its head for a moment and then dives in for a vicious bite. The creature crunches into the man's head, removing half of it.

The crew sprints toward it with their weapons in hand. As it walks more onto the beach devouring the poor man's lifeless body it reveals the rest of itself. It has an elongated body with four thin but long legs. They surround it and strike, they simultaneously remove its legs. It drops the unfortunate man's lifeless body onto the sand. The creature yelps and strikes with one of its arms, its pointy scaled arms easily removing one of the crew member's legs with it. Blood fires out of his leg like a broken fire hydrant, spraying out of him like a bat out of hell. A lance suddenly pierces the face and head of the creature. Isaac hurled it with deadly accuracy; it goes completely limp and falls over to its side.

Some of the crew decide to leave the island, there are a couple of small escape boats that had survived the crash. Isaac, being one of them, wants to hear nothing Sergio has to say. Sergio tries his best to convince him that its suicide but his words fall on deaf ears.

"Please, do not go out there. You will not make it far. Together we have a chance." They disagree and start to head back out into the ocean. He shakes his head with great frustration.

As they paddle further out the waves become more intense. One of the crew looks up towards the stars to gaze at the moon and notices something extraordinary. He pokes the others to take notice of it as well. The night sky is bright, especially since there is not one but two full moons lighting it up.

"Tiburon!" One of the men shouts, pointing at the water. A large fin penetrates the surface of the ocean, erecting massive fear around the small boat. They all stop paddling and remove them from the water. The fin starts moving toward the small boat but descends below the ocean surface. All of the men remain quiet and as still as possible, mainly due to them being frozen with trepidation. They glance at one another apprehensively. They continue to sit silently, only the sounds of the ocean and waves are audible. A fin breaches the surface once again, and it shows its face but just the tip. Its eyes are pitch black as it just stares at the crew on the boat.

"What do we do?! They all look up to Isaac with the question.

"Let's get out of here, start paddling." They start splashing and moving forward. Isaac looks back for the shark but it's gone. The men pull out their orrs from the water to find them breaking down. The wood appears to be disintegrating. The boat suddenly starts to fill with water as they try to keep paddling.

"Why is the boat starting to sink?!" They start to paddle the boat back toward the beach, but it continues to slowly sink. The ocean water begins to brighten and become luminescent. As they paddle Isaac notices the water lighting up and gets an eerie feeling. Through the lit up ocean water he catches a glimpse of a great white shark speeding toward them. His eyes widen as the shark impacts the boat. They all go flying out of the boat like a car accident without seatbelts. Isaac gets flung closest to the beach shore, but the rest have the unfortunate luck of being tossed further into the ocean current.

Isaac opens his eyes under the water to see the horrific sight of his fellow crew members landing in the water, and being surrounded by what appears to be about ten great white sharks. He landed outside of the sharks surrounding the crew. His men begin to be attacked, limbs being torn off, some eaten almost completely whole, while others suffer from multiple bites at once. He ignores the fact that he is feeling a burning sensation all over his body as he swims back to shore.

"Somebody's coming out of the water!" A crew member yells. They run over to assist him. Isaac collapses and screams; he starts to roll around as if he were on fire. The crew surround him and try to assist.

"Don't touch me!" Issac yells as he continues to roll in pain. "We were attacked by a group of great white sharks. The water! It's acidic or something, it started burning and disintegrating our boat! My skin feels like it's on fire!" One of the crew members runs over to Isaac and pours water all over him. He then screams louder than before and starts shaking on the ground.

"Mendigo! You just poured my tequila on him."

They lay Isaac down in a pitched beach tent. One moment after another seems to get worse Sergio thinks to himself. He suddenly hears the sound of a laughing little girl. He snaps his head toward the laughter. He sits in the tent next to Isaac, frozen to the bone. Sergio's chest pounds with thunderous anxiety as he's paralyzed. Finally he musters up the courage to lean forward as the laughter seems to be coming from just outside of the tent. He gulps deepy as perspiration runs down his distraught expression. Sand kicks up from just outside of the tent as the laughter of a little girl commences. Sergio's breathing accelerates as he walks out of the tent. A little girl in a white dress with pink dots stands by the entrance of the jungle. Her face is hard to make out, appearing very dark to his eyesight. She giggles and runs into the jungle.

Sergio makes a dash for her and enters the mysterious jungle. The little girl is fast, and he is barely able to keep up. He calls out her name, "Elena!" But she keeps on running. The gargantuan sized trees seem to be getting bigger and she becomes harder to make out through the hanging bushes and vines. The trees suddenly spread open to the sight of a large golden pyramid. Elena stands in front of the golden pyramid gazing over at Sergio with a gigantic grin on her face.

"Daddy what took you so long?" She asks with a twitch.

"You can't be here right now. It's impossible." He says while trying to catch his breath.

"And why is that papi?" She asks while turning her head slightly. Sergio's eyes begin to water as he finds himself at a loss of words. "Say it."

"No, no, no . . . I can't." He states.

Elena's voice deepens, "Say it! You small cowardly man! Tell me what you did!" Sergio looks deep into her eyes and they're flashing red.

"You're not her!" He screams. She busts out laughing cynically; holding her belly because she is laughing so hard. Sergio wipes the sweat off of his forehead and turns to run back toward the beach.

"Run papi! It's what you're best at!"

He pants as he runs and runs. As the trees begin to lessen it appears the sun is out already. It becomes exponentially brighter as he runs closer to the jungle edge. So bright in fact that he has to cover his eyes with his hand to not run directly into a tree. Sergio pierces the jungle edge and collapses onto the sand. He turns around to see if Elena was following him.

Elena did not follow him out. But he turns and sees his entire crew standing in two single file lines, creating a small walkway. The bright light's origin did not birth from the sun but rather from the ocean. The water has become entrenched with mile high flames. Sergio stares up to the sky to see the two moons fully lit up by the fire's illumination. He turns in horror to notice his crew standing square next to one another with literally no faces. Just a flat surface, even the ones who had just died from the monster from the jungle and sharks from the ocean.


He turns to see Isaac at the end of the two single file lines, kneeling in between them. He runs over to Isaac with great haste. Sergio reaches him and embraces him before he collapses onto the sand.

"I don't know what's wrong. I feel strange . . ." Isaac says. Suddenly his body starts expanding gradually. Boom! He self combusts. Sergio sits there now covered in his best friend's blood.

"Ahhhhhhh! Sergio screams. A hand caresses his shoulder as he screams. He turns violently and and falls over with a petrified expression. Both Elena and Isabella are completely burnt, they glow bright red with streaks of black all over their bodies. 

"No no no . . ." He begins to say as tears run down his face. Elena stands there hand in hand with her mother Isabella. 

"Spontaneous human combustion is an awful way to go." They both simultaneously start to chant, "Say it . . . say it . . . say it!"

"OK! I'm sorry! I started the fire! And I intentionally made sure you couldn't get out!" He starts crying out hysterically and hyperventilating. "I am so sorry, please forgive me!"

An unfamiliar voice states, "It's good to admit to your own sins." Sergio slowly turns to see from feet up. Hooves, legs of a beast, and a robust six pack painted in ruby. 

© 2022 Azulberry

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Added on March 2, 2022
Last Updated on April 9, 2022



Hemet, CA

I love writing, and I need feedback. Please help yourselves and critique away. If it at the least entertains you, then I'll consider it a win. Days of the Phoenix more..

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A Chapter by Azulberry