A Chapter by Azulberry

Jimmy awakes from what felt like an enduring deep sleep. He has difficulty seeing for just a moment as he rises to his feet; his ears ring with extreme exasperation. His body begins to ache and fires shooting pain into the bowels of his stomach. Jimmy gags and shoots out his insides onto the unfamiliar dimension's floor, and as he collapses to his shaken knees. Jimmy's vision gets liquefied and blurry as he observes and touches the floor. The ringing from his ears slowly dissipates, and the dimensions natural noises begin penetrating his eardrums. His hand tells him that it's concrete floor; his vision returns to its natural calamity. Jimmy raises his head and gets to his feet; he wipes the insides left over on his beard. Two enormous concrete building surround Jimmy. They share the same turquoise color but the building to his right is slightly flashier because it has a thick red stripe. There are sound waves rising from what appears to be an entrance into an underground club. A red curtain decorates the entrance of the door; Jimmy slices through the red curtain that guards the entrance. Nothing but echoes and darkness; it brings back memories of the cave he and the Boy passed through not too long ago. Though it was just a few minutes prior, it had felt like years since it had occurred. The echo of guitar hits Jimmy with an adrenalin rush.

"Don't waste your touch! . . . !" The vocals vibrate through the dark tunnel as Jimmy enters. A bright light blushes at the end of the long corridor. He reaches the end of the dark channel and there it is. A band plays on the stage while a rather large group of what appear to be young men 'moshing' and hardcore dancing. Some wear hoodies while others are shirtless; showing off their tattoos in the course of action. One of the young men sports a wrestling mask to perhaps present himself anonymously; so in the effort to let everything go and blow off the troubles he may be boasting about. The band leaps as though if they had springs in their shoes and at preposterous elevated levels as the song plays. The band’s ‘button down’ is tuxedos; they come across rather dashing.

"Yo estado aquí muchos veces antes. . . y regreso."

Jimmy pulls one of the young men aside to inquiry. The young man shakes his head claiming ignorance to the existence of the Boy. He takes hold of several but none know who The Boy is or was. At last he finds bearing with one young man.

"Do you know where the Boy who destroyed the world is?" The young man has two "X" marks, one on each hand; a bandana coats the lower half of his face. The young man explains that he doesn't know who the Boy is, but that their leader may be familiar with him. He points Jimmy to the direction of the lead singer on stage. Bulky red curtains cover the left and right side of the stage. A chandelier radiances luminosity onto the background photograph; illustrating dead tress and two ancient buildings that have collapsed from loneliness.

"Y regreso aquí otra vez y comienzo." Jimmy gets a good look at the vocalist. He has long and aggressive black hair and makeup. Eye liner and mascara it appears. His lip ring shines as bright as the sun from his lower lip; he wears white gloves that seize the microphone.  "I saw its birth, I watched it grow . . . I felt it change me . . . I took the life, I ate it slow . . . Now it consumes me . . . I break down! And cease all feeling! Burn now what once was breathing! Reach out and you may take my heart away!"

The large group of young men roar at full volume as the song comes to its conclusion. The singer drops the mic radically and the band flees to the back room with no f***s given. Jimmy jumps onto the stage and pursues the band. He catches sight of the back door of the underground club, it leads to the out and backside of the two large cemented buildings. Jimmy reaches the top of the stairs and opens the black back door. The band is gone, Jimmy sees nothing but the peculiar field colored in a maroon dimness. The sky smolders fire red while the clouds steadily progress across the firmament. In the distance he views a colossal volcano that is encircled by billowing clouds. Jimmy looks in all directions searching for any indication of the band that may lead him to them. Finally alas he notices bushes brisling in the wind; he runs like an Olympian athlete and high jumps en route for the apprehensive strain of botany. Jimmy goes right through the bush and lands on one knee, and two diverse creatures stand before him. A rather tall blue rabbit stands like a human and it appears to be interacting with a lady; though this lady is a bit out of the ordinary as well. Her face looks like it’s made out of rubber, including her turquoise hair. Her white dress is complimented with candy cane stockings and arm sleeves. Jimmy has obviously rudely interrupted their banter because they stare at Jimmy with a certain gaze. The lady points at Jimmy menacingly, but yet it feels peaceful; a caring breeze blows past them while they stare into one another’s eyes. And just like the passing breeze, the Rabbit and Lady were gone; with a blink of an eye they vanished into thin air. Jimmy turns in all directions in search for them; he sees nothing but the scenery.

“What could that have been about?” Jimmy mutters to himself. As he mutters to himself he soon realizes the ground is beginning to shake like Kelis when she brings all the boys to the yard. There! Just over the northern hill of Cannabis Rowe and the trees of wisdom, fly two machines that would be most comparable to flying tanks; the flying tank’s create a miniscule hurricane with their noisy propellers. Jimmy holds onto his butt and suave fedora as the flying tanks land near him. Two squads of men run out from the rear of the flying tank like galloping pigs with a life-longing lust for justice, and their time to feast is upon them; the pigs drool in desperate hunger for their meal. The last one to exit is distinguished and proud; he walks with an authoritative swagger that would make any man accidentally swallow his gum. They gush over in utter embarrassment; but this man doesn’t even see his own pigs as he exits. The two squads create a perimeter with haste and surround Jimmy as he yawns in great boredom. The distinguished man approaches Jimmy slowly as the squads conclude their perimeter set up. The caring breeze caresses Jimmy as it blows through his majestic beard; the distinguished man wears glasses that can only be described as condescending police sun glasses. The only thing he’s missing is the condescending gum to chew, and there’s nothing worse than condescending gum chewing b******s. His hair blows and glows auburn as his curls get tossed around by that oh so familiar caring breeze. His uniform is tidy and bashful; badges cover his right breast honorably. There is something cunning about this distinguished man, his aura preaches strength and Jimmy can respect that.

“Who are you? What kingdom do you reside from? I am Lieutenant Julian Bear of the mighty Flying Kingdom. We received news that there was a breach of science technology being used around these parts. Whatever it is you’re planning to do, you must put a stop to it at once and turn in the technology you obviously have purloined. The signal reached our headquarters; did you really not expect us to find you?” Jimmy appears unfazed by Lt. Bears’ bombardment of questions and accusations.

“I have no desire to harm you all. I am simple searching for a man. He goes by the nickname, "The Boy Who Destroyed the World." 
The pigs all gasp in utter horror and begin whispering to one another like teenage piglets. "Why would you be searching for The Boy? He is a criminal at large, stirring up all of the kingdoms in the region. This does not favor you young man, its best if you just come with us silently. 

Jimmy’s cheek rises slowly and shows off his pearl white teeth. He flicks the tip of his suave fedora and chuckles. “I just don’t have the time for all of this.” He glances down toward his wrist as if he had a watch on. “Gotta run.” Lieutenant’s eyes twitch with outstanding dissatisfaction.

“Pigs- I mean men, seize him!” The pigs enclose onto Jimmy, but he leaps with relentless force over the converging pigs. He hit the ground with a barrel role and lands on a knee. The pigs sprint towards Jimmy with their batons. Pig #1 swings his baton with great fury, but is met and immediately impeded by Jimmy’s forearm. The pig squeals in shock! Jimmy throws down a furious punch to the pig’s snout that sends him flying backwards and crashes into pigs #4, #7, and #9.  Pig #10 leaps onto Jimmy but is quickly swung to the side by Jimmy’s beard. Jimmy picks up pig #1 by the throat and slams him to the ground while simultaneously ducking out of the way of a swinging baton. He fearlessly dives toward pig #3 and squares him up nicely, lifting the pig off of his hooves and tackled onto the bitter floor. His legs swing dramatically upwards like a kung fu master and is quickly back on his feet ready for the rest of the pigs. 

"Men - I mean Pigs, whatever, cease your attack immediately!" Orders Lieutenant Bear. But it was too late, the pigs have already started sprinting toward Jimmy. The pigs enclose onto Jimmy, but he leaps with relentless force over the converging pigs. Jimmy throws down a furious punch to the pig’s snout that sends him flying backwards onto pigs #4, #7, and #9 again.  Pig #10 leaps onto Jimmy but is quickly swung tumbling to the side by Jimmy’s beard. He grips pig #2 by the throat and lifts him up off his hooves- I mean feet, and delivers an upper cut. Pig #2 quickly gets back on his feet, but is suddenly blocked by Lieutenant Bear.

“Let me have him Lieutenant!” Pig #2 barked out with frustration. Pig # 2 insists with excitement, his hooves tap dance in pure delight of a fight.

“No no. I appreciate your enthusiasm but this man seems worthy of my time.” Lieutenant Bear states. All of the pigs immediately start discussing and whispering to one another discreetly. Jimmy catches the gaze on Lieutenant Bear’s face, his smile is so wide you’d think he was ready to make a move on you, like a smooth operator. The glimmer in his eye is pulsating like a dying star, slowly waiting for its imminent explosive exit from the ceaseless universe.  While you were lost in Lieutenant Bear’s gaze, Pig #2 had removed the lieutenant’s coat which dawns all of his medals and pins. As the horizon’s gaze darkens Lieutenant Bear stands fifteen paces away from Jimmy.

“This is the perfect gift,” he mumbles out. “May you feel this while you sleep, may you feel this while you wake!” He escalated with passion. Jimmy gets himself ready for the impending attack.

            “And we danced . . .” Jimmy dashes forward like an elusive gazelle, gleaming with an abundance of confidence.  Lt Bear gallops toward Jimmy like a collapsing dream within a dream. No normal human could follow neither Jimmy nor Lt Bear’s boundless speed in battle. And with a blink of an eye later, a thunderous clash shatters the sound barrier; creating an omnipotent pulse that sends the surrounding pigs flying backwards. The pigs roll around on the ground squealing as if they were in mud quivering in pain from the omnipotent pulse. Dust wraps its cloak around the surrounding area, making it impossible to even attempt to observe the battle. As the dust slowly dissipates, the pigs all simultaneously gasp at the sight of Jimmy and Lt Bear with their fist’s clenched against one another. It appears they have temporarily reached an impasse, but Jimmy’s beard suddenly slaps Lt Bear across his face. To Jimmy’s dismay Lt Bear grumbles and over powers Jimmy’s fist and commences to strike him directly with a left hook. The blow stammers Jimmy as he takes a few embarrassing steps backwards. Jimmy spits out blood and smiles. He falls to a knee and coughs violently, causing the surrounding pigs to laugh with vengeance.

            “F**k . . . “. Jimmy chokes out as he begins to chuckle. “That seriously hurt! It’s been a while since I’ve had so many worthy adversaries. You got me good, kudos to you sir.” He laughs as he reminisces to himself about the past.”

            “Very impressive, I’ve never had anyone get back on their feet after taking a hit from my left hook. But you know what? Jimmy stares with great curiosity. “You’re still on a knee!” He flexes and his shirt rips apart and slowly falls to the floor. Jimmy is paralyzed by Lt Bear’s act of strength, meanwhile Lt Bear is beginning his swing for another omnipotent hook. He directly connects and sends Jimmy flying backwards at least twenty feet away. Jimmy had some decent air time before crashing onto the floor in front of a promiscuous bush. Lt Bear turns to his piglets,

            “You see comrades that is how things get done.” A sudden chuckle breaks Lt Bear’s attention away from the piglets. He turns in great surprise, glaring over at Jimmy who is still immobile on the floor.

            “Is that all you have to offer? Jimmy asks while struggling to get to his feet. He spits blood toward Lt Bear’s direction and smiles. His teeth glow red with blood as if he were drinking wine. “You aren’t even close, I have defeated greater foes.” Jimmy patronizes him while condescendingly marching toward Lt Bear. “Let’s go again!” Jimmy says with excitement.

            “If you insist,” Lt. Bear states with a giggle. Lt Bear dashes so quickly that the normal human eye could not possibly keep up with his movement. With another blink of an eye he stands upright ready to strike. With a flash he sends a potent punch and connects with Jimmy’s right cheek. Lt Bear’s expression changed instantly when he sees Jimmy’s expression. He staring straight into Lt Bear’s eyes with a glare so intense it would make you feel pathetic. Jimmy overpowers his punch simply by turning his face against Lt Bear’s fist. With an overzealous smile on his face Jimmy’s beard grasps Lt Bear’s arm and tightens exponentially. He grimaces and loses his focus from his punch and is easily overpowered. Jimmy winds up his right arm like an old school baseball pitcher and dawns a smug smirk. Before Lt Beat could react again, Jimmy’s fist had already begun launching toward his face. His eyes widen like a child seeing Disneyland for the first time, and taking in all of the scenery with great wonder. Then the great wonder was immediately replaced with unfathomable pain; Jimmy’s fist had rendezvoused with Lt Bear’s face with vengeance.  He goes flying backwards and lands at least forty-seven feet where he had just originally been standing. Lt Bear crashes into a horde of Anthony Green plants.

            Intermission: Anthony Green plants are a formidable type of botany, they grow easily and everywhere like weeds. And they eat anything that comes near them, they might just be the world’s most irritating plant to get rid of. Their bodies flail everywhere and are covered with large leaves that constantly get tossed around by the breeze. They’re weighed down by their heavy heads, which resemble a human head. With a full patch of hair too, the plants resemble an American musician named, and you guessed it, Anthony Green. But I digress . . .

The plants all growl at Lt Bear as he lies there unconscious. As one of the Anthony Green plants unhinges its jaw like a snake, it is suddenly decapitated! Jimmy grabs a hold of another plant and proceeds to dismember it, while his Beard clutches another two. Jimmy with ease simultaneously decapitates the other clutched plants.

            As the pigs finally made their way over to Jimmy and Lt Bear, one of the Anthony Green plants head’s rolls over in front of them with its eyes turned backwards. A handful of pigs fall to the floor in utter dismay. Jimmy picks up Lt Bear with his strong arms and hands him over to the embarrassed pigs.

            “This isn’t over man.” Said Pig #3 while trembling immensely. A breeze blows by them and Jimmy commences to smirk and walk away.

            As Jimmy begins heading elsewhere, the sky turns dark and thunder starts screaming and crying towards the Earth. The chilly breeze creates goosebumps and raises its velocity little by little. This world would like to swallow you whole if it could, but Jimmy presses on anyway. 

© 2018 Azulberry

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1 Review
Added on December 15, 2016
Last Updated on May 28, 2018



Hemet, CA

I love writing, and I need feedback. Please help yourselves and critique away. If it at the least entertains you, then I'll consider it a win. Days of the Phoenix more..

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A Chapter by Azulberry