![]() 4A Chapter by AzulberryJimmy comprehends that what he just did was coldblooded, but it no longer mattered because she is gone. His moral judgment is scarred and susceptible, suffering even. “I can’t stop the insects that are feeding.” Deep sorrow and resentment entwine through his mind. As he travels further into the bosom of the island he begins to get excited. His heart is pumping a thousand miles per hour, and his stride fastens. The trail ahead appears to be widening. Jimmy’s exceptional eye sight spots what appears to be a house. There are gargantuan trees that have been cut down around the path. He notices a tree has been carved into but not cut down. Somebody or something carved into the tree “6 to 8.” Leaves descend from the surrounding trees as if they were introducing themselves to Jimmy. The river nearby seems too hasty as Jimmy gains ground on it. Jimmy faintly hears a group of people chanting. He hastens his pace and turns at the corner past the widening of the path. Jimmy observes a group of people chanting, “Through our bleeding we are one!” He doesn’t know what to think. As the group of men wind down their chant, a relatively short man walks to him. The man has a faux hawk with blonde highlights on top of his hair; though none on the sides. He has a scruffy face that desperately needs a shave. Rather large and black earrings glisten. Tattoos cover his arms; his chest is tatted with a flaming heart held by a string of stars. “xXx” lies eternally on the man’s wrist. Daggers are positioned on both sides of his ribs. “Hello Jimmy. Congrats on defeating Porphyria, not many do. As a matter of fact, you’re only the second one to do so. I was the first. Though I let it live, I showed compassion. You on the other hand did no such thing, but I’m not here to judge. Everyone walks their own course and I understand that better than most. These people here are the “Fall Children,” they will aid you with food, hospitality, and moral support. Isn’t that great? You’ve really shaken things up around here. The island is quite nervous you’ve made it this far. This day so hallowed, from here to forever it’s will I will follow, and tonight will come to life.” The path had widened up. Past the path is the village of the Fall Children. Its size is minuscule compared to any town or city. The area has been cleared of gargantuan sized trees. The precipitating river is directly connected to the village and the sunlight is a welcomed sight. The village is populated with clean-cut green lawns. The breeze feels amazing and relieving since the humidity is congested and palpable under the umbrella created by the gargantuan trees. Jimmy speaks with some of the Fall Children, but only casual conversations. The short man with the faux hawk and scruffy face taps Jimmy’s shoulder. “Come with me Jimmy, I must enlighten you in private.” He says with a relaxed gush. Jimmy follows him into one of the homes. The Fall Children in the house close the windows and depart as Jimmy and the short man get comfy. The home is rather clean, spotless actually. A kitty meows and purrs as it rubs against Jimmy’s leg. “I require your help. From what I have gathered, it is to my understanding that you’re in desperate search of the miseria cantare. Not only do I know where it is, but I can let you in on a little secret; but only if you will help me with my enduring predicament.” Jimmy nods in agreement. “Okay. You no longer have to search for the boy who destroyed the world because . . . well I am that boy. I’m sure you have questions, but you’ll have to save them for another time. We don’t have much time. Allow me to explain; Jimmy, you and I are extraordinary. We have a fire inside that burns eternally. Have you ever pondered why your beard is so damn magnificent? You see good sir, we have the totalimmortal gene. This specific and rare gene elevates us into something greater than ourselves. It just depends on the person I suppose but your power is unleashed through your beard, while mine is released through my hair and voice. We are beyond extraordinary Jimmy. I can see the miles you’ve been through. Your face says it all; you’re hurt, fractured, and wrecked. And none of these descriptions are about your physical well-being. You have been through your fair share of battles.” “I've battled, I've f*****g battled man. My whole life is a dark room. One, big, dark room. ” Jimmy responds. “And you will be everything and more. I must request your aid(s). A few of my really good acquaintances have gotten themselves isolated and trapped. Let me cut to the chase; I had recently discovered that I can open portals into parallel universes. I have walked in and out of more parallel universes than I can count. It was a lot of fun but it was senseless and treacherous. And now we have paid the price dearly; my three good acquaintances are trapped in two different dimensions that I can no longer open. There is some sort of interference on the other side of the island that is making me frail and far more fragile than I’m accustomed to. From what I have gathered over the past few months here is that there is some frequency interference that is very rare, it’s called Blaqk Hindrance. It somehow continues to weaken my ability to open up the correct dimension. When we get to that part of the island and discover who or what is creating the blaqk hindrance we can deal with it appropriately. This part of the island is the only unexplored place left. It has creatures that will yearn for our lives; the wood it whispers in a language of its own. There is only one way through. We must travel through Wester road.” Jimmy scratches his beard while taking a deep sigh. The pile of information he received rolls around Jimmy’s skull. “Okay you’ve convinced me. But how in the world did you figure out how to open up portals into other parallel universes?” “Oh. Well my hair has a natural talent for math. It studied the theories of Albert Einstein on how dimension are all around us. Can you imagine living in the fourth dimension? We can’t see them but maybe they can see us. Either way it found a way to cut through it all and open a portal. Pretty sweet right?” Jimmy and the boy who destroyed the world begin packing up their things. His mind slips away from reality and fades into the endless depth of obscurity shrouding his most internal thoughts. He falls into a recollection from the past; Lucy and Jimmy share a loveseat in the comfort of their home. The evening is late and optimistic. The fire place reaches around the home, warming anything and everything. Frank Sinatra is singing how he did things his way; a kitty meows with unconditional glee as it scurries over to Jimmy and Lucy purring for some attention. “As a sigh escaped my lips I feel the light caress of fingertips that steal away my breath and leave me on my own.” Lucy has a black book that carries far too many quotes and poems. She gets antsy as she reads to herself while Jimmy downs some whiskey on the rocks. “Hun let me read you another poem; I think you’ll really like this one.” Jimmy doesn’t respond and takes another swig. “Another one? You just love reading to me don’t cha’?” He lastly responds. “You know I just like to share what I’m reading with you a*****e.” She laughs and nudges his arm, and Jimmy sets down his ice-cold beverage. Somehow I ended up here in between Where there is always the comfort Of knowing I'll never be seen I wait for just one touch And I fall Jimmy zooms instantly out of his mind and back into reality. The boy who destroyed the world interrupts Jimmy’s thoughts and suggests they get moving before sun down.© 2014 Azulberry |
Added on September 22, 2014 Last Updated on September 22, 2014 Author![]() AzulberryHemet, CAAboutI love writing, and I need feedback. Please help yourselves and critique away. If it at the least entertains you, then I'll consider it a win. Days of the Phoenix more..Writing