He has traveled so far to be here,
to do this.
he climbs the tallest stairs of the tallest building
there it sits,
ready for him.
he opens the lock, lifts the lid, and there it sits,
staring at him,
so cold.
He lifts it, from its bed, cradles it,
he prepares to do his job
comotion, down below, he peers over the balcony,
onto the street.
here they come.
he breathes, calming himself,
into his pocket he reaches, and withdraws, a paper.
a picture,
He doesnt need it, hes memorized her every feature,
he could tell you anything about her face,
a quick glance, then over the balconey,
he stares down through the scope,
he finds her,
there first time meeting in person.
his breath catches in his throat,
so beautiful, so young,
hes never done it to someone so young
he sees her
in his mind,
in an other place, and time,
what is this memory?
he discards it,
what is wrong with me?
he finds her again,
surrounded by those that love her,
No more distractions,
he follows her,
waits for her to stop,
a moment of calculation
the pull of the trigger.
the sound is deafening
and then he realizes
a split second to late,
why he knows her,
over a decade before,
before this,
before, he became a hunter of men.
a cold winter morning,
a little girl,
"merry christmas daddy!"