![]() Prologue/The BeginningA Chapter by Azalas---Prologue--- "Some call me a monster...Others call me a hero...Myself?...I call myself Azalas...And this is my life. Cursed with a power from a bomb called The Physics Bomb that exploded in 2007 which ended up giving people incredible devestating powers...This is my story of the rise and fall of the world as it became consumed by the greed of power from the bomb." ---Ch. 1 - The Beginning--- "You called me here for one of your experiments?" A man with slicked back white hair and a goatee asked, he ran his left hand through his hair and breathed out air from his mouth. A woman sitting in a leather swivel chair with long dark hair and glasses was nodding. "Yeah...I think I found out a way to enter other universes! This will be the find of the century!" The lady said to the man. She picked out a sucker from a candy jar that held contents of all sorts of delicious candy. She unwrapped the sucker and threw the red wrapper into the blue plastic trashcan right next to her desk where she was sitting at. "Again? We talked about this Dawn. You keep on delving deeper into stuff about black holes and wormholes...You'll be consumed to the point where you'll just end up killing yourself!" The man said as his expression changed from a blank look to a look of worry and anger. He looked at the machine that was in the middle of the room. "What in the world is this?" He asked her. Dawn continued to eat her sucker. She turned towards the machine in her swivel chair and smirked. "It's called a P.T.T. Which is also known as a "Physics Tangent Teleporter. Otherwise known to teleport you to other universes." She said picking up a can of soda from her desk and taking a sip. The cool refrrshing soda was all she needed on this hot summer day of June. Dawn put the can back down on her desk.and got up. "How do you know if it works?" The man asked. He walked towards the machine and ran his left hand down the cool smooth metal surface on the machines side. In the center was a leather chair along with wires. Dawn looked at her boyfriend and smiled. "I don't...I haven't tested it out yet. Been too scared to." She said. "How about I test it for you?" the man asked her. Dawns expression changed to surprise and concern. "Are you out of your mind?! Who knows what could happen to you Gabriel!" Dawn said as she also walked towards the machine. She touched Gabriels shoulder and looked at him. His white hair shined in the sunlight from the large window behind him at the back of the room. "Someone has to test it out Dawn, either it is tested or the big guys in black will take away your damn machine!" Gabriel snapped at Dawn. Her eyes became wide and almosf teary eyed. "Oh babe...I'm so sorry for snapping at you...I just don't wanf to see your work go down the drain." Gabriel told her hugging her. "It's okay...Why don't you let me test it out?" Dawn asked. Gabriel shook his head. "What if I lost you?...I couldn't forgive myself, I rather me go instead." He told her. "But...What if I lost you Gabriel?..." Dawn asked "If I get stuck in another universe...I might as well be the almighty god of that universe." Gabriel joked and laughed. Dawn didn't take the joke funny and smacked him upside the head. "Fine. But I want you to promise me...If you do get stuck in another universe...Please be okay..." Dawn said as tears streamed down her porcelain white face. Her purple eyes staring at Gabriel. Gabriel nodded. He walked over to the leather chair which was the middle of the machine. He sat down in the smooth black leather chair and sighed. Dawn walked to the console and started typing in alot of code. The wires in the middle the machine started to move, they all plugged deep into the back of the chair. "Power is at 10 percent...Rising heat levels from 4 percent to 10 percent..." Dawn said as the power raised to 15 percent. Gabriel felt nervous, he looked at the screen right by him. //POWER LEVEL: 15 PERCENT //HEAT LEVEL: 15 PERCENT //ERROR //ERROR //ERROR Dawn became wide eyed and looked at the console on the outside of the machine. "Is it supposed to be in unison?! The heat and power levels I mean!" Gabriel yelled out to Dawn because of the loud noises from the machine. "No! Gabriel get the hell out of there! NOW!!!" Dawn yelled out. She tried to stop the machine but it kept on going. "I can't stop it! I'm stuck to the damn chair! Get out of here Dawn! While you still can!" Gabriel yelled out as well. //POWER LEVEL: ERROR //HEAT LEVEL: ERROR //ABANDON DEVICE //ABANDON DEVICE "GABRIEL!!!!" Dawn screamed out as she ran towards the middle of the machine and extended her hand towards Gabriel. She was crying profusely. Gabriel reached for Dawns hand but it was too late. A bright purple light overwhelmed him and once it was gone...So was he. Dawn felt pulled her arm back and noticed blood dripping onto the ground. She looked at her left arm which was missing a hand, the same hand that reached out for Gabriel before he disappared. "Oh my..." she said getting dizzy. She fainted from bloodloss. A few days later... "EXTRA! EXTRA! Read all about it! Illegal science experiment gone bad!" TO BE CONTINUED
© 2015 Azalas |
Added on May 14, 2015 Last Updated on July 21, 2015 Author |