![]() RoommatesA Story by MadeCheaply
Kage had just walked into the tiny apartment only to see smoke from the kitchen.
Ayumi smiled, "Oh herrow! just getting rid of some trash" the charcoal haired princess said grinning ear to ear. Her backpack was opened and papers inside were missing. She was burning homework in a skillet with butter and lard to the sound of dubstep on the stereo. Kage stared at her friend's backpack, then at the skillet, then shook her head. "Im concerned about you sometimes," she mumbled. She sat down on the couch, pulling her ipad from her bag. It was an expensive piece of technology but it was valuable to her studies. "Just don't burn any of my things" "I didn't plan on it" Ayumi said and turned the stove off, the loose paper charred and black. "Just the way I like it" she said and tilted the skillet in the trash and turned her head to look at Kage, "How was your day?" she said unaware that the burnt papers were floating up rather than down into the trash. "Your papers are floating Ayumi" Kage said, not looking up. Ayumi blinked opening the window letting it flow out into the world. She removed her apron and hung it up and grinned, "I got sent home early today, all alone" she said sitting down and grinned. "Oh I got you something" she said grabbing a pen off the counter top the top had a fuzzy bug at the end. "It's small, but I saw it and thought of you" she said blushing, embarrassed. She wished to impress her superior. Kage took the pen from her friend and smiled a little at it, "Thank-You. I like it" she smiled a little and slid the pen inside her bag then adjusted back to her ipad. "Do you mind if I call Shino in here?" Kage spoke again. Shino had been overseas in Germany, as an exchange student for almost 9 months. "He's gained quite the accent", she said going to turn her webcam on the ipad. Ayumi nodded, "Of course you can, I don't mind" she said walking to the loveseat and pulled a book out from between the cushions, the cover titled, ALICE IN WONDERLAND. The screen was dark on the ipad and beeped occasionally until it was answered the man on the other side showing up. There was chatter between two mean, then laughter. "Hello Alphonse" Kage said addressing him. Alphonse said something in German then the noise of being smacked rang out in the room. Kage covered her mouth as she laughed. "I will mess you up Shino!" Al started. "Shh Shh Alphonse...You hear that?" Shino whispered. "Wait. No what?" "It's the sound of the amount of f***s I give dying" There was a long silence before the two boys burst into laughter. The only thing Ayumi could hear was Kage laughing and the incoherent sounds coming from the ipad. "Shino isn't that talkative usually" she said and looked up from her book. "He's with a friend" Kage said. "Roommate" Shino corrected. "Roommate" Kage repeated. "Come say hi Ayumi" Ayumi closed her piece of literature and motioned across the floor taking a seat beside her friend. "Herrow!" she smiled with a wave. It was easier to talk to people indirectly. Shino adjusted his glasses and looked at Alphonse. "I do believe my eyesight's going bad. Ayumi has gotten very pretty has she not?" "Very. Hello Ayumi. My name is Alphonse, you can call me Al if you want" he said introducing himself. He had seen photo's of Shino's friends and life, yet he had not talked to any of them. Ayumi blushed and stared, she couldn't help but see the how crisp and clear the other mans reflection was on the other side of the screen. "Thats nice of you Shino" she said grinning. "And it's nice to meet you Alphonse" she said. "Nice to meet you as well Ayumi" Alphonse replied quickly. The two girls continued to talk to the two boys until Kage noticed a little something new. "Shino Aburame, is that a lip piercing?" Shino's index finger went to the small cubic zirconia piercing under his bottom lip. "Alphonse did it" he mumbled. Alphonse gave a wide grin, "I would say I have done a good job" he said. "Stick your tongue out" Kage said. Al parted his lips and his tongue poked out, a round ball rested delicately on his tongue. Ayumi blushed looking to the side. "No comment" Kage said. "It looks great though Shino, I bet Kage agree's" she said and nudged her. "How can you be talking to someone and not notice a new piercing" Ayumi asked. Faintly you could hear Shino mimic Ayumi. "Yeah Kage. How could you not notice?" "You shut up Shino" Kage saide. She looked to Ayumi, "I wasn't exactly looking at his mouth" Ayumi chuckled and leaned forward resting her elbows on her knees, "Thats the reason why people wear them, for some sort of attraction right?" she said and her eyes drifted as a piece of charred paper went by. "I thought I was rid of you..." Ayumi said watching it float endlessly. Shino raised an eyebrow and looked at Al. "I feel I should question it, but im scared to knowing Ayumi" Shino said quietly. Ayumi shook her head, "Hey im not crazy or anything, I did it for kicks" she said in her defense. Al chuckled going to sit in Shino's lap. "Your way to big for this" Shino hissed. "Ayumi, your a funny girl" Al said completely disregarding Shino. Ayumi blinked, unaware that she was being funny and rubbed her neck, "Thank-you" she said small and looked at Kage. "Would you like anything for dinner?" she said. "Surprise me, and not with burned paper" Kage answered. Ayumi nodded and waved gently to the boys on the other side of the glass before disappearing into the kitchen; slipping on an apron she decided stuffed shells was the way to go. "Anyway how are classes going?" Shino said pushing Alphonse enough so he had a clear view of Kage, pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose. "They're classes. The only one ive been enjoying is APBiology. we've been dissecting sharks." she smiled gleefully as Shino gagged. He was extremely squeamish. "Big baby" Kage teased. "Kage I am trying to cook" Ayumi huffed. Shino leaned back in his seat, the camera showing his shins up as he sat. "At least you enjoy is" he said and turned his head. "You should see what we do to beetles" "No. No. No thanks. No." Shino said quietly shaking his head. Kage chuckled then rested her head on the couch. "When does your plane come in?" "A week and a half" "Good, it's lonely around here" "Hey!" Ayumi yelled and Kage chuckled and apologized. "Well I have a little surprise when I get home" Shino said. Kage raised an eyebrow. "It's 6 feet tall, brown hair, chestnut brown eyes, native German..." "Your bringing Alphonse?" "None other than him" "Now I have to steer clear of him now too" "Nah he just wanted to see what America is like, I also think his brother is out there too" Shino said and looked down at the toolbar on his computer sending a message to Kage. 'He threatened me my life' he sent to Kage before feeling his friend peep over his shoulder. "HEY!" Al said jumping on Shino once again. "Well then we'll have to make room for him then" Shino nodded, smiled, then looked at his watch. "Well, I have to go to class. Bye Kage" The pair shared goodbyes then Kage began to do her homework. "Did you hear that, Al is coming" Kage asked Ayumi. "Thats cool, it's nice to see Shino making friends out there, I would be to nervous to go so far away" she said and grinned pointing. "25 minutes, and then the food will be done" "He's enjoying himself out there so I don't mind" Kage replied. There was a long silence between the two girls. 5 minutes before the meal was done Kage had asked. "Can we get a whale? Is that a thing we can do?" Ayumi stared aimlessly before smiling, "Yes Kage, we can get a whale" she said, "Under once condition, the water habitate goes in your room" "We can't get a whale. It's not a thing we can do" Kage said. "Thats what I thought" Ayumi finished pulling the food out.
© 2012 MadeCheaplyAuthor's Note
1 Review Added on March 21, 2012 Last Updated on March 21, 2012 Author![]() MadeCheaplySilent Hill, MOAboutHey there, my designer name is Made but most call me Ayumi or Ozzy. I do what I want as long as someone somewhere sees it than it doesn't matter. My Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/user/ShukketsuS.. more..Writing