Out of the Blue

Out of the Blue

A Story by Ayesha Binte Islam

My story focuses on a witness of the mysterious world.

I felt the whole world whirling around me in flurries of confused nothingness. I was in a stupor. The blinding darkness was continuously interrupted by dancing shades of navy blue, silver and white. Gradually, I could interpret the image " a world of water. A constant bubbling sound reached my ears. The navy blue, silver and white lights were still unstable.
‘Where am I?’ I thought. I tried to recall how I got there, only to feel a pang lace through my skull. My chest lurched as I realized that I was breathing with ease even in the water, exhaling air bubbles though I had no helmet, an oxygen mask, or any supply of the oxygen gas. I could also hear the water’s babbles without water thrusting into my eardrums to make me deaf. My sight was not harmed either. If I was really submerged underwater, drifting slowly to its bottom, then why was I not feeling the water’s pressure squeeze my body out of breath? Was I dead, then?
Abruptly, I felt myself being settled on something foamy (as I could feel against my back). How could I feel if I were dead? Was I marvelously alive? I wriggled my right hand in front of my eyes and sensed the soft and wet water. I was perplexed.
I strived to sit up " to search for help, but my muscles were numb, so I couldn’t. That was when I could make out a white figure advancing towards me. I was paralyzed " too shocked even to feel a chill of terror run down my spine or squeeze my eyes shut in fright. I stared at it, and when it reached me, my heart leapt into my mouth, but, to my surprise, I was not consumed by the darkness again. I gazed at it " an ‘inhuman’ beauty was as if emitted from the apparition. A fluorescent agent was concealed inside its pale skin. The glow seemed to form a silver haze around it, or her? This was because her countenance was like that of the ‘moon princess’ " blue eyes, splendidly curved black eyebrows, a beautiful nose and red lips. Her snaky fluorescent hair fluttered regally as her eyes met my gaze. She extended a hand towards my face, only to jerk it away when I feebly exhaled a few bubbles into the water to ask, ‘Who are you?’, but I couldn’t.
I heard a feminine voice in my brain. I could decipher it inquiring, ‘Who are you, and how did you come here?’
I saw her eyes riveted on me, expecting a retort. But I was bemused.
‘Answer me, now.’ I heard the same voice again, only with a chagrin flavor in it. Was she talking without moving her lips?
‘Are you speaking in my head?’ I cogitated, and strived to ‘signal it out’ to her since I never practiced speaking telepathically.
‘Yes, but would you answer me?’ came the miffed reply.
‘I am Agnes,’ I thought, but not stating it to her. Nothing else came into my brain. How I ended up here, what I did? I could only see flashes of colors, hear the words ‘submarine’ , ‘U.L.S.’ and ‘Underwater Life Searchers’ " they were a baffled mixture of memories that made no sense to me. The twinge impaled my brain again.
‘I am Agnes, and I…don’t know…I can’t recall, but I didn’t come to hurt you. Please help me.’ It was all I could say.
She advanced a bit closer. I saw a bracelet around her wrist as she reached her hand towards me once again. The bracelet was made of ocher pearls stitched with each other. But without her help, I felt strength returning to my muscles, and I slowly sat up. What was going on actually? How could I sit up if I were really underwater? Why wasn’t I floating off? A million questions spun my head. I could not recollect anything.
I was snapped out of my kingdom of thought when she tilted her head to meet my eyes with hers intrigued eyes. She used telepathy to communicate with me. Couldn’t she move her lips?
I glanced around to see some one-colored green algae tossing their heads to and fro. Such a group encircled me. That was when I first noticed a massive tail jutting out from her waist " small scales orderly ran down to meet with the two extends at the tip; like a fishtail.  It wavered to and fro with curiosity, flickering with the same kind of light. Abruptly, I thought I saw her somewhere, a book perhaps, but still, I could not remember it.
‘What’s the matter?’ her voice again nipped me out of my thought.  I darted my eyes to look at my friend’s face. Friend, was she really my friend?  She was still fascinated, and seemed to hear my thought.
‘I would assume you as a friend,’ her sweet words chimed inside my brain. I never heard anything so…charming. I felt a cold touch on my right hand that startled me " she held it. A smile flashed across her face, making her look…heavenly.
‘How can you…’ it was her again, but she could not finish, for, out of the blue, a massive whirlpool formed at a distance. It was advancing towards us. The surroundings became so dreary that even ‘her light’ could not tackle with the invading darkness. I felt a snug grip of a rubbery substance around my torso. It yanked me and I sensed being carried at a tremendous speed that made me dizzy. I had already pressed my eyes shut.
‘I had only heard tales of this whirlpool…never experienced one…I guess we are much close to the sea level…I had never been here…’ her panicked words between gasps swirled around my brain. I could not retort " my heart throbbed frantically.
I shot open my eyes to see my friend writhing in agony inside an animal trap. How? What happened? Her luminescence disappeared and celestial blood oozed from a deep gash at the side of her forehead, which I could see.
‘What had happened?’ I asked her telepathically.
‘You lied to me, you betrayed me.’ These words faintly thumped against my brain as I saw her chest moving to and fro with last breaths. I felt the urge to free her and hug her for saving my life from whatever was approaching to attack me. But I was unable to move. 
‘I’m sorry…so sorry,’ I sent to her through thought transference. No reply.
To see her struggle for life was like a dagger being thrust right into my heart. I couldn’t even get a chance to ask her name, how could I? I saw her bracelet tangled around my wrist " the pearls gleaming like embers. My sight was impaired by blinding darkness once again.
I sensed being lifted onto something. Blaring noises around me were audible. A familiar male voice spoke close to my ears, but I could not recall him.
He said, ‘Congratulations, Officer Agnes Jane! U.L.S. is proud of you for being the first and bravest person to find out the source of those indecipherable signals that came from deep under the sea " entrapping a mermaid!’

© 2017 Ayesha Binte Islam

Author's Note

Ayesha Binte Islam
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Added on January 4, 2017
Last Updated on January 10, 2017
Tags: "Breathtaking Thriller of a Poss


Ayesha Binte Islam
Ayesha Binte Islam

A scribbler. I wrote these pieces here when I was 13/14 years old. more..
