People Of Rime

People Of Rime

A Story by Aya Blue

Fantasy Fiction I guess one could say:)

Her feet patted louder than she thought they could as she ran across the horizon, striding large as her legs could. The moon followed close behind her in the sky. Her head turned around to see how much time she had but she knew she was already late. "Rose! Rose hurry!" She heard her sister call from a small crevice in the ice. " I'm tryin...!!" Flat she fell, her right foot had fallen through the snow and into the icy water below. "Rose!!! Mama!!" Her sister called for her mother who was right behind Rose, scooping her up in her arms and immediately carrying her to the crevice. Falling to her knees and sliding down into the tight ice wedge, their mother held the tiny girl tight in her arms. "Is she alright?" Lilly asked, Roses' older sister. "Give her to me! Move!" An elderly woman shuffled from a bedroom, wrapped in a fur blanket. "Eveana, I said give her to me." She held out her arms reaching for the child. "Please be careful, she's cold Nani." The girls mother said. "Go close the opening or they'll find us again."She said, taking the child back into the bedroom. "Lily, help me." Eveana said, grabbing her daughters hand and leading her to the opening in the ice. Nani unclothed the little girl and laid her down, leaning over her to listen if she was breathing. "Little girl, you're lucky." She said as she heard a faint breath escape from Roses' lips. Holding up  her right ankle and observing it, she looked through her skin and saw where the bone cracked. Grabbing a wooden bowl filled with a dark green paste, she rubbed it on her ankle and wafted it in front of the girls nose, waking her up. "Nani..? " She sat up and looked at her ankle. " Now Rose, be a good pebble and stand." the woman said looking at the girl. Rose sat on the edge of the bed and put her left foot down, then her right. "Nani it hurts.." Rose said as her eyes teared up, looking up at her grandmother. "Rose, listen to Nani and stand." Eveana said from the bedroom doorway. Looking down at her ankle, she stood and cried out, her orange hair turning to flames instantly. "Ah! Nani!!  Make it stop!!"  "Rose, look into my eyes," Nani bent over, eye level with the girl. "Take a deep breath and look at me." Rose did so and slowly her gaze with her grandmother made her fire hair die down to nothing but flimsy strands again. "Walk to me Rose." Eveana said, kneeling. She looked up at her mother and slowly began walking to her. "Does  it still hurt my pebble?" Nani asked. "Not anymore .. " She replied, looking back at her. "Well then, I suppose we should now all get some rest." Evana said, pulling night gowns from a small trunk on the floor.
"Girls come here, show your father what you've learned." Eveana said gleefully. The 6 and 10 year old ran up to their father and stood far apart. "Liliy, you first." Kenai said. The 10 year old bowed then pointed her left foot out and twirled, her toes still on the ground. Everything she traced with her toes turned into beautiful grass. She held out her palm and turned it upside down and as she did a Larkspur sprouted in front of her fathers feet. "Beautiful my darling!" He proclaimed as he bent and plucked the flower from the ice. "Now you Rose." He turned his gaze upon his youngest daughter. She bowed then snapped her fingers twice, each time producing a small flame on the ground in front of her. Quietly she sang a low melody and as she did her body slowly turned to flames. "My god, Rose!" Her father was amazed as she was  not burning, she stood perfectly fine after the flames died away. "Girls go play, your father and i need to talk." Eveana said and the girls ran off. "When will you come home and stay home Kenai?" She asked in a lower voice. "When Nikoli says I can. I do this for you, for your protection, to ensure that when i come home, i'll have someone to come home to." Kenai said. "What? When you come home only once every 3 years you need someone here for you? We've moved around so much that we have none of your things and i promise you those girls do not remember your name Kenai!" Eveana looked away, filling a small bucket of water and sat it down in front of her. Waving her hand over it, it boiled and became clear and pure. "Kenai, those girls need you, I need you." She looked up at him. "You don't need any of us though! Isn't that right, Kenai?" Nani called from across the creek at a small fire with the girls. "Nani stay out of this!" Eveana called out to her. "That's one thing i always disliked about your mother Eveana." Kenai said with a playful smirk. "And that is?" Eveana said with a small laugh as she stood and picked up the bucket. "Her owl ears."Kenai smiled. Eveana began to walk into the creek to cross it but before she could take 2 steps, Kenai moved in front of her. "Eveana I was given the skill to wage war, and know when it will be waged upon us. I use this to protect us all." Kenai looked into her eyes. "Us? Kenai.. Who is us? If anyone found out you were married to me or that you father these girls, you would be stoned." Eveana's voice cracked as she teared up. "We are nothing but peasants. Sorcerers they call us. We are not welcome here, In this land that you protect. Do you see what we live in Kenai?" Eveana pointed to the small crevice in the ice. "We'd freeze out here if we could feel the ice with our skin!" "Eveana I'm sorry.. I don't know what I can do. You've know I've tried but these people are to scared to welcome sorcerers back into the town, after what Elijah had done." Kenai held a fist in the air in honor of his brother as he spoke his name. 

© 2014 Aya Blue

Author's Note

Aya Blue
Should I just stop here?

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Added on October 25, 2014
Last Updated on October 25, 2014


Aya Blue
Aya Blue

lakeland, FL

I love writing short stories, but I have, unfortunately, never been able to finish one. Most all of my stories are horror or romance based, and I guess I'm here to get help and guidance on the things .. more..

Tiff Tiff

A Story by Aya Blue