![]() New dayA Chapter by Awdures![]() Just another morning![]() Dawn I It’s a new dawn, It’s a New Day, It’s a new life, For Me He looks over to the window, gently
teasing his body away from the warmth of the duvet. The grey light filters in
through the half closed bamboo blind, casting eerie, long shadows along the
floor. Yesterdays clothing lies in an untidy pile, strewn along the
floorboards, casting their own shadows in the half light. The cold of the new
day makes his sleep warmed skin tingle. He should have set the heating before
he went to bed. Hindsight is a wonderful thing. It is quiet. Too late or too early for
the dawn chorus he wanders, smiling to himself. He lifts the duvet a little
more to reveal the pretty mousey brunette sleeping soundly next to him. Taking
a long hard look at his watch and scratching his two day old stubble with his
hand, he places a hand on her shoulders. Her skin feels smooth and silky under
his fingertips. He strokes her small face with the front of his fore finger,
tracing the angles of her cheekbone to her chin. Watching her closed eyes and
nose crease at the corners as she slowly awakens to his touch. “Hey, wake up babe. We slept in again,
the alarm failed us.” Looking at her laying there like a
child, completely oblivious to the world around her, he feels protective; and a
stirring in his chest tells him, like every morning, he does not want to be
without this woman. He loves watching her wake up, almost as much as he loves
watching her fall asleep. She opens her eyes slowly, smiling
gently and rolling to her back with a stretch. “Hmmm, is it really morning already?
Feels like we just went to bed” She lazily rolls back into the foetal
position under the duvet, adamant that a morning this grey can not really be
morning at all. It would probably be a big hilarious mistake and he will have
checked the time incorrectly, or his watch has stopped; something likes that.
She certainly doesn’t feel as if she’s had a full night of sleep. Sliding his arms under hers, he lifts
her up from her huddle under the duvet to face him. He studies her face; large
brown eyes, high cheekbones and an impish grin. Sliding her slender arms around
his neck, she studies him; intriguing dark blue eyes, dark hair, unkempt of
course, square jaw and unusually full lips for a man. Pulling him closer, she
teases those lips for a second under hers. Brushing his lower lip gently
smiling against it. “Morning love” He smiles and wraps his strong arm
around her pulling her close to his warm skin positioning her on his chest,
kissing her with a typical morning passion. “Good Morning” She purrs gently, placing a gentle kiss
on the tip of his nose. His nose is cool against her warm lips. She looks into
his eyes, at her own reflection. His dark lashes beat and she kisses his brow
there, just where his skin creases as he thinks. “Are we ludicrously late, or can the
world spare us another five minutes?” She does not wait for an answer. She
knows that he will abide by her little plan happily. So, she places her full
lips on his, pressing herself down on him, teasing his tongue with her own,
pulling her slim leg up to his hip, encompassing him in her warmth. He pulls her closer, feeling his heart
beating quicker in his chest, knowing that if they are ever going to get to
work on time, they need to leave as soon as they can, but he gives in,
returning her kiss. He stirs; this is a great way to wake up. She giggles at her effect on him. Men are such
strange animals. She looks down at him with a grin, if she doesn’t stop teasing
she knows full well, they will spend another hour in bed, enjoying one
another’s company. “Shower?” She teases, raising her eyebrow as she steps into
the morning cold. He sighs deeply, as he gains control of himself. His voice
breaks as he talks, and he grittily clears his throat. “Try and stop me.” He sits on the side of the bed, letting the
atmosphere of the bedroom encompass him. He laughs internally, he should know
better by now, how she teases him to the point of distraction and then goes for
a shower. He feels the dull thud of his heart beat slow a little. In the quiet he can hear the dull thud against his
ribs. He looks at the bedside table, and decides that the room needs a little
noise. Leaning over he turns on the radio. This is what he usually does in the
morning. The golden oldies give the right ambience to start the day. And he
knows she sings to them in the shower. He flicks the switch, and the bright blue neon face
of the digital radio comes to life. It looks like one of the radios’ his dad
collected, but with a Millennium twist. It’s digital and has blue neon bits. He
frowns. Did he turn the volume down? There is no noise. Picking up the radio
and fiddling with the volume switch, he listens intently. It’s as loud as it
will go, he is sure of that. There is a background noise; a faint cackle behind
the sound of electricity feeding the neon light. He places the radio against
his ear listening past the buzz. What is
that noise? “No tunes this morning?” She shouts at him from the bathroom and turns on
the shower. He removes the radio from his ear and gives it a
good shake. Still there is nothing but a slight electrical buzz. “Bloody thing’s broken.” He shrugs and turns the radio off, placing it back
a little roughly on the cabinet. Stupid modern things. His dad’s old transistor
radios may not have produced the purest of sounds but at least they always
worked. The more neat things to play with the more there is to go wrong with
them. He stands up and walks through to the bathroom. The
hot steam of the shower warming his cool skin. “Al, can you pass me the body wash honey? I got in
without checking again.” He looks around the bathroom. She has left it on
the sink, as usual. He listens to her singing some old Al Greene song. How
someone can be so cheerful in the morning he’ll never know. He playfully pulls
back the shower curtain, taking stock of her under the steam jet. Watching
pearls of water accumulate at the small of her back. Running down her smooth
skin in rivers, accentuating her curves. She turns her head to look at him, again looking at
her. She knows he loves watching, and she smiles ruefully grabbing her body
wash, playing the shy girl she was before he came along. “Al? Are you coming in?” She asks mischievously, her back still turned to
him; she places some of the wash on a flannel and bends down to wash her legs. “Bee, you
are such a tease. You should be made illegal. Either that or carry a government
health warning!” He laughs and shakes his head again raising his
hand to his stubble. “No time, babes. I’ll have a quick shave and get
dressed and fix us something to eat before we run?” He closes the shower curtain on her as she resumes
her song. Turning to face the bathroom mirror, he wipes away the condensation
with one large arc. Normally, he makes
no time to look at his own reflection. This morning however, he inclines his
head to the left as his hand works away a sleepy knot in his neck. Ali Crawford looks back at him. Twenty eight years
old, junior investment banker for the Countries leading bank in the City of
London. No one extraordinary, he smiles. He likes being normal. Quickly
smothering his face in shaving foam he thinks about how they met as he pulls
the razor expertly over his face. ********* It was Christmas, a few years ago. He was on the
way to the Christmas party, but as always with parties, he knew that half the
women there only wanted to know him tonight for one reason only. Women who
worked in high level jobs tended to be predators. He didn’t mind so much, but
most of them were above him in the company, and he didn’t think that sleeping
with one of them was the way to go in terms of his career. He sincerely wanted
to do well on his own two feet. So wrapped up in his own little world, he was
oblivious to what was going on around him, until a shout stunned him out of his
daydream. “Stop him; the little arse has my bag!” She had kicked off her heels and was running after
the youth in her party dress. Hair flowing out behind her as she sprinted, her
hands balled into a fists. And everything had gone slow motion in his brain. “Well don’t just stand there limp dick! Get him!!” She whizzed past following the youth. Did she just call me limp dick? Was the first thought that went through his head. Before
he turned and ran for the bag snatcher. Having run for his school and
University, catching the thief was no problem. As soon as he was within
tackling distance the youth threw the sequined clutch at him. And he stood
there clutching a ladies night bag catching his breath. She must have arrived just seconds later. “Not bad for a short arse.” He giggled, breathing heavily, handing her the bag. “Not bad for a limp dick. I thought you were just
going to stand there mesmerised. What is it with this place and hoodies?” “Welcome to the birthplace of the chav.” She placed her hands on her knees and caught her
breath. He noticed her strong accent, then the way her hair curled slightly at
the ends. The way her dress clung to just the right curves on her body. He
thought about it, just long enough and then thought ‘what the hell?’ before
firing the question; “Want a drink? I mean, that must have shaken you
up, having your bag taken and all.” Without hesitation she answered. “Why not? Just let me get my shoes and tell the
girls. I’ll pay ok?” *********** And that was that. Two years on, she is now
standing in the shower and he is shaving yesterday’s remains from his skin. He rinses his face, smiles at his reflection and
then returns to the bedroom. Opening the wardrobe, he takes his grey pinstripe
suit and clean freshly ironed shirt and gets dressed. It’s too quiet in here without music. So he hums
along quietly to the old Al Greene that Bee is singing in the shower. Picking
up a pair of black socks from the pile on the floor, he sniffs them, shrugs and
carries them down the stairs to the kitchen. Surveying the kitchen he switches the old kettle
on, puts a few pieces of toast in the toaster, and walks over to the patio
door, opening the blinds. It is a grey morning. But in the suburbs, in
November, there are many grey mornings. The air hangs heavy here, too many cars
and heavy traffic cause the morning fog to be thick and cold. It’s coughing weather
again. Putting on his socks clumsily, having to support
himself against the wall once or twice, he heads back to the kettle and puts
two bags of green tea in the small cups, and pounces on the hot toast from the
toaster, spreading it with butter and taking out a big chunk. That’s better… He thinks a moment, he hasn’t heard the next door
neighbour fire his ancient excuse for a car this morning. Maybe he’s ill? It’s too quiet. There is no traffic noise from the street outside.
There are still no birds outside saluting the smoky grey haze. The hairdryer
switches on upstairs taking his mind off it immediately. Right then, last nights’ premiership league tables.
He grasps for the remote and switches on the TV. Now how do you get the scores
again? Blue screen stares back at him. He frowns. Come on digital switch yourself on. Blue Screen and silence. Followed by a message. There is a
fault on this channel. He laughs
internally. It’s the 21st Century for Christ sakes, why is nothing
working this morning? He shakes his head listening to her quick flighty
footfalls on the step. “All better now?” He asks stuffing the remainder of the toast into
his mouth. “Well, sort of. Hey? Where’s mine?” She pouts playfully. He knows full well she isn’t a
toast for breakfast kind of girl. She grabs an apple from the fruit bowl and
stares outside into the murk. “Nice weather we're having again. Do you think we
can have a holiday this year? Please? I’m fed up of looking at the same old
dull scenery every day.” He studies his watch. “If you want that holiday we better be off, or were
going to get a dock in pay!” She giggles and kisses him before running to fetch
her work bag and coat. “Want me to drive?” He ties his laces and straightens his tie. “Sure thing today seems a good day to die.” She studies her reflection in the mirror and he
playfully grabs her waist and tucks his head behind hers resting it on her
shoulder. They study each other once more, finally, before she grabs the keys
and heads outside. The silence of the suburbs is stunning and they
both look at each other a little perplexed. “It’s so quiet. Are you sure it’s time for work?
Clocks didn’t go forward a few months early and no one told us?” Bee asks before unlocking the red VW Golf, and making
a quick march directly for the drivers’ side. “Yeah, eight twenty, look? They didn’t change the
date of the clock changing or anything did they?” Laughing at his own private joke, he points at his
watch and looks up at the telephone wire above. “At least were in good company, Jesus, have you
ever seen a b*****d that big?” Bee looks up to the telephone pole as Ali slides
comfortably into the passenger seat. What she sees is an enormous rook, looking
back at her with his cold, black eyes; silently watching as they make their way
to work. “Ugh, he’s giving me the creeps.” She whispers conspiratorially afraid that she will
be overheard by the unwelcome spy. “Let’s go babe, I’m sure we’ll find signs of life
closer to town.” She looks around anxiously. There is not even a
twitch of the net curtains from next door as she puts the key in the ignition
and sparks up the ancient engine with a puff of black smoke. She frowns at Ali,
knowing that he can also sense something here is not quite right. She slams the
car into first gear, drops the handbrake and heads for the high street. “It’s weird that Patel’s isn’t open yet.” She nods at the small hypermarket on the other side
of the road. The large white closed sign hanging on the glass fronted door,
metal shutters still pulled tightly down over both of the windows. “Are you sure it’s not six in the morning? It
wouldn’t be the first time you woke me up too early!” She giggles as she pulls onto the main street,
dodging the parked cars deftly. Bee, fiddles with the radio knob trying to get
a signal. Ali presses the CD button. Instant music, the first real life noise
of the morning. Bee visibly relaxes behind the wheel as the sounds of Moby
fills the car. “So, do you know who you’re seeing today?” He asks as she start humming falsetto to the
Baritone of the music. “I’m interviewing some City footballer later who
failed a drugs test, but he swears he didn’t take anything. I should be able to
make a story about that hopefully. I just hope that something I write makes the
front page soon. Maybe then we could pay a lump off the mortgage.” He laughs at her satire. That’s one of the things
he loves about her. Her sarcasm is endless. He looks at the suburb slowly
turning to greenery. The orange hue of the streetlights, which are beginning to
switch themselves off, dissipates as they leave the sleepy suburb for some
greenery before the M25. He stares at the road ahead. It is empty, not an
unknown for this time in the morning. Not a lot of people commute into the suburbs
by car. There are very few jobs in their little town to attract a workforce.
But he is sure that they pass at least one or two cars on the way in usually.
He taps his fingers on his knee in time to the music, beginning to feel a
little nervous. She looks at his fingers and then returns her
concentration to the road. “If you get that bonus at work next week, we could
go and see Wicked if you like? Ali? Are you with me or with the Woolwich?” He shakes his head, and winks at her. He knows that
she is the one who’s been wanting to
see it for a while, but that said bonus is just an excuse for him to treat her
to a night on the west end. He knows it will earn him brownie points and he
wants a night out with the boys in a few weeks time. Suitably distracted he
returns his gaze to the road. There are a multitude of leaves on the road. “Are we taking the tube in Madame? Or do you perchance
have a place to park by the office this morning?” He tightens his muscles as she increases the speed
from comfortably quick to ludicrously fast. She drives too quickly, but this is
a trait of a confident driver. He hopes she’s not over confident. “Shall we drive in? Have you got enough on you for
the congestion charge? I have my parking pass on me I can park under the office;
there should be a place for me since we seem to be amazingly early. You and
that stupid Tag watch. Sell it and we can go to Egypt for a few days.” She giggles knowing that his Tag is his pride and
joy. A graduation gift from his father. Hell will freeze over before he sells
this little trinket. He is not a material man by any means, but the watch is
special, like an extension of himself. Bee takes a look at the rear view mirror and
notices nothing is behind her. She has convinced herself that he has the time
wrong, it’s got to be very early morning, but she’s resigned to the fact that
she has a story to research and that her football knowledge really needs some
work. Why did they choose her for this story anyway? Probably because a City
footballer would be more forthcoming with a good looking lady journo. She sighs
and shrugs. Deep in thought that the paper is once again using her as eye candy
rather than the serious journalist she longs to be. She would have to chose
sport journalism. Full of old coots and pricks. She loves the build up to London City, the smog
that hovers over the City and clings to the skyline. The way it burns red when
the summer sun hits the sky. The skyline itself with all its tall angular
buildings, mixed in with historical monuments. The old and modern intertwined
together, the ultimate paradox all within a radius of 25 miles. She looks at Al in the passenger seat, far away in
his own little world. Returning to the road she notices that she is only half a
mile away from the turnoff for the M25, and she hasn’t seen a car so far. They
must be epically early. By now at rush hour the cars are almost nose to bumper,
it is usually mad on this stretch of road. She takes the flyover over the
motorway, which is also quiet. Even Al is torn out of his daydream. He gapes at
the four empty lanes. “It’s not usually this quiet, what’s going on?” He stares in disbelief at the empty road. “Who turned the busiest motorway in the Great
British Isles into a grave yard?” She slows down on the slip lane and takes a moment
to think. Something here is off. There is no way even at six in the morning
that this road would be this quiet. There are usually delivery vans, Lorries,
other commuters; anything at all crammed together on this one road. She stops
the car pulling over into the hard shoulder, just in case. Bee steps out onto
the tarmac and listens. Nothing but silence. “What’s going on here? Listen Al, just listen; what
do you hear?” He steps out of the car, and joins her on the
tarmac, holding her hand and listening intently. He looks at Bee, her face
perplexed, deep in thought. There is nothing, apart from the caw of a rook in
the distance. © 2010 AwduresAuthor's Note
5 Reviews Added on July 7, 2010 Last Updated on July 7, 2010 AuthorAwduresBangor, Wales, United KingdomAboutReclusive, hilltop dweller who writes and writes to her own delight more..Writing