This was a really moving piece! You conveyed a really poweful message in such a subtle way, and I liked how you seemed to incorporate a whole lot of different, complex emotions into the one poem to help reiterate your overall theme. The simplicity of your style of writing worked wonders, particularly in the way you started and ended your poem. :)
The repetition of "tick tock" was a nice touch. It felt like a recital, interrupted by the tick tock of the clock.
The write describes the narrator sort of being stuck in limbo, unable to move on, and unable to forget the pain and sadness.
"Stuck in nowhere,
Time means nothing
Tick tock."
This, the penultimate, stanza forms the crux of the poem, I believe. And it is very well expressed.
I liked reading this. Very well written
When your searching for something and you don't know what it is exactly, time does seem to move on without you. Whether the clock is internal or external.
Nothing as bad as watching the clock. I like the feel of the poem. Time is our most valuable thing and also the one that make us crazy with deadlines and things that must be done. A outstanding poem. A very good ending to the poem.