I know the rhyming is pretty horrific and the wording elementary, but then actual rhyming poems have never been my strong-suit. I honestly only like the last stanza...
Update: I just got finished reading over all the reviews and would like to say thank you to everyone who has contributed so far. You have given more meaning and beauty to this piece than I ever did. Your insights and comments are treasured. ^-^
My Review
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Ah, you're not giving yourself enought credit with this one. Its a wonderful story of love's progression and the way it evolves, but remains strong. Its very moving, especially the last stanza. Very sad, but still full of love - the undying kind that stays with you for life and maybe beyond. Its a very good job!
Wow this is truly a magnificent piece! I thank you for entering my competion! This poem is brilliant and I love the rhyming! I almost burst into tears sitting at my desk in my lttle office here at work while reading your poem. Thank you once again for this poem. I love it!
Aw, I wasn't expecting that ending. I felt as though I was taken on the journey with her, longing, wishing, so much so that when I reached the end it made my heart sigh. This is a wonderful poem which I really enjoyed, thank you for entering it into my poetry comp. I'm just reading through the entries as we speak. ~ Nix
I personally love rhyming with this, it gave the poem a sort of rhythmic heartbeat, made the whole thing come to life. I love these piece, it's beautiful. It tells a wonderful story. You should give yourself a bit more credit for such lovely writing.
Ah, you're not giving yourself enought credit with this one. Its a wonderful story of love's progression and the way it evolves, but remains strong. Its very moving, especially the last stanza. Very sad, but still full of love - the undying kind that stays with you for life and maybe beyond. Its a very good job!
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I want desperately to be loved by my S.. more..