This unfathomable blue sea exists
We're living in this world - breathing & living.
I'm taking a train, making changes
I'm crossing these blue seas
take chances, making mistakes
getting hurt
wounds that will heal
scars that will remain
the memory exists through its resistance to fade
Oh train, oh train
take me far away, why don't you?
High speed lightening bolt cracking through the dark sky
take me away
quicken with speed
take me away, far away, why don't you?
Oh train, oh train
make these changes a reality for me
I'm taking this train across blue waters
waters of turmoil
waters of calm
waters of joy
and happiness
waters that change as much as I have in the past
I'm taking this train
across a bridge
over these waters
through the blue skies
Clouds, why do you weep?
Why do you block the sun's rays?
Clouds, why do you come... why do you go?
You change as frequent as the ocean's water
I'm taking this train
Water, sky, clouds, take me as I am
I am here and I see you
Do you see me?
Blue sky, you are beautiful
Blue waters, you are beautiful also
White clouds, you are beautiful and true
When it becomes too much to bear you let it all out
Earth, I am here
do you see me?
I once listened to a woman sing of how she touched the earth
Earth, I want to touch you
I want to see you
I want to feel you
I want to be you
Taking chances, riding this train
I see you
Do you see me?
I am becoming you
living and breathing you