![]() Like a heroine from a bookA Story by Avi![]() A short story about a girl who loves books and finds a unique kind of struggle through her life when she met a guy. A guy that she thinks has the same universe as her.![]()
"To be or not to be; that is the question". Hamlet. A work by William Shakespeare. A genius at making drama script and play. One of my idol. I love books. I love all the art and literacy that was engraved in those books. When i was a little, what i always do is just reading books. From place to places. I walk with a book. Doesn't matter what category. I love anything that was inside those books. Moreover, unique and funny stories.
Sometimes i always got scolded by my mother because i always walk while reading a book. Everywhere. Even though my Mother said so. I'm always aware of my surroundings. My Mother, of course, she loves me and so my Father. It just that they're always worried about me because I'm always reading a book. They were afraid if i didn't have any friends. They were afraid if i got hurt. They were afraid about anything that might happen to me. They were afraid ... if I'll never find happiness in the future.
I am a quiet girl. Or maybe not. Sometimes i respond about stuff that people were talking about. Or trying to interact with me. And so, i replied to them. But somehow things didn't get smoothly. From kindergarten, I'm a very friendly and active little girl. And when i start going to elementary school. I found a very unique and interesting book. The drawings that was shown on the cover of the book. Make my eyes sparkle. A drama story. Made by William Shakespeare. "Hamlet". My very first book. I read all the books that was made by Shakespeare. Well, not all of it. Just all the books that i found on that time. Every time i saw a book. I just feel like grab it and hastily finished the book.
And at that time. I started to be given a title and nicknamed as the Big Bookworm. I didn't feel sad or offended. In fact, i was happy. My first title. Just like those heroine from a book like a prince or a hero that was given a cool and shiny titles by his supporter and villagers that he just saved from the villains. I just love books. I would gladly spent my whole day just to read books. And I'm proud to be a Big Bookworm.
If there's a free day. I would go to the library, searching for a book that might interest me and spent my whole day in that library reading books. While eating. Walking. Socializing. Playing. Taking a shower. Sleeping even when I'm exercising. I will read a book.
In this generation. Many people play their electronics like smartphone, tablet , or iPhone. They will bow their head playing their electronics. Even when they're walking , sitting, playing with their friends, or even eating in a restaurant. I feel forgotten by the generations. Because i feel like I'm the only one here who only bowing my head reading a book. A person, in this modern days using an old , ancient device and not very technological. That's why i tried to play my Father's iPad. And then ... i cried. Or not. Maybe using the word "cried" is not proper. It's just that my eyes suddenly flowing with water. My eyes can't take the digital and the light that the iPad provide. I even start making my own game to test my eye's endurance. And managed to make a record that lasted for 16 seconds.
A "pocket" or flip cellphone for sending messages and phone call are enough for me. Even though i can't play games or using the internet through a phone. It's alright. As long as i have a book with me. I'll be fine. At least, i can manage myself to look on the computer for 5 minutes and TV for 12 minutes. And then recover my eyes by reading a book.
Entering a middle school life. All the students in my class are more often talking about "lovers" and "love". Hearing those topics makes me interested. And so, i go to the library and find a book with a genre "Romance" or anything that was related to that topic. I read one novel about it. Filled with parts and romantic words like "at the time he kiss my forehead" and "when he bear hug me with his warmth" and romantic words like "your eyes looks so beautiful as a dolphin mating" or "your hair looks so pretty like a cat hair". I found that romantic stuff and love is pretty interesting. At least i learn one or more about "love".
The students in my class do not too often come to me because I always reading a book. I don't mind about it, because as long as i have a book. I'm not alone. There is some girls trying to befriends with me and tells me to join their group. And of course, i accept their invitation and joined. A group with 4 girls including me and 3 guys. I was invited to come along with them, hanging out and do some karaokes. Even though i never do karaokes in my life. I still going to come. For the sake to becoming more opened.
On the next day. In a
karaoke. The group becomes bigger. Now there are 6 girls including me
and 6 guys. For the first time in my life. I was circled by many people.
They look like they're having fun. They were laughing and start
singing. I tried my best to be more socialize. But my desire to read
books are boiling. I know in this kind of situation i have to-- no, i
need to interact more with them. I don't have any choices but to sing
along with them in order to reduce my desire to read books. Even when i
have a bad voice and can't sing really well. I don't care. But somehow, i
just can't do it. I'm not used to this. And so, i ran to the bathroom.
Sitting on the toilet. Grab my book from my purse. And read my book. Then,
before i realize it. I've read for 2 hours in the bathroom. I didn't even
realize that one of the girl from the group were searching for me in the
bathroom. My door was closed, and i was too busy reading a book while
sitting on a toilet. I hastily run towards the singing room and found
that the room was occupied by another people. At that time, i realized
how stupid i am. I was disappointed on myself.
I walk toward the exit and leave the building. And when i exit the building. A guy calls my name. I look away to him. And it seems like he knows me. It turns out that he was supposed to be one of the group and saying that he was late. He looks like a very relax guy but at the same time he looks lazy judging from the look from his face. And then afterwards he left. He intended to come but doesn't look like he have any intention to come. What a weird guy.
But hold on a minute. At this time, nobody ever called my name before except my parents. I used to get called with my nickname instead of my real name. How come that person knows my name? Have i met him before? Or is he has the same class as me? But i haven't seen him around in my class before. Or maybe he is but i didn't realize it?
At that time. After a long time since kindergarten. Somebody called me by my name. And at that time i began to have my interest on him. I turn away. Go home. While reading a book.
-- --
Weekends. I woke up with an incredible feelings. Well, it's because i read 5 new books before i go to sleep. Even my room feels like a library. I open the window to let the morning breeze come in my room. The cool and freshly breeze blew all the papers that was scattered in my room making them fly around. Another cool and beautiful day to read some books. And when i take a look around again the condition in my room. It was all messy with books and papers all over. And so, i began my day by cleaning the room.
After that. I had breakfast. Take a shower. And went straight to the library. Began searching for books when i saw the guy from the other day are also looking for a book in a same row as me. I look closely. He grabs a novel book. And then start looking for a place to sit. I took one book from the shelves and sit on the same table as him. He notice my existence and began talking to me.
"Aren't you the girl from yesterday?", he said. "Yes i am", i replied. "Oh. Okay", he replied back.
And just like that. He continued reading his book. A conversation ends. Is it even a conversation? That was too fast. I tried to find more words on what to ask him or try to open a conversation with him.
"You like to read novels?", i began to ask. "Just to find references", he replied while reading. "Then that means you like books aren't you?", i ask again. "Yeah", he replied.
Every time i ask him questions. He replied with such a very short response. Then i decided to read my book and just let him do his stuff. We've spent for 5 hours reading books in the library. I have read 9 books while he just finished 3 novel books. It looks like he's also a good reader. And then he got up. Put all the books to the way it was and leave the library. I grab his shirt, just a little to hold him from leaving the library. On that moment. I don't know what I'm thinking. I just feel like doesn't want to let him leave the library.
"What is it?", he ask. "Uhh...", i don't know what to say. And then my stomach growling. I just realized that i haven't had lunch and spent my time reading for 5 hours. "It sounds like you're hungry", he said. "Yeah... it sounds like it. Sorry for holding you", and then i let go of him. "How about we go somewhere to eat? I also feel hungry", he said.
was surprised that he suddenly ask me to come with him for a lunch.
With a little doubt. I accept his invitation and we go to a nearby
family restaurant. It just feels like I'm on a date with him. He order a
double steak burger and i also get the same one as him. For the first
time. I'm having lunch with a guy. Just the two of us. This is really
weird. For me. Then the two of us jointly to pay for the lunch.
After that we had crepes. And sitting on a bench at some park. That time, we were chatting. About books. About ourselves. And about dreams. He said that he wants to become a journalist or a story writer. I was surprised surely. A lazy-looking guy like him have a dream like that. And i told him that my dream is to become a great writer. His face widened for a second and then return eating his crepes. I can't understand what's the meaning of that reaction but what i can feel is that he also glad that he can get to chat with me who's also has the same universe as him. Somehow. I feel like we both has something in common.
We go back to the library. And then began our reading. Then i realized that i just completed my first mission which is to not to read book for an hour. In fact, i managed to do it for 2 hours. Now i only have 2 more missions. Not to read for a day. And reach my goal. I say thank you to him for making me completing my mission without even me realizing it. He laughed about how stupid it is that i have some kind of mission like that. First time seeing him laugh. He has a very bright and nice smile. For a lazy-looking guy like him. I'm surprised once more.
After that. We parted and go home. The next Monday. In the class i began searching for him and finally found him sleeping before the class started. I poke him. Trying to wake him up. Then he response ,"oh it's you" and he greeted "Good morning". I greet him back and go back to my chair and start reading my book. Lunch break. I go to the library with my lunch box and had my lunch there. And then suddenly. The guy from before join me and sat on the same table as mine.
"You're always eating here?", he start to ask. "Um... yeah. Because it's quiet", i replied. "Don't you have friends?", he ask again. "That's mean. Of course i have. Yesterday i was going to the karaoke with the group". "Oh yeah? Then how was it?". "It was ... fun", i hesitated a little. "Liar". "W-what? What do you mean?" "The biggest bookworm in the school like you can't socialize that much. I dare to bet". "You're ... so mean. I do have friends back in kindergarten you know". "That was back then. I think it's a natural thing for all bookworms to have difficulties in socializing".
He might seems like a lazy person. But he sure knows something. Maybe i shouldn't just judge a book by its cover.
"Then how about you?", i began to ask. "Me? I'm just a standard person". "What's that suppose to mean?". "I'm also a bookworm. But sometimes a turtle needs to come out from its shell and start moving to find its life". "You sounded like a novel book". "Well ... you're dumb".
He kinda irritates me a little. But after that. I began to feel some connection from him. He somehow has the kind of aura to comfort people just from his very presence. He comforted me. Just by him staying there with me.
"I don't have that many friends but at least i know what I'm doing and do what i have to do and do it quickly. Even if it's something that i hate or dislike. If i feel like i have to do it. If my brain said that i need to do it in order to achieve something. I'll just have to do it. Just follow your instinct", he lectured me. I feel like i was way beyond his level. It's like I'm still level 2 while he's level 28. This guy is really something.
"I know that. I also have a dream. A future. And i know what I'm doing. Even if i don't have friends. As long as i feel like i can still reach my dreams. Then i know that I'll be fine", i replied. "But don't you feel lonely sometimes? Just sitting there alone while reading a book?". "I'm not alone. I never feel alone. Because as long as i have a book and my family. I'm never fell alone". "But what if your family betrayed you? Or someday they will vanished from this world? How do you feel?". "What kind of question is that? That's so heartless of you". "Sorry. I was just trying to give you a test". "Well , if that happens. Of course I'm gonna feel sad. But they're my family. I was born and raised by them. Even if they'll betrayed me. I'm just gonna take all the good things they did to me into my heart. And if they're all dead or vanished. They're still alive in my heart and still stand by me". "What a weird answer. You really are something huh". "Well... the thing is. I'll never feel alone. There are billions of peoples. I know that there will be a right person for me to keep myself alive and loved. But i won't find that right person for me. I'm going to be the right person instead of finding that right person". "Woah ... what a wise word. Steal it from a romance novel book?". "Well ... some part of it yeah. But those last sentences are my true words".
I feel like I'm becoming more closer to this person. And I'm sure he feel the same judging by his expressions. And then he said, "then why don't we go team-up?".
At that moment. My minds are blooming
like a flower. My eyes were sparkled. Just hearing that from him. I
somehow feel lightened. Then i instantly say "yes!". This is not Hamlet. Even far from Hamlet. Far from Shakespeare's works. I notice something. Something that really treasure-opening. I don't know what this feelings are. But my viewpoints are becoming brighter. Everything seems so colorful. This guy is just like a heroine from a book. Gave his hand to help people. I know that a heroine doesn't always have to be a prince or a savior. This guy is a unique kind of heroine. Soon, we became friends. We started to talk more often every time at school during lunch. Well, I'm the one who's very lively while he still looks like a lazy person who just wants to go home and sat on his sofa with a poptart and sweet tea and watch TV. But, none of that bothers me. Because even he have that kind of look on his face. I can feel that he's listening. Like a shy girl who looks like she doesn't want to tag along but deep inside she actually want it. He's exactly like that kind of person. Sometimes i just follow him around like a dog. And start a conversation. Or sometimes i invited him to come with me to the library. Everywhere he go. I'll follow him and just stay at his side. It's like a magic word. That time when he ask me if i want to team up with him. I started to feel this kind of feelings that i can't describe. Every time i saw him. I feel warm. I'm a bookworm. A Big Bookworm. I love books. I love every kinds of book. I was drowned in the sea of literature. And i love it. Reading book is like going to a whole new world. Book is the only thing that can make me feel warm and not alone. Then this guy appears out of nowhere. A nobody. A lazy-looking guy. Calls my name. And the city turns bright. My name is Katherine. A bookworm. A quite girl who just likes to read books. Met a guy named Rodger. A lazy-looking guy. A "i don't care" looking guy. Changes me.
And so, from that moment. Their journey began. As a fellow bookworm. They work together as a team to reach their dreams. They soon started to know each other. And becoming more closer. They went to the same high school. Connected to each other.
Katherine the Big Bookworm Girl and Rodger the Smart Lazy Guy. They work together and struggle together. Their relationship are becoming closer and closer but yet to realize their true feelings to each other. After graduate from high school. They both go to the same college. Years has passed. They're now separated but still in touch. They now close to reaching their dreams. Katherine now becomes a book writer and editor. While Rodger also becomes a book writer and songwriter. They're now lived in a different places and different town. They become busier and busier but none of that stuff tiring them. They both enjoyed what their doing. Sometimes they're going to sent their own progress to each other through their phone. And take a picture about their daily lives. Through summer, spring, fall and winter. They still live their life.
Katherine are now often to take the night bus to go home from work. And Rodger often to take the night train to go home. They work hard. Traveling to every new places. Fulfilling their dreams. In the rain. Colorful days. The graphics that they have and the inspirations that they carry. They both are just like a heroine from a book. Whichever it's a novel book, poems , memoir , article or anything. They create a book. A book about their story. It's not a book that everybody can read or to look at. They're living inside those books that they've created. Every seconds of their breathing, movements and doings. They live in a world where their stories revolve as a heroine of a story book.
The End
[][][] Story Song/Credits : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5cUH1iS4H9k - Lucy Rose (Night Bus) © 2015 AviAuthor's Note
StatsAuthor![]() AviKissimmee, FLAboutHobbies : Writing , Reading Manga / Novels , Listening to music , playing games , watching anime , sleeping , conserving energy. Like : Lemon Water / Lemon Tea , Meat , Klassik songs / Instrumental.. more..Writing