chapter 1

chapter 1

A Chapter by Justice

I’m Yoichi and when I was seven I had always been older than my brother Yukio by three years we had a mother named Kaugra, who by the way I don't consider as my mother anymore. I had been old enough to tell Kaugra when my brother Yukio and I had been hungry. But everytime I had done so, she’d ignore me and start staring off as if I wasn’t even there asking for food for both me and my starving brother. Our mother Kaugra had always been not completely there. Once her husband and our father, had been murdered and she was never told by who or even how. She had plummeted and her insanity had become worse, since the only person who was able to keep, her sane was our father, Haru.

   Kaugra finally snapped out of it once, but only once. Since Yukio was crying from hunger pains and I constantly pulled on her sleeve getting her attention. Kaugra had decided she had enough of Yukio’s crying and the annoying tugging. She snatched the two of us up as she drove to the store. Not saying one word, to either of us. I had held Yukio’s hand the whole time, trying to comfort him and not knowing what our mother would do next. Or even if she’d buy groceries for us. Once we had all arrived at the grocery store Kaugra didn’t hesitate getting out the car. But she also didn’t hesitate to check if her children were still by her side. Yukio and I were far behind her, the only reason we were capable of catching up to her was that, She had to stop and wait for a car to pass. We had walked through the store following her. She didn’t have a cart, planning to not get a lot of food. Even though she just got paid.

She got some lunchmeat, bread, milk, and cereal. Once she had gotten to the cashier she bought the things by the time we had made it outside it was pouring down. I remember her clearly stating that she’d go pick the car up and drive by the front of the store so that we’d be able to just hop in the car without getting wet. Even then, I had known she was lying. Yukio and I had sat there in the cold rainy damp weather as I held him close. People never stopped to ask us if we needed help, since the world was and always will be a cruel place. My brother still whined and yelped from being hungry as I let him help himself to eat the groceries our so called mother left behind for us. I would’ve eaten but I was to sick to my stomach, that our own mother had never even come back for us.

It was getting late at the store my brother had fallen asleep in my lap, I was too scared to fall asleep, not knowing what would happen if I did. Most kids my age would be sitting there the whole time hoping for their parent to come back or even ask for help, but knowing how Kaugra had been lately I knew she wouldn’t come back for us. I could smell the lunch meat under all the humidity from the heavy down pour. I was about to head to sleep but I had felt a hand touch my shoulder that made me alert. “I’ve seen you two out here since early today…where’s the woman you had came in with earlier today?” An elderly woman said in an almost tired tone. “Not here.” I had said with a simple reply as I held my brother even closer not trusting anyone now.

“Well I notified the police, telling them you’d been here since early this afternoon…they’ll be here soon.” The woman then said as she walked off into the parking lot streetlight then into the darkness of the night. I had already known what the cops would do to me and my brother Yukio; I looked down at him as I cried softly. Remembering what my friend told me happened to some people she knew, they weren’t being taken care of so they were taken to an orphanage. In addition, put in separate homes. That was the last thing I thought of before the police arrived picking up Yukio and me. They had sat us in a jail cell for the night while the next day they shipped us to an orphanage not letting us go back to our mother since she had abandoned us. Yukio and me had only stayed together in the orphanage for two weeks until someone picked Yukio up first. I had crashed realizing that was the only person I had left, and now he was gone and I never knew when I’d see my brother again.

I was the one the orphanage had trouble getting rid of. I was there practically my whole life my level of trust for people in general had completely diminished. I acted out purposely so that I wouldn’t have to be stuck with some low life family.
They let all orphans go once they’re eighteen. I had left and made it out into the world, the first person I thought of once I left that place was my brother. But never once did I think about our mother Kaugra. The one who couldn’t suck it up and take care of her children. Now I have no clue where she is or my brother, well all I knew was that he was still living with his assigned family. Yukio was now fifteen. I had already had a job while I lived in the orphanage, I was working at a restaurant that wasn’t to far from the orphanage so I moved into an nearby apartment that I paid for with the money I saved up since I’ve been working at age sixteen. My plans were to get into college and get my brother Yukio from his ‘family’, once I was financially stable.

However, things never seemed to go as planned with me I wasn’t able to afford college with my salary of a waiter. One day on the job a guy randomly slipped his card to me before he paid his tip then left later that night I went back to my one bedroom apartment. As I examined the card that said the place where he ran his business and that his business was a brothel. At first I threw the card down disgusted that the man would even have the dignity to hand me such a thing. Then later on in the night as I try to rest in my bed, reality sunk in. As I realized waiting tables would take forever to help me pay off my college intuition. So then weeks went by as I thought of the idea and finally gave in.

Once I arrived at the place people were packed at the front door. I looked up at the sign, which flashed the word. Korowai I had went straight to the security guard as I showed him the card; once the guard had let me pass, my life had changed forever. I felt as if I was covered in beads of sweat. Once I was inside, I saw a hallway that had a sign above it that said boss then three other halls that said rooms one through ten then eleven through fifteen and sixteen through twenty. I went down the hall labeled boss as I knocked on the door once I appeared in front of it. A deep voice had told me to come in I took a deep breath and opened the door. There sitting across the room behind a desk was the man from a few weeks ago with course dark hair and chain piercings in the top of his ears and a evil grin. “So you’re the new employee.” The man had said in dark grimace tone.

That made my body shiver with fear but wasn’t visible to the eye since the room had an allure darkness to it. I didn’t want to be rude and stand there so I quickly replied. “Um…Yeah” I said still frozen with fear not believing I had actually come here. But I was determined to live in a better place by the time my brother and me had been reunited. And have college completed. The man stood up walking towards me as if to get a better look. Once he stood up I had been intimidated by his height. He came up to me and ruffled my hair lightly. “You’ll be perfect…dark hair, piercing blue eyes, pale skin…they’ll love you, you can start today.” He said as he stopped walking around me and stuck his hands in his pockets, leaning against his desk. I swallowed deeply not really wanting to start at all but I needed the fast paying money. “Sure….” The man had smiled the same evil smile except it seemed like it had more purpose this time. “Good…I’m Hiro by the way.” He held his hand out like this was normal procedure to assign someone a job like this. “Nice to meet you, Hiro I’m Yoichi.”

 I said as I quickly shook his hand with a blank expression. “I’m glad you’re working with us now, There will be someone waiting for you outside my door once you leave, they’ll escort you to you’re post you’ll have every weekday at seven pm.” Hiro had said as he was walking back to his desk. I had made my way back to the door, as I was stopped by his voice once more. “And remember, do your best first impressions are everything.” Hiro said as he was positioning himself to his desk. I nodded leaving the room. I headed off to the next hallway labeled eleven through fifteen. The person escorting me was a woman who had dyed her hair purple and blonde. She led me to the door numbered thirteen.

 She held the doorknob. “Don't worry this hallway is for beginners you’ll be moved to a different hallway once you’re here for about a week or two.” I had no Idea what she meant by beginners. But I’m sure I didn’t want to ever go to the other hallways. She finally opened the door but I looked at her before stepping in, she gave me a reassuring expression that said I’d be fine. I walked in only to see a male already in the room. He looked as if he was twenty-one perhaps. He had on rimless glasses with a stubble beard his hair was black and his eyes dark green. He had patted the bed gesturing for me to come over.

 I slowly went over and sat next to him. He started taking off his black t-shirt as I started taking off
my black and white striped jacket, and dark gray shirt.  He sat his glasses beside him on the bed as he slowly got off the bed making his way to the floor on his knees.  He had then looked down at my pants then at me. I fully understood what he wanted me to do. I unzipped and unbuttoned my pants, he must’ve thought my pace was too slow because he took matters in his own hands. Pulling my pants to my knees showing my bare skin. I started lifting up uncomfortable with the situation. But the man insisted on me laying back as he rubbed his hand on my stomach laying me back. I folded my arms behind my head resting it on them. I had given up on letting my emotions get in the way of making the money I came here for.

The man who was going to pay me had taken my member  that hadn’t become erect at the moment, until he had inserted it into his mouth. In reaction I sucked the air through my teeth as he continued to suck on it. I propped myself upon my elbows as I looked down at him his dark green eye peering up at me, looking at my blank expression as he went closer to the base. And began to suck even more. I closed my eyes and leaned my head back as my breathing became more intense and heavier. I could feel my face heating up as it turned red, signifying  that I was on the verge of releasing. Absentmindedly I reached my hand down to where he was as I lightly gripped his chin length black hair, slowly directing him in a fast paced upward downward motion. I started breathing heavy as I did earlier, I could feel my face getting red again. As I bit my lower lip and finally released into the other mouth as I slowly let my grip of his hair. As he swallowed not letting anything touch the ground or bed.

He got off his knees wiping his mouth. “ Hmph….you must be new.” The man stated as he placed the money on the bed beside me as he picked up his glasses. I didn’t understand, and never will know how he knew that I just starting working there. But I responded anyways. “ Im….yeah im new.” I said quickly pulling my pants back up. And putting my shirt and jacket back on. “I can tell…” He stated with a smirk as he put his shirt on over his tan body. He made his way to the door leaving me behind as I was zipping and buttoning my pants. “See you sometime next week….or whenever you move to the other halls.” The  dark haired man said leaving the room. I didn’t understand why someone would pay to do services to you. I picked up the money realizing that’s the amount of money I’d make from waiting table in a week. I was glad I made the decision but not about what happened.

 The girl came in after the man left. “How was it?” She said with a smile. I didn’t see what there was to be smiling about, so I replied with a frown. “Fine…” I said as I stuffed the money in my jacket pocket, and stood up walking towards the door. She watched me pass by her. “See this is what I meant by beginners.” She said as she placed a hand on my head that was hanging low on shame. “Hey my name is Kimoyu.” She said with a friendly smile. I slowly removed her hand from my head, not really being in a friendly mood. “Nice to meet you Kimoyu” I said with a smile that was quick to turn into a frown then
I walked away. “Well see you here tomorrow night!” She said as I walked away throwing one hand in the air waving bye lazily. I had walked home that night feeling worse than ever but glad at the same time knowing that once I saw my brother again I’d be more financially set. And since I was now eighteen I’d be able to take custody of my brother if the family owning him would allow it.

© 2009 Justice

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hmn...interesting, in fact it is a story, which is right up my alley. I enjoy stories like this, they interest me for reasons I cannot really explain. Though I do have a bit of a complaint. You didn't describe the brothers' looks. I would like an actual person to put to the story.
He must have been a virgin to have released so quickly--though I wouldn't know since I'm a virgin to. hmn. I am interested in the story and only spotted maybe one or two errors. =) Good job.
I would like to hear or rather read your imput on my story as well.

Posted 15 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.


mm, i like the idea, but the way you wrote it was a little choppy. don't give up though! :] just needs a litttle work

Posted 15 Years Ago

Brothers should never be seperated. I sure hope Yukio and Yoichi to meet up again. Two roads must connect at some point. I'll keep looking in!

Posted 15 Years Ago

That was a very interesting story,
I felt bad for Yoichi and Yukio,
I really hope they connect again.
Im certainly gonna read the next chapters :)
Good Job!

Posted 15 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

I really enjoyed this. This is amazing and so wonderful. I lik the characters they play out nicely. Like the detail and imagery. Very well written.

Posted 15 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

I really like the idea of the story, especially since it is yaoi. My only advice is a bit of grammar fixes and a little more description of characters and setting.
Overall, great~. I'll be sure to read your other chapters.

Posted 15 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.

I think this is a very interesting story though I agree wth Alicia, a bit more description on certain aspects would be nice. The wording here and there seems oddly placed, though that could just be me. Though you've done a nice job at setting up a story and moving with it. I'd enjoy continuing to read and adding a bit of help when I can. (:

Posted 15 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.

hmn...interesting, in fact it is a story, which is right up my alley. I enjoy stories like this, they interest me for reasons I cannot really explain. Though I do have a bit of a complaint. You didn't describe the brothers' looks. I would like an actual person to put to the story.
He must have been a virgin to have released so quickly--though I wouldn't know since I'm a virgin to. hmn. I am interested in the story and only spotted maybe one or two errors. =) Good job.
I would like to hear or rather read your imput on my story as well.

Posted 15 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.

That was quite an interesting story.
Betrayel, sacrifice for the love of another,
hope, and more.

I just wonder what happens to Yoichi after
his first time at the brothel.

Posted 15 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.

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8 Reviews
Shelved in 1 Library
Added on October 18, 2009
Last Updated on October 23, 2009



Jacksonville, FL

I'm 15 and I'm really just here to see how good I am at writing stories I'm actually a really cool person unless you hate my stories then I hate you too (I'll make an exception if you're my friend lo.. more..

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