![]() His Wish. Her Curse. Her Wish. His Luck. (Chp. 1)A Chapter by Evanora les Elise![]() Two people. Male. Female.![]()
"Lily! It's not what you think!" I said. "I saw what I saw Brendan!" She yelled at me. She started to run away. I went after her. She ran across the campus. Where cheerleaders were cheering, nerds were reading books, and people were playing basketball. She was running all the way to her parked car. I was still chasing after her. I caught up just in time as she had opened the door. "Lily wait!" "For what?" She said angrily. "Explain to me what you were doing in the back of the drama room with Vanessa Clark!" "We weren't doing anything!" I explained. She had caught me with Vanessa around five minutes ago. But, people were starting to stare now. I swear, I didn't do anything. She just was at the wrong place at the wrong time. "Yeah right!" She got in the car. I jumped in front of the car. I know it was crazy but it was the only way shed listen to me. I knew her too well- she'd never hurt anybody. She rolled down the window. "Get out of the way!" People were definitely watching us now. She started to move the car forward, and that was when I started having second thoughts. "No!" I yelled. "Then tell me what you were doing!" She yelled back. "I-I don't know..." I said. It was probably one of the worst things to say. And my mind just went blank. "What?" She looked confused and very angry. "Uh.." I couldn't speak. "That's it Brendan! We're done!" She yelled. But I didn't register her words, until later, when someone told me what had happened. Someone pulled me out of the way. I looked back, it was my best friend Luke. "Bro! Get out if the way." "Huh?" I was feeling a bit dizzy, and before I knew it i blacked out. "Bren! Bren! Wake up!" Someone said. "Wha?" I mumbled. Then I felt water thrown onto my face. I looked up to see Luke standing over me. "Ahh, finally!" He rolled his eyes. "Get up." He helped me to my feet. "What just happened?" I asked. All I remembered was Lily almost hitting me with her car. "Sorry bro, but Lily just broke up with you." Now I remembered. "Oh yeah." I looked at the ground. "You okay?" "Um..yeah. I just need some alone time." I started to walk away. Towards where I had parked. I sat down in the drivers seat. Thinking about how stupid I was. Ahhhhhhh! I threw my head back. Why didn't I talk when I had the chance! Why did i black out! Then...I realised. I had just lost the girl I loved. Immediately I drove to her house. She didn't answer the door. I called her house and cell phone. She didn't pick up. I called her friends asking where she was. They said they didn't know. I went to our favourite place in the city. She wasn't there. For the next few weeks i did that. Go to her door, call her phone, ask where she was. She never was answered. That's the thing. I knew Lily. Her family was rich. She could've gone to an exclusive private school. She could've met a guy who would explain himself if he was in a situation like this. That's what I didn't do. I didn't explain. I didn't even try. Okay, so after two months I called her again. She didn't answer. Okay so I knew that would happen. I called her friends. All said they haven't talked to her in a while. Except for her best friend. I called her...and she pretty much gave me the worst news ever. Lily had left. She moved back to where she was born, London. All the way across the pond. After that, I stopped trying. I-I gave up. PRESENT (TEN YEARS LATER) I still regret it. I still regret giving up. Now I feel that my life isn't complete. If only I could fix the past... "Mr. June" my assistant, Laura, said. "You have a meeting with the new investor at 4:00pm." "Okay." I said. Yes, this is now me. Successful businessman because I run a cruise line now.Brendan June is the name. Have my own spacey office, company, employees. I'm the boss. Still don't feel like my life's complete yet. I mean- i haven't found anyone yet. But honestly this is my life : meeting after meeting, after debate, before meeting, coffee everyday, wake up 6:00 on weekdays, and sleep in until 1:00 in the afternoon during weekends and holidays. Boring right? I thought so. Well at least I still go on vacation to places. I looked up at the clock: 3:30pm. I rolled my eyes. I would be at another boring meeting with someone who'd like to invest with my company. Only this meeting would be at a very fancy restaurant inside the city. I got up from my chair and walked outside. Down the elevator and outside. Up to the parking lot and into my car, I started to drive. I arrived at the restaurant about ten minutes before the meeting started. The restaurant was a very nice place by the way. Actually, I hadn't arranged where the meeting would be at. It was reserved by the person who is interested in investing with me. The restaurant was a huge marble building. With at least three levels, and a terrace at the top. Vines and flowers decorated the pillars and roofs. There were water fountains inside and outside the building. The sun showed through the windows and gave just enough light so it wouldn't blind anyone. I went up to a man standing at the front desk. "I'm here for a meeting." I told him. "Yes, the four o'clock cruise ship meeting?" He asked. "That's the one." I said. "Okay. Sir, the room is all the way at the top of the hotel." "Hotel?" "Yes, this restaurant is also a hotel." "Oh." He nodded. "The meeting is at the top floor." She said again. "Okay, thank you." "You may choose to take the elevator or the stairs." He pointed at both. "Thank you again." I said. I decided to take the stairs. I wasn't in that much of a hurry anyways. Once I was at the top, I entered the room. My fellow board members were already there. "Hello." I said. "Hello." They responded. I took a seat at the front of the table, because it had my name on it. "Luke." Yes, my best friend does work at my company. "Yeah." He said. "Who's the host?" I asked. "She hasn't arrived yet." He told me. "It's a she?" "Yeah." "Well, when will she be here?" "Who knows? We're all waiting." "Okay." We waited for about five more minutes. I checked the clock on the wall: 4:03pm. Who's the host? I thought. I looked down the long table at the seat all the way at the end. There was a name tag there too. My curiosity took over. I got up from my chair and walked over to the end of the table. I stood there and read the name on the tag............oh no. It read: Lily Everard "Hello everyone." Said a woman's voice. Sweet with an English accent. I looked up, surprised. The woman had chocolate coloured hair, big blue eyes, and soft pink lips. And she was dressed in dark blue dress shirt, a navy blazer and skirt. She looked 23 instead of 28. Then she met my eyes. Her eyes widened. But she regained her poised posture almost immediately. "As you can see, I called this meeting." She told everybody. I walked back to my seat, and she went around the other way- probably avoiding me. Luke gave me a look. I nodded. "Bren, can you believe it?" He whispered. "No." I said. The meeting must've took about two hours. She discussed why it would be a good idea for me to use her hotel line my clients on the cruise. She did a good job at persuading the board. In the end the decision was up to me. To let "Everard Hotels" be the rooming service for "June Cruises", or to not. I said yes. But I was thinking in a business-wise manner. It would work. So the meeting was wrapped up. "Wait." Our hostess said. "I invite you to dinner here. Join me at the rooftop." The board was excited for this meal. They all went up, with Lily along with them. The view was very nice from the terrace. It outlined the city, and the sun was setting. I looked around for Lily. She was talking to some people. I decided to leave her alone for a bit. I found Luke, he was talking to a waitress. I sat down at a table, a waiter came up to me, so I ordered some food. As I was waiting for my meal, I walked up to Lily. She was alone now, just walking around- asking people how the food was. Like we were at a party, and not finished with a meeting. "Hello." I said to her. "Oh. Hi." She smiled, but I knew she was only being polite. If this were ten years ago, I bet she would've slapped me by now. "Would you like to sit with me?" I asked. She was hesitant for a bit. "Okay. Fine." We walked back to my table. A waiter came up again, so Lily ordered. We just sat there. Our food came. We ate in silencer. We ate pretty quickly actually. Musicians started playing. People started to dance. She excused herself and left the table. I watched her walk to the side of the roof. She was looking at the sunset. Luke came over. "Talk to her yet?" He asked. "Yeah, but just very little." I said. "Ask her to dance." He suggested. "We're not in high school anymore." I told him. "Whatever. Anyways I'll be going now." He patted my back. "Okay, see you." "Yeah, later." And he left. Okay, maybe I should take his advice. I started to walk over to where Lily was. "Beautiful night, isn't it?" I asked. "Yes." She said. No wait, I wouldn't ask her to dance. Instead I'll ask to drop her off home. "It's getting a bit late." I said. "It's only 7:00." She said. "You should be getting home. There's not much people left....." "You should be getting home too." She said. "I could drop you off." I mumbled. "What did you say?" She looked at me. "I could drop you off at your house." I said this time a little louder. "I'm staying at a friend's house." "Then I'll drop you off there." "You sure?" She asked. "Yes." I said. "Then lets get going." She turned around. Well that was easier then i thought, I said in my head. She was saying goodbye to the last few remaining people. Then she continued walking downstairs. I caught up to her. "Follow me." I said. She followed. I opened the car door for her, then went around the front to start the car. She was looking out the window the whole time we drove. "So where are you staying again?" I asked. She gave me the address. I drove towards there. We passed by a park, which was where I pulled over. "So, how have you been?" I asked. And got out of the car. I looked back, she was getting out too. "Where are you going!" She said. "Join me for a walk will you?" I asked. "Why? It's late!" I checked my watch. "It's only 7:20." "Ugh. Fine." She walked next to me. "Are you married yet?" I asked. "No, you?" "Not yet." "How's life?" "Busy. You?" "Boring." "Oh. Really?" "Yeah." We walked up a hill. On the other side I saw a well. Like a wishing well. "Let's go make a wish!" I said. "Okay." We went up to the well. "Here to make a wish?" A croaky voice asked. "Ahhh!" Lily yelped. A woman came out from behind the trees ahead of us. She looked like a fortune teller but only much older. "Oh hello." She said. "Hi." I said. Lily was hiding behind me. "Don't be afraid of me, lady." She told Lily. Lily came out from behind me. "What are you doing here?" She asked. "Just going to..." But she faltered. She walked over to where Lily was. She put her hand on Lily's shoulder and fell to the ground. I caught her before she hit the mud. "What did you do!" I asked. "Be quiet sonny. I'm here to make you a deal." "What? Is she going to be okay?" I looked at Lily. "Oh she'll be fine. But I can see into your soul, sonny. I can see that you were in love with this woman, and you still are. I can tell that she also hates you, though." "Um, how is that even possible?" "Things are possible. Now are you going to hear me out or not?" "Go ahead. Talk. I'm listening." "Well, like I said. I know about you and this lady here." She pointed to Lily. "She hates you because you broke her heart. You still love her, and you feel as if your life isn't complete without her. I also know that you messed up. That's why her heart was broken." "So, you can see my past." I asked. "Yes, and I can also fix it." "How?" She reached into her turban/hat thingy. She opened her hand and held it out to me. On her palm were two gold coins. With engravings on them that I couldn't understand. "These are magical. If you throw them into the well, your wish will come true." "I'm listening, but what's the catch?" "There's no catch- except that I want you to make the right decision. Don't wish for riches." "But why are there two coins?" "Because the lady will also need to wish." "Okay." "Why are you giving them to me?" "Because these coins are meant for you two. I've waited a while to find you two. These coins only work for your needs." "Okay. Is that it?" "No. One more thing. Your wish, is her curse. And her wish, is for your luck." "You lost me there." "I mean. She hates you. If you wish for the right thing then it'll affect her feelings. Her wish, if she wishes for what I think is right. Then it's your luck. Hint: her wish is for love." "Okay. Um, thank you ma'am." "Make sure you choose what's right!" And with that she turned into sand and the wind blew it away. Now I'm scared for life, I said to myself. In my arms, Lily began to stir. "Where are we?" She asked. "In the park." She stood up on her own now. "Hey look what I found." "What?" I showed her the coins. "Make a wish." I gave her one. "Oh thanks." Here goes nothing, I thought. "Let's go at the same time." "Okay." "Make a wish." I said. I made my wish: Fix the past, let me regain what I lost. "Done?" I asked. "Yes." Lily said. "Okay, one, two, three. Throw!" We threw the coins into the well. Nothing happened. We started walking back to my car. After a few steps.....I felt dizzy. I saw Lily fall down. I fell too. Then I blacked out. © 2013 Evanora les EliseAuthor's Note
1 Review Added on April 5, 2013 Last Updated on May 9, 2013 Author![]() Evanora les EliseDoncaster, Yorkshire, United KingdomAboutHello. I enjoy writing-it can be a passion, a hobby, or just one of those things that people do because they're good at it. So basically, I like to write- end of story. And I also believe th.. more..Writing