It is impressive that at 14 you can produce writing that is as sophisticated and refined as this. Impressive!
I like how you use the word "Almost" as a leitmotif to tie the poem together. However, I find the last stanza to be out of synch with the rest of the poem. I suggest this for the last stanza:
I miss you.
How - I dare say -
I miss
your eyes,
your spirit,
your laugh.
I miss everything about you.
But I don't love you...
Best of luck to you. Follow the dream.
okay, i like this one. as for style it is refreshingly unique, yet at once familiar and comfortable.
i think it was your decision to use repeating words and phrases as opposed to traditional rhyming words. the double negative twist at the end was a nice surprise. i "don't love you...almost". i love to read the work of those who enjoy and know how to use words.
:i almost don't love you"....i can hear that one being repeated by couples that are "almost" breaking up. (did you know hallmark accepts ideas for cards?...) actually this is too good for a card. well done, sister.
faith, hope and love, tristan