Back of the Book

Back of the Book

A Chapter by Ashtyn Turner

Dark, Light and Love's back of the book description.


The window in the hall next to the front door shattered into pieces, it was like time had frozen and each piece of shattered glass hit the floor with a magical sound.


Every night, I would have a different dream, but every night one thing was always the same. A mysterious man always appeared, but every time I woke, the only thing I could remember about him was his blue eyes. 

They were the eyes from my childhood bedtime story, my mother used to tell to me every night before I went to sleep. 

The story says he'll come to me during my darkest time, and show me the light. 

But that part of the story was always so dark and sad and, being a hopeless romantic, I couldn't help fall in love with the with the idea, of what he represented. 

That this mysterious man, with the blue eyes, was my one true love and the other half of my heart. 


Now the parts of the story I had tried to forget were coming true.

But they were so much darker than I ever thought possible.

Everything I knew was turned upside down, everything I loved was taken away. 

The reality that my life had become was so much darker.

Why didn't she warn me about this?

Now if I had any hope of finding light in my life again... 

I had to find him. 

© 2019 Ashtyn Turner

Author's Note

Ashtyn Turner
To read Dark, Light and Love's current chapters and notifications for chapters to come, please see my website.

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Added on February 3, 2019
Last Updated on February 3, 2019


Ashtyn Turner
Ashtyn Turner

Author of the Six Realm Books more..

Prologue Prologue

A Chapter by Ashtyn Turner