Chapter 0

Chapter 0

A Chapter by Austin Aaron

The release of the first chapter

  • It's midnight in the city of DeKalb, and it's during the Silent Hour; the civilians of DeKalb City are all safe and sound, sleeping in bed, all except Pharaoh.

  • He's getting dressed inside his room, silent as a ninja; he's wearing all black, and he's grabbing the backpack from the bed, putting it on his back. He grabbed the Excalibur Blades, the blades that he uses for battle, and places them by his sides; after that he's putting on the hood from his jacket, and the hood might be enough to keep his face hidden by anyone that happens to see him tonight.

  • Pharaoh just opened the bedroom window, jumping out of it from the second floor.

  • Pharaoh Lyons`- *whispering* "Noodles...!!!"

  • A giant smoke ball came flying from the sky, landing under Pharaoh before he hit the ground; by riding Noodles, Pharaoh can navigate throughout DeKalb City within a short time span.

  • Pharaoh's of Black Heritage, and he's a little taller than regular height; his eyes are black and brown, but with the Cataract active, it can materialize as a white bright burning sphere in the center of the boy's eyes. His eyes are eternally shallow from smoking Marijuana Cigarettes, and he loves smoking Marijuana, treating it like something of a tradition. He takes the Excalibur Blades with him wherever he might travel, and he sports the DeKalb City Badge. He doesn't publicize any type emotion, and that's an attempt at making sure he doesn't get manipulated by anyone that might try to use his emotions against him; he has the habit of face palming himself when something or someone does something that's really stupid or very outrageous. Pharaoh does have a single goal, and that goal has been becoming stronger by learning all types of Abilities, but what he'll do with that type of strength hasn't been stated by him, yet.

  • Pharaoh rides Noodles all the way to the end of the street, jumping off, and walking throughout the neighborhood as quiet as he can; he's checking around him, and opening the door of an unlocked car, stealing anything of value from inside; he spent the next three hours stealing valuable merchandise from any unlocked car he came upon, and he made about a thousand all together, but in the world of Generation, that is little loot.

  • He was about to steal from another car, but before he can check it he sensed that someone might be shadowing him; it didn't take long for the person to show themselves because they are using Teleportation right before Pharaoh, coming face to face with him.

  • Pharaoh- "Megan...? What are you doing outside during the Silent Hour, shouldn't you be sleeping or something...?"

  • Megan is a girl from DeKalb High School, making the girl Pharaoh's peer; she's the same year as him, and she's of White Heritage. She has long golden hair, and golden eyes; she's regular height, and she's really attractive, but she's the type that professes that she's not attractive at all.

  • Megan- "Well, I can ask you that very same question. What are you doing out, and why do you have your backpack; I doubt that you have school supplies on you, so what are you carrying about?"

  • Pharaoh said nothing...

  • Megan- "Can I see what you're holding inside of your backpack?"

  • Pharaoh- "You better get the f**k out of my face, you stupid prep."

  • Megan- "I'm starting to believe that you are accountable for the recent car burglaries."

  • Pharaoh- "Yeah, or...I just started stealing s**t tonight, but that's not what's happening here. Look, I don't have to proof anything to you, so leave me alone, you stupid preppy b***h...!"

  • Megan- *offended expression* "How dare you...!!! Pharaoh, we are members of DeKalb High School, year one! We have the responsibility of making sure that the community of DeKalb City has absolute protection, and you are not helping the cause! I will not allow you to shame the privilege of becoming a member of DeKalb City; I will stop whatever crime you're plotting!!!"

  • Pharaoh still didn't say anything, he just kept staring at Megan, but she isn't scared of him; she's staring at him without taking her eyes off of any of the boy's movement; they started reaching for their respected blades, but Megan decided that she'll sheathed her blade before she took it out. She turned around, and started walking from the scene.

  • Megan- "I wouldn't waste a single attack on you, scum..."

  • Megan is Teleporting from the scene, leaving Pharaoh sheathing the Excalibur Blades. A spirit called Shadow stood behind Pharaoh, looking up at the moon; you see, Pharaoh and Shadow are linked by the soul, and share Pharaoh's physical body. They are identical in appearance, but Shadow's appearance is more of a demonic version of Pharaoh.

  • Shadow- *staring at the moon* "So, why didn't you kill that girl, hmm...? I can sense that you are matched, but you might would have won if you did fight her."

  • Pharaoh- "I have stolen merchandise in my bag, so I can't risk getting caught up because of the stupid prep. For my sake, I'll let the stupid preppy s**t live, and I won't waste my time on her a*s."

  • Shadow- "I'll tell you one thing, I'll love to waste something all over that girl's a*s; she did have a really nice a*s, so yeah, I'll tap that...!!" *laughing*

  • Pharaoh- *face palm* *blushing* "Will you shut the hell up, and go back from where you came from, you annoying a*s idiot...!!"

  • ...

  • I can see that Pharaoh's leaping from structure to structure, heading home; as he's jumping from the property, he got attacked by something called an Agare Demon. The Demon is a mixture of an old man, a hawk, and a crocodile; the demon grabbed him by the head, slamming him at a building, sending him crashing throughout it. Pharaoh somehow Flash Stepped from out of the wreck, but he's bleeding from the head, letting the blood hit the ground.

  • Pharaoh- *panting* *in his mind* "Wh-What the hell was that thing...?!”

  • Pharaoh grabbed his blades, and started running at the Demon, slashing at it with experience, but the Demon can dodge and divert the attacks; Pharaoh kept stabbing at the Demon's heart, but the blade won't puncture it, making the Demon seem invincible. Pharaoh decided that he'll hop back for some distance, letting the Demon hiss at him before digging underground.

  • Pharaoh- *in his mind* "What the hell; I keep stabbing it, but I can't kill that damn thing, I'm not even making it bleed!! I have to stay calm; what can I manipulate that might hurt it?"

  • Shadow- *in Pharaoh's mind* " Let me take control because with you leading, we'll likely be killed...!!"

  • Pharaoh- "I don't need, and I don't want your help, so shut up...!!!"

  • The Demon blasted from out of the ground underneath Pharaoh, aiming on gripping the boy's neck with giant claws, but Pharaoh can dodge it; right when he dodged the Demon, he caught a slash from the Demon's tail, and that whip had enough force to make Pharaoh slam into a building, coughing blood.

  • The Demon's running at him at full speed, and Pharaoh can't keep the Demon in his sight for very long because of the Demon's speed; he got in a blade stance, waiting for an attack, but the Demon Teleported behind him, slamming Pharaoh's face in the ground with vicious strength. The Agare Demon started gripping Pharaoh's neck, strangling him; he's punching, stomping, and choking the boy until he was gasping for air.

  • Angry and frustrated, Pharaoh decided that he'll release the blue flames for some protection; the blue flames are engulfing him, shielding him from any further damage, and burning the Demon in the process. Pharaoh started standing up, and grabbed the Excalibur Blades, mocking the Demon for an attack; the Demon jumped back, getting some distance from Pharaoh, but started running at him again, planning on some type of attack. The Agare tried grabbing at Pharaoh, but Pharaoh didn't seem fazed, summoning a blue flaming wall for protection, and that happened to burn the Demon's arm.

  • Agare Demon- *hurt* *hissing* "Those flames, and that darker're Haynes, aren't you...?!"

  • Pharaoh- "Well, I guess you can talk, huh...? Yeah, I'm part Haynes, but that doesn't really matter right now because I'm about to burn you to ashes!!! Die, you ugly b*****d...!!"

  • The Agare Demon started trying to flee, but Pharaoh isn't having that; he Flash Stepped straight at the demon, slashing through it with a single cut with his blades coated with the blue flames.

  • The attack killed the Demon immediately, the corpse turning into dust; Pharaoh's tired and depleted of Energy, so he decided to rest on the ground for a minute.

  • Oh, you see, in the World of Generation, Abilitist use Energy as a way of manipulating Abilities, and an Abilitist is someone that can use Abilities.

  • Shadow- *standing next to Pharaoh* "You won, kid; good s**t not getting us killed...! You are getting stronger, and you didn't even need my help; I can see that you aren't a sissy anymore, and I like it!" *looking at the sky* "Well, you gotta get up for school in six hours, so we should get going, hmm, Pharaoh?"

  • Pharaoh- "Yeah, whatever..."

  • As Pharaoh stood up, he got surrounded by a group that are Agare Demons; the Demons are attacking without warning, and although Pharaoh's depleted of Energy, he attempted at fighting all of them off of him.

  • The battle didn't last long because Pharaoh was exhausted, so one of the Demons had no problem lifting him in the air by the neck, choking the life out of him.

  • Agare Demon 1- *choking Pharaoh* "What a waste of my time; we were hunting the Astral, and that idiot attacked this brat! How can you mistake a human for an Astral, and then get killed by him?! What a pain...!!"

  • Agare Demon 2- "It really doesn't make any sense, but will you just kill him?"

  • Agare Demon 1- *choking Pharaoh* "Sure, but I do wish that he was an Astral; then killing him would have more meaning behind it."

  • Pharaoh was about to get stabbed through the heart by the Demon, but Megan came from the top of a structure, chopping of the Demon's arm, and releasing Pharaoh in the process; she's aiming her blade at the group, and making Pharaoh stand behind her, an attempt at protecting him.

  • The Demon that just had its arm chopped off just tried to bite Megan, but she's stabbing it in the head, and freezing it in pure ice until the entire Demon shattered like broken ice.

  • Pharaoh- *panting* "I didn't need your help, you stupid prep; why don't you just get lost, and leave me alone!!!"

  • Megan- *sighing* "You are a fool; if I didn't save you, you would have been killed for sure."

  • Pharaoh- "I rather be killed, than have you save me, you stupid prep!"

  • Megan- "Well then, after I'm done here you can kill yourself, but as of the minute, fight together?"

  • Pharaoh- "Yeah, sure...I'm only helping you once, but after that I'm going back to hating you, you stupid prep!"

  • Megan- "I've done nothing to you, and I have nothing against you, but yes."

  • Well, in no time Pharaoh and Megan are able to defeat the Agare Demons, the battle lasting for about ten minutes; after the battle Megan started texting on her phone, and Pharaoh watched the Agare's corpses become dust.

  • Pharaoh- "What the hell were they...?" *yelling at Megan* "Hey, you stupid preppy b***h, do you have an idea what they were? Aye, you stupid prep, I'm talking to you...!!!!"

  • Megan- *showing Pharaoh something in her phone* "Look right at my phone, it'll tell you the knowledge that you are wishing to know."

  • As Pharaoh stared at Megan's phone, bright flashes of light causes him to become unconscious.

© 2017 Austin Aaron

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Added on November 3, 2017
Last Updated on November 3, 2017
Tags: Abilities. Coming of Age. Warfar


Austin Aaron
Austin Aaron

Shhhh, IL

Aye, so I go by Austin Aaron, and I've been writing something of a little novel. I have a deep love for writing, and I'm interesting in some feedback! Umm...Idk what else lol more..

Chapter 1 Chapter 1

A Chapter by Austin Aaron