my hearts should be my heart's
The line 'in with our without my strings' makes no sense
majestically should be just majestic
Okay, moving on beyond that, you have an interesting little poem here, that I have two complaints with. The form you use works somehow, but when you have short stocky lines like you do, you need to make sure you watch what you put in them. The first four lines stumble a bit because you've essentially broken up what should be two lines into four, and done so in the wrong places so that it's halting instead of natural. Just read it aloud (remembering to pause at the end of a line) and you'll see what I mean.
The other one is the question of lust. You talk about it at the end as a likely explanation (though not the most likely) and there's nothing in the rest of the poem that conveys that. Control and command aren't sexual unless you want them to be, and your tone doesn't show that at all. You don't really need to change this, but I just thought you should know it sticks out a little as a "where did he get THAT from?" moment.
Clean up the spelling and reconsider the opening at the very least anyway.
Really nice, seemed to work without effort, usually I hate the use of 'thee' in modern writing, but I don't want to slap you in the face for it, so good job :p
some great lines, love the extended metaphor, tastefully written, well executed, keep writing you really are good.
What a great poem. I love the metaphor very creative. I also like the fact that you state that the reason you are dragged in is more then the beauty of the person but because of the personality and openness. That is beautiful within itself. Nicely done.
I really like the theme here and the way the whole thing seems to glide along, like the puppet (making the whole poem a metaphor, I guess). At the very onset, you set up the scenario nicely by referring to the strings as belonging to the puppetmaster, whereas some people (me included) might think of the strings as belonging to the puppet) - nice twist. Even the internal dialogue toward the end helps establish the subvervient position of the puppet. A few comments: in line 7 I think you want groove not grove, line 13 heart's rather than hearts, and something may be missing in line 16 (read it and see what you think). Great job on this writing!
My names austin lee wallace i am a hippy and thats what they all call me. i love music its the greatest, i play guitar the harp piano flute violin and whatever i can get me hands on. Im not much of a .. more..