![]() "Pushed"A Story by Kimberly EllisIt was early in the evening and she was just doing some much needed house chores, when the doorbell rang. But being she had no roommates, it was a lot easier to keep track of what went where. She hurried from the other end of the house to answer the door when she HEARD who it was.
"Rachel?, Open the goddamned door already!" the man at the door yelled. She shuddered at just the sound of HIS voice. Just the sound. But it wasn't only his words that caused pain, it was him. She knew this. "Jesus Christ, Charlie! Hold on a minute will yah?!?" she said in quite an aggravated tone.
"Who the hell you got in there this time huh Rachel?" .. "Jake? or maybe Alex? You are such a W***E, Rachel, do you know this?.. I knew I never should have trusted you.. you f****n b***h"
Charlie then started kicking at the door, pounding it harder and harder, yelling some more obvious obscenities. She could hear the threats he launched, the threats he always followed through on. The threats that she knew had to come to an end.
"Shut up! Shut up! Just shut UP, will you!?" she screamed as she dropped to the floor on all fours and crawled into the nearest closet and shut the door.
Rocking back and forth with her head between her knees, she tightly cupped her hands over her ears, trying to forget everything he ever said. And everything that ever happened. Just trying to forget it all. EVERYTHING. But something had clicked in her head, and this time it was different. This time she had to do something. Something drastic. Completely outraged and blinded by hysterical tears she kept mumbling. "Can't take it anymore, can't take it, must do something to stop it. Just STOP it all now. Stop him." Gritting her teeth, she repetitively chanted these words in a complete and total rage. Always feeling helpless and incredibly angered at the same painful words she's been hearing for the past six months. She knew it was a bad idea to get involved with him, his temper, and just the way he "handled" her in public. Handled. She knew she didn't deserve this and she tried to stop it, she talked to him, she pleaded, she yelled, she SCREAMED for God's sake. Nothing worked. But a bullet? Hey, it works on television, right? This was her philosophy. One sided thought it might have seemed it was the only alternative she could think of besides TAKING it from him.. again and again and again. She despised guns or any other type of weapons, but she wasn't about to let him batter her and degrade her as a person or as a woman ANYMORE or ever again for that matter. Ever.
She wiped the mass of ocean from her face and as she was pulling herself up off the floor, she opened the closet door and let herself out. As hard as she tried not too, she could still hear him shouting things at her behind the steel door, the steel door in which she was very thankful for right about then. She stood still for a moment and tried to get control of herself, then she moved quickly, walking into the same closet that she had just stepped out of, her eyes searched the closet rapidly. Then, after removing some boxes, she lifted the carpeting up off the closet floor and pulled it back, putting her foot over it, holding it down. "Oh Charles, would you please hush!" she whispered with a quite amused tone as she lifted the latch of the metal box that lays between the floor boards. "I'll be there in a minute, I have to take care of something first!" More like 'someone' she thought to herself, cackling obnoxiously, knowing he couldn't hear a damn word she was saying. She then reached for the case that lays in the box, unzipped it and pulled out the loaded gun her father gave her for protection. And even though guns were totally against everything she ever believed in, she took his advice. She never wanted to use it and she never thought she would have to use it and apparently neither did her father because it occurred to her that she was never actually taught how to use the weapon. But then she realized it didn't matter and that she really didn't care either. Just as long as it took care of him once and for all. "Have to" she thought out loud. "Have to end this" she whispered, chanting once again. She then moved towards the front room and stood in front of the door, holding the gun straight in front of her, a '38 special. She then unlocked the door and backing up a few feet, she INVITED him in. "Charles, dear? Would you like to come in?" she said sarcastically while laughing loudly, hoping the 'b*****d' would hear her. Her shoes dug into the carpet, she stood straight, with her entire body in line. Solid. © 2012 Kimberly Ellis |
1 Review Added on September 8, 2012 Last Updated on October 25, 2012 Author