The Black Swans

The Black Swans

A Stage Play by Aurora Michele

A ten minute play I made for school, I want to expand it somehow but I'm not sure yet so I decide to publish for now.


The Black Swans

Written By Angelica Michelle Casteel

Act I Scene I

Narrator: The Imperial Palace stands tall and proud above its surroundings in the middle of the country side of Kyoto. The Palace grounds are vast laying over mountains and lakes alike. The entrance to the grounds is a large iron gate with dragons on the front. Upon entry what lays about before you is a Japanese garden filled with fountains full of koi. Also the fountains have bonsai on the borders.Cherry blossom trees rise into the sky along the side of the river rocks that are between them and the fountains. Bridges run over some on the ponds. These ponds are filled with lily pads that float peacefully as the gentle winds blow through the garden. All of this leads you to the large waterfall in the back of the garden while directly in front of it is the temple and bell tower, that is part of the mountain that guards the Imperial Palace.But the garden holds little glory to what the Imperial Palace illuminates. The Palace is six stories high and as wide as the kiso river. It has walls of solid white stone with sapphire and golden trimming. The doors are gold with pictures telling the story of Japan upon them. Then within the doors just beyond the entrance is the dining hall. Which is where our story begins.

(It holds a long cherry wood table center, with decorations of flowers, dragons, candles, and the most luxurious food Japan can offer. But their is only a chair and plate for one, the Emperor. The seat has red plush fabric and gold leafing. Then in the back there is a grand tapestry of the Edo dynasty. Along with the gold gong upstage left and two guards center left and center right. The stage is in a whitewash with red tinting. The emperor sits in the chair is highly expensive royal attire.)  

Emperor: Ah what a good day. (picks up rice ball) Guard! Get my map! (Center left guard gets the map, which is already at the end of the table, hands it to the Emperor, then returns to post) Yes, yes that’s right, today the first company will attack China’s Shanghai dock.(Evil smirk, low laugh) But China is only the beginning.

( Ren and Rie enter upstage right and bow deeply.They are dressed in simple black kimonos with high pony tails)

Narrator: Ren and Rie, age 16, are the daughters of the cook and gardener of the Imperial Palace. They are only a few months between them and they act almost identical of each other and yet have their own unique personalities. Rie is the older of the two acting mature and thinking logically almost all of the time. Where as Ren is the younger sister that is bubbly yet feisty in nature. But more on that later let’s continue.

Ren: Are you enjoying your meal, Majesty?

(The Emperor laughs and nods while looking intrigued by his map)

Rie: Would you like the next course? (He nods again not looking up from his map) Right away your Majesty. (Ren and Rie both exit upstage right while the Emperor laughs in a evil manor. Then the gong sounds, blackout)

Guard 1: (off stage) Too sleep!

(The wind blows with the sound of the ocean in the back, then fades.  A green and blue spotlight rise center. Sky, right, in the blue spotlight and Nature, left,  in the green spotlight positions already)

Narrator: Sky and Nature are goddesses of Japan. Sky dresses in flowing sheets of white, wears a crown made of clouds with sapphires, bare foot, long white hair, and blue eyes. Nature wears a long dress made of leaves of all colors, bare foot, long brown hair, green eyes, and upon her head a crown made of twigs and rubies. Their job is to keep things between humans and the elements in harmony but now they must do something that they despise doing, punishing the humans for the wrongs they have done.

Sky: Nature, what shall we do? The Emperor has become greedy and cruel. He has stopped caring about his empire, his people, and most of all his place. Right now he is attacking China’s dock without thinking of the consequences.

Nature: Indeed Sky, he intends to expand the Japan empire, which you and I both know is a dangerous endeavour. We have sent him warnings, he refuses to listen. You would think he would notice the dark clouds or the dying flowers, or the sacred animals, but nothing can get past evil and corrupted soul!

Sky: (Seriously) We must punish them. (Nature backs away in shock) I know its practically taboo that the daughters of Yin and Yang would resort to such violence. Not to mention it goes completely against all of our morals. But what choice do we have? (Approaches Nature) It’s either  punish them until the Emperor stops or Japan  falls!

Nature: (heavy sigh, holds Sky’s hands) I wished it wouldn’t have to had to come to this, but you’re right, we must punish them. But, I have a good feeling the Emperor will not stop in his awful doings. We must find new possible leaders.

Sky: (In deep thought, slightly confused) Your feelings have always been accurate sister. But who? Have you already picked someone?

Nature: I have actually.Not one, but two. Their names are Ren and Rie Amachi, servants in the Imperial Palace. They are the daughters of the cook and gardener. I have been keeping an eye on them since they were small. They love Japan with all their hearts and I know that if they knew what the Emperor was up to, they wouldn’t agree. Ren wants to just play in the sun and live life to the fullest. While Rie always thinks things through and gets things done. Much like us, sister. Both of them already aren’t fond of the Emperor since he has become greedy and makes their family live in fear everyday threatening not give them food or work. I believe those two can save Japan. (Blackout)

( Dim lighting on stage, with a small withered wooden table center, there is a medium rice bowl in the middle of the table. There is four tiny bowls and four small cushions on the floor.)

Narrator: This is the Amachi household. They are simple and poor here unlike the Palace. The Emperor, as you heard earlier, makes them live in fear everyday. Fear of losing their jobs and living on the streets or having their food taken away from them, because the Emperor is so greedy he wants it for himself. But  it’s even worse now. You see, it has been two years since they decided to punish the humans because of the Emperor. The war is still raging strong and neither side has backed down. Sky has blocked the sun and made the clouds rain everyday, heavy and cold. Nature has prevented the plants to grow, the rain keeps uprooting them. Along with that she has made the animals come back to the heavens until the humans have righted their wrongs. The only food is rice and that’s running out with the seed count going down. The houses can barely withstand the constant rain, causing leaks and cave ins. People are getting sick and being drenched anytime they leave the house and being in places that are wet and damp don’t help either. Keeping warm is difficult also, because all the trees are soaked to the innermost wood it takes it a long time to dry and even be of use. For these times are truly times of suffering. I wonder how Ren and Rie will save Japan?

Act I Scene II

(Chikako sitting at the table putting rice in the smaller bowls has her hair in a bun and wears a simple black kimono. Hiroshi enters upstage right then sits at the table and is wearing a large straw hat and wears tattered brown pants and shirt, he removes his hat)

Hiroshi: Evening Chikako, how was your day?

Chikako: Evening, Hiroshi, it was not well. Today was very hectic. The Emperor ordered 500 baskets of rice and 100 baskets of fruit. Then he said if the kitchen staff didn’t get it to him within the hour we would all be fired.

Hiroshi: That’s going a little far isn’t it. I mean this is the fifth time this month that he has done this, 600 baskets of food just for him, as if he isn’t fat enough already.(Chikako chuckles) And on top of that to be fired within the hour if he doesn’t get it when he knows how hard it is to get food these days? Especially fruit!

Chikako: I understand how you feel Hiroshi, but it’s the Emperor we can’t do anything about it. Besides we have it for him  in the storage room, which leaves the servants and other people that live in the Palace with almost nothing, but at least we still have our jobs. Furthermore keep it down if anyone heard you we could be on the streets.  

Hiroshi: (Looking discouraged and fighting back tears) You’re right and I’m sorry Chikako. It’s just so frustrating ever since the gods have began to punish us and yet he does nothing. I feel so useless as a man. I can’t do anything to stop him or the gods from punishing us no matter how much I pray. I am a man. I should be able to provide for my family and here I am doing nothing. What a failure I am. (Chikako has stopped putting rice in the bowls and is on the verge of crying. Hiroshi moves and holds Chikako as she cries in his arms.) Oh Chikako, when will this horrible nightmare end?

Chikako: (Raises herself from him and wipes away her tears and forces a smile) I don’t know Hiroshi. I wish I knew. I can imagine how hard it must be for you when you are forced to sit at times like this and for so long. (Holds his face) But you are not a failure, you're a strong man, a good man, my husband, and the father of two lovely daughters. Now we must be strong for them. For Ren and Rie’s sake.

Hiroshi: (Kisses her hand) As always you’re right dear. I couldn’t have asked for a better wife. You are so brave. (Getting happier) Now, shall we all  sit and have dinner like the happy family we are? Ren, Rie dinner is ready.

(Ren and Rie enter upstage right, still wearing black kimonos and high pony tails. Then sits at the table on either side of their parents in the middle.)

Rie: Thank you for dinner, Mama.

Ren: Yes, thank you.

Chikako: You’re welcome dears, make sure you eat all of your rice. This is going to be the last of it for a while.

Ren: What do you mean, mama?

Chikako: Well the Emperor took more rice and put it into his private cellar. So we have to wait until the next crop grows for the servants and everyone else who lives in the Palace for that matter.

Ren: Couldn’t you take some from him. I mean you’re the head cook, couldn’t you just make a story up about how the food was bad or unpresentable. Then you could bring it back here and we could share it with everyone.

Chikako: (Chuckling) Oh Ren (sighing) I wish I could but the Emperor is as greedy as a dragon, as well you know. He checks and counts everything personally that comes in and out of this Palace. He would know if anything was taken or if it was bad.

Rie: I understand Mama, you would if you could though, of course. (Chikako nods) Oh well. (nudges Ren)

Ren: What is it Rie?

Rie: Tell Mama what you saw. It’s been long enough.

Ren: (Worried voice) But it was nothing. Besides it was the Emperor’s if he heard me talking about it we could all get in a huge amount of trouble.

Chikako: It’s ok Ren, tell me what you saw.

Ren: (Gulp) Well when Rie and I were cleaning up after dinner a few weeks ago, there was a map he left on the table. It looked like a map of China and it had a bunch of red flags on it. It was the same map I saw, two years ago!

Hiroshi: (Startled, puts down rice and looks up, voice in a slight stutter) You mean was a w-w-war map?! (Gets softer in voice, no stutter, but in shock) That explains why I saw the Imperial troops all that time ago when I was tending to the cherry blossom trees. I remember because that’s the day, it started to rain.

Chikako: (In shock and scared) That means we are at war! That’s why the gods are punishing us! The Emperor is trying to expand the empire!

Rie: And you insisted it was nothing! I told you it was important.

Ren: (apologetically) Well I thought they were trading posts when I first saw them. Plus the Emperor was firing people left and right I couldn’t just bring it up. And now look what I’ve done, I’ve just made Mama and Papa more stressed.

Hiroshi: (Gets up and hugs Ren who is close to crying) No, no my child. It’s good that you told us and now everything makes sense. (Shakes head) What has the Emperor done? At this rate Japan will surely be destroyed, especially if China decides to sends its troops over here.

Chikako: (Stands up along with Hiroshi) We must go tell the others. We are all in terrible danger and we must prepare for the worst. (Hiroshi nods, and they both run exting upstage left)

Ren: See, look I’ve made everything worse. I’m an awful daughter. A embarrassment to the Amachi family. What if it’s not true and it was just trading posts. We will be fired for sure and it’s all my fault.

Rie: (Hugs Ren, then looks at her in the eyes) Now you are not an embarrassment to the Amachi family, far from it in fact, more like a pioneer if that makes sense. (They both laugh) Plus you and I both know those weren’t trading posts and it was the right thing to do, telling Mama and Papa. So, don’t get down about it. Come on let’s go get some sleep. (They both get up and exit upstage right, blackout. A blue and green spotlights appear on stage where Sky and Nature stand)

Sky: Nature, we have watched them long enough. The Emperor has not stopped his rampage. I believe Ren and Rie are ready now.

Nature: You’re right Sky they are ready to receive our gift. It’s the only way they can stop the Emperor and save Japan. (Sky goes to center stage right and Nature goes to center stage left. Then a white spotlight appears on center stage where Ren and Rie are are sleeping in white kimonos in a white futon)

Sky & Nature: You will now receive the gift from the gods. You will stop the Emperor and save Japan when he returns in three days. (Voices getting louder and wind and thunder sound) Now receive the Earth forms of the Gods, we are counting on you, our Black Swans! (The white spotlight over Ren and Rie flash as the wind the thunder get louder, then blackout, curtains close)

Act II Scene I

(At the rise of curtain we are in Ren and Rie’s room. There is the white futon center and directly behind it there is a window.  Then there is a dresser at an angle on the left side of the bed with a mirror and a wooden wash basin In one drawer there should be their simple black kimonos and in another there should be a blue kimono for Rie and a green one for Ren. Ren and Rie are asleep in their white kimonos and the dim sunlight is coming through the window.)

Narrator: And now, it seems that Ren and Rie have received great gifts from the gods to save Japan. But this has changed their appearance quite a bit. I wonder how they handle all of this?

Ren: (Shaking Rie)  Rie, Rie wake up!

Rie: (Rolling over, eyes still closed) What is it, Ren?

Ren: Get up and take a look at us! (Pulls Rie’s arm towards the mirror)

Rie: (Gets up and goes toward the mirror with Ren, rubbing her eyes) Ok, ok what must I look at?

Ren: Look at our eyes, nails, hair, and back. Look at US!

Rie: (looks stunned) Huh?... What the?...Our eyes and nails are black. Our hair has a yellow streak in it. (Ren makes Rie turn around) No way! How did our backs get tattoos of black wings?!

Ren: This makes no sense! When, how and most of all why did this happen to us!? What does all of this mean?

Rie: (Looks confused) I’m not sure, Rie, but this must be important. I don’t believe all this just happened randomly. (They walk back to the bed and sit looking very confused and in deep thought)

Ren: (Looks up) I think we should talk to Mama, she knows a lot about ancient history and folklore, she might know what’s happening to us.

Rie: Yeah your right, (Ren gets up and starts to go to the door then Rie grabs her arm) We can’t just leave our room what if someone sees us. I’m mostly worried about Papa you know that he doesn’t take well with surprises. Anyway, just call Mama in. (They sit back on the bed)

Ren: Yeah you’re right. Mama, come in here please we need you!

Chikako:(Enters center right, wearing a gray kimono with her hair in a braid bun) Ren, Rie what on Earth is it? (Ren and Rie stand up from the bed and look at their mother distressed) Oh my, they have, the gods have chosen you! My two daughters have been chosen! Oh what a day this is. By the powers of Yin and Yang we are saved! (Chikako runs to her daughters and hugs them and kisses them on the forehead)

Rie: What do you mean , by “the gods have chosen us” Mama? We are of no importance we are merely servants daughters. No status, no power, nothing!

Ren: Rie’s right Mama. What use could we be to the gods anyway?

Chikako: (She brings Ren and Rie around to the front of the futon and sits down with them on each side of her. Then she takes their hands) Well my dears, despite what you may think, the gods find you very important. You see, your old mother was given a vision two years ago. In that vision she saw two black swans, they defeated the Emperor and became the next rulers of Japan.(She looks into their eyes) Those two swans are you Ren, Rie. You have always loved Japan with all your hearts. You are selfless and kind to everyone you meet. You treat Japan, its people, and its animals with respect. You both feel that Japan is perfect and doesn’t need to change, let alone expand! (light laugh). Those girls, are the very same virtues of the gods. (Ren and Rie look in shock). You are meant to defeat the greedy Emperor, restore balance, and be the next rulers of Japan. That, is why the gods have chosen you.

Rie: But Mama, how is being black swans going to help us defeat the Emperor?

Ren: Rie is right Mama. Its a only a change in our appearance after all. I don’t feel any power within me.

Chikako: That’s something  that you’ll find out when the gods want you to girls. Now I have to go start breakfast. I’m very proud of you both. (Chikako gets up, kisses their heads and exits center stage right)

Rie: (heavy sigh, then looks at Ren) We need to go to the temple. Its our only chance in figuring out what we need to do. The gods are the only ones who can give us the answers we need.

Ren: I suppose you’re right but...well.... it just don’t know about all this. It’s so sudden and a huge task to take on.

Rie: (Grabs Ren by the shoulders) Look Ren, I know this is a lot to take on all at once, but its like Mama said they chose us to save Japan! We can’t let them down. They see power and potential in us that we ourselves cannot see . This proves that all of our suffering and all of our struggles were worth it. This proves that working since we were little for that awful man had a purpose. That our lives have a purpose, that we mean something, and that WE are important. We are going to change Japan for the better and that starts now. (Gets up and offers Ren her hand) We can’t tell Mama or Papa. The gods chose us so we must do it alone. Now come on we have to get ready.

Ren: (looks up and takes Rie’s hand with determination) Alright, (sighs with a smile) lets go! (black out)

Act II Scene II

(The lighting is low with the sound of rain in the background. There can be spotlights on Ren and Rie if needed. Rie is wearing her hair up in a bun wearing her blue kimono while Ren also has her hair up and is wearing her green kimono on the right side of the shrine. The shrine is small with concrete steps and a bell tower center. The bell tower is green and blue with a large iron bell swinging lightly in the wind.

Narrator: As the wind blows and the rain falls Ren and Rie have made their way to the shrine where their family worships the gods. They are hoping to get the answers they need so they can carry out their task in saving Japan. But this is extremely risky. For if anyone sees them there, they will be reported to the Emperor and be punished for not working. Let’s just hope the gods give them the information they need so they can get out of there before anything awful happens.

Ren: Not trying to be negative Rie, but when have the gods actually spoken to anyone?

Rie: Your right Ren, not many people can say they have spoken to the gods. But we have to try its our only chance to get guidance, a message, a sign, anything  that can really help. We can’t do this alone or without a plan. I mean we can’t just walk into the throne room and say “you’re too greedy and the gods have sent us to replace you”. We would surely be arrested and our fate would be sealed.

Ren: (gulp) As always your right Rie. Alright let’s give this a shot. (Rie stays on the right side while Ren goes on the left, then kneel and begin to pray)

Rie: Yin and Yang please send us a sign. Please tell us how our black swan forms can be of use.

Ren: Yin and Yang please send us your guidance. Please tell us how to stop the Emperor and save Japan. (The lights fade and the blue and green spotlights appear over Ren and Rie)

Sky: (off stage) I am Sky, daughter of Yin, Rie. I will tell you how your gift can be of use. For the gift of being able to turn into a black swan, a god’s earth form allows large amount of power over the elements.  You can control my elements air and water. Your sister will control earth and fire. The Emperor has been sent a vision that he will be defeated by two black swans. He is not listening but he is very afraid. But be warned he also unwilling to stop in his evil doings.

Rie: Thank you Sky for telling me your wisdom and granting my sister and I with this power. Amen. (The blue spotlight fades)

Nature: (off stage)  I am Nature, daughter of Yang, Ren. I will tell you how to stop the Emperor and save Japan. The Emperor will return in two days from battle. On that day you and your sister must go to the throne room and tell him this message,”The gods believe you are too greedy to rule Japan any longer, they request that you step down immediately. We are their messengers, the black swans and if you don not comply we will be forced to remove you ourselves.” If he does not listen to that then tell him “The gods will stop punishing us if he does”. If he still does not listen then he truly has been lost and you must use your elemental powers to dispose of him.

Ren: Thank you Nature for telling me your wisdom and granting my sister and I with this power. Amen. (The green spotlight fades and Ren and Rie raise and go in front on the shrine)

Rie: Did you get your answers that you needed?

Ren: Yes, I did, the god of Nature spoke to me and told me how we can defeat the Emperor and save Japan.

Rie: That’s great the god of Sky spoke to me and told how we can use our black swan forms.

Ren: We are going save Japan, Rie.

Rie: Yes Ren, we are. (They hug and blackout)

Act II Scene III

(Their is a whitewash on stage with yellow and red tints. The throne room is huge with a red and yellow runner going through center stage. There are suits of armor lining the sides of the room. This all leads up to the throne. The throne is surrounded by gold, treasures, and food. The throne itself has a very tall back and is covered in plush red material. Along with the golden dragon leafing and golden dragon armrests. Plus each dragon has eyes of different jewels. There is a gong upstage left and guards standing on each side of the throne. The Emperor sits proud in the throne wearing lavishing royal garments and crown full of jewels. He sits with his map in one hand and gold in the other.

Narrator: As the Emperor sits in his glutinous and greedy state Ren and Rie about to enter the Palace doors and confront the Emperor. They have already told each other what the other learned and have made a plan to defeat him. But for now he thinks he is safe and no one can possibly overthrow his rule. But unlike him, you and I know he won't be so lucky. I wonder how he will deal with being beaten by two girls, that used to be his servants none the less!

Emperor: (He look at his map intently and grips his gold) Oh yes, great progress is being made. Soon China will be all mine (he glances at the gold is his other hand) and all of its gold too! (He has an evil smile and deep chuckling laugh)

(Ren and Rie come up through the audience and stand on either side of the throne. They are cloaked and all you can see are their hands, they bow)

Rie: Emperor we have very important news that you must hear. The gods have spoken to us and they have told us to tell you that they believe you are too greedy to rule Japan any longer, they request that you step down immediately. We are their messengers, the black swans and if you don not comply we will be forced to remove you ourselves.

Emperor: (laughing hysterically) Oh really now?! You make it sound as if I have a lust for power when its not that way at all. I’m doing this all for Japan. Besides what are you? Two little girls, that’s what you are. You are of no importance, no value. You couldn’t stop me now even if you wanted to.

Ren: They told us you would be unwilling to listen. Their other message was that they would stop punishing us if he you comply and just leave peacefully.

Emperor: You two are quite entertaining. Who exactly told you all of this?

Ren & Rie: Sky and Nature, daughters of Yin and Yang!

Rie: They gave us the their earth forms and their elemental power to defeat you. We think it would be wise of you to comply with their and our request instead of resist.

Ren: This is your last chance will you stop in your deeds and leave Japan?

Emperor: (Becoming angry, but there's a hint of fright in his voice) The power to defeat me huh?! Well you can tell those silly gods of yours that if they want to stop me me they will have to come down here and pry this crown from my hands. (He raises and goes towards them and the guards get close in) And tell them next time not to send useless children to do their bidding. Guards restrain these two impudent girls! (The guards get closer)

(Ren and Rie throw off their cloaks revealing their black swans in full form. There eyes, nails, and hair have become black and yellow. Their wings are black and full and have turned from tattoos into full wings that go above their heads and shine like onyx stones. The guards are in shock and run off separate sides of the stage)

Narrator: Ren and Rie throw off their cloaks revealing their black swans in full form. Their eyes, nails, and hair have become black and yellow. Their wings are black and full and have turned from tattoos into full wings that go above their heads and shine like onyx stones. Seeing this the guards run away in fear and the Emperor starts to shake. I haven’t seen a heated battle like this in quite a long time.

Rie: You’re wrong, your majesty. We are not useless, we are important, we aren’t stupid girls we are the chosen ones! Chosen by the gods themselves, which no one dares oppose

Ren: Now you must pay for your sins against Japan. You must pay for making all of us suffer just because of your selfish and stupid and foolish will. (Ren and Rie approach the Emperor)

Emperor: You monsters...demons, get back, get back or I’ll...I’ll

Rie: You’ll what?

Emperor: (Pull out his sword) I’ll kill you. That’s right I’ll do it. No one can come close to my power.

Ren: You’re such an impudent person to think you could possibly surpass the power given to us by Sky and Nature themselves.

Rie: Battle us if you wish but your destiny has already been foretold and you WILL be beaten. (They raise their wings high and stand on either side of the Emperor)

Emperor: (Begins to get really scared) I’m...I’m warning you demons, I’ll kill you.

Rie: You’re the demon here not us. Now behold true power. The power of the gods. Witness the power of the sun! (A bright yellow spotlight appears over the Emperor)

Ren: Witness the power of the fire! (The spotlight gets brighter, then another spotlight of red appears over the Emperor)

Emperor: The sun is so bright I can hardly see. Its burning me! Make it stop!

Rie: We already gave you the option to leave now you must pay! (The crown starts burning his head, he throws it off, the crown is steaming from the heat. Rie grabs hold of the crown and breaks it) We are the Empresses now!

Ren: (Ren and Rie smile at each other and flap their wings) Now listen very carefully. You are nothing. You are weak without your crown and empire. Now leave, run away from Japan and never return. For if you do, you will die by our hands and this experience will seem pleasant!

(The lights get brighter and the Emperor runs away through the audience in pain. Then the red and yellow lights fade out. Ren and Rie’s wings lower and Ren hugs Rie)

Ren: It’s done sister, we did it we saved Japan!

Rie: (Hugs Ren back) Yes Ren, we did it! (Blackout)

Act II Scene IV

(White wash with pink hues, there is a garden in the background filled with cherry blossom trees and green bushes. Ren and Rie enter upstage right and stand center, wearing white kimonos with gold designs of the elements on them. Rie wearing water and air, Ren wearing earth and fire and their hair up in side buns with beads and flowers. They also have geisha makeup on)

Narrator: It seems as predicted Ren and Rie defeated the Emperor with no problem at all and he ran away like a dog with its tail between its legs. Now it is time for the crowning of the new Empress’ of Japan. I must say I’ve never seen Ren and Rie look so beautiful and happy. Also did I mention that the gods stopped punishing Japan? No? Well they did. Sky removed the rain clouds and let the sun shine brighter than ever before and Nature let the animals return from the heavens and made all the plants practically regrow over night. Ren and Rie have a few other surprises to still show you, and to experience themselves.

Rie: Are you ready to be crowned?

Ren: I am actually. This will be the first time we have seen Mama and Papa since we defeated the Emperor.

Rie: Yes, and the first time we will see everyone happy again. And go outside with the sun being nice and bright.

Ren: I am so happy about that. But also I still can’t believe Sky and Nature let us keep our black swan forms.

Rie: I was surprised about that too. They said it was a crowning present and in case evil ever comes back to harm Japan.

Ren: True you never know what the future will hold. (gong sounds) Oh it’s time. Let’s go (moves to down center stage Rie stands right and Ren stand left, they wave to crowd, the pink hues get brighter and two spotlights can appear on Ren and Rie if needed) Thank you all for coming today. We are very pleased to inform you, that the gods are happy with us once more (The crowd cheers)

Rie: Also we are  not at war anymore and Japan is much  safer. (The crowd cheers again)

Ren: I am Ren and this is my sister Rie. We will now rule Japan and make sure our empire is prosperous and everyone has fulfilling lives. (The crowd cheers once more)

( Sky and Nature are dressed in all white and come from Nature comes from downstage left and Sky comes from down stage right. They are holding the crowns. Rie’s crown looks like water made of sapphires with pearls as clouds. Ren’s crown looks like bonsai trees made of jade and topaz with rubies lining the top of the crown representing the fire.)

Narrator: Sky and Nature are going to give Ren and Rie their crowns. Ren and Rie are ignorant to this fact. Rie’s crown looks like water made of sapphires with pearls as clouds. Ren’s crown looks like bonsai trees made of jade and topaz with rubies lining the top of the crown representing the fire. This truly is an exciting day for Japan.

Sky: (Giving crown and bowing) Empress Rie.

Nature: (Giving crown and bowing) Empress Ren.

Ren & Rie: (Bow) Thank you, thank you all, long live Japan! (crowd cheers one last time)

(Sky and Nature exit and Chikako and Hiroshi come from down stage right Chikako is wearing a bright pink kimono with her hair up in a bun. Hiroshi is wearing his old Japanese army uniform. All four of them move back to center. Hiroshi takes Ren’s hands)

Hiroshi: I am proud of you Ren. You have made Japan a happy place once more. As your father I’m happy I can say my lovely daughter restored balance back to Japan.

Chikako: (She takes Rie’s hands) You’ve made me the happiest mother in all of Japan. Yin and Yang have truly blessed you. (Chikako and Hiroshi hug both of their daughter very tight then move to the right side of Ren and Rie) We love you both so much. (Chikako holds a tissue to her eye as Hiroshi nods)

Ren & Rie: Thank you Mama, thank you Papa (Bow deeply and wipe away tears)

Hiroshi: No we should bow to you, our daughters, Empresses of Japan. (Hiroshi and Chikako bow deeply)

Chikako: (Getting teary again) Before I start crying again I’m going to make you a special dinner and your father shall go cut some fresh cherry blossoms. Come along Hiroshi. (Chikako and Hiroshi exit downstage right)

Rie: Who knew we, the servants of the Emperor, would one day be in his place. It really is amazing.

Ren: Indeed, but I bet Sky and Nature knew all along.

Rie: (They both laugh) Yes, you’re probably right, they did know all along. (Cherry blossoms begin to fall) Sister, look at the cherry blossoms.

Ren: Wow, it has been so long, they look beautiful.

Rie: Even more so now. (Points off in the distance) Did you see that just now, on the other side of the garden?

Ren: Yes, its Papa cutting flowers.

Rie: No, its not him it looked like a Black Swan.

Ren: (gasp) You’re right, I guess they will be the ones to protect Japan when we are gone.

Rie: I think they will, Ren. The black swans, including us, will always make sure Japan is safe. (They chuckle lightly and exit upstage right. Blackout.The green and blue spotlights appear one last time)

Sky: Nature, they did it, they really saved Japan. Now even after they are gone their black swan forms will live in the Imperial Gardens.

Nature: Yes they will. They were really perfect Sky. We made the right choice with those two. You know they look even more beautiful and remind me of us in person.

Sky: They do, don’t they. Do you think they knew the crowns were made by us or that we gave them to them?

Nature: Probably not. They were too busy being happy about becoming Empresses and being happy to notice us.

Sky: You're right, but I feel like they should know or maybe we could tell them.

Nature: You know as well as I that we can’t do that. Honestly we have been in contact with humans too much already.

Sky: Yes, I suppose you’re right. (pouts)

Nature: Don’t worry they’re smart, they’ll soon figure it out. Besides we both know that we will be seeing them soon enough when that silly Emperor comes back with that huge army and…

Sky: Hey, don’t spoil it for the audience. They don’t know about the epic battle with the samurai and how Ren and Rie almost die, or how Ren has to turn the army to clay to save Japan, or…

Narrator: Shhh!!! Both of you. You might as well just tell the story you spoiled it so much. Well before you two talk anymore. That’s it everyone. We will let you get back to the 21st century. So long. (Blackout, the curtains close)


© 2016 Aurora Michele

Author's Note

Aurora Michele
Once again I do want to expand on this but I think it's doing well for now. Just let me know if you find it enjoyable, and could it be performed professionally if more editing is done.

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Added on April 27, 2016
Last Updated on April 27, 2016
Tags: #short, #play, #fiction, #fun, #entertaining, #nature, #kids, #family, #friendly


Aurora Michele
Aurora Michele

Albuquerque, NM

I'm a pretty young writer and a lot left to learn. But I want to be able to reach everyone in some sort of way with my writing. I write whatever idea comes to mind really and hope it turns out well. I.. more..
