Chapter Six: Impossible

Chapter Six: Impossible

A Chapter by -Aurelia Mirella

Not much to say here, except enjoy! I hope it's not boring you! Ha -Aurelia Mirella



Chapter Six: Impossible




I turned at the sound of Madi shrieking my name, again, for the second time today. Her gaze bounced back and forth between me and Seth, and much to my annoyance, her light golden brown eyes held a look of amusement. The kind of amusement friends have when they see you with a person of the opposite sex.


I inwardly groaned and instantly regretted allowing Seth help me back over the counter. Nonetheless, I gave her a luminous smile and a hug as she made her way over to us.


“Hey! I’m Madison Lobdale, but you can call me Madi!” she introduced herself to Seth.


I watched with a bit of delight as Seth grimaced at Madi’s cheerful attitude. He kept his manners though and offered his name along with his hand.


“Seth Darke”


Madi made a face, obviously realizing she didn’t recognize the name. She knew everyone, and not just at school either. She knew everyone that lived in Naples and pretty much the entire west coast of Florida, well at least it seemed that way.


“That’s a cool name! But how come I’ve never seen you before? Are you new?”


Seth’s face hardened just like it had when his mother and I used his middle name. I looked up at him with raised eyebrows waiting for his response.


“You are correct. I am new. I moved here from England to live with my mother,” he said quite tightly, as if he was holding back a great deal of anger.


Madi, a bit taken aback by his harsh reactions, looked at me then back at him. I laughed to myself. Madi wasn’t used to this type of treatment from boys, not to her face anyway.


“Oh,” Madi attempted to sound as cheerful as she was before, “when do you start class?”




Madi’s face lit up.


“Oh that’s wonderful! If you’d like I could help you get around! I’ve been going to this school for years. It’s like my second home!” she giggled.

I laughed too.


The look on Seth’s face was PRICELESS.


The corners of his mouth twitched and his hands balled up into fists. His knuckles quickly turned white, and his eyes had so much indignation in them that for a second, I thought for sure those gorgeous green eyes of his would explode.


With much control Seth shook his head, “I don--”


“That’s a great idea, Mads.” I said smoothly interrupting, “No one knows the school better than you, and plus, Seth had just finished telling me how he wished the office assigned someone to show him around.”


Madi jumped up and down with excitement.


“Awesome! I’ll meet you in the parking lot. My brother drives a silver G55 AMG.”


She giggled once again then bounced her way over to an open office lady and began talking to her quietly.


Seth watched her with cold eyes as she walked away. I smirked at the fact that my little spontaneous plan had worked. Nosy-butt was pissed that he had to spend an entire school day with Madi and there was nothing he could do about it.


Feeling very victorious, I began making my own way to Madi, knowing fully well she was signing herself out as well as me. It was third period, also known as Health. Luckily for us, our third period teacher happened to be very fond of the both of us, meaning that we were able to skip class without any problem whatsoever. And the best part of the whole situation was that fourth period was a free period, which meant we could stay out an extra hour.


“Come on Az! Let’s go! We’ve got important things to take care of!”


I laughed at her little act and followed her out the door, well more like attempted.


“Ouch! What the--”


Seth snickered.


“Sorry Princess. I just wanted to tell you that you’ve started a game, and I’ll have you know..I don't play nice” he whispered coolly in my ear. His breath was minty and tickled my ear in a way that made my body want to shiver, but I resisted and was able to let out an over exaggerated sigh.


“Silly Seth, I guess we will just have to see.”



“Where to?” I asked as I started up the car and buckled my seatbelt.

Madi sighed, “Ermm…well I was thinking we could head to the mall….”


I rolled my eyes.


“I should’ve guessed.”


“Oh come on Azzurra,” Madi whined teasingly, “you know you want to.”


I laughed as she squirmed around in her seat, doing her best to act like a three year old. On most days, I wouldn’t have gone just for the whine, but it was already mid-October and I still hadn’t bought a gift for my brother’s birthday which was on the thirty-first. So I nodded my head and zipped out of the school’s parking lot in the direction of the mall, much to Madi’s enjoyment.


The ride was quick. The mall was fairly close to the school maybe about ten minutes or so. We chatted the whole way there. I had asked the obvious question, “What did I miss?” and then Madi took full control and gave me all the details.


“…I was super shocked to hear that they were dating! I mean him, totally, but her?! I thought she was just being nice, but then during English when we had to pair up…two words, OH MY.”


I laughed at my best friend’s silly interest in our other classmates’ lives. She was just finishing up her own summary of how Danielle Hager and Zach Oakley publicly announced, or presented in that matter, their “affection” for one another. Madi liked that kind of gossip; it was one of the nicer kinds if there are any, so I let her tell me her stories even though I really could care less.


“So…” Madi started casually.




We were in Pac Sun looking through the endless amounts of clothes that were on tiny round racks in hopes of finding something that looked like it would appeal to my brother. Vincenzo wasn’t easy to shop for.


“That Seth boy seemed…” she struggled for a good word, “cute?”


I laughed, “You don’t sound too sure of that one Mads.”


She shrugged. “He did seem a bit, standoff-ish, but I’m sure it’s only because he’s new. You didn’t seem to be having any trouble with him.”


“He was just helping me get down from the counter, not that big of a deal.”


 “It looked like a big deal from where I was. Did you even thank him?”


“No” I said far too harshly.


“Oh Azzurra! Please tell me you at least were civil to him! Didn’t you see the way he looked at you?”


My eyes shot up from the shirt I was looking at and glared at Madi. Her eyes were pleading, begging me to give her the answers she so strongly hoped for.


“It’s not like that. And even if it was, he’s not my type anyways.”


Madi’s face furrowed. She was thinking hard about something, and it scared me. She had yet to ask about why I was sent down to the office. I wasn’t planning on telling her the whole story…


“That’s odd.”


“What is Mads?” I tried my best to sound indifferent.


“I could’ve bet money that he was exactly your type. I mean, he has that black hair that you love, he’s tall, tan, and well,” she blushed, “hot.”




“You didn’t think he looked anything like...” she hesitated. Her ochre brown eyes met mine, searching them, looking for any sign of emotion. I only looked back, confused at what she was getting at.


She started again, “Didn’t he look a lot like Amerigo? Or is it just me?”


She laughed nervously, waiting for any reaction.


An all too familiar lump swelled in my throat as the name finally processed through my brain. She had spoken really fast and so soft that I had to strain to hear her, and now…I wish I hadn’t. Madi evidently mistook my painful silence as a struggle in attempt to remember what MY ex-boyfriend looked like.


“He has the same messy black hair. I’m pretty sure their about the same height. Oh! And both are super athletic looking and tan!” she giggled.


I scowled. It bothered me that Madi thought that I had forgotten my ex-boyfriend, the one boy I had ever given my heart to…


Again Madi misinterpreted my response and physically slapped her forehead.


“You’re sooooo right Az! Their eyes! I totally forgot. Seth’s are green! Silly me, how could I forget Amerigo’s grey ones? I’ll have to admit though, Azzurra, Seth’s eyes are a lot more inviting then Amerigo’s ever were. Green is such a cuter too…”


“That’s because you never saw them the way I did” I said quietly. I couldn’t bring myself to be mad at her. It wasn’t her fault. He was the one that left without warning. He was the one that left and never bothered to call or write. It was all him.


“True,” she giggled, “I never did spend as much time with him as you.”


I nodded solemnly, desperately trying to find something that would change the topic of this tender and painstaking conversation.


All of a sudden Madi started to giggle uncontrollably. She looked absolutely bizarre standing there bent over and holding her stomach in attempts to hide her sudden outburst. She was lucky we were the only ones in the store because I almost considered leaving.


I rolled my eyes and sighed at her insanity. I had no idea what would make her giggle so much, and to be quite honest, I didn’t want to.


I was looking at yet another shirt, contemplating if Vince would even consider wearing it when a voice and a tap on my shoulder brought me out of my thoughts


“Do you need help with anything Miss?” a low husky voice asked me.


I turned around slowly, still in mid-thought about the shirt, to tell the person a kind ‘no’ but ended up failing, miserably.


A boy stood in front of me, at an arms length distance, smiling brilliantly down at me. He was very attractive, flaunting a pair of startling light blue eyes, shaggy sandy brown hair, and a strong masculine face. His shirt was tight enough to tell that he spent a lot of time taking care of his muscles, but they didn’t seemed too ripped to the point they were gross.


I smiled back up at him warmly.


“As a matter a fact you can. My brother’s turning thirteen in a week or so, and he’s impossible to shop for.”


The boy laughed, “Impossible, eh? I’ve heard that before, by my own sister actually.”


“Older?” I questioned.


He nodded.


“She’s a smart girl. Shopping for younger brothers is just as impossible as they are themselves.”


He pretended to be offended, lowering his head and pushing out his lower lip.

I giggled, “Awe don’t take it personally. I’m sure you’re very easy to shop for, regardless what your older sister says.”


He laughed again. I liked it. It was loud and full of happiness and very contagious.  


“What kind of music is this brother of yours into?”


“Oh that’s easy!” I began to name bands right off the top of my head, counting with my fingers.


“AC/DC, Pink Floyd, the Beatles, Led Zeppelin, Jimi Hendrix, Boston, Queen, Santana, Van Halen, ZZ Top, Metallica…do you need anymore?”


The boy shook his head, his eyes filled with excitement.


“I’ve got just the thing.”


He grabbed my wrist and led us deeper into the store.


He looked behind him briefly and gave me another heartbreaking smile.


“My name is Johnny by the way.”


I gave him a subconsciously flirty smile.




He nodded with approval and continued weaving around the assortment of tables, racks, and shelves still clutching onto my wrist.


I followed without even thinking once about this morning’s events. His appearance and over all personality somehow distracted me, and I liked it.

© 2009 -Aurelia Mirella

Author's Note

-Aurelia Mirella
Review please! As always, there will be a review [or more] in return.

-Aurelia Mirella

My Review

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Featured Review

whoa, i thought the chapter title was just a coincidence! i feel inflated, you just named a chapter after me??!

you're wonderful too...:)

anyways, this chapter is pretty interesting. I foresee competition.poor Seth(oooh, mr.cranky...:)
your writing is wonderful as usual. the dialogue is great (im struggling on that part...) typical way teenagers talk...and i'm curious about her ex-boyfriend. so, she did have a boyfriend!

overall, good job! :)

Posted 16 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


hmmm... to hot guys...who to choose????

Posted 15 Years Ago

Well written! Good title! Good characters!

Posted 16 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Uh oh, I thought she was gonna get together with Seth but now I'm not so sure.....I am so getting way into this! :))

Posted 16 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Loved the interaction and dialog! Everything feels so genuine... so honest... So good to be reading your book again!!!

Posted 16 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

well hmmmm i love when this happens a cute boy in a store helps you around haha, your so great at depicting every day life it's simply brilliant, i cant stop reading

Posted 16 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

I like your stroy. It kept me interested and thanks for the comment on my poem I gladly appreciate it :)

Posted 16 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Oh, you are so bad leaving me hanging like that. So what is he going to show her that is so perfect for her brother??? No seriously, I love what I have read so far. It has twists, romance, intrigue, great lovable characters, and realism. I have thoroughly enjoyed reading all of it. Great job on this story.

Posted 16 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

At first I wasn't too sure about Azzura but the story line is far too involving to mind. It's shaping up to be very interesting. Good writing and thank you for sharing it!

(oh, and it should be 'Madi's face lit up' instead of 'light up,' yay for typos)

Posted 16 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

whoa, i thought the chapter title was just a coincidence! i feel inflated, you just named a chapter after me??!

you're wonderful too...:)

anyways, this chapter is pretty interesting. I foresee competition.poor Seth(oooh, mr.cranky...:)
your writing is wonderful as usual. the dialogue is great (im struggling on that part...) typical way teenagers talk...and i'm curious about her ex-boyfriend. so, she did have a boyfriend!

overall, good job! :)

Posted 16 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

I think I shall dedicate this chapter to one of my new friends that I've made here on this site. Her name currently is "Impossible" and somehow I was able to use that word more than once in this particular chapter. I think it was her name that inspired me..I don't know. Hhaha

Anyways, she is a wonderful person and is currently writing a story of her own.

You should check it out! She is in need of some support. :]

Take care,
-Aurelia Mirella

Posted 16 Years Ago

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10 Reviews
Shelved in 1 Library
Added on December 2, 2008
Last Updated on January 7, 2009


-Aurelia Mirella
-Aurelia Mirella

Venice, Italy

Mi chiamo Aurelia! I live in Venice, Italy, and speak both Italian and English fluently. Writing has been added to the tiny list of addictions I have. Sports, mainly soccer, and art are two others.. more..


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