From Enemy's to Friends

From Enemy's to Friends

A Story by Sylvia

A bunch of kids, wonder off into a dark forest and find each other. Then it is up to them if they can save themselves and the world.


From enemies to friends

by: Aura Quartz

Hello, this young reader is my story, on how even the worst of enemies can become best friend's. And they can help change the world, so one day the future generations can live peacefully. And never have to go through another war ever again.


It  is harsh times now, the year is 2078. It has been 75 years since, The War of the World. Everything we knew and loved was gone, everything was destroyed even most of the humans in the war.

The war was about the world many countries wanted to rule the world so they thought the only way too get what they want was war. Bombs were dropped, guns we're fired, and people were killed, innocent people were killed. Very few survived the war, and if they had they would probably die in the ruins of buildings, towns, cities, or deserts.

Their was somewhat of a system. Well, there we’re different jobs that only very few get picked too do.There is a scavenger, who search the ruins of buildings for loot, or food. A bandit, obviously steals and raid other towns, and they even have a bandit king. A tangerence, is a person who is smart, they remember small details, they are clever, and they can escape anything. And the last special job is a bulrygence, they can adapt too any place, they can survive mother nature, and they are very strong.

Then there is the normal one's like, farmers, mayors, blacksmiths, lumberjacks, teachers, and army workers. Everyone has a 19.4% chance too get these special abilities, but only few do. Then the last job is diligence, which your have a 1.4% chance too get, diligence is one person who is all of the other jobs, they are special, they could change the world, save it or destroy it.

The elector, thinks that everyone should live in the same place in peace, and they should have one ruler. He owns, Mexico, California, Arizona, New Mexico, Nevada, Washington, Idaho, Oregon, Montana, Wyoming, Utah, Colorado, Texas, Nebraska, Kansas, South Dakota, North Dakota, and Minnesota.

He says he will feed the starving, he will protect the defenseless, he will teach the uneducated, he will care for the forgotten, but that is all a lie. All he wants is power, money, and land. He wants too be the new ruler of the world, but we cannot let him.

My name is Evelina, but everyone calls me Eden except my dad. I’m 14 years old and turning 15 this year, but no one celebrates my birthday. My dad is the bandit king, so that means I have to be bandit king someday too.

My mother died when I was 3 days old, so I don’t remember her. Which my dad named me after her, so he would always remember her. Then my dad had too start stealing food and money so I wouldn’t starve too death, and that's how it began.

Everyone thinks I’m a normal bandit, but what they don’t know is that I have a special ability, I am a diligence but no one knows except me. I’ve tried to talk to people to tell me if there is any diligence’s alive so they could help me, I guess.

But every answer is a no, everyone believes that they think I want too kill all of the diligence’s even my dad believes it. My dad is a rebel against the elector, and so is our clan.

Every morning when I wake up I’m always the first too, I walk out of our hideout in a mountain and I sit and watch the sunrise. I think How could our own species be so dumb? No one suspects anything, not even dad. Mom when will someone change the world? My mom would always answer, but she would not speak because she was in heaven. She would always answer with the wind, and I always felt it.

We had an upcoming attack on one of the electors army base’s soon. So we we're preparing for battle. In our clan we had different types of people, we had tanks who we're so big that they would lift heavy things. Their was runners who would run around the area making sure it was safe for the rest to go in. There was looters, which we're the people who grabbed all of the loot and put it in bags and gave them to the runners. Then we had warriors which we're the fastest and most dangerous in battle, which my father was number one warrior. The last type is shadows, which there is only one of those type and that is me.

I am the only one who is smart enough too know where too hide and when. I can even fade into darkness like a ghost but I'm human. But no one knows about that and that is why I do my missions alone.

In our mountain hideout we have a game. It is where you try to get the most kills, and my dad's name says,

#1 King

3,459 kills

So kills are people you actually kill in raids. And by my name it says,

#789 Eden

0 kills

And there is 789 people in our clan counting me, every single person has killed someone except me. On my missions I’ve never killed a single person, and I won’t. Killing doesn’t solve anything, at all. It's just another way of total destruction. And I also have a younger brother Luke, his name says,

#2 Luke

2,453 kills

He is 2 years younger then me and has killed that many innocent people! Everyone thinks I'm a coward, but they are the cowards, they kill there enemies because they are too scared that if they try too talk too the person they would die.

Every raid I stay back in the cave, and watch. But that is what my dad thinks and everyone else, but I do not do that. I go into the dark forest, it is a place where thousands of people get lost in, it was once a town but now it's a forest.

My mother would always guide me, so I never got lost in the forest. She would guide me with the wind.

I always wore my armor, which is a black leather jacket. Black navy boots, and black pants. I also have a belt with 3 different knifes on it, and a bow and arrow. And I have a black cowboy hat.

It was they day of the raid, the biggest raid we’ve ever done actually. Everyone was ready, my dad looked at me with a dead serious face. As if he was telling me, Kill anyone who comes near here, anyone. And I nodded as if I was saying yes.

He let out a big roar and within seconds everyone was gone, except me. I always wait till they are out of eyesight then I go too the forest.

I had a horse named, Lucy, which I would always ride too the dark forest. She was my only friend, the one person in the world I could tell anything to.  We we're always together no matter what.

I would never let her out of my sight, in fear that she might leave me like how my mom did.

When I was 5 years old, I was playing in a meadow. I saw a beautiful black foal, and of course I loved it. As a normal child would, they would run up too it and scare it away, but I didn’t do that. I slowly go up, because we both we're curious but terrified at the same time.

I didn’t say anything. I got up, and took one step, and the foal ran away. I sat down and started to cry. Then I heard some noises behind me, and felt something nudge me on the shoulder.

I turned around and it was the beautiful black foal. It moved it's head closer, and I put my hand on it. And that second when we touched we knew we we're linked together forever.

And through all of that my dad watched me. He was amazed because he had never tamed a horse like that, well actually no one had ever tamed a horse like that.

I got on the horse’s back and put my head over it's heart and heard, Thump, thump, thump. It's heartbeat was steady, but I never knew why I did that. And my dad always brags that I am the most graceful and gentle person ever.

I remember that memory, and got on her back. Now she is a big beautiful horse, I never put a saddle on her because I was afraid it would hurt her.

Once I’m ready, she takes off running. No wonder horse’s like too run, they can feel free. No one telling them what too do and how too do it.

Within 20 minutes we get too the dark forest. I got off her back, and let her take a break. She walked over too a little pond close by and started drinking the water.

I sat down in the grass, and sharpened my arrows and knives. We we're resting for about 10 minutes when I heard a scream, but it was a girl I think. I stopped sharpening my knives and put them back into my belt. I always left Lucy outside of the dark forest because she did not like it.

I got up and ran into the forest. I jumped from tree to tree, rock to rock. Until the person was so close. I saw a girl with brown hair in a messy braid, her clothes a bit like mine, but she had no weapon. At least I don’t think so.

There was a snake chasing her, I could see it. Of what I knew it was venomous. She screamed again. I grabbed a knife out of my belt. I took a deep breath closed my eyes and threw the knife. The girl stopped screaming, she looked up and saw me. I hit the snake in the head.

“Nice, throw.” She said.

I hesitated and jumped down from the tree. I nodded and picked up my knife and put it back into my belt. I turned around and started walking away.

“So what?” She said, “You going to kill me or what?”

I stopped. “What?” I said back.

She stood there. “The sign on your jacket, it's the sign of a bandit.” She said.

I turned around. “My job is to steal, not kill,” I yelled, “never killed a human being in my life.”

She laughed and said, “Me neither, well that's good too know.”

I heard thunder. I looked up and saw storm clouds. I turned to her and said, “We, have too leave right now their is a bad storm coming.”

“Well, not anymore.” She lifted her hand and waved the storm away.

I looked at her. She is a diligence just like me.

“Names Sylvia, I'm a diligence, my ability is to change weather.” She said.

I hesitated. “Nice too meet you Sylvia, names…” I said, “Eden yeah. I'm a diligence too my ability is well, I don’t know.”

She smiled. “Finally another diligence, I’ve been looking forever.” She said.

I smiled back and said, “How did you know I was a diligence, what if I wan’t?”

“Well it's easy, you can feel it, like your feel stronger when you are near another one.” She said.

I sat on a rock. And said, “What if no one knows, that we are diligence’s? What if they… try too kill us? What will my father think?”

She put her hand in my hand and said, “Don’t worry your dad The bandit king won’t hurt you and neither will anyone else. If someone hurts you they hurt all of us, so we all fight back together.”

I stood up. “You know what!” I yelled, “I don’t care what my father thinks! He has been trying too control me my entire life, trying too make me be something he wants me too be. But I'm not.”

Sylvia smiled. “That's the spirit,” She said, “okay so I’ve been searching for the haven, but I’ve had no luck in finding it. This forest is the only thing that is a safe haven for us.”

“Wait,” I said softly, “what's a haven?”

She looked at me. “The haven also known as the safe haven, is a place where diligences can go to and never…” She trailed off.

“What, never what?” I said.

“Never get hurt,” She mumbled, “It's a place that only diligences can find. It is our safe haven.”

“Have you ever known another diligence besides me?” I asked.

Sylvia looked down too her feet. “Yeah…” She mumbled, “my little sister.”

“Well where is she?” I asked.

Sylvia was still staring at her feet. “She’s…” she mumbled again, “in heaven. They got to her before I could, she was only 6 years old…”

“Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry I-I didn’t know.” I said.

They killed her,” she yelled, “and it wasn’t your fault, it was mine. I knew they we're coming but I didn’t know when.”

I hugged her. “Who is they?” I yelled.

Sylvia looked up, and I swear I saw a bit of red in her eye. “Who are they!?!” She yelled, “They is the elector, he wants all of us dead!”

She closed her eyes took a deep breath and opened them again. Then the red in her eye was gone.

“I say we live here, in the forest. It's our best shot if we want to survive.” Sylvia said.

I nodded. “Wait but one question why we're you in the dark forest?” I asked.

“Same reason as you, makes us feel free.” Sylvia said back.

“Wait, what if since we are both diligences and we both are attracted to the forest,” I mumbled, “what if more diligences come?”

She didn’t hesitate for a second and said, “Then we get stronger, and we search together for the haven.”

I thought, Hmm the word haven sounds like the word heaven, what if it could be a trap? What if it was the electors trap too kill us all? No, no more hiding, no more hoping for peace, it's life or death you choose, which one. And I choose life. It's our time too fight!

We both split up. I went to find wood and stones, and Sylvia went to find a shelter and food.

I was jumping from tree too tree again, and I didn’t know why. I hauled rocks and sticks into big piles, then put them in baskets I weaved and took them too where I had met Sylvia. Then Sylvia would take them to a little hiding spot somewhere.

I was getting heavier and heavier loads of stone and wood. I was dragging my feet almost, and I knew I should take a break.  I sat down on a rock and set my load of wood down. I had just noticed that I was drenched in sweat.

I closed my eyes, and I felt a cold drop of water on my back, then another and another. It felt so good, because it was freezing cold.

“There I saw you were sweating a lot.” Sylvia said and laughed.

“Thanks, I thought I was going to die.” I said jokingly and laughed back.

“And I thought you wouldn’t mind getting more wet.” She said and laughed again.

Then a gust of wind came through when Sylvia lifted her hand, and it dried me off. I got up.

“Think we got enough stone and wood for a couple of days?” Sylvia said.

And that was the first actual time I think she asked a question that she didn’t know the answer to.

“Um,” I said, “probably yeah. Let's settle down.”

She nodded, and within a second a strong gust of wind lifted both of us to our hideout.

Sylvia had already sorted the stones and  wood into different groups and some berries. She put some wood in a circle of stones. She lifted her hand and a large thundering sound came and a blinding light. Then there was the fire.

I stumbled a bit. “Woah, you couldn’t have given me a warning?” I said, “Note to self when next to Sylvia never ask for her too make a fire.” I laughed.

She laughed back.

We barely said anything for the rest of the night. Then we went to sleep.

When I woke up it was morning as usual. And around the fire all of the plants were dead and it was all dirt. I stepped on the dirt, and a little green moss grew where I had stepped.

I looked up at the sun. “Nature,” I whispered.  I knew then why I was a diligence, because my mother was one.

I looked at the dirt and sat down. I gently lifted my hand, and a little green plant grew from the dirt. The plant grew and it was a flower the flower bud opened, and it looked just like a sunset. I had never seen this kind of flower before so I called it a sunset flower.

“Looks like you’ve finally found your ability.” Sylvia said.

It startled me and a cage of plants grew around me.

“Oh sorry,” Sylvia said, “I didn’t mean to startle you.”

The vines went back into the ground. “Oh it's okay,” I said.

Everyday was the same, wake up eat, train, sleep. It was like that for about 2½ months. Until we heard another scream, but of a boy.

The sound startled me and Sylvia. We both got up at the same time.

“Who is that?” I asked.

She didn’t answer.

“Sylvia you okay?” I asked again.

“Shh.” She said. Sylvia looked up.

I faded into a shadow, and Sylvia looked at where I was standing.

“Where did you go Eden?” Sylvia whispered.

I came back out of my fade. “Oh yeah I can fade, it helps for hiding.” I said.

“Let's sneak over to the scream, ok?” She whispered.

I nodded, I went into a fade and she went into a shadow of a dark cloud.

We we're running so fast in the forest. We came to a cliff.

“Uhhh,” A voice said, “someone help me! Please… anyone!”

Then as I got closer I saw two hands on the edge of the cliff.

I got out of my fade. And so did Sylvia get out of her shadow. I lifted my hand, and plant vines pulled the person up onto the cliff.

It was a boy. I knew he was a diligence because I felt stronger like a burst of energy.

The boy rolled on the ground. “Oh my gosh thank you!” He said.

Sylvia put her hand on my shoulder and turned me towards her.

“What are you doing!?!” She yelled, “You're going our blow our cover!”

The boy finally got up and lifted his hand. “Why can’t I read you?” He said.

I turned back to him. “Because, we are one of you.” I said boldly.

“How do you know that?” Sylvia yelled.

“Because I felt it, like how you did with me.” I said.

“But I didn’t feel it?” Sylvia yelled again.

“Sylvia let's not dwell in anger, well this boy is sitting here not knowing anything of what is going on.” I said.

I put out my hand, “Names Eden, diligence my ability fading, nature, and wisdom.”

He shook my hand and said, “Names Ruker, diligence as well ability mind control and reading minds.”

I moved so he could see Sylvia.

“Sylvia diligence, ability to control the weather elements.” Sylvia said.

“Wow finally, diligences.” Ruker said.

“Yes we all have waited pretty much our whole lives for this moment.” I said.

“You know any other diligence?” Sylvia said.

Ruker shrugged, and looked at the edge of the cliff. “Yeah,” He said, “my little brother, they got to him before I could save him.”

“Don’t worry my little sister…” Sylvia said softly, “was to.”

I looked at the cliff, and I swear I saw my mom standing on a cloud and she said Come sweetie, I’ve missed you so much! It didn’t even take a second.

I ran as fast as I could, I was running to my mom. I tried using my nature powers for a bridge but it was already too late.  I already was off of the cliff, and my mother had disappeared.

“Eden!”Ruker and Sylvia yelled.

And I was falling and falling, until darkness came. I opened my eyes, and I was on the ground. Everything was blurry except, my mom was back she kneeled next to me and whispered, Sorry sweetie, but you cannot be with me yet, you still have a while. I love you. She kissed me on the forehead and everything was sucked into darkness.

I was dreaming that I was in a room full of mirrors, and it was so cold I could see my breath.

“M-mom?” I whimpered, “Mommy come back! Please.” I fell too my knees and started to cry softly.

I opened my eyes and saw someone standing in front of me. It was a woman in a white suite, her dark brown hair in a bun, and slick black shoes. She took her hand out of her pocket, and pulled a gun out with it. She pointed it to me, straight at the middle of my head. Now I was just waiting too hear that click of the trigger, and my world to end.

But before she did anything she spoke. “Please, forgive us but we cannot let you run around our world.”

“What?” I said back, “Why can’t I run around this world?!? Is it because I’m a diligence!”

The woman’s eyes widened, her gun shook a little then stopped. “Impossible,” She murmured, “no goddess has ever been a diligence.”

“Goddess?!?” I yelled.

“We cannot kill you because we need you.” She said. She touched a black thing on her ear and said, “Lyth I cannot kill her, she is special.”

A crackling voice came over the ear piece. “Then bring her to the facility immediately.”

She still had the gun pointed to me. I looked at it, and it bent and flew out of her hand. We stood there looking at the gun, bent and on the ground.

I stepped back. “T-that isn’t one o-of my powers,” I said, “my powers are nature, fading, and wisdom.”

The woman threw off the ear piece. “No, you are the messenger, you will save us all from that horrible monster the elector.”

I looked at her. “What is a messenger?”

“Child, a messenger is a child of a god and goddess, but not all of those kids are chosen to be a messenger. Only one is, and that one was you. Messengers are sent to earth to change it, to protect some humans and destroy others. If a messenger succeeds they can become a god or in your case a goddess.” She said.

“So does that mean my parents weren’t really my parents?” I asked.

She nodded. “This means that your are a child of one of the 15 gods and goddesses. Which there leader is Zeus. The others are Hades, Ares, Athena, Hera, Apollo, Helios, Chaos, Hermes, Dionysus, Demeter, Artemis, Hephaestus, Poseidon, and Aphrodite.”

“But which is my parent?” I asked.

“I do not know, but once every generation there is on child born with the ability too adapt anyone’s power, and that my dear child is you.” She said, “One generation is 10,000 years.”

“Why would they choose me, and if I did succeed would I find my real parents?” I asked.

“Yes you would meet you're mother and father.” The woman said.

I sat down. “Wait,” I said, “how do you know all of this?”

She sat down next to me. “I wish I could tell you, but alas it is against the rules but if you find out that isn’t against the rules.” She said.

It all makes sense now! The way she speaks, the way she shows no fear, the way she just is.

My eyes opened wide. “...Athena…” I whispered.

She smiled. “Yes child I am, I am not supposed to interfere with the messenger, but if it is to keep your safe I will.”

“Oh my gosh, you're Athena!” I yelled, “D-do you know who my parents are?!?”

She smiled again. “Here let me get out of my disguise.” She stood up and a gold light came from her. Once it settled she was in a roman dress probably made of the finest silk ever. Her feet in sandals, but then once I looked up I saw my mother’s face.

I ran and hugged her. Without speaking I told her I loved her.

“I missed you my baby girl.” She said.

“I missed you even more momma.” I said back.

“I’m just glad you finally ran away from that monster.” She said.

I was so confused now. “What monster?” I asked.

She sighed and put her hand on my head. “Your father, he was the only one I knew could protect you.”

“Protect me from what?” I whispered back.

“Well sweetie these diligence games are different. Instead of raising our children at Olympus and compete for messenger, we sent all of our children down to earth. Half the gods agreed with me, that we must send our children to earth to become strong and restore Olympus to what it once was. I saw the future and only half of the gods agreed with my idea, but only one actually wanted to do it. Poseidon, he helped me sneak all of the diligences to earth.” She said.

I sighed. “So what do we do now, I mean where are my friend's?”

“Oh yes sweetie, I am not actually with you I am just in your head. When your wake up I won’t be here anymore, I’ve told you enough for now bye my child, bye.” She whispered, kissed my head and vanished.

Everything went black again. I opened my eyes too see 3 people looking back at me, one Sylvia, one Ruker, and one person I’d never met before. It was so hard to grasp onto reality plus I had a gigantic headache.

“What the heck we're you thinking!?!” Sylvia yelled.

I sat up, Sylvia could tell I was dizzy.

She hugged me. “Don’t ever do that again.” She whispered in my ear.

“I won’t.” I whispered back.

She smiled. “This is Malikye another diligence we found him while you we're out.”

“Nice too meet you I'm Eden.” I said and shook his hand.

He nodded.

“So… how long was I out?” I finally asked.

“5 days.” Ruker replied with.

Then I remembered, gods goddesses, kids, monsters. It all came back to me.

I stood up. “We cannot stay in the forest, we must find diligences as fast as we can.” I said.

“Woah, we can’t just go into towns and say ‘We are diligences if you are one to please come help us’ They would kill us.” Sylvia said.

“Well, Sylvia does have a point.” Ruker said.

“But we can’t stay here forever.” Malikye mumbled.

“Huh, so you do talk?” I said too Malikye.

“Sometimes, but I don’t see the point to.” He mumbled back.

“So what do we do now?” Ruker asked looking at me.

Malikye, Ruker, and Sylvia we're all looking at me now. “We fight, for freedom. We fight to destroy the system. We fight for all of our brother's and sisters that have died because they we're gifted children.” I said.

They all nodded. Our revolution was finally beginning.

The next two days we worked extra hard too gather food and wood. We built large backpacks out of strong vines and wood, we also made knifes, hammers, and many other tools we could use. We gathered fish, edible mushrooms, flowers, berries, and fruits. It was our last full day at camp.

Our plan was to get out of the dark forest before sundown, and find where we are, then go back too my home. With the bandits, killers, and stealers, and my dad. We would gather money up, and this is what I would tell him, “Father these are my new friend's I found in the dark forest. They all were abandoned by their people and wanted too come work with us. Sylvia is good at running, Malikye is good at being quiet, and Ruker is good at observing, and being a spy. They saved me from dying, they let me see you again.”

We slept as much as we could, for tomorrow we we're going home.

I woke up first, it looked too be about 5:00. Obviously I couldn’t fall back asleep, so I walked a little in the woods. I found a tree that was only a little sapling. I focused my mind, and told the tree to grow. Silently the small sapling was growing taller, and wider.

All of the trees in the dark forest we're already about 40-50 feet tall. The tree went from 2ft tall to 30ft in just 10 seconds. I kept growing the tree taller and taller, 40ft, 50ft, 60ft, 70ft then I stopped.

I found a little cut in the trees trunk that showed the living wood. The cut looked like one from a knife or axe. I walked closer to the tree. I put my hand on the small cut, and thought grow. I lifted my hand and saw that the cut was gone.

“There you go.” I whispered to the tree as if it were real.

Ever since my mother told me about gods and goddesses I’ve had a whole new look on life. Plants are living, breathing things too.

Then the tree, brought one of it's thick branches down to the ground. I sat on it, held on, and closed my eyes. The tree lifted me from branch to branch, higher and higher. Till it stopped moving, and it moved some more branches so it would be a little seat.

I opened my eyes, and what I saw was breathtaking. On one side of me the beautiful big blue moon was going down, and the other the bright sun was coming up. There was orange, purple, pink, red, blue, light blue, dark blue, violet, and every single color your could ever imagine!

The tree was the tallest in the whole forest. It was like a mountain, compared to a hill.

I touched the tree with my hand. “Thank you for letting me see this amazing beauty, and now your get to see it every day forever.” I said.

The tree started to lower me, soft and gently. Once I reached the ground, I hugged the tree one last time and I walked back to our camp.

Once I got back, I saw that Sylvia and Ruker were still sleeping, but where was Malikye? I looked around, and didn’t see anything except footprints. I followed them quiet and in a fade. But where would this take me?

I walked for ten minutes then I heard something. It was the sound of rushing water, there must be a river near by. I walked closer to the river, and once I got there I saw Malikye. He was standing in the middle of the rushing water, but he wasn’t getting wet. He was dividing the water into two path ways. His eyes were closed, and he stood still.

He opened his eyes. “I know you're here, so come out.” A voice said in my head.

What? How can you communicate with me through my mind?” I asked and came out of my fade.

Malikye turned, and started walking towards me. The water only split where he was standing. “The reason we have so many powers, is because we believe in the impossible even when we shouldn’t we do.” He said back through my head.

He stepped on the river bank. He moved his hand and all of the rushing water stopped, it settled instantly, no more sounds. “You and I both know where we come from, but the others don’t. I am son of Zeus and Demeter.” He said.

“I am daughter of Athena… and I don’t know my father.” I said softly looking away.

Malikye grabbed my hand. “It's ok, I never knew at first and I did as much as I could to find out who they were. I have a trick.” He said.

I turned and looked at him. “What do you mean you have a trick?” I asked.

He nodded. He grabbed a knife out of his back pocket, and now this was what I was thinking, Oh my gosh he’s going to kill me!! I moved my hand backwards, but he only put his hand out and nodded. I put my hand in his, and he moved the small dagger and made a little cut on my hand.

“Why would you do that?” I asked.

He didn’t speak. He lifted his hand and did the same. The cut was the same size as mine. He put his dagger back into his pocket, and lifted his hand. He put his hand on top of mine, and a little surge of energy came through my body. I felt stronger, way stronger.

He took his hand off of mine, and lifted his hand into the calm river. The water ran up his hand and healed his cut.

“Stick your hand in the water, it’ll heal you.” He said taking his hand out.

So I did as he said. My hand healed just like his.

“So what wa that all about? The blood and all of that?” I finally asked.

He sat down. “There's 4 main messengers, and two of those messengers are future leaders of Olympus. The reason why they are is because only once every 200,000 years all of the gods and goddesses powers align. And two children are born, one boy one girl. They are messengers, but they control every god and goddesses powers. I knew I was one, and once I met you I knew it had to be you. So if there blood both touches each other and it gives them a burst of strength it is them.” He said.

“So, that was why my mom told me that there was something or someone that was very dangerous and it wanted to kill all of us.” I said back.

“Quite frankly yes, but if we grow stronger we can defeat it, but I do not know if we should tell the others.” Malikye replied with.

“True if they did find out what would they think of themselves? They would hate us for eternity.” I said.

He nodded

“I just want to know one thing,” I whispered, “that you will never leave me alone, scared and starving. To fend for myself.”

He looked at me. “I would never I will always protect you, I will always help you, I will always be right next to you sister.”

I got up and hugged him, he felt like the only person in the world I could trust. He is family, and I know that for sure.

“Brother and sister forever.” I whispered.

“Brother and sister forever.” He whispered back.

We walked back to camp. No one spoke a word. We got back to camp and Sylvia and Ruker were up finally.

“Been wonderin where you two lovebirds were.” Sylvia said jokingly.

“Ew that's disgusting Sylvia, and aren’t we all like brothers and sisters?” Ruker said with a sour face.

She laughed. “Well then where were ya?” She finally said, after she stopped laughing.

“Scouting,” I said boldly and walked past her, “there is a cliff about 300 paces north of here, a waterfall about 200 paces west of here, and the edges of the dark forest are all about 50,000 paces from here.” I pointed in every direction I talked about.

Malikye turned and looked at me. What? You can not lie, about this it is a serious matter, He said in my head.

“I’m not.” I replied with.

Everybody was confused now, because they didn’t know how I knew all of that. It was all true when I was up in that tree I quickly mapped it out.

I jumped up into a high tree next to our camp, and went into a fade. Whenever I was in a fade, all I needed was a little shadow and I would vanish. I would turn into thin air, but for me I was still there. No one could see me.

“Eden you have to come down soon, or your could be our scouter.” Sylvia said.

I looked down at all of them trying to find where I was. I lifted my hand and grew, a apple tree in front of Malikye. The tree hand three apples, the reddest and biggest I’ve ever scene.

Ruker immediately got up and walked close to the tree. “Oh man I haven’t had one of those in almost 4 years.” He said.

I made a branch grab Ruker’s hand and put it out, then I put a branch with one of the apples in Rukers hand. I came out of my fade and he looked at me. I did the same for Sylvia and Malikye.

They all ate an apple, Ruker was so happy.

“Eden thank you but aren’t you hungry? You haven’t eaten in a day.” Malikye said.

“It's okay, I’m not hungry right now but when I am I can just grow an apple tree.” I replied back with.

Now since I can control plants I could weave beds with vines, build houses in the tree’s to protect us against animals, and grow food to survive.

“So what are we going to do now? I mean we would have to walk about 50,000 paces which is around 25 miles. Which would also take about 3 days minimum, not counting sleeping, eating, and breaks.” I said.

“I don’t know, well at least we know how long.” Sylvia said.

“How long can you guys walk before you have to rest?” I asked.

“For me about 1 mile.” Ruker said.

“Same.” Sylvia and Malikye said.

“New plan, we stay here for another month, map everything out.” I said, “Me and Malikye will run further out every day, he will run south I will run north. Then the next day I will run west he’ll run east, and if one of us doesn’t come back, the other will run out to find them. Okay?”

Everyone nodded in agreement.

“We start tomorrow, let's just rest for today.” Sylvia said.

So we all just slept, ate, and looked up at the sky all day. It was night time finally, everyone went to sleep knowing tomorrow was a big day.

I woke up at about 5:00 ish today and so did everyone else. I weaved me and Malikye little backpacks that held, a knife, some food, pencil, paper, and a compass which was the best I could do. We both started running, counting every step.

Later in the day while I sat down writing a map, I heard Malikye’s voice. Through my head though, he screamed. I immediately looked up at the direction he ran.

Malikye what's wrong! I said too him in my head.

He made a little whimper, and cried Help softly.

I put all of my stuff in my bag and ran, but this time everything went so fast. I was back at camp within a minute, Ruker and Sylvia looked at me crazy. I just kept running in Malikye’s direction.

Malikye how many paces did you go? I asked.

I don’t know, 1,000 maybe 2,000. He replied back with.

So I ran 2,000 paces, and saw Malikye in a tree, bleeding on his head, arm, and leg. And at the bottom of the tree was a hungry cheetah with blood on it's paws. I stared at it. Malikye must’ve been running, and the cheetah must have thought he was a deer. So the cheetah clawed at Malikye, and Malikye must’ve got something to distract the cheetah for a little so he could climb up the tree. It all makes sense now.

I could see Malikye’s head getting droopy, he was losing to much blood to fast. I grew vines that tied him to the tree so he wouldn’t fall, then I grew leaves and wrapped them around his leg, and arm. If I did his head he probably wouldn’t be able to see.

The cheetah was surrounding the tree. I grew vines to tie it but It broke them right away, which meant that I would have to fight a cheetah with only a knife. The cheetah saw me, and stared me straight in the eye, at this point I had my knife in my hand. I didn’t even notice that I had been in a fade, but then how would the cheetah see me?

It took one step closer. “Haha what do we have here little girl?” The cheetah said.

I never knew animals could talk.

“I know you are here, trying to protect your friend up there.” He said, “You know cheetahs can feel the presence of other beings, just like how I feel yours.”

“Old cheetah stand down and you will not be hurt.” I said without showing any expression.

The cheetah laughed again. “You really think I’d listen to a human, hahaha. Me listen to a human, oh little girl your are hilarious.” He said.

“I am not human.” I said loudly.

“Then what are you little girl!” He yelled then growled.

“I do not know.” I said.

“What how can you not know?” He said.

I finally got the courage to come out of my fade. The cheetah stopped laughing, and stared. He looked down, took a step back, and then bowed to me.

“Why are you bowing to me, I am not royalty?” I said.

“Malady I am sorry, the color in your eyes your a goddess.” He said and stood up.

“Ok.” I said

“I am in your debt.” He said.

“Well could you help me with one thing?” I asked, he nodded, “Carry my friend Malikye back to our camp, it's just north of here.”

He nodded. I brought Malikye down with vines, I knew that he was barely alive. We both got on the gigantic cheetahs back and he ran. We we're back at camp within 5 minutes.

Sylvia and Ruker screamed. I lifted Malikye off of the cheetah and put him on the ground.

“Make it rain!” I screamed to Sylvia.

She did, the water washed all of the blood off of him. The cheetah looked down, full of sadness.

“Let me lick him, I can heal him my majesty.” The cheetah said.

“Fine.” I said.

The cheetah walked over to the nearly dead Malikye laying on the ground, and licked his leg. Malikye’s leg was starting to heal back up, the cheetah licked Malikye one final time, on his head and it healed to.

I fell to my knees. The cheetah walked over to me. I immediately hugged him, and whispered, “Thank you.”

Sylvia and Ruker we're still in awe of the big cat, and why hadn't it attack me.

“What is your name brave soldier?” I asked the cheetah.

“Ryth.” He replied with.

“Well Ryth you may stay with us for as long as you wish.” I said back.

Sylvia stepped closer. “Woah there you're going to let a wild cheetah stay with us because you think he talks?” Sylvia said.

I turned. “Wait you do not understand him?”

“No.” Ruker said.

Ryth turned to Ruker and walked towards him. Ryth rubbed his head against Ruker’s leg, and Ruker rubbed Ryths head softly.

“I don’t think he’s a threat Sylvia, he could stay for a little.” Ruker said and smiled.

Sylvia rolled her eyes, and said, “Fine.”

“Oh, I cannot stay for too long my son he is only a cub and his mother ran off so now I take care of him.” Ryth said.

“Well why don’t you bring your son here, he will be safe whenever you're gone.” I said back.

“Wonderful idea, I will go and get him.” Ryth said, and ran off.

“What he say?” Ruker asked.

“He’s going to get his son and bring him here, because since the cubs mother left he has to hunt, and protect his son at the same time. Plus when he runs off you guys can watch his son.” I said.

We waited 20 minutes, then I heard Ryth running. He ran straight into camp, with a little sleepy cheetah on his back.

Sylvia turned and saw the little cub, her eye’s went wide. “Oh my gosh! He is so cute!” She squealed.

Ryth put his little cub down on the ground. “R

© 2016 Sylvia

Author's Note

My grammar is not the best so please help if something is wrong. Other than that how was the story?

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Added on August 18, 2016
Last Updated on August 18, 2016



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