Eternal Feminine
A Poem by Mother Maggie
© 2013 Mother Maggie
Author's Note
In the blackness of my Mother's womb
I sleep
In the blackness of my Mother's womb
I dream
In the blackness of my Mother's womb
I await both birth and rebirth
I am the conduit
waiting upon the emergence of Divine Wisdom
bourne of the Divine Feminine
I am the daughter of that wisdom
and I am the Mother
In the blackness of Her womb
the third eye sees...
In the blackness of Her womb
the feminine mind knows...
In the blackness of Her womb
the heart and soul of the feminine embraces...
the singularity of the universe
Beautiful stuff. You can see the pure, as yet unconditioned conciousness expressing itself through a babys eyes. Like looking in at the universe through tiny little portholes.
Posted 11 Years Ago
1 Review
Added on May 8, 2013
Last Updated on May 11, 2013
Mother MaggieVancouver, WA
I'm a writer, artist, musician and activist who lives in the Pacific Northwest--a region known locally as Cascadia.
I'm also an ordained minister through the Universal Life Church who follows and h.. more..