Brain was a happy place where all the memories lived together. There were occasions of mistrust but it seemed like a good place to live.
Like every society, there were some unsocial elements in Brain too. But the good memories could keep them in control easily.
But something changed in Brain. Negative thoughts came in large numbers. They were heavily armed and were well trained for combat.
The good memories, the core defence of Brain, were helpless. They lacked the necessary skills and the “good will” wasn’t enough.
All the memories were terrified. To make matters worse, the bad memories colluded with the negative thoughts. They leaked vital intel about the defence.
Once the good memories surrendered, all hell broke in Brain. The negative thoughts became unstoppable. They tortured the memories to death.
In this time of terror, the memories needed a leader. Someone, they could look up to. Hope came to their rescue.
Hope was intelligent and Uncertainty was his best weapon. He knew these negative thoughts were so powerful only because they were united.
With the help of Uncertainty, Hope divided them. And once they were divided, the good memories could take them one by one.
Eventually, happiness returned to Brain and Hope became the saviour.
I really like this poem. I have a lot trouble with anxiety and depression and this was the best way i have ever heard it described. All the self doubt and negativity. I have been trying to use positive thinking to help me when it gets bad. Thank you and great job
I really like this poem. I have a lot trouble with anxiety and depression and this was the best way i have ever heard it described. All the self doubt and negativity. I have been trying to use positive thinking to help me when it gets bad. Thank you and great job
This poem has everything: start, middle, ending. I like that you make it about depression (that's how I read it) and just "play" with the words. Very good poem, and well written! Hope to read more poems like this from you! You have a fan :)
I love the way you put this together. I agree with Bill, it is very straight forward and has all of the key elements. The only thing I recommend is to stretch the story and add a few details. I think it ended a little too quickly, but that's just my opinion. Please continue writing because I believe you have a beautiful mind and I would love to continue reading your work and be there along the way on your journey through the great world of literature.
-- The Prince
Posted 9 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
9 Years Ago
I shall add details of the time when 'Brain' was under the reign of terror. At least a stanza and th.. read moreI shall add details of the time when 'Brain' was under the reign of terror. At least a stanza and there and then a stanza may be at the end.
thank you for reviewing.
A wonderful read, I love the word play ! Your message in this does not go unnoticed either, This piece simply flows off the page to the readers mind.
Beautifully put together !!!