The lonesome child in her Chinese dress
Spoke to me with a nectar voice
Filled with the nubile scents of life:
Vermilion vineyards, proud mountains,
Nocturnal flames and ultramarine skies!
Recall the lightning's hour, she spoke,
When lambs and idle soldiers danced
Beneath the sun and moon, two sisters lost
Within a black venom abyss.
But where to look this day, I asked,
For if my wits do not deceive
It appears those clocks have broken,
Their rhythmic chimes stripped naked
As they lie upon the earthen quilt
Of vines and tangled thorns.
Can't you hear the serpents singing,
Or those crescent introspections
From the guileless Olympian
Humbled by his enhanced derrière?
Oh, but if only you'd listen, she muttered,
As if a lonesome snowflake falling
Through the crumbling atmosphere.
Her golden eyes tossed me,
Scanning the windswept ghost
With celestial precision,
Driving the tyrant from his throne.
A whispered thought danced past my ears
As I drowned within a whirlwind of light,
Glancing at some drunken lovers
Kissing by the rumpled ocean waves.
Another fleshy thought streamed by
In the form of a virgin troubadour,
Her amber nightgown flowing soft
As she prayed for a paper prince
To hold her fragile hips and fly
Away to an archipelago of stars.
I awoke in the quiet railway station
Clutching a bottle of aged champagne.
Wiping the sweat from my brow,
I brushed off those woven dreams of mine
And stumbled alone down the sleeping boulevard.