Xyleena Acadamy. {Chapter One}

Xyleena Acadamy. {Chapter One}

A Chapter by Pikachu

Chapter 1


            “Who here knows what depression is?” Mr. Bennett asked first period Health. My sleepiness was taking over me. My muscles were aching, and my head was getting smashed with a hammer; and Bennett needed to shut the hell up. “Mr. Reaves, would you answer the question?” Mr. Bennett said. “No.” I replied emotionless. “Mr. Reaves, you will at least attempt to” he said, his voice full of annoyance.   


            I rolled my eyes and looked at him, “If I knew, would I be sitting here auguring to your dumbass.” I stood up, “I‘m outta here.” I said walked to the door. For the past two years, I’ve taken too much off of this man; I’m not standing for it anymore. Mr. Bennett slinked his way to block me. “Move,” I said in a low voice. He put his hands on his hips, lady-like, “Ashden, I will not tolerate threats, nor will I put up with disrespect. Especially from you,” he sneered.


            I could feel my blood started to boil. I studied him. His gray hair piece was falling to the left of his head. His lanky body was slumped forward just a bit. He was a 5’4 troll (with less hair). I had a good seven inches on him. I felt the muscles in my arm start moving. My hand was around his throat, slamming him on to the wall beside us. “Don’t you know what move means! You’re a damn teacher! It means get the f**k out of my way!” I dropped him. He fell to the ground, gasping for air.


             I walked out, with my massager bag on my shoulder. As I opened the class room door, I heard the buzz of new rumors stirring, the rumors that I just started. I smiled to myself, not surprise. This school is a legacy for its drama degree. That’s why they named it Spectacle High.


            I stormed into the bathroom. I stood in front of the mirror, looking at myself. My height was 5’11; I took that after my father. I took a lot of my features after my father. My hair was a blue-ish black color, with eyes that seemed to always be black. They were actually blue, a dark blue, but normally came across as black. My hand lifted, then ran across my scar that was on my neck. It started from behind my ear, and then ran down to my shoulder. My hand dropped, thinking about the night I got it. I shook my head shaking the memories out, and then walked back into the hallway.  


            I started thinking about what just happened. I don’t regret it, but what surprises me is… “Ashden!” a shrieking voice came from behind me, knocking me out of my mental conversation. Ahh Hell I thought. “Ash, wait up!” Aileana said. “What do you want Lea!” I called back. She grabbed my arm and stopped me, “Are you mad?!” she almost screamed. Ashden smiled, “No, I’m actually pretty sane, if you ask me.” I said in a smart-a*s way. The look she gave me could melt the iceberg that sank the Titanic, “No, I mean why did you do that to Mr. Bennett?” she asked. “Because,” I said. “That’s not an answer!” she almost screamed.


            “Lea I refuse to get treated like that. Not from him, not from anyone.” I looked out the nearby window, watching the new gardener trimming the trees. Aileana grabbed my face with her hand, her claws digging into my face, and pull my face to where I was facing her, “Well you can’t go around strangling teachers that piss you off.” I yanked my face away from her hand.



            Her blonde hair was dull and lifeless, and down to her chin. The blue in her eyes was no longer bright; they looked like the dirty lake my mom use to take me to. She was my girlfriend of seven months, and I’m already tired of her, I‘ve been tired of her. She was so minor. I gave her a look of irritation, “Lea, just shut up. I have a lot on my mind lately. So just leave me alone.” I turned from her and continued walking the way to the main office.



            I could tell she was mad, because after I said that, she stomped her way up to me and slammed me against the lockers. “You know, Ashden, you’re a dick. Just because your family fell apart, doesn’t mean you can’t go around treating people the way that your where treated!” She grabbed a hand full of my shirt, “Gosh, why can’t I get it through your head?!” She continued on, rambling like she always does. And like always when were fighting, my face and posture remains neutral. She could never tell what my emotions were. And that infuriated her. This would eventually irate her even more.


            “Ashden, are you even listening to me?” she asked me. I smiled, “Of course I am. You getting all worked up over nothing.” I pushed away from the locker, and more importantly her, “I need to get out of here.” she gripped my arm. “Ashden, why do you do this?” I glared at her, “What do you mean?” my voice showed nothing to what I was feeling. My face was a façade. “You were doing so well. I mean,” She pondered on what she was going to say, “What happened?” her eyes were tearing up.



            I shrugged her off, “That’s none of your business.” I started walking. She was shouting something about her helping me and that with the right medication that I could get better. She makes me sound like some charity case. I turned around, “Lea! If you haven’t noticed, I don’t want to talk to you about my problems. Wait, let me put that another way, I don’t want to TALK to your dumbass. You make me out to be some psycho. I don’t like you……I’ve never liked you. So guess what that means.” I walked to the door and opened it.


            My body was out the door and I looked at her, “It’s over.” with the door slamming behind me, I left school, and I left her. I decided to go see Mason, my sister. She’s in the elementary hall, which is only not even quarter of a mile of walking distance. Mason has problems trusting people. She doesn’t even trust her own therapist. The only person she trusts is me.  She’s legally my step-sister, but we are as close like blood siblings.



             My mom and her dad got married, but it didn’t last too long. Her real mom came into the house one night; I was about ten, Mason maybe 2 years old. She was too little to remember that night, thankfully. Christopher and mom were auguring, like always, and Mason and I were playing. I was trying to block out the noise coming from the living room. I heard the front door slam, then someone yelling. I told Mason to get under the bed and cover her ears. I slowly walked to the door. I grasped the door frame, looking at the scene. Mom was behind Mason‘s dad, Christopher, and Mason’s mom, Allison, was holding a knife. “Allison what are you doing?” Chris said in a in a deep voice. His dirty blonde hair was messy and his blue eyes dull.



            Allison pushed the knife towards them, making them back up, “You know, I‘m getting real tired of you two. I want my daughter back!” she thrusted the knife near them again. She looked deranged, like a wild animal. Her brown hair was fizzy and messy. Her blue eyes were wide and crazy. “Ally, you’re not a fit mother for Mason. You need to go back to the hospital.” Chris said. She jumped forwarded, making Chris and mom jump back about two inches. Christopher pushed my mom out of the way. She stumbled towards the phone. “Call 911, Janet,” Chris said. My mother picked up the phone, I heard her dial the number. But the phone was out; I could hear the dial tone. “Christopher, the phones out.” she said, moments after I heard it. Allison laughed at this. “Of course there out. Do you think I would come here with the plan to kill someone, and not shut off the phone!” she sighed, “Chris, you are dumb. Just like your w***e of a wife! “. My mom’s jaw dropped.



            Her black hair was waist length and wavy. Her eyes were the brightest color of hazel you could possible imagine. I heard Mason crying. I ran in there and touched her hand softly, “Shh Mase,” I kissed her forehead and then walked gently across the room. I shut the door, and walked back to my place behind the frame of the door. “Allison, you need to leave?” Christopher said, with his hand out stretched towards the knife. Allison swiftly moved the knife, and cut his hand open. Blood poured out of it, and he fell back with a curse. I smelled it within seconds. I had a very sensitive nose and sight, not to mention hearing.



            My mom ran to him and caught him before he fell. Allison was laughing. My mom was trying to stop the bleeding. Chris was trying to protect my mother. “You people are so predictable.” Allison nearly snickered.



            When a single gunshot sounded, I glanced around the counter, to see biological father with a gun in his right hand and a smirk on his face. His blue, black hair was dark compared to the dim lighting in the drab room. His dark blue eyes were full of amusement, and thoughts that no one could ever know. My dad was one of the few people that I liked. I didn’t like Chris, because of the way he treated my mom. I didn’t like my mom because of the way she treated Mason. I was not a people person.



            My mother looked up at the man who she had once loved, “Derek.” she whispered breathlessly. “Hello Janet.” he said with a smile, and then nodded at Chris, “No need to thank me. It was my pleasure.” he looked at the corpse in front of him, and then to the two adults staring at him, then to my hiding place beside the door. His eyes widened, then went back normal, “Hey Champ!” he said. My mom and Chris wiped around.



            My eyes averted to the dead corpse that was laying not three feet away from me. He walked to me, and gave me a big hug. “Did you see all of that?” I nodded in response, my voice not being able to sound. Derek grabbed his chest like it hurt, “Ashden, go to bed, now.” he growled. My mother locked eyes with my dad as he kneeled. She pushed me into the room with Mason, and told me to watch over her, and with a kiss on the cheek, she went out as fast as she came in.



            That was the last time I saw my mom, Chris, or my dad. After that, I heard yelling, screaming, the door slam open then shut, and then silence. I came upon the door of the elementary door, automatically stopping my mental on-going.



            I walked in with the scent of glue and cookies, rushing into my nose. Laughter from children was what I was listening to. My eyes sought out to the walls, where paintings hung. I smiled when little kids came running by me. I went to Mrs. Benson’s door, which was covered with purple construction paper that was all over it. The paper had little hand and foot prints on it. I assumed that it was the kindergarteners that were in her class. I knocked a few times; the door came open a few seconds.



            Mrs. Benton was a plump, short woman, with long white hair. Her brown eyes held wisdom and caring. The kind my grandmother uses to have. That’s why Mason and I love her so.


            “Ashden!” she said in a medium voice, but with a hint of laughter in it, “Haven’t seen you in a while. Come in, come in.” she said beckoning me inside. I walked in to see the children playing dress up, arts and crafts, and playing games. I saw Mason playing dress up with two blonde girls and a little mixed boy. Mrs. Benton turned to me, “So, how are you these days?” she smiled diligently. I smiled, “You know, just getting in trouble.” I looked at her. “What did you do now?” she eye balled me. “I think this time, that I’m getting sent off.” I looked down.



             She grabbed my arm and pulled me to the counter, “Ashden! What on earth did you do?” she asked concern in her voice. “Mr. Bennett pissed me off, so I,” I paused and coughed, “choked him out.” I looked at her. She hit my arm, but since she is old and not the strong, it didn’t hurt, “What was your thinking!!” she scowled at me. I shook my head, “I don’t know.” I looked up to her. “I just hope you know that what you did, it had consequences.” her hand feels upon my face, where my scar was.



            This made me look at her. Our eyes met, and I knew exactly what she meant. I looked at Mason. She was putting a big floppy blue hat on one of the blonde girls, and the little boy was tying a belt around Mason’s small waist. She looked at me then said, “Go on. You don’t have long. Eric is going to flip his lid when he finds out.” her hand dropped from my face.


I looked at her one more time, “Promise me one thing,” my voice was weak and swallow. She looked at me, her brown eyes saddened by my situation, “Protect Mason.” I spoke the words softly. She looked at me, “Of course.”


            I smiled at her, and turned on my heel and walked towards Mason. The little blonde girls, I realized they were twins, looked at me, which made the mix boy look at me, and then finally Mason looked at me. Her blue eyes mirrored her mothers and fathers, but the sandy blonde hair, was all from her father. Her big doe eyes lit up as she dropped everything and jumped into my arms.



            “Ash!!” her voice said, as she hugged my neck. “Hey Mase,” I said in a lazy voice. She kisses my cheek, and asked the question I knew that I had to answer, “What are you doing down here Ash?” she asked. I put her down and kneeled in front of her, “I just wanted to come and see you. Listen to me okay?” I told her. She nodded, so I continued, “I‘m going away for a while, okay?” I told her. I didn’t know if I was or not, but I’m betting I will.



            Her eyes grew sad, and started tearing up, “No. No. No. Mase, don’t cry.” I wiped a tear from her eye. “W-w-hy are you going?” she stutter. I hugged her tight, “I got into some trouble. But don’t worry. Mrs. Benson will have the number, and you can call any time, day or night.” I looked at her. She wasn’t crying as much, “I…I’ll miss you,” This tugged at the heart strings. Right then the intercom came on.



            A soft voice came on, “Ashden Reaves, please come to the office. Again Ashden Reaves, to the office.” it shut off with a click. I looked at Mason, she looked like wounded puppy. “I’ll be back Mase, okay? I promise.” she nodded and I kissed her forehead. I stood up, and told Mrs. Benson to take care of Mason, and gave her my cell phone number so that they could get a hold of me, and left the room



            I wasn’t going to leave her alone in the world. I’m the only support, the only back bone, for her. I refuse to leave her without a way to get in touch with me. It took me about five minutes to get to the main office. I walked in and Kelly looked at me with her blue eyes beaming and said, “Mr. Carter’s office.” I nodded in acknowledgement. She didn’t know what was going on.



             I walked into the office, and it was the stereotype when you think of an Alabama guy. The whole place was full NASCAR stuff and photos of him with animals that he shot. By looking at the room, I was ashamed from being from here. But all of my teachers thought I was from a northern state, because my speech was so proper. “Mr. Reaves, sit.” Mr. Carter’s voice was hard and scratchy.


            Along with his southern décor, he was the image you imagine a redneck. Mr. Carter was the man you would buy moonshine from. He was gray headed, with a matching Santa Claus beard. His cold, stony blue eyes were dead. With a beer belly, saying that he could drink a keg by himself (and that he had to special order all of his pants), he stood beside his desk, staring a hole in me.



            I looked over to the chairs in front of his desk, to see Jennifer and Marcus. My foster mother was crying, and my foster father was clenching and unclenching his fists. “I said sit!” Mr. Carter roared. I wasn’t scared of him; he is just so damn annoying. I sat between my “parents”, and waited for them to start screaming at each other.



            “Mr. and Mrs. Clark, your son…” he began, but was then cut off by Marcus, “He is not my son.” Mr. Carter nodded and rephrased his sentence. “Ashden has broken Spectacle High rule,” Marcus butted in again, “Like always.” Mr. Carter smirk and said, “He attacked a teacher. He must be dealt with properly.” he cleared his throat and continued, “I think suspension is in order.” Jennifer looked at me then him and pleaded, “No! Not that. Give him detention or public services, something else than suspension.”



            I rolled my eyes. I can’t believe we are here. I can’t believe she is trying to get him to not suspend me. Some state judge said I can’t stay out anymore, or I got to juvie. It’s ridiculous. “Well he can’t go to detention; he has out-limited the county, state, and national record of days. And public services aren’t allowed here. It’s either suspension, or transfer.” He said moving to where he is in front of the desk, with a smirk on his face.



            He is thinking how great life would be with me no longer here to piss him off. I wanted to beat that grin right off of his old-a*s face. I wanted to stand up, grab his neck and slam it into the wall. I would watch the blood from his face drip off my hands and on to the desk, staining my school file. I would smile and turn to my parents, seeing their face, crumbled in fear. I would laugh and walked right out of the room, off to some other place, some other city.



            I smiled at the thought of this, and then returned to reality. “What do you mean by transfer?” Marcus said, interested at the idea of getting me out of his life. I pictured how he would die. He would about to light up a cigarette, once the flame touched the end of it the cylinder, it would blow up, and blow his face off. I laughed at that one.



            Marcus’s head wiped around and glower at me, “You think this is funny?! You choked out a teacher.” he stood up, “Maybe I should do the same to you!” He reached for my neck. I was fast, way faster than him. In a blink of an eye, I was on my feet and pulled his arm behind his back. I shoved him against the desk, “If you every try that again, I’ll do something worst then this.” I said in a hushed voice.



             I let him go and turned to Jennifer, “Transfer me.” I told her. She looked at me, “Are you sure?” I nodded. She turned to Mr. Carter, “If he were to transfer, where would they send him,” I slammed my hand on his desk and looked to Carter, “I’m transferring. Where do I go?” I almost yelled. He came about three inches to my face and smiled. “Congratulations Ashden. You’re going to Xyleena Academy.”

© 2012 Pikachu

My Review

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this sounds interesting. so far i love. i feel an epic adventure coming on. let me know when you update this.

Posted 12 Years Ago


12 Years Ago

Oh, it will be. If I ever finish. I have quite the writers block!
really good ........

Posted 12 Years Ago


12 Years Ago

Thank you dear!
OMG I LOVE IT there were a few spelling and tense problems but omg omg omg that was amazing i sooooooo want more :)

Posted 12 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


12 Years Ago

Thank you! I'm not the best spellerr! :p

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3 Reviews
Added on June 6, 2012
Last Updated on June 6, 2012



Wouldn't you like to know. ;), AL

I'm just a normal girl. I have a less then normal personality. I'm a novelist, also short storys. My ideas come from my subconscience mind, dreams, and my past/present. I have had a hard life, you.. more..


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