Thalia's Story

Thalia's Story

A Chapter by Pikachu

Chapter One


Opening my eyes, I flinched as my mother opened the window in front of my bed, “Wake up Thalia.”, the sun shown in brilliantly and vivid inside my room, making it terribly bright. All I did was roll over, moaning something in sleeplessness. She came over and shuck me, “Honey, get up. That girl is waiting for you.” I groan a ‘yes ma’am’ or something like that as she walked out.


 I turned over on my back, looking at my ceiling. It was Tuesday morning, about 6:30 a.m., and by my stature, way too early for a normal human being to be up! I sat up and kicked the covers off of me. Shaking my hair from its hold in the ponytail, I walked into my closet, grabbing a pair of old faded jeans. Slipping them on, I walked to my vanity. On my way there, I turned my radio on my favorite pop station; turning it up on ten. I headed for the huge mirror that covered half of the wall. I heated up my straighter, and began the process of straighten my wild mane.


 I had natural curly hair, which was a nightmare. It was organically brown, but I put tons of blonde highlights in it, that it looked as if it was blonde. I look at my clear blue eyes; they were the only thing that I, and most people, liked about my face. My facial features wasn’t that special, heart-shaped, with a small nose and high cheekbones. I put down my straighter, and ran a brush through my hair. It was perfectly straightened, and I smiled because of it. I took off my night shirt, and shrugged on a Bradford High t-shirt.  I looked at the final product; I looked decent, I thought, for now, then I smiled.


I knew my outfit wasn’t going to remain like this. I looked around for my books, and didn’t see them. Then my vision blurred, and I got so dizzy, that I kneeled, getting a flashback. It was me, at my locker putting my books away from seventh period. I was suppose to get my English book to do those pages, but Ivy came and told me to come on. I slammed my locker, and walked with her down the hallway, forgetting my book and homework altogether.


 I came back to actuality, on my knees in my bedroom floor. Looking at the floor, I put my hand to my head. Damn, this one hit my hard. This wasn’t anything abnormal, more like repetitive


I walked out the door to see Allegra waving me to hurry up. I threw my bag in the backseat, through the window that was down, and jumped into the passenger seat. “Aye girl,” Allegra said, “slow much?” I smiled, “Sorry. I didn’t mean to. I forgot to set my alarm clock.” I shrugged. She smiled, “I have an appointment with Zackary today, during the pep rally.” She licked her lips. Allegra was such a s**t.


 Literally, she finds her way into tons of guy’s beds. She’s been doing that since the eighth grade. Her dad was in a horrible car wreck and die when she was in sixth grade. Her family was crushed. Becky, her mom, hit the bottle a few months after. One of her brothers, Timothy, started cutting, Corey, her other brother, committed suicide the following year. She turned to sex.


Her whole family had an outlet, so why couldn’t she, is what she had always said. But who couldn’t, or should I say wouldn’t, want Allegra. She was hot.


 Her light brown curls went past her mid-back, with fringe on her bangs, contrasting against her blood red off-the-shoulder style shirt. Her black skinny jeans were tight on her hips and legs. The chains on her belt hoops added just a touch of edge to her outfit. I noticed her shoes look very familiar, “Hey! Those are my shoes!” I said.


She giggled, “Oh yeah. I wore them because you left them at my house last time you was there.” she smiled pleasant smile. “It’s okay. Do you still have those clothes in the backseat?” I asked. “Sure do.” she replied. “Can I?” I smiled. She looked at me, her eyebrow raised slightly, “Go ahead.” she laughed.


 I unbuckled my seat belt, and then jumped in the back seat. I reached in the floor board and pulled out the bag full of clothes. Allegra always looked like a movie star. Unzipping the bag, I pulled out a pair of dark purple skinny jeans, “Where’d you score these?” I asked, looking at the back of Allegra’s head. “You don’t wanna know.” She looked at me through the rear view mirror and winked. Well, that’s true. I rarely wanted to know where she got these clothes. For all I know, she could have stolen them from a corpse.


I stripped off my blue jeans, and slipped on the purple pants. They fit perfectly. I dumped the bag out of the seat. I separated the clothes. I looked through some shirt, threw the ones that I knew I didn’t want, back into the bag. Allegra hit stopped quick, making me go into the floor. “Hey! I’m still back here!” I yelled at her. “Don’t scream at me. It was the b***h in front of me’s fault!”


She honked the horn, “Move!” She screamed out the window. Her and her road rage. I rolled my eyes, continuing to sort through the clothes. I looked at this yellow plaid shirt that you see everyone wearing. I threw it in the floor next to me. I saw a black tank top. I pulled my t-shirt off and put on the tank. It fit my curves wonderfully.


I picked up a white vest, and then put it on over the black tank top. I climbed my way back to the passenger seat. “Whoa! You look great!” she said turning into the school parking lot. “Thanks. Turn it up!” I yelled, turning the radio up while she pulled in the lot. As we were rolling up the windows, I saw that Ivy was waiting for me in front of the main entrance. “Well this day just went to hell.” Allegra said with a sigh.




“Hi Thalia,” Ivy said as she hugged me. She glared at Allegra; “S**t.” was the only word she said. Allegra laughed at Ivy, and then turned to me, “Bye Thalia. See you later.” Allegra walked past me, then past Ivy, but when she past Ivy, her shoulder collided with Ivy’s. She grabbed her like it hurt, “I have no idea why you like her.” she said with disgust once Allegra was farther away.


“She’s nice to me, and stands up for me.” I told her. “Well, I hate her. She’s such a w***e.” She looped arms with me and started walking. Great, my two best friends hate each other, she thought with an eye roll. I’ve known Allegra ever since seventh grade. She was the first person who talked to me when I moved here. At first, she was too much, and then I got to know her and found her to be hilarious and always cracking me up.


Then in ninth, I met Ivy. She was fun and trustworthy. We had a lot in common, so we click automatically. They’re both great! I just wish they could like each other, or at least stand each other. “Well, you don’t have to like her. She’s my friend, not yours.” I said, walking into the high school hallway. “I know, but I just don’t get it! You’re so sweet and innocent. And she’s so,” She paused; trying to think of the words to describe Allegra, “Vindictive and spiteful.” she rolled her eyes as we approached my locker.

The only reason Ivy didn’t like Allegra was because Allegra got all the guys that Ivy likes. She is just jealous of Allegra truthfully. Ivy’s blonde brown hair was straight as a board that she couldn’t do anything with, while her dull green eyes didn’t have the sparkle that Allegra’s did.


She leaned against the locker beside mine and crossed her arms. I looked at her, “Ever heard the expression, Opposites Attract.” I replied. She rolled her eyes. I put in my combination, “Anyways, it’s my friendship. Why are you so interested in it?” my locker popped open. “I just don’t want her corrupting you.” She gave me that smile that said she cared, “See you later.” I grabbed her arm, “Wait! I have to tell you something.”


She turns and looked at me, “Yeah?” “Okay.” I breathed out, “I like Gage.” her mouth dropped. “I mean, I know he’s like way out of my reach, but I don’t like a lot of guys. I’m thinking about asking him out. He’s just so,” I noticed that she wasn’t saying anything. I looked at her. Her hair, that went passed her chin, was pulled up in a high ponytail, with hair clips holding the wild string in. Her eyes were wide, and mouth slightly opened in disbelief.


“What’s wrong?” I asked her. Her eyes grew sad when she said, “I like Gage, and he likes me. And we’re kind of talking…” She stepped back, “I’m sorry Thalia, but I have to get to class. Call me tonight and we’ll talk about it.” She walked away. My heart was in my stomach. How could she do this to me! I have liked him all year. I was so mad. I threw my locker door open. I grabbed my science binder and my books.


“Hey Thalia.” a male voice said, right next to me. I looked up to see Gage. He was opening his locker that was right beside mine on the left. Butterflies filled my stomach, “Hi Gage.” His dark brown eyes looked into my blue eyes. “Did we have any homework yesterday?” he tossed his light brown hair out of his eyes. I can’t believe he is talking to Ivy. Why can’t he like me! My furry sparked, “No. We don’t.” I slammed my locker and walked away.


“Okay. Bye.” He said solemnly, then turned and walked the opposite direction of me. My heart was slowing down, and my breathing becoming regular. Gage Wyatt was the perfect guy, Mr. Tall, Dark and Handsome. He didn’t talk much, but he could make anyone’s blood boil. He also wasn’t that smart, but really funny. The thing I couldn’t comprehend was that he was talking to Ivy. I wonder if I could take him from Ivy.


 I smiled to myself. I could never do that to Ivy. The bell caught me by surprised. Dang it, I’m late, I thought in frustration. I ran into my science class, just as Mrs. Crawford was calling roll. “Ah, Miss Patterson, so glad you for you to join us.” Her eye brow twitched, “Sit.” With that one word, I found my sit in the back, next to the window.


 “Now, yesterday we talked about….” She went on about something that did not intrigue me. I was too busy thinking about nothing.  I watched as a bird couldn’t decide whether to stay in the tree, or on the ground. It would jump to the ground, then fly back up to the tree, then plop back down to earth. It was amusing, seeing that not only I was undecided about what to do with things in my life, but the bird was too.


 I was enjoying the scene, until Mrs. Crawford called on me, “Miss Benson, what is an example of active solar energy?” She smiled, intentionally trying to embarrass me. I looked away from window, and over to her, “Solar panels.” I said emotionless. “Why yes...” she looked shocked. Even though I stare out windows all through this class, I still know what I’m talking about, I thought.


“At least you pay attention.” She looked over to a male student, “Unlike some people.” She slammed her hand on his desk. His head shot up, mumbling something. I rolled my eyes, and then turned to the window. I saw a leaf flying through the air. I sighed, wishing I could be that leaf. A gust of wind came and blew the leaf further more away. A leaf never has to stay in one place for long.
All it takes is a breeze and it’s gone.


 The bell rung, I went through out the rest just being there, talking little, and moving through the day like a ghost of myself. Until sixth period P.E that is. “Hey babe,” Allegra said as I walked into the locker room. I sat my stuff on the bench and fell to a heap of nothingness on the cool tile floor. “I’m so tired.” I sighed.


She leaned over me, laughing, “Yeah, yeah. We know. Now get up and change.” She dropped my green shorts and navy blue tank top on my chest. “Ugh, I swear if Coach Ares makes us run, I’m going to beat someone’s a*s!” Allegra said. Everyone laughed. My P.E class contained ten girls, and the rest of the thirty people were boys. “You know the only reason he makes us run so much is to see our booty’s bounce, that old pervert.” Molly said.


 Allegra rolled her brown eyes, “Yeah. He wishes he could get this.” She pointed to her butt, and everyone cracked up. I put my clothes. Once I had them on, I looked at Ali, “Yeah right. Allegra, you’re an idiot.” She giggled, then linked arms with me and started walking out of the locker room, “Shut up.”

© 2012 Pikachu

Author's Note

I wrote this like two years ago, so why not post it. Might not be my best work. :p

My Review

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You actually are a pretty good writer. You need to remember to remind people of the surroundings and how they affect the character. With that you would very good. Nice work

Posted 12 Years Ago

i liked it and the fact you named the coach after the god of war definitely made me smile keep it up i hope you write more of this story

Posted 12 Years Ago


12 Years Ago

Oh, how I'm fawned of greek mythology. (:
I like it :D Great as always. I noticed how you named one of Thalia's friends after an allergy medicine, and found a little humor.
I would like to see more. :b

Posted 12 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


12 Years Ago

I do love Allegra!
Any writer worth their salt, chased with lime and a drink. Well tell you a nice WHAM from left field is always a pleasant change. At one point, if not six or seven, WHAM from the left came screaming out.

Posted 12 Years Ago


12 Years Ago

Thank you!
I love the name Thalia :)
Her voice felt very real to me. The writing was sort of flat, but her relationships, thoughts, and so on all had a lot of truth to them I really enjoyed.

Posted 12 Years Ago

I like it! A very typical day of a girl in high school. Every girl can relate to this.

Posted 12 Years Ago


12 Years Ago

I know, right.

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6 Reviews
Added on April 22, 2012
Last Updated on April 22, 2012



Wouldn't you like to know. ;), AL

I'm just a normal girl. I have a less then normal personality. I'm a novelist, also short storys. My ideas come from my subconscience mind, dreams, and my past/present. I have had a hard life, you.. more..


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