![]() Blair Mannor. (Chapter One.)A Chapter by PikachuChapter One I was
sweating badly. My eyes shot open. “What the hell?” I whispered breathlessly.
Why did I keep have that requiring dream of my past? I thought, wiping my hand
across my forehead. I shook the memories out, and dabbed the tears out of my
eyes. Looks like I’m not going back to sleep, I thought grimly. I heard a tap-tap
on my window. I looked at it, thinking I was hearing things. Then it did it
again. I hopped up, and pulled back my curtains. All I saw was soft brown hair
curling over his ears and around his face, light brown eyes looking up at me.
With a face that would make any girl melt. I opened my window, “Babe, are you
coming?” Isaac said. I looked at the clock, 9:16 it read in bright
red digital numbers. “Oh crap. Yeah, I’ll be down in a minute. Wait at the
corner.” I smiled, and then turned to go get ready. He took hold of arm and
pulled me down to you, “Hey,” then kissed me “I love you.” I smiled at him
after the short kiss, “I love you too.” Then he shimmied his way down the pipe
and ran across my yard. I smiled to myself and shut the window. I
pulled off my t-shirt, my shorts, and then walked into the closet. I pulled out
a pair of black jean shorts and my white tank top that was baggy on my slender
mid-section and tight across the hips. With wide selves, reaching from my
shoulder back down to my hip, I was going to look great at this at the party. As I laid
my clothes out on my bed, my hand went obliquely across my stomach. I
remembered the way the cold blade sliced through my skin back then. The memoirs
of that night made me shiver. I shook my head once again, and put on the
clothes, grabbing my black motorcycle jacket and some boots, almost done. I looked at my jewelry box and remembered my
grandmother’s necklace. Cadence’s necklace was beautiful. It was a long chain
that went below my chest, with a Topaz, a light yellow. The pendent was a
rounded oval, about as big as the height of an egg. My great,
great, great, great grandmother was given this by some gypsy. She gave it to
her descendant, and then she gave it to her daughter, and so on, until my
grandmother got it. She refused to give it to my mother, with her being mental
and all. So she said in her will that it was to go to me, once she was dead. I
wear it every day, everywhere. I took it and put it around my neck, it was my
safety. I went to my mirror and looked at the
reflection. My dark brown curls, close to black, and went to my rib cage. My
bright green eyes looked like fresh green meadow. I noticed that the little
smear of white in my right eye was growing. It was only a couple of spots when
I was younger, but now it covers most of my eye. It grows every year, dreary
really. My iris’s was outlined in black, except for the white part; it was
blended in perfectly with the white of my eye. People find it remarkable. I smiled; Robin told me that it made me
special. Robin was the first good home that I went to when I was forced into
foster care. When my mother flipped, the court appointed me to my grandmother;
but once she died, I was put into the homes. I put
some mascara on my all ready long lashes, and grabbed my bag, with my phone and
everything in it. I was walking down the stair when Robin’s voice stopped me,
“Rayne?” I turned
my head, “Yes, ma’am?” She was behind me, “Where are you going?” her voice
seemed sincere. “I’m going just to Wal-Mart for some shopping for school stuff,
then to Tiffany’s for a few. I might swing by the library for some books on a
report.” I looked at her, “Why do you ask?” She smiled and touched my shoulder,
“Just wondering love. Have a goodnight.” She said
her voice old just like her bones. Her hair was still silver like the
moonlight, and eyes as blue as the water beneath it. I smiled and turned my
back to her, “Goodnight. Love you.” I walked out the door. Running to the
corner, I saw Isaac leaning against the concrete wall. He smiled his straight
smile at me, “Finally! You’re slow.” He slung an arm over my shoulder and kissed me
hard. I smiled and replied, “I’m sorry. Robin was asking where I was going.” he
looked at me, “What’d you tell her?” I looked up at him, “I told her the
truth.” He looked at her sharply and she continued, “I told her that I was
going to Wally World, then to Tiffany’s, then to the library.” I smiled. He look at me weirdly, “What are you talking
about? The party lasts until three in the morning. You’re not leaving.” My head
turned, “Excuse me?” He made a sort of a laugh, “I’m not letting you leave the
party.” My feet stopped
moving, “Um, I can leave whenever I please Isaac.” I told him. We were waiting
on the cross-walk light to signal us to walk across when he responded, “No you
can’t.” he grabbed my arm, pulling me across the sheet, “You’re my girlfriend.
Mine. I’m not letting you go.” I pulled my arm away from his grip, “Um, I
don’t think so.” I turned around, “I’m going back home.” I started walking back
to my house, when one of his hands wrapped around my waist, the other grabbed
my forearm and pulled me back. “No you don’t.” he pushed me to a brick fence
that was behind us, “You're going to this party with me. Whether you like it or
not.” he tried to kiss me. My shifted my head to be his lips landed on my
cheek. “Come on Rayne.” He started pulling me, but my feet were planted. He
realized that I was not moving. He face turned mean, and cruel. His hand
released my arm and pulled my hair, “Don’t make me mad Rayne.” He pulled my
hair violently, but I wasn’t moving an inch. His hand freed my hair and came
across my face, vigorously. I felt my face start to redden. My mouth
dropped and I went off. It was instantaneous. My foot went up and hit him where
the sun doesn’t shine. He fell to the street in a heap. I stepped on him and
ran quickly. I looked towards the bus stop and darted to it. I got on and was
stopped by the driver, “$1.36” he said with a husky grunt. I looked at him then
out the front window. I saw that Isaac was starting to get up. “I
don’t have $1.36! Please just drive me around the block!” I told him. He was
stubborn, “If you don’t have the money, then you can’t ride. Get off or pay.” I
opened my mouth to protest, but I heard change drop. I looked at the change jar and saw that money
was just put in it. I look up to see a teenage boy with a hoodie pulled over
his face put a dollar and thirty six cent into the container. The bus driver
closed the door and pulled off the curb. “Thank
you.” I told him still standing there. “No problem.” a smooth voice came out of
the hooded stranger. He went and sat down in the last seat. I took the closest
seat and looked out the window. Isaac was cursing into the air. I breathed out
and rested against the cool seat. I let my breath even out, then opened my
eyes, “Hey, can you drop me off at library?” I asked him. He looked at me
through rear view mirror, “Sure.” he said then turned a corner. I looked out
the window to see the houses past with great haste. The driver must be doing a
good fifty or sixty. I looked back to see if I could see the boy. I did, and he
was staring at me. I quickly turned back around blushing. We were
the only people on the bus. I wondered where he was going. The bus came to a
stop. I looked out and we were at the library. I stood up and got off the bus.
I was walking towards the library and I looked back because I didn’t hear the
bus pull off. I realized the guy got off the bus and was walking towards the
bigger library. I was going to the kid’s library, because I had to return some
books I was reading. I shrugged and walked into the library. I smiled at Ms. Ava. “Rayne, it’s so good to
see you.” she looked at the two books I checked out four days ago, “Wow. Your
already done with those books?” she smiled gently at me. I sat
them down on the counter, “Yes ma’am. I read fast.” then handed her my Premium
Members card for the library, “And it was so easy to get through them. They
were very intriguing.” She scanned my card, “Well I’m glad you liked them.”
Then with a thank you, I walked to the bigger library. When I walked in, it was
deserted. I didn’t
see the nice old librarian, Mrs. Burke that works the night shift. “Hello. Mrs.
Burke?” I called out. Nobody answered. “Mrs. Burke, I’m going to go look at
some books for my project.” I called again. And again there was no answer. I
looked all around the library. The first floor was full of resource books that
you couldn’t check out. My eyes went to the second floor where the other books
were. The rows of books were staring at me. I could hear Mrs. Burke’s radio playing
Beethoven, so she was here. She is probably in the bathroom, I thought.
I walked into the resource section, then turned right, and went up the steep
stairs to the second floor. Once I was up there, I when straight to the
back wall. I was petrified of heights. I was running my fingers across the
spines of books, trying to find the right one. I was looking for the one that
told me the history of psychology. I found a whole shelf on the subject. My English
teacher gave us one of those “What would you like to be you grow up?” topics of
research papers. I got all of the books, which was sixteen of the, and
attempted to get them down the stairs. But the bad thing is I’m very clumsy. I skipped
a step, and the books went flying, and my body followed. I heard the books fall
to the ground, so I was expecting to fall next. But I didn’t. I felt a hand
wrap around my waist and catch me. I looked up to find the guy that paid my bus
fair. He stood there with me in the half falling position. He helped me up and
started picking up the books up. I picked
some up and he followed me to a table in the main lobby. He sat them down and
looked at me. The silence between us was getting awkward. “Um…thanks…again.” I
stammered. He smiled which was the only part of his face
I could see. He had a nice smile. Pretty straight white teeth filled his mouth.
I noticed something a little bit strange with them, but he started talking, “No
problem.” he said. “Do you
know where the librarian is?” I asked. “No. I came in looking for her, but she
didn’t answer.” he replied. “Oh. Well, I’m going to look in the office. She
might be sleeping.” I told him and forced my legs to move. On my way to the office, I got to thinking.
Who is this guy? He has done saved me twice, in one day! I came upon the office
door. It was closed, which was odd. She never closed this door, just in case
someone needed something, and she always kept it open. I opened
the door slowly, “Mrs. Burke are you…” I stopped talking once I saw that no one
was in there. I looked around the old office. It smelled like stale books. It was just a
normal office with the following necessities: desk, chairs, filing cabinet,
lamp, plastic plants everywhere. I was about to walk out when I dear a faint
moan. I turned around to look again, “Mrs. Burke?” I called out. The moan
came again, from behind the desk. I went over and screamed. I fell to my knees
saying, “Mrs. Burke! Are you okay?” I was trying to get the blood that was on
her face off. Her hazel eyes were looking up at me, but not
really at me, more like through me. Her short cropped white hair was messed up
with blood knotted in it. I saw that someone had stabbed her in the shoulder.
Her skin was getting cold. I felt hands go under my arms and pull me up. I was
just staring at Mrs. Burke’s body getting further and further away. The guy
from the bus was carrying me out of the office. He sat me on the counter then
went to the phone. I was looking at the ground. I felt my nerves rattling in my
ears. This brought back the memories of…her. I heard him call 911. He hung up the phone and
come over to me. “Hey Rayne, are you okay? Don’t faint on me now. Please.” his
voice was soft and full of concern. I felt him put his hand on my cheek, “Come
on Rayne. Talk to me.” I looked up at him. He still had his hood on. “I’m fine.” was the
only thing that would come out. My mind was racing. I had some many questions.
How does he know my name? Who was this guy? And most importantly, what happened
to Mrs. Burke? I was so confused. My breath could not come
fast enough. All that blood. Poor Mrs. Burke! I thought of the amount of blood
that was at the scene. My head started spinning and my vision was vague. I
looked up at the unfamiliar person and fainted. © 2012 PikachuAuthor's Note
4 Reviews Added on April 5, 2012 Last Updated on April 5, 2012 Author![]() PikachuWouldn't you like to know. ;), ALAboutI'm just a normal girl. I have a less then normal personality. I'm a novelist, also short storys. My ideas come from my subconscience mind, dreams, and my past/present. I have had a hard life, you.. more..Writing