Chapter Eighteen

Chapter Eighteen

A Chapter by AtomicPuffin

            “Move Ali!” Lillian shouted in frustration at her cousin who was leaning back against her door, blocking her escape. She clenched her valise tighter and glared at him, but he just crossed his arms over his chest and grinned at her. She groaned and dropped her valise and turned her back on him, she looked about the room.

            “Planning your escape little lamb? Or are you perhaps searching for a weapon?” He asked and she glared at him over her shoulder once more. He raised his brow at her in challenge and she sighed, her shoulders drooping.

            “I told you Ali. It’s time for us to leave. I will make my apologies to Lady Elena, but we shouldn’t be here.” She whispered and he finally left his spot against the door to move closer to her. He grabbed her shoulders and turned her to face him, concern clearly evident in his crystal eyes.

            “Lily, what happened this time? Should I not have left you alone?” He whispered and she bit her lip, which was all the clue Allister needed. He smiled softly at her and cupped her chin, forcing her to meet his eyes. She looked up and fought against the tears threatening. She had never been so confused in her entire life. Drake brought on so many emotions at once that she wasn’t sure which one to focus on and feeling them all at once was overwhelming. His words from last night continued to loop in her head.

            ‘You are very wrong about one thing…’ What had he meant by that? Was he speaking of her claiming him not wanting her? She sighed caught up in her thoughts now and they only added to her melancholy. She was sure that Drake wanted her, but not like she did him. He was attracted to her and thanks to many of her novels, she was no stranger to the idea of lust. That was what Drake wanted. A night of passion, the use of her body and nothing more. She wanted so much more. She knew that the reason she was so confused and upset with him was because in a matter of minutes he had stolen her heart.

            “You seem lost little lamb. Do you need a shepherd to guide you back?” Allister chuckled and she blinked, being pulled from her own thoughts. He laughed again and patted her cheek.

            “Welcome back. Now listen to me little lamb. You are not going anywhere! Not when we are so close. You are going to get that cute rear of yours downstairs and you are going to have tea with Elena. Lady Odette made her gracious exit this morning and no doubt Lady Victoria will realize why and follow, at least if she’s not addle-brained.”

            Lillian smothered a giggle, which made Allister smile wider. He released her and nodded, satisfied that he had calmed his cousin enough to see reason. He held out his arm and Lillian’s smile fell.


            “Yes little lamb?” He raised his brow at her once more and she came up to him. He blinked at the look in her eyes. Her eyes were bright and pleading with him, for what he didn’t know. He subtly swallowed as an unwanted voice encouraged him. He swatted it away and focused back on Lillian and what she was saying.

            “Promise me that after today. If I say so…you’ll take me home.” She said and shined those large, green orbs that could sway him with just a glance. He sighed and nodded, hoping that Elena was correct in her boasting this morning that she had won herself a daughter. Lillian gave a soft smile and wrapped her arm through his and allowed him to lead her to the sitting room. He watched her as they walked and felt a wave of melancholy wash over him. He wasn’t usually the sentimental type, except when it came to his little lamb.

            He wanted her happiness. He wanted to see Lillian happy and shining with love, for that’s all she deserved. He would be sad to lose her hero’s admiration and her dependence on him, but he couldn’t be the only man in her life forever. She deserved whatever her heart desired, even if that was a dark duke that didn’t fully appreciate the jewel that had walked into his life. Allister hoped that he wasn’t leading Lillian astray, or to certain misery by pushing her towards Drake.


            Lillian sat silently in the blue sitting room, a small smile placed on her face so as not to alarm Elena. The woman seemed in such high spirits this morning, despite having lost almost all her guests. Lady Victoria and her family had mysteriously made their excuses and left as well as Lady Odette. Having ones guests depart a party early would cause any normal host great alarm, but as Lillian had discovered, Elena wasn’t normal.

            “My sweet thing. Are you alright? You seem distracted today?” Elena said and broke Lillian out of her daze. She gave the older woman a gentle smile.

            “Forgive me Elena. I was woolgathering.”

            “Oh. What about exactly?” Elena asked, but there was a knowing gleam in the woman’s eyes that made Lillian blush. She hadn’t forgotten that Lady Elena had caught her in the arms of her son last night. She cleared her throat and took a quick sip of her tea to calm her nerves. When she felt that she could once more speak she answered Elena’s question.

            “I’m sorry that the other guests were unable to stay for the whole week. And that…that I may also have to take my leave early.” She finished in a whisper and Elena’s eyes widened in surprise. But the woman quickly schooled her composure and gave Lillian a light laugh, waving her hand through the air.

            “You can’t leave just yet my dear. I’m enjoying your company far too much to let you go. The others were so proper and boring that I was rather glad to see them leave. No doubt Drake was relieved as well.” She then looked at Lillian and smiled wickedly, tapping her chin in thought.

            “Although…I don’t think he’d be relieved to see you go my dear. My son has…how shall I say it…taken a liking to you.” She winked and Lillian’s cheeks flamed in embarrassment once more and she grabbed her cup to take a drink to cover it. As she was drinking the last of her tea Elena giggled and added in a stage whisper,

            “I think he would be very upset if you suddenly disappeared.”

            “For once mother you would be correct.” Drake chuckled as he stepped into the sitting room and watched as Lillian almost choked on her tea. She set the shaking cup down and turned wide eyes to the man that suddenly commanded all attention in the room. She swallowed nervously as she let her eyes roam up his body until they met dark eyes that were gazing at her intently. She was the first to look away and she missed the way his lips turned up in a smirk. He looked to his mother and spoke directly to her.

            “Would you mind mother if I borrowed Miss Lillian for a few minutes to tour the garden?” He asked and Lillian noticed the way Elena’s eyes sparkled in understanding and it made her worried. What exactly was the woman thinking? Worse yet…she looked to Drake who had turned to her expectantly. What was he thinking? She sighed and nodded, taking Drake’s hand and allowing him to help her stand. She followed by his side quietly, wondering what he wanted to talk to her about.

            Her cheeks remained pink as she remembered last night’s heated kiss. She was still trying to figure out why she had let him do that. Countless hours spent telling herself to stay away from him and to ignore the feelings he inspired. Then the minute he touched her she had crumbled, succumbing once more to his prowess. He led them to the center of the garden, near the fountain they had last spoken at and her frown deepened. The last time he had brought her out here was after he had kissed her in the library.

            Now her cheeks were darkening indignantly as she realized he intended to have the same conversation with her now. She suddenly pulled her hand from his grip and spun away from him, intending to leave him alone in the garden. His hand shot out and caught her wrist.

            “Wait. Where are you going? Lillian I need to speak with you about-”

            “Oh I know exactly what you want to speak about. Last night, correct?” She hissed and turned to glare at him. He blinked in surprise and then his features relaxed and he chuckled adding fuel to her anger. She pulled against his hold, but he held fast and watched her strangely.

            “If you know why I brought you out here, then why are you struggling so much my dear?” He asked and she heard the slight teasing in his voice. She growled low and pulled hard on his hold.

“If you’re going to regret kissing me every time you do it. Then stop kissing me!”

He surprised her by tugging hard and she stumbled forward into his chest. He chuckled and wrapped his other arm around her waist, pinning her in place. His other hand still held her wrist, but his grip had lessened. She looked up and gasped at the dark look in his black eyes. His voice dropped and grew huskier,

“Who said I regretted it?”

Her argument died on her tongue as she got caught in Drake’s presence. Having him surround her senses left her weak and defenseless. It both scared and exhilarated her, and no matter how much she tried to deny it. Inside she was praying that he would kiss her again. He must have read the desire in her eyes for he growled and lowered his head to capture her lips with his own. She couldn’t suppress the moan that escaped her throat at the contact and the sound made Drake respond instantly. He released her wrist so that he could cup her chin and tilt her head to deepen the kiss. It didn’t last as long as she would have liked as Drake pulled back gasping for breath. She opened her eyes, worried that he would push her away again.

He only chuckled and the hand cupping her cheek moved back to brush her hair behind her ear. She had left it down again at Elena and Allister’s insistence that it looked far more beautiful when left down. She looked up into Drake’s face, waiting for him to shut down again, but he only smiled gently at her.

“You my dear are very distracting. I didn’t bring you out here to ravish you. I really do need to speak with you about something important.” He whispered and her heart skipped a beat at the way his eyes were drilling into her. She swallowed and could only nod in acknowledgement. He took a cautious step back and held both her hands in his. He looked back at the house for a minute and she wondered what he was thinking.

“Last night Lillian…I lost control again.” Her heart began to plummet. So he did bring her out here for the same reason as last time. She couldn’t suppress the sigh that escaped her and Drake looked back to her, to see her head lowered, hiding her gaze. He reached up and grasped her chin, making her look back up at him. She wasn’t sure she wanted to hear the rest. If he said that last night was a mistake, it may very well break her heart this time.

“I can’t seem to control myself when I’m around you. I’ve never met anyone like you before Lillian…” He whispered and she gasped as his eyes darkened further. Her mind began to race as she let hope seep unbidden into her heart.

‘It can’t be…is he…is Drake…’

“You are doing something strange to me that I can’t exactly explain. Honestly I’m not pleased about that…”

‘Oh…well then I guess this isn’t…’

“But I can’t ignore it any longer. Especially as we were caught in a rather compromising position…”

‘Wait…What? Compromising? It was only your mother…’ Her mind was running away as he spoke to her, not sure how to feel about his words.

“Lillian, neither of us can deny the attraction that flows every time we’re near each other. If we don’t do something soon, your entire reputation will be in shambles.”

‘Nope…not again…’ She pulled out of his hold and balled her fists to keep them from shaking. She looked at him pointedly and was impressed when her voice remained steady despite the storm inside her.

“That’s exactly what I intended to do by leaving. This way you can go about your ways and not have to worry about me being a distraction from you usual behavior.” She put more bite into the word describing herself and turned to walk away again. She was so stupid. To think that she had actually believed for a second that Drake was going to propose marriage to her. She fought back the tears and felt so ashamed that she still felt hurt, even though she knew this was going to happen.

She gasped as she crashed into a solid wall of muscle. When had he moved in front of her? She felt his arms wrap around her waist once more and felt his chest vibrate with a low growl. Her eyes refused to look up at his, afraid of what she would see. Why did he insist on torturing her so? If he didn’t want her, then he should just let her leave so that she could start nursing her broken spirit.

“You can’t leave Lillian.” He whispered and that made her look up in surprise. She couldn’t read the emotion in his voice or his eyes. He lifted his hand to cup her cheek once more, his touch was gentle and coaxing, enticing her to relax in his hold. Subconsciously, that’s exactly what she did, her body molding against his and enjoying the way the two fit. Drake lowered his voice,

“Lillian. I think you are misunderstanding what I’m saying. I don’t want you to leave. The opposite in fact…” He smirked then at the wide look she gave him and the way her face turned pink. He released her waist, although watching her in case she tried to bolt again, and reached up to cup her other cheek. He leaned closer and brushed his lips against hers, smiling as she shivered from the touch. He pulled back and Lillian held her breath, secretly and foolishly willing him to ask. But at the same time afraid that he would.

“Lillian Everest. Make me the happiest of men and become my wife.” He whispered and she felt as if she would faint. This had to be a dream, there was no way he just asked…She opened her mouth, but no sound came out as she continued to stare. Drake. Drake just asked her to…no there was some mistake. She had heard wrong. Her imagination had grown so strong that she had actually projected the image before her eyes.

“Lillian?” Drake asked and she blinked, quickly shaking her head to clear her head. She took a step back from Drake in the hopes that distancing herself would help. She clasped her hands over her chest and took a deep breath.

“Why?” She whispered. Surprising Drake and herself with the question. She didn’t even realize that she wanted to know the answer. But once it was in the air, she did need to know. Why was he asking her to marry him? She wasn’t foolish enough to think that it was just like her dreams where he proclaimed his undying love for her. So why? Drake crossed his arms and raised his brow at her.

“Not the response I was expecting, but you have never done what I expect Lillian. As to why…Like I said before, there is a strong attraction between us. I can’t seem to keep my hands off you and you’ve responded to my touch each time. I believe that despite some things you and I could deal well together.” He said and she sighed and folded her own arms as a shield against the hurt building in her chest.

“Attraction goes away Drake.” She whispered, lowering her gaze and missing the way he flinched. He ran his fingers through his hair, not realizing he’d have to convince her to marry him. He had imagined her screaming in joy and throwing herself against him, she was a growing mystery. He cleared his throat and took a step closer to her, noting how her fingers tightened their hold against her arm.

“I’m not so sure it will this time.” He said honestly. He reached out and caught a strand of her hair between his fingers. He was glad she wore it loose and hoped she continued to wear it this way after they were married. Because she would marry him.

“Lillian look at me.” She did and he wondered why she looked so anxious and afraid. He sighed and wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her closer. She didn’t resist and he took that as a good sign. He resisted the urge to kiss her again, he would hold back until she said yes.

“I know that I may not be the man you saw for yourself…” He thought of the sketch she had drawn and smiled.

“And you are nothing like the woman I would have made my wife, but…” He quickly added when he saw anger seep into her beautiful green eyes. He chuckled and reached up to hold her chin gently.

“But I’m glad that you aren’t. I want you Lillian…” He pulled her closer in emphasis and she gasped.

“Don’t deny that you do as well, I have felt your response and know the truth. At this point Lillian, neither of us have a choice-”

“There’s always a choice Drake. Especially for a man like you.” She whispered, and tried to turn her head away. He held her steady so she couldn’t run. He growled and thought of how to get her to give in and say yes. He was growing uncomfortable at her continued resistance, a heavy pit was forming in his stomach as he wondered if she didn’t want to marry him.

“No, there really isn’t. There’s a reason the other guests left. Lady Odette figured it out on her own and I informed Lord Hampton this morning of my intentions. He understood and so took his lovely daughter back to London.” He explained and she looked confused, not understanding what he was saying. He grinned and leaned closer to her ear and whispered,

“By now half of London will have heard the good news that you and I are betrothed.”

She gasped and was able to pull away from him again. He was amused to see her holding her head and groaning. Again, not the response he was waiting for, but he was a patient man…usually, maybe not with Lillian.

“Drake you can’t be serious. This is insane. You can’t blackmail me-” He cut her off by grabbing her and placing his lips over hers. His patience had snapped just as he assumed it would with her. He pulled her fully against him, molding her slim body against his angled one. He growled as he slipped his tongue past her teeth and tangled his fingers in her hair, holding her in place. If he couldn’t convince her with words then there were other ways to get what he wanted. The hand on her back slid lower and reached down to cup her tight rear and push her up against him.

She gasped and he took the opportunity to release her lips and move to the soft skin he had been craving to taste. He held her tight against him as he placed soft kisses along her neck, feeling the skin grow hotter at the contact. He chuckled, knowing that she was weakening as she latched onto his shoulders and her nails dug into the fabric of his coat. He moved to the juncture of her neck and shoulder and kissed her there. She let out a small moan and he growled in response, forcing himself to remain in control and not go too far. This was all a means to an end, even if it was very enjoyable.

“See how you respond to me Lillian? Don’t deny either of us this any longer. Become my wife and share my bed.” He whispered against her neck and she shivered as his warm breath feathered across her sensitive skin. She bit her lip to keep form agreeing so readily, there were still so many reasons as to why she couldn’t surrender. Drake sensed her restraint and placed a few more kisses along her neck as he spoke,

“I’ll be the husband you deserve Lillian. I’ll care for and protect you far better than any other sapling you would meet in London if you returned. You’ll never have to want for anything as I’ll provide you will all the luxury you were meant to possess. And…” He trailed off as he had kissed his way up to her ear. When he gave the lobe a gentle nip her knees buckled and she was grateful that he had such a strong hold on her. He chuckled low, or maybe it was a growl? Her mind was so fogged that it was hard to tell. He leaned closer and she felt his hot breath against her ear.

“Each night, I’ll give you the pleasure your angelic body was made for.” He hissed and she felt a pool of heat settle low in her body and a small whimper left her throat at the sound of his words. Her resolve was withering away and she knew that she had stumbled upon a path that could lead to bliss or misery. He pulled back to stare into her deep green eyes, his own onyx orbs full of heat and promise.

“Marry me Lillian. Become mine and mine alone.” He whispered and felt a great weight lift as her sweet voice whispered one word in a husky tone that shot straight to his groin.


© 2015 AtomicPuffin

Author's Note

Hello everyone! I'm so sorry for the long wait on this chapter. Moving sucks and has cut my writing time in half! So I hope this longer chapter makes up for that. Also a warning that after this chapter there will be more 'heated' scenes between the pair. I'm not sure how far I'm going to go but like I said earlier this is more mature than teen. Well I hope you enjoy.

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Re-reading this in anticipation of the next chapter. That whole scene between Drake and Lily is really really good, but I'm just in love with how you are writing the growing internal struggle within Allister. A subtle build of little unbidden thoughts, strange emotions. And I love Elena, but also fear her. She seems like someone who could be be your best friend, but God help you if you cross her.
And the bet....wondering if that will resurface in some way... So fun to wait and speculate. :)

Posted 9 Years Ago

Oooohh! He was really determined, that was awesome! Keep it up! I'll be waiting...

Posted 9 Years Ago

New chapter! I'm flipping out!

Oh my. He went for it and was super honest about why...they have crazy chemistry. He didn't really elaborate much past that on why he wants her so I can see why she was hesitant. You don't want to marry, then have the passion flame out, only to find you don't have anything in common. Always good to discuss thoughts on spending and kids etc. Hard when u can't keep your hands to yourself, I know. Well she does like her mother in laws so that is a plus.

Poor Allister, seems to be realizing too late that Lily has grown up into a beautiful young woman with the power to move him. Like that guy that is always smooth, charming, and quick witted who has never taken much in life too seriously. Helping Lily land Drake seemed like a fun test of his skills at manipulating social situations, where he could help out/show off to Lily, just kind of a game.

Hmmmm what will happen next???

Posted 9 Years Ago

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3 Reviews
Added on September 2, 2015
Last Updated on September 2, 2015



whittier, CA

Hello I'm new to this site and although I've been writing short stories for years, only recently have I gained the confidence to post some of the newer ones. I write Romance and hope someday I can imp.. more..

Chapter One Chapter One

A Chapter by AtomicPuffin

Chapter Two Chapter Two

A Chapter by AtomicPuffin