![]() Chapter FifteenA Chapter by AtomicPuffinLillian was humming pleasantly to herself as she drew the long lines for the magnificent feathers. She looked up at the peacocks that were walking around her spot. She had decided to move closer and had her feet tucked under her as she sat in the grass. Maybe not the most lady-like thing to do, but she was too happy to think about that. Allister really did know how to make her smile, she had always wanted to see peacocks up close and now was her chance. She had moved slowly and carefully until she was sitting among them, and the birds didn’t seem to mind her presence. She was so engrossed in her drawing that she failed to notice the extra pair of eyes watching her. Drake was standing back and just observing the woman before him. She was sitting in the grass, something that he would never see another lady doing. She had her pad in her lap as she looked over the birds walking around her. He took in a deep breath as he decided to approach her. Lillian looked up as one particularly brave male moved closer to her and eyed her warily. She giggled and held out her hand, wondering if the head feathers were as soft as they looked. Suddenly the peacock stopped and fanned out its tail. Lillian laughed and looked back at her pad. “Yes you are a beautiful bird and I would be honored to capture your essence.” She teased, but froze as a deep chuckle vibrated behind her. She closed her eyes and sent a silent prayer that it was Allister standing behind her. Lord Charles, the King, anyone but… “I was not aware that you could communicate with nature Lillian.” Drake teased, unable to smother the smile on his face. Lillian turned bright red and wished the ground would open beneath her. She turned and looked up at the very man that had first sent her into hiding. He was standing there with ease, his arms crossed over his chest as he smiled at her. She had the sudden urge to slap him. How dare he look so composed when she felt like a thunder storm was raging within her. She didn’t know how to feel right now see him. She was happy that he was here, but at the same time she felt her heart tear at the memory of their last encounter. She closed her book and tried to stand, but got tangled in her large skirts and sighed. She heard him move to her side and looked up to see him holding out his hand to her. She eyed his hand and bit her lip, unsure if she could stand to touch him again, even in such an innocent way. His smile fell at her hesitation and he sighed. “I’m not going to attack you Lillian. I just want to talk.” His voice was so low that she almost didn’t hear him. She nodded silently and took his offered hand, allowing him to help her stand. Once secure on her feet, Lillian quickly pulled her hand from his and clutched her sketch book to her chest. Drake sighed and looked back at the house, a strange look of annoyance in his eyes before he covered it up. He turned back to her and offered her his arm. She looked up at him for a moment and once more hesitated in placing her hand against him. Drake couldn’t ignore the fact that her hesitation around him was frustrating. And as much as he would deny it, hurtful. Lillian had never been nervous in his presence and to see her unwillingly follow him was unpleasant to say the least. He started them walking further into the garden. He decided on a path that was shaded so her fair skin wouldn’t be marked by the sun’s rays. He watched her closely out of the corner of his eye. She had her head bent and refused to look in his direction. He sighed, this was not going to be easy. “Lillian. I wanted to apologize to you.” He said, deciding to get straight to the matter. Her eyes shot up and met his at that. He couldn’t read the look in them as it could have been any number of emotions. He looked away and spotted the fountain set in the center of the garden. He took her over to it and indicated that she sit. She did and when he sat next to her, she jumped and he say her swallow. He groaned again forcing his eyes away from her throat, now was not the time to remember his dreams involving her skin. “I need to apologize to you for my behavior yesterday.” He continued and tried to read her reaction. She continued to look at him with large eyes, but gave nothing else away. He took in a deep breath and forced his cold exterior to return. He had to return to himself, not this stranger that had taken over. He stood up suddenly and looked out over the garden with his hands behind his back. Once more becoming the cold lord he was. “I never should have acted the way I did in the library and I although I don’t expect you to forgive me…I had to apologize for kissing you and for shouting after. It was not your actions, but my own that incited my anger. So I think-” “What are you saying Drake?” He stopped and looked over to her again. Her head was lowered, hiding her expression and her hands were balled into fists in her lap. He frowned and got straight to the point he needed to make. “I’m saying that…that it would be best for the both of us if we go back and pretend the incident in the library never occurred.” He said and instantly a voice rebelled against the idea inside him. His body shouted in anger, stating that they could never go back after feeling her, touching her! Lillian had also stiffened at the statement, still hiding her expression. He cleared his throat and gave her a soft smile, “I don’t want my lapse in judgment to affect our friendship Lillian. I…I missed you last night.” He admitted, hoping that the sincere words would finally make her look at him. She did, but he wasn’t pleased to see her eyes had turned to stone. She rose from her seat and gave him a forced smile. She nodded her head, “Of course my lord. I value your friendship as well. Thank you for your apology. I accept it and we shall forget it ever happened.” Somehow her easy agreement angered him, even if it was exactly what he had wanted. She gave a small bow of her head and with another cold stare that punched him in the gut said, “If you will excuse me my lord. I have to go find my cousin and Lady Elena. I must assure them that I am okay, good day.” She said and stomped away from him with her back straight and her head held high. He watched her go with open shock at her sudden anger. Lillian was not good at hiding her emotions and her anger was apparent. He growled and ran his fingers through his hair. This woman was going to kill him. He glanced down where she had been sitting and noticed her sketch book. In her haste to get away from him she had left it behind. He slowly picked it up and looked after her. Maybe now wasn’t the best time to give it to her. He sighed and absent-mindedly flipped through the pages. From what he glanced, Lillian had more talent than she would admit. The sketching was good and the shading was amazing, even without the accent of color he could see the shadows. He stopped on one drawing that made his blood boil. It was Allister with his arms around Lillian’s shoulders. He growled until he looked closer at the woman. It wasn’t Lillian, but almost an exact copy of the woman. Drake realized it must be Lillian’s mother. If the woman was still alive the two would be mistaken as twins, there was so much similarity between the two that it was breath-taking. He noticed that this drawing had much more detail put into it than some of the others. Lillian must have been drawing with her heart when she did this. He smiled for some reason at the thought. He couldn’t imagine Lillian doing anything without her whole heart, she had too much spirit for anything less. He laughed and flipped to the next page. His smile fell into a sharp intake of breath at the detail of the face staring back. He fell back onto the fountain as he looked into his own dark eyes. He looked over the lines of his face and almost forgot this was only a drawing. It was if life had been breathed into the page and his reflection was smirking back at him. Wait. Smirking? Yes, his lips were lifted in a ghost of a smile. He frowned as he looked over the drawing, then flipped to the previous. It was strange to say, but his had even more detail placed into it. He looked back at his face and tried to think of when she could have done this. He had never seen her with her sketch pad when they were together. Even for afternoon tea that he had been invited to on a couple occasions. She had guarded this book and never allowed him to see it which meant… “Which means, she did this all from memory.” He breathed in awe. He didn’t know what to think beyond that point. He was even more confused now than last night. Lillian was sinking her claws deeper into him and at this point he wasn’t sure he wanted to remove them. He lifted the page with his profile on it and folded it carefully before placing it in his pocket. Not entirely sure why he had removed the sketch in the first place. “D****t Lillian…” ************************************** Lillian took extra care with her gown tonight. She was angry still and it clouded her judgment slightly. She was still so angry that Drake had actually stated that he wanted to pretend their shared kiss had never happened! How could she possibly forget something like that? She still trembled at the thought of his lips against hers, slowly coaxing a response from her. So in a rash decision she had pulled out her most alluring gown, one that had belonged to her mother. It was not something worn by unmarried ladies in normal society, but as Elena said. They were disregarding society’s rules while here. So in a spate of courage she had the maid help her into the gown and looked at herself in the mirror. She had smiled, happy with the way the dress clung to her. Lillian may have looked a lot like her mother, but it was obvious they had one clear difference. Lillian’s chest was bigger. Not by much, but enough to make the fabric stretch across her exposed flesh. Lillian blushed and her bravado from before left her as she gazed at her reflection. Maybe this wasn’t such a good idea, if she flaunted around in this dress it would be like wearing a sign. She sighed and decided to ask the maid to help her out of it and pick another. A soft knock on the door distracted her from doing so and she called for them to enter. She was expecting Allister to step inside, but it was Elena. The older woman came in and her smile doubled as she looked at Lillian in the gown. “Oh my stars! You have to be the most beautiful thing on this earth!” Elena cried as she came over to Lillian’s side and inspected the gown. “This is gorgeous my dear. Wherever did you find this?” She asked and shined her bright violet eyes at Lillian who was blushing profusely. She shook her head and whispered, “It was my mother’s, but…but I’m not going to wear it. I-I just wanted to see if…if it fit.” She lied and felt her face flame, silently cursing herself. Elena clucked her tongue and turned Lillian to face the mirror once more. “Not wear it? Why in heavens Lily wouldn’t you. Look at you! This dress is perfect and is begging you to wear it! Your mother would be so happy to see you in it.” Elena cooed, her voice softening and Lillian blushed, but felt warmed by the woman’s words. “Do…do you think so?” She whispered and Elena looked at her, her violet eyes softening. The older woman reached up and tucked Lillian’s hair behind her ear, letting her hand slide down her cheek to cup her chin. “I know if you were my daughter…I’d be the proudest mother in history.” Elena whispered, her words were completely sincere and Lillian felt tears fill her eyes. She was already growing attached to this woman. Mostly because she was so warm and open, reminding Lillian so much of her late mother. “Thank you. I guess…it would be alright…just for tonight…do you think?” Lillian stammered, nervous at the thought of being scrutinized by the other guests. Elena read the girl’s nervousness instantly and wrapped her arm around Lillian’s shoulder. “If anyone has a problem with you wearing this gown that was made to be worn by such a beautiful girl. They can take it up with me.” Elena whispered and Lillian couldn’t help the laugh that bubbled out from her at the thought of anyone daring to argue with the duchess. “Now for your hair my dear.” Elena tugged her to the stool, having ended their discussion over her gown. She waved away the maid and went to brush Lillian’s blonde locks herself. Once more Lillian was filled with warmth by the actions, remembering how many times her own mother had brushed her hair just like this. Elena talked casually as she curled Lillian’s tips, but didn’t move to curl the rest. When she was finished Lillian gasped at her reflection. The duchess had allowed Lillian’s hair to flow freely past her shoulders, the curled ends tickling her bare back. Lillian blushed and looked up with wide, nervous eyes at Elena. Silently conveying to the older woman that there was no way she could go out like this. It was too improper and she would be torn to shreds by the sharp claws of the other ladies in the house. Elena chuckled and set her hands on Lillian’s shoulder and smiled down at the young girl. She had a strange gleam in her eyes as she looked at Lillian. She gave her shoulders a comforting squeeze and whispered, “I always get my way Lillian. One way or another. Don’t worry about those shrews down there. You look lovely and if they so much as snicker I’ll be sure their sharp tongues are dull by the end of the night.” She threatened and Lillian shivered. Knowing full well that the Lady Elena was not joking in the least. She was even more nervous as she thought about the woman’s words towards getting what she wanted. It seems that the duchess’ eyes had targeted the pretty blonde walking next to her. Lillian frowned slightly as she looked at Elena and wondered what she was trying to accomplish by doting on Lillian so much? She grew nervous as she wondered if even a man like Drake could stand up to the terror beside Lillian. A woman that smiled innocently at the world. While pulling invisible strings from the shadows. And yet, despite that Lillian found herself smiling and relaxing in Elena’s presence. Because having the woman as an ally was definitely better than making an enemy of her. ‘Sorry Allister. But you’ve been out mastered by this woman.’ She giggled at the thought and Elena smiled while linking her arm through Lillian’s as they entered the dining hall, both laughing. Lillian somehow managed to hold her smile as all eyes turned to her. Until her eyes met a pair of midnight black orbs that widened at the sight of her. She watched as Drake’s eyes darkened further and his chest began to rise and fall rapidly. Lillian blushed, but quickly turned her gaze from the man. She was still upset with him for his earlier words. Let him steam in his corner. So she was glad when Elena insisted that she and Allister sit at the end next to her. Leaving Drake at the other end with Lady Victoria and Lady Odette on either side of him. Allister looked down at the duke who was openly gazing at Lillian, completely ignoring the two ladies next to him. Allister turned his eyes back and noticed Elena smirking at him. His smile widened as she winked silently conveying her intentions which he interpreted easily. ‘Only a matter of time now.’ God he could fall in love with this she-devil! © 2015 AtomicPuffinAuthor's Note
1 Review Added on August 20, 2015 Last Updated on August 20, 2015 Author![]() AtomicPuffinwhittier, CAAboutHello I'm new to this site and although I've been writing short stories for years, only recently have I gained the confidence to post some of the newer ones. I write Romance and hope someday I can imp.. more..Writing