Chapter Twelve

Chapter Twelve

A Chapter by AtomicPuffin

            Dinner came quicker than she would have thought. Lillian had spent the last few hours helping the maid unpack her things and speaking with Allister. She was currently sitting on a stool while the young ladies maid brushed out her hair. It was strange to have someone doing this for her. Sure her father had hired several servants to maintain their small home, but Lillian had always taken care of herself. But no matter her polite protests the young girl had refused to leave, stating that it would offend the Lady Elena. Not wanting to cause problems she had quietly allowed the girl to prepare her for dinner.

            “Oh my miss. Your hair is the most beautiful I’ve ever seen.” The girl gushed as she ran the brush through Lillian’s locks. Lillian blushed and mumbled a quiet thank you. The girl continued to give Lillian compliments on her beauty and it made Lillian fidget in her seat. Finally she was rescued by a knock at the door. She called for them to enter and was relieved when Allister came striding into the room. Lillian turned her head and gave him a pleading look. He smiled at her and the girl who was setting the final pins in her hair.

            “My dear little lamb you look perfect. Well done my dear, you’ve done an amazing job helping my cousin.” He purred and the girl blushed all the way up to her roots. Lillian forced herself not to laugh and placed a hand over her mouth to stifle the sound. She knew what he was doing, but this poor girl was defenseless. He reached out and took the girl’s hand in his and bent down as if to kiss it.

            “And who is this lovely mouse that has been so helpful?” He asked making the girl shiver and quickly excuse herself with a curtsy. Once the door was closed Lillian allowed herself to giggle.

            “I think you’ve stolen another heart Ali.” Lillian teased and he smiled down at her. Then he reached down and helped her stand. He lifted her hand and placed a soft kiss along her knuckles and whispered against the skin.

            “Ah, but when will I steal yours little lamb?” Making her blush brightly and scold him, instantly pulling her hand away. He laughed at the look on her face and cupped her chin. He gave her his heart-stopping smile and she felt her cheeks burn more. Allister was impossible some days, but if he wasn’t he wouldn’t be the cousin she adored.

            “You make it too easy little lamb. Now remember that tonight, no matter what you have to refrain from flirting with Drake. No fluttering your lashes, no adorable pouting, and no insinuating alone time with him.” Allister explained and she frowned while crossing her arms.

            “I don’t do any of that.”

            “Not exactly true cousin. Tonight those other two girls will do everything to gain Drake’s attention and I know it will drive him crazy. I want you to remain casual when you speak and only speak to Drake at a minimum. We’re going to let him see the clear difference between you and those twits.”

            “I don’t know about this Ali. It doesn’t feel right to manipulate Drake like this.” She whispered and he clicked his tongue and took her hand.

            “We’re not manipulating the man, only the situation. Trust me little lamb, seated next to those chits will only make Drake appreciate you all the more.” He led her out of the room and followed the footman waiting to show them to the dining hall. They walked in silence until Lillian frowned up at her cousin.

            “Why did you tell me not to do those things if you know I don’t?” He grinned down at the question and poked her nose making her pout. His grin widened and he whispered,

            “See. You do pout adorably.”


            Drake wanted to glare at his mother for her sadistic sense of humor. He sat at the head of the table staring across it to the woman sitting at the end. His mother noticed his stare and gave him a wide smile. She had the servants switch their dining table with a smaller one so all the guests could be close together. Then just to torment him he was sure had placed the guests in a specific order.

            Lillian was at his left hand side with Allister next to her. There was an empty seat between Allister and Lady Charlotte, placing the older woman at his mother’s right. Lord Hampton was on his mother’s left hand side with son Lord Charles next to him. Then Lady Victoria next to her brother and Lady Odette at Drake’s right hand side. Drake let his eyes look over to his mother once more and conveyed silently that he knew what she was up to. The woman grinned, but didn’t break her conversation with the two guests nearest her.

            Throughout the time they sat at the table he’d had to endure the constant flirting of the two girls at his right. They would constantly bat their lashes at him and compliment his home. Although Lillian had also complimented the home, she had directed the compliment towards his mother. He had almost pointed out that he had recently redecorated the estate, but caught himself and chose to remain silent. He was also not pleased to see that Lord Charles was taken with Lillian too. Damn, was he going to have to keep an eye on every male within a hundred miles of the woman?

            “So Miss Lillian, tell me, do you enjoy riding?” Charles asked and Drake noticed Lillian blush and fidget slightly. Was she embarrassed? Drake was about to inquire when a chuckle at her left made him stiffen. Allister rested his hand over his cousin’s and explained her discomfort.

            “Lillian has an amazing love for animals, especially horses. However, she has never developed the talent to stay in the saddle and so avoids it all together.” His words made Lillian blush brighter and she sent him a glare which made Drake smile slightly. She pulled her hand out from under her cousin’s and argued back.

            “That’s not true Ali. I’ve ridden before.” She said making her cousin chuckle and click his tongue at her. Drake noticed her eye twitch at the sound and realized it irritated her, for some reason he thought that was adorable and smiled wider. His smile dissolved into a growl as Allister leaned close and whispered, but loud enough for them to hear.

            “Sitting in my lap doesn’t count little lamb.” The ladies giggled and Lillian bristled further, pouting at her cousin which only made him laugh harder. Drake clenched his fork dangerously tight, to the point of bending the silver. He missed the fact that his mother was shamelessly listening to this conversation, watching her son’s reactions closely.

            “My lord.” A soft voice at his right made him turn from Lillian and the devil at her side. He looked down at Lady Odette and had to admit that she was attractive. However as he looked into her green eyes they lacked the spark that he was looking for. He realized that he was comparing them to Lillian’s vibrant, green orbs that made his gut clench. When staring into this girl’s eyes he didn’t even feel a stir.

            “Perhaps we could go for a gallop across your beautiful land. I would love to see your estate.” She batted her lashes at the end of the sentence and he forced a polite smile on his face.

            “I think that would be a good idea. We can head out tomorrow morning if you ladies wish.” He said and looked over to see Lady Victoria smile brightly and nod. Then his eyes fell on Lillian and although she was smiling he could read the humiliation hidden in her gaze. He realized too late his mistake. She had just told him that she didn’t ride and the next thing he agreed to was a morning outing. He mentally kicked himself and he wasn’t even sure why.

            “If you are all going for a morning ride then may I kidnap Lillian in the morning for company?” Elena said from the other end of the table. Wanting to make up for her son’s slip and the glare in her gaze made him frown. Lillian turned her gaze to the woman and tilted her head in confusion.

            “Me your grace?” She pointed at herself and Elena laughed and placed her hands on her cheeks.

            “On my lord you are adorable! I may replace Drake and keep you! Yes, you my dear and I believe I expressed to everyone that I wished to drop titles while we were here. That includes my son Drake as well.” She gave him a wicked grin and he grimaced. While the older guests were staring at the estranged Duchess as if she were mad their children were ecstatic. He didn’t like the way the two women at his right beamed brightly at this statement. No doubt his mother had just given them even more fuel for their flirtations. A voiced hissed in his head that there was only one woman he wanted and she was currently pretending he was invisible.

            “O-of course my-Elena. I would be honored to stay and keep you company.” Lillian said and smiled brightly at his mother. Drake didn’t like that he was starting to feel jealous of his own mother. She would get to spend more time with Lillian tomorrow than he would.

            ‘This is your own fault. You should just learn to keep your mouth shut.’


            “Dear Lillian, may I ask you a question?” Elena asked as she poured them both tea. They were sitting out on a terrace that looked down upon the grand garden beneath it. Lillian turned her gaze away from the greenery back to the woman sitting across from her. Elena was smiling warmly at Lillian awaiting her permission. Lillian smiled and nodded,

            “Of course Elena. You can ask me anything. It is as you said when I arrived. You hoped for us to become friends and friends hold no secrets.”

            Elena sparkled at Lillian’s response and handed her a cup of tea. The two of them had been left alone in the house as the rest of the party went for their morning ride. Lillian wasn’t as upset as she thought she would have been at being abandoned. Elena was wonderful company and being in the woman’s presence made Lillian relax like she never could with any other member of society. The woman softly reminded Lillian of her own mother and she felt a bond beginning to form already with the lady.

            “I was just curious as to why your cousin calls you ‘little lamb’? It is an adorable pet name, if not unusual.” Elena asked while sipping her tea gazing at Lillian over her cup, watching as a blush crept into the girl’s cheeks. She watched as a fond smile formed on the girl’s lips while she explained the name.

            “My mother used to call me that when I was a child. Since Allister and I grew up together he would always hear my mother refer to me as her little lamb. She used to say it was because I was so small and timid, afraid of the world. Awaiting my shepherd to lead me home.” Lillian smiled and took a drink from her cup. Elena’s next words caused her to splutter in the drink.

            “Are you hoping Drake is that shepherd?”

            Lillian’s face flamed at the question and she stared at the smiling woman sitting across from her. There was an amusement lit in the older woman’s eyes and it was like looking at Allister all over again. Elena laughed and clasped Lillian’s hand in hers.

            “Oh darling I’m sorry. I tend to speak before thinking. Let’s discuss something else then. Oh I know! Tell me a secret love of yours.” Then she leaned in and whispered to Lillian, as if it were a great secret.

            “Mine is sweets. I simply love cake and pies, even if they cause me to grow plump.” The two women laughed and Lillian smiled warmly at her new friend. She looked around to make sure no one was listening in and noticed how Elena’s eyes gleamed in mirth. Happy that Lillian had finally relaxed completely and was being herself. She would need this in order to get to know this darling child that seemed to have a strong hold on her son.

            “I love romance novels. I have a secret collection in my room. I love to read and those types of literature are my favorites.” Lillian said and watched as Elena giggled, suddenly standing and holding out her hand for Lillian. Curious, Lillian placed her hand in Elena’s and stood to follow the woman. Elena was speaking as they walked,

            “Oh you are going to love this Lily. Do you mind if I call you Lily? Okay so this room is two hallways to the right and three doors down from your room. You can always find it again if you wish after. Feel free to treat this house as your own, I want you to feel as comfortable as possible while staying here.” The whole way Lillian merely listened and followed the woman blindly, wondering what had gotten her so excited. They came to a stop in front of large oak doors and Elena swung around to stand behind Lillian and place her hands on Lillian’s shoulders.

            “Okay, now I know this is going to take your breath away. I don’t know if you know this, but my son is an advent reader himself.”

            “Yes, although he scoffed at my liking romance.” Lillian said with a small blush, making Elena laugh once more as she moved to push open the large door. The two stepped through and Lillian’s hands flew to her mouth as a loud gasp escaped her. Elena had brought her to Drake’s library which held more books than she had ever seen. Every wall supported a grand bookshelf that went floor to ceiling with ladders to help someone reach the top. She walked to the middle and Elena clasped her hands behind her back, quite pleased with herself. Lillian turned all around and breathed in the familiar scent of the pages that held new worlds within their words.

            She knew her eyes were sparkling as she turned to look back at Elena in surprise. The woman held out her hands and asked,

            “So, do you like it?” Lillian bounced over to the woman and quickly hugged her before twirling around the room like a small child.

            “Like it? I adore it! I’ve never seen so many books! I could spend an eternity in here and die happy! Oh thank you Elena for sharing this with me.” She beamed at the Duchess who waived off her thanks with a soft smile.

            “Your very welcome my dear. However I can’t let you die in here because then I would miss you tonight at dinner. No doubt a certain handsome gentleman would be quite cross with me as well.” Elena winked, letting Lillian know she was speaking of Drake. Lillian blushed, but his it with a laugh and beamed at the Duchess.

            “Thank you again. It was kind of you to show me this.”

            “Nonsense. I also happen to enjoy a good book. I have a small collection myself.” She grabbed Lillian’s hand once more and pulled her towards a back corner of the room. Elena indicated one bookshelf and smiled with pride.

            “I have always enjoyed a sweet love story and have collected every novel I came in contact with. I hope there are some in here that will appeal to you as well. I’ll leave you to browse the titles while I go check on dinner’s preparation.” She started to turn and leave, then with a glance over her shoulder she caught Lillian’s eye again. An amused look crept into the woman’s gaze as she crossed one arm over the other and tapped her chin in thought. It was something Lillian noticed the Duchess did when she was manipulating something.

            “Although I should warn you as you are still an unmarried lady. There are some books in there that are not so innocent in their stories.” Her grin widened as Lillian’s eyes widened in understanding and her face blushed as she turned to look at the books behind her. A secret excitement building in her at the scandalous thought of reading one of these.

“But I’m sure you’re a smart girl and will avoid these.” Elena said as she saw the curiosity enter Lillian’s gaze and shrugged, swishing her skirts as she left the girl. Already planning what she wanted to happen. She had taken an instant liking to this young girl and wouldn’t let her idiot son cheat her out of such an adorable daughter-in-law.

© 2015 AtomicPuffin

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Aw, I like the bond between Lillian and Elena. Hopefully it will encourage Drake to marry Lillian because hey, when you marry someone, you marry the family.

Posted 9 Years Ago

*wrapping paper strewn about-holds up shiny new chapter*
I love it!! What, there is another one under here!

Posted 9 Years Ago

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2 Reviews
Added on August 16, 2015
Last Updated on August 16, 2015



whittier, CA

Hello I'm new to this site and although I've been writing short stories for years, only recently have I gained the confidence to post some of the newer ones. I write Romance and hope someday I can imp.. more..

Chapter One Chapter One

A Chapter by AtomicPuffin

Chapter Two Chapter Two

A Chapter by AtomicPuffin