Chapter Four

Chapter Four

A Chapter by AtomicPuffin

Lillian had taken extra care with her appearance tonight. She tried to reason that it was because so many people would be watching her, but deep down she knew the truth. She was hoping to impress the tall, dark man that had entered her life so suddenly. Drake was something to behold. It had become obvious to her this morning that he was a very well respected member of society. So many people had stopped to speak with him and her head had spun with trying to remember all their names and titles. Drake had been cool and aloof with most of them, always turning their attention to her. Which was curious in itself.

            Why was he trying to get so many people to acknowledge her? Especially when some of the unattached gentlemen had come alongside. She would have thought that if Drake was really interested in courting her, then he would try to keep her away from other suitors. Or maybe he was just so confident in his prowess that he was sure she would never look at another after seeing him.

            ‘Isn’t that exactly what is happening?’ A tiny voice nagged in the back of her mind. She sighed as she stared out the window of the coach they were in. It was true that Drake was all she had thought about for the rest of the day. She knew it wasn’t wise for her to be so fixated on him when the two had just met. She couldn’t even be sure that he was courting her, or if he had just felt sorry for her. That seemed more likely. He had felt sorry for the way she was being treated and that’s why he was introducing her to people and making sure they were so polite to her.

            ‘Still, it is strange that he would do this out of pity. Maybe I’m over thinking everything and should just stay positive. See what happens and don’t count on anything just yet. You Lillian Evergreen, are here to enjoy the Season and that’s exactly what you will do.’ She chided herself and taking a deep breath, placed a small smile back on her face as they entered the home of Lady Charlotte Lawson. She tried not to scan the crowd hoping to catch sight of him, but found her eyes wandering anyways.

            When she didn’t see him right away she felt deflated, but quickly pushed it to the side as she remembered he said he would only show up for a short time. So it was more likely that he would appear later in the evening. She was brought out of her thoughts as they greeted their hostess and complimented her home. Lillian wasn’t really listening as Lady Charlotte and her aunt then began to speak of furniture and room designs. Something that had never appealed to her, even though this was something she should be trying to learn.

            Instead she found herself looking out among the crowd and watching the couples dancing. She felt a shiver of nerves race through her as she wondered if everyone would treat her as they had the night before. Before Drake had appeared suddenly that is. As she continued to casually glance around the room her eyes met two sharp blue ones. She took an involuntary swallow as she met the angry gaze of Lady Teresa who was not trying to hide her disdain.

            Lillian started to feel herself shrink under the gaze when a voice quickly pulled her out again.

            “Ah Miss Lillian. Just as I promised, I am here to claim that dance.” Lord James said with a very charming smile on his face. His hand held out in invitation. Lillian turned to him, tampering down her dismay that it wasn’t Lord Drake. Still she had to admit that Lord James was also very handsome. His blonde hair and brown eyes accented his soft features. So she smiled at him and took his offered hand, allowing him to lead her to the floor. As she let him glide her with ease through the dance she felt her nerves leave and relaxed.

            “You know, you are even lovelier when you smile Miss Lillian.” James said causing her to blush and laugh nervously. She wasn’t sure how to respond to that so she did not. Instead she asked him simple questions about some of his interests. Her answered them all, but would always turn it back to her. She answered the few questions he had, but noticed that he was really only complimenting her. He wasn’t really trying to find out anything about her as a person. Instead he was trying to fill her head with pretty words and as soon as she caught onto this she found herself withdrawing.

            Over the next few hours she had several other gentlemen introduce themselves and ask for a dance. She danced with them all in turn and with each tried to have a casual conversation. However, just as with Lord James, none of them seemed interested in talking. They all complimented her endlessly, but that was all. Not one of the men who approached her really tried to get to know her. She found herself growing weary and mentally sighing. This was not what she had in mind when she dreamed of suitors lining up for her. She had still hoped to find someone who would see her as a person and not a pretty object.

            Lillian knew she was attractive by most standards. However, that was not what she wanted to be noticed for. Maybe it was her being selfish, but she desperately wanted to find a man who would get to know everything about her and fall in love with her as a whole. She wanted to find a partner in life that she would enjoy being married to. Again she blamed these ideas of true love on those novels she kept, but it was hard to not get drawn in. Was it so foolish to honestly believe that she could have a man love her for more than her pretty face? Maybe, but it was still what she wanted.

            She forced a smile on her face as Lord James approached her again. He had been very persistent tonight, having danced with her more than any other gentleman. He bowed to her and offered his hand once more. She had started to claim a headache when a deep voice cut in.

            “Sorry lad, but I believe the lady promised this one to me.”

            Lillian felt her heart flip over as she turned to look up into those dark, onyx eyes. Drake stood just behind her and when her eyes met his, he smiled. He held out his hand without having to say anything else and Lillian happily placed her hand within his. He gave it a small squeeze and then shot a look at the other man. James made a quick excuse and moved off. Lillian couldn’t contain the sigh of relief that escaped her lips. Drake heard this and raised his brow before leading her to the floor.

            She recognized the music and took her position for a waltz. She couldn’t help the smile and small giggle that left her. Drake looked down at her and felt a tug at his lips as he asked,

            “And what Miss Lillian is so amusing?”

            “Why is it always a waltz my lord? I am starting to grow suspicious of your intentions.” She teased, forgetting that she was not supposed to speak so openly with gentlemen. Luckily though Drake’s lips pulled up into a smile at her words. He grinned down at her and whispered,

            “I see you’ve caught me. It’s all a strategy to make sure I’m the only one you remember at the end of the night.” He even put pressure on her back, pulling her closer as he spun quickly, making her gasp and laugh once more. She smiled up at him and he chuckled. Then he looked off to the side and asked,

            “You seemed quite unhappy to have Lord James approaching you. Did you not like the man’s presence? Was he inappropriate in any way?”

            She noticed that his jaw clenched as he asked and she quickly shook her head no.

            “He was a perfect gentleman. As were all the others I danced with.” She whispered, not saying anything else, but Drake didn’t seem to need her to. He nodded and sighed,

            “But you didn’t enjoy any of their company all the same. Am I correct?”

            She jumped at that and looked up at him, allowing him to read the answer in her eyes. He sighed again and with a quick spin moved them off the dance floor and tucked her hand against his arm before moving towards a pair of French doors. He led her through the open doors and out into a beautiful garden. Her eyes widened as she looked around at the lovely greenery. However, Drake thought her shocked look meant something else and was quick to reassure her.

            “The garden is perfectly lit tonight so guests may walk along its paths. I thought that after being kept inside all night, you would enjoy a chance at some fresh air. We won’t be gone for so long that any one takes notice.” He said and unsure of what he meant she simply nodded and allowed him to lead her through the serene landscape. She had always loved the outdoors and hoped one day to live where there were rolling hills as far as the eye could see.

            “I see that you are already brightening Miss Lillian. You were very enthusiastic at the park this morning as well. Do you enjoy gardening?” Drake asked and she was startled by the question. Mostly because she thought no one here would ever ask a question about her interests. She smiled up at him and nodded,

            “Yes. I have always loved to watch the way a garden has a breath of its own. It always captivates me how the colors and lights seem to take on a personality of their own. Like if you look hard enough you can see their spirits.” She had spoken without thinking again and felt her cheeks heat up.

            “I’m sorry. I’m sure that sounded very strange.” She muttered and avoided looking up at him. She chided herself once more for not watching what she says. Why was it that when she was around Drake her reasoning left her and her guard dropped? She chanced a peek up at him and when their eyes met, she felt her cheeks heat up.

            “I’m sorry.” She muttered, not really sure what she was apologizing for. Drake smiled down at the top of her head, wondering what was running through it at that moment. He stopped them walking and turned her to face him, his hands engulfing her two smaller ones. At the contact, she felt her whole body begin to tingle and her breathing increased. It took all of her self-control to remain composed as she stared up into his sinful eyes.

            “Lillian…” She took in a sharp breath as he said her name without any title before it. For some reason it seemed to intimate and made her shiver slightly. He must have felt it for he frowned,

            “Are you cold?” He asked and when she shook her head he continued what he had originally been about to say.

            “Lillian, you do not have to apologize for everything you say. Despite what you’ve probably been told, not every man finds intelligence repulsive.” He said and her eyes widened. These were the words she had wanted to hear from a man for so long. It made her heart sing that it was this man saying them to her. She gave him a soft smile and sighed,

            “I’m glad to hear that my lord. I must admit that having to watch what I say all the time can get very exhausting.” She laughed and he chuckled. Then his features softened and he whispered,

“Drake. I would like it if you called me Drake. I’m hoping that you and I can become friends Lillian. Friends have no need for titles.” He said and she smiled wider and nodded.

“I would like that as well…Drake.” She said and smiled up at him. Her smile slipped when he just stared at her silently, his eyes slowly darkening with a strange heat. Then he reached up towards her face and caught a loose strand of hair, tucking it safely back behind her ear. Her breathing stopped completely as she felt his finger graze her skin. The touch sent waves of pleasure through her body to pool in an unfamiliar area. She swallowed lightly and stared deeply into his eyes, wondering what he was thinking.

            He leaned closer for a second, but seemed to catch himself and immediately straightened and returned her hand to the crook of his arm. He turned them back towards the ballroom and started them walking again.

“We should be getting back. I have kept you out for too long and your aunt will be missing you.” He said calmly as he led her back down the path and the sound of music began to grow louder. She could only nod as all speech had been robbed from her. Drake had almost leaned in to kiss her, she was sure of it! Furthermore, she would have welcomed it. She looked up out of the corner of her eye and stared at his lips, which were set in a hard line. She wondered what it would feel like to kiss a man like Drake.

Sure she had been kissed before, but those were chaste kisses, stolen when she was thirteen. From the little she knew of the man next to her, a chaste kiss is not what would have happened. No, Drake was far too feral in his movements to hint at holding back for anything. Somehow she just knew that if he ever did kiss her, she would melt on the spot. She started to imagine being pressed close to his body as his lips played over hers. Quickly shaking her head of those images she turned to look at him and smiled, wanting to break the tension settling between them.

"I’m glad you decided to come after all my lord…” She didn’t want to chance being overheard, so refrained from saying his name again.

“When the night wore on I started to believe that you had changed your mind.”

“I decided that I could afford a quick appearance and it did offer the chance to speak with you again. So tell me. Is tonight going better than last? I noticed that you had quite a flock of eager gentlemen hoping to steal a dance.” He grinned as her cheeks flamed, but he couldn’t know that it was because she was hoping he would steal one again.

“Yes. Tonight has been something of a dream come true. People are being very friendly and polite…” She trailed off and he stopped as they reached the balcony and looked down at her.

“But?” He prompted and she sighed, realizing that it would be pointless to lie. Her face would flame up and she would glow like a candle.

“But…I wonder if it is genuine or if it is because they fear displeasing you if they snub me. Since you’ve made it obvious that you are offering me friendship.” She said, trying to keep the suspicion out of her voice and actually succeeding. He frowned and looked towards the double doors and the crowd inside. Then he looked back at her and smiled,

“Well, if it is because they’re afraid of displeasing me…then you are going to become very popular my dear. Because everyone is afraid of me already.”

She laughed, not even sure if he was joking, but for some reason she found his words amusing. Her laughter also made Drake smile wider as he led her back inside. Heads turned as the pair walked in, the sound of Lillian’s laughter carrying across the crowd. Drake led her back to her aunt and quickly apologized for stealing her niece away for so long. Harriet simply smiled and warned against it again, she would like to know the whereabouts of her ward.

Lillian noticed that Lord James was walking towards her again as were several other men. They must have noticed her return and hoped to entice her away from the duke’s side. Foolish endeavor, but they were welcome to try. She smiled at Lord James as he bowed to her and once more asked her to dance. She decided to accept since it would be rude to snub him once more. She allowed him to lead her to the floor, but cast a glance over to Drake. His expression was once more stoic as he conversed with her aunt. She mentally sighed and turned to James as he led her through the simple steps of the minuet.

“I was afraid the pirate had stolen you away for the night my dear.” He whispered and it startled her to where she almost tripped. She looked at her partner and frowned.

“Whatever do you mean my lord?”

“You had disappeared and those of us left waiting were afraid you would not return. After all the duke has quite a fearsome reputation.”

“O-Oh…he does?” She asked, wanting to know more about Drake and only feeling a small amount of guilt at using this man to obtain it. He grinned, thinking she had taken the bait, which in a way she had.

“Yes. He is something of a ruthless man. Normally I would not speak so openly about another member of the ton. But seeing as he has set his sights on you, and I have grown quite fond of you in our short acquaintance…I thought I should warn you.”

 “While I appreciate your concern my lord, I do not believe the duke to be dangerous. After all, he was the only one to offer his friendship when I was all alone and new.” She said, noting that James blushed slightly at the reminder that even he had not approached her until he saw her in the duke’s company. He cleared his throat and regained his cool composure.

“Yes he did and we should be grateful my dear. For if he had never offered to show you Hyde Park, you and I would have never met. I suppose we owe the duke thanks for that.”

Lillian resisted the urge to groan. It was obvious that Lord James had taken a liking to her. While she was flattered, it was also obvious that she was much more interested in the duke. Suddenly she felt a chill run up her spine and knew instantly that Drake’s eyes were on her. She took a chance to peek over her shoulder to where her aunt was and noticed that he was no longer standing there. But no matter where he was, she knew that he was following her movements. Thankfully the song ended, but when she moved to leave, James held fast. She looked up at him in confusion and he simply smiled down at her.

“This is the last dance of the evening and it is a waltz. I was hoping that you would honor me with this one as well?” He purred and Lillian wanted so desperately to refuse, but was unsure how. Her aunt had never gone over these things with her, expecting that she would want to dance with any gentleman that asked. She swallowed again nervously and tried to pull her hand away once more.

“I’m sorry my lord but I-”

“Already agreed to share the final dance with me. I’m afraid that I’m cutting in once more.”

She shivered at the dark tone of his voice, but it did the trick as James released her hand. She did notice though that this time he was openly glaring at Drake over her head before he bowed and moved off. She sighed and turned to face Drake. She flinched back at the look in his eyes as he stared after the other man. Maybe what James had said was true about Drake being a little dangerous.

He looked down at her and instantly his gaze softened. He grinned and held out his hand while whispering,

“Can’t let another be the last one on your mind remember. Besides, you looked like a damsel in need of rescue.”

“You can’t even imagine.” She whispered back as she took his hand and placed her other on his arm. Still annoyed that she was too short to reach his shoulder completely. He grinned and began to lead her through the steps, just as he had the other times. And just as with those times, she marveled at the subtle strength she felt in his arms. A thrill ran through her body as it came to fully realize that she was in Drake’s arms once more, just as she had wished. All other men in the room no longer existed. She only had eyes for him and the thought scared her.

Drake did something to her senses that none of the others did. She felt heat swell throughout her body and an anxious knot form in her stomach whenever she thought of him. She knew now that she was definitely attracted to the man in a way that was so foreign to her. None of the others had caused this kind of reaction in her. Drake was so much like the dark heroes she read about and the kind of man she had dreamed of. He was strong and handsome, even with that dark aura that sometimes surrounded him like a cape.

James had been right about Drake being dangerous to her, but not in the way he thought. Drake had quickly made an imprint on her that could not easily be wiped away. She had never seen him before the night they met. Which meant that as soon as he had seen her, he had approached her. Without any fear of censure from the rest of society.

Drake smiled down at her and pulled her closer, only a couple inches, but it was enough to make her gasp. He laughed at her reaction and although she tried to look reproachful, she failed and ended up laughing alongside him. Lillian knew what was happening to her, no matter how she tried to reason her way out of it. No matter how she argued that they didn’t know each other and she was setting herself up for heartache, it didn’t matter. Now she understood how those poor women in her novels felt as they were swept away by those mystery men. Because no matter the long list of reasons she shouldn’t. She was dangerously close to falling for the dark duke.

© 2015 AtomicPuffin

Author's Note

sorry if there are any mistakes in here. I'm the worst at grammar and didn't go over this chapter the usual seven times I normally do. Please let me know what you think though as I love to hear what everyone thinks! It helps guide me on my journey.

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Yay new chapter! I like that you have Lillian being a little suspicious about Drake's intentions at the start of the chapter. She is smart enough to analyze the situation and see that something, not so obvious might be at play. She would never guess there is a bet going on, but her radar is up a little. Also she is smart enough to know she should apply some breaks on her rapidly growing feelings-again, but lucky for us readers, not great yet with being in control.

Sounds like Drake might have some fairly interesting skeletons in his closet too-so that could be fun to pop up at an inconvenient time. Also, I don't think Miss Evil Stare likes all the attention Lillian is getting...jealous ladies can be pretty nasty, so that has got me nervous.

Thanks for more story!

Posted 9 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on August 8, 2015
Last Updated on August 8, 2015



whittier, CA

Hello I'm new to this site and although I've been writing short stories for years, only recently have I gained the confidence to post some of the newer ones. I write Romance and hope someday I can imp.. more..

Chapter One Chapter One

A Chapter by AtomicPuffin

Chapter Two Chapter Two

A Chapter by AtomicPuffin