Chapter Three

Chapter Three

A Chapter by AtomicPuffin

Lillian groaned as sunlight flooded her room. She tried to bury herself further under her covers and claim back the dream she had just been in. She remembered the feeling of strong arms wrapped around her and a faceless stranger whispering things in her ear. She tried to remember who had been the mystery man, but sighed and gave up. No doubt it was just some unknown hero, like those novels she snuck out of the library. She rolled over and tried to think of something less confusing.

Instantly her mind conjured an image of Lord Drake. Her cheeks heated as she remembered being held by the man as he danced with her. Although she had danced with several gentlemen, for some reason she could only remember Drake. She groaned and tried to tamper down the strange feelings swelling inside her. How could he affect her so after just meeting? She heard her door open and snuggled further under her coverlet.

“Are you still in bed child!?” Her Aunt Harriet screeched. Lillian tried to fight the smile, but couldn’t as it spread across her face. Suddenly the covers were pulled from her body and she turned to see her aunt with her hands on her hips.

“Get up child! Come along now, the duke is already waiting downstairs and it would be very rude to keep him waiting!” Harriet said as she began to pick out the clothes she wanted Lillian to wear. Lillian sat up in bed and sighed,

“What duke?” She whispered as she tried to wipe the sleep from her eyes.

“What duke!? Duke Wilshire! The man who was very attentive to you last night.” Her aunt reminded her as she laid out the dress she had finally decided on. Lillian’s eyes snapped open as she remembered the duke saying he would call on them. She did not know he was serious! She was sure it was just the expected thing to say and he would forget all about it. Apparently she was wrong and with a cry leapt out of bed and began to dress as quickly as she could.

“He’s going to think me so foolish!” She moaned as Harriet tied up the strings on her strays.

“Nonsense girl. If he’s here that means he’s finally seeing what all those other pompous gentlemen have been unable to. That you my dear are a beautiful woman and you should have your pick of any bachelor. However, I have to say. For a first choice the duke is not lacking.”

Lillian felt her cheeks flame again and a small fluttering in her stomach. She wanted to believe that Lord Drake’s presence meant that he could be interested. She worried her lip as she thought of what it would be like to be courted by such an esteemed member of the ton? She had never dreamed that someone of such high standing would even look her way, especially with the way the others had treated her. And yet, here was this dark man who had swept in without a second thought to what others would think.

He had been there last night when she had started to contemplate leaving and giving up on her foolish dreams. Being in his arms was the strangest she had ever felt, and the happiest. So she helped her aunt get her ready in hopes that maybe, just maybe…her dreams weren’t so foolish after all.


Drake stood in the drawing room as Mr. Evergreen tried to fill the room with casual conversation. Drake was only half listening as he looked around the room. The décor was not feebly, but neither was it very extravagant. Drake let his eyes wonder around the room when they fell on a small painting hanging on the far wall. It was a painting of running horses through a meadow and done in water colors. But the strokes of the brush were neat and precise, clearly the work of an expert. He wondered how a family like the Evergreens came to possess such a painting. Edward Evergreen noticed Drake’s gaze and followed it to the painting, then a smile spread across his face.

“Beautiful isn’t it. It’s one of my favorites, even if she disagrees.” He said with a small nod as he looked back at Drake. Who in turn raised an eyebrow and asked,

“She? You know the artist?”

Edward laughed and took a sip of his brandy as he muttered,

“Quite well. Causes me stress nearly every day of the year. My own Lily is the one who painted it.”

That caused some surprise in Drake. Sure he knew that some women were talented at painting, but this was something else. He looked at the art once more and as his eyes scanned the colors he could have sworn he was watching the animals dance in the sunlight. He quietly snorted to rebuke the thought. He turned away from the painting, once more losing interest. At least in the painting, now the woman behind the brush strokes was another thing.

Drake kept a stoic expression on his face as he waited for the lady in question. Slightly frustrated at being forced to wait. At least she was attractive, it would help him in launching her into society. He was confident that all it would take would be a few escorts and to have people of the ton seeing him offer his friendship. Lady Lillian would begin to see more suitors showing up and the ladies of society would reach out their own hands. The gentlemen would see his attentions as a sign that it was safe to approach the woman and the women would hope for a chance to approach him.

This way, even if she wasn't aware, Miss Lillian would be helping him out as well. He would be able to browse over the ladies of society quickly and make a decisive decision on his new bride. He was eager to get the whole affair over with and if he could go home with some new Chinese silks, all the better. Drake heard soft footfalls behind him and turned as Miss Lillian came into the drawing room. She was a lovely sight in her light blue day dress, and her hair was pulled high on her head. He gave a small bow as the ladies fully entered the room and greeted him. He looked down at Miss Lillian and watched as her cheeks turned a light pink.

She came fully into the drawing room and wished her father a good morning with a small peck on his cheek. He greeted her the same and Drake noticed that the man only referred to his daughter by her shortened name. Then she turned to him and he stood straighter as those green orbs fell on him once more.

“Good day my lord.” She whispered and he thought he could detect a hint of nervousness in her voice, just as he had the previous night. He gave her a reassuring smile and offered her his arm.

“Shall we be on our way? I’ve brought my Phantom so we may enjoy a lovely stroll through Hyde Park.” He asked as she placed her slender hand delicately in the crook of his arm. He led her out the front door and down to his waiting carriage. He helped her and her aunt up the steps and they took one side as he sat across from them. The coach began to move, making its way towards Hyde Park. Drake took the first few minutes to watch the woman across from him as she took in the surroundings. He waited until they were slowed by the line of riders and other vehicles waiting to get in. He grinned and as he caught several heads turn their way at the sight of his crest. Everything would go smoothly, just as it always did for him.

“Miss Lillian, I am glad that you agreed to meet me this morning. I must admit that when you were not waiting for me I was worried you had changed your mind.” He said, the words sliding off his tongue easily. Expecting the young lady to become flustered and mumble an apology. Instead she turned her gaze away from the greenery and smiled at him. Once more he felt a strange impact from her full smile.

“I highly doubt that my lord. You do not seem like the sort of gentleman that would grow nervous over anything.” She said with a small amount of teasing behind her words. He grinned and took the bait, wanting to see where it led.

“Oh? And what sort of man do you think I am then? I am eager to hear your opinion.”

“Well I-”

“Oh Lily dear, look at those roses there. Maybe you could paint them later when we return home.” Harriet interrupted and he had a feeling that there was an underlying warning in the older woman’s words because Lillian blushed and mumbled an agreement. She also didn’t finish answering his question and he felt disappointed. Still, the ride through the park started doing its job as several coached made sure to stop and call out a greeting. It was when a pair of mounted gentlemen rode up beside the cart and offered their greetings that Drake realized something. Miss Lillian did not need his help to attract the male eye.

“Good morning Wilshire.” Greeted the younger of the two riders, a handsome blonde gentleman by the name of James Woodrow. He was the eldest son of the Earl of Northbridge and his eyes quickly fell on Lillian. She smiled sweetly at the two gentlemen and they both sat straighter in their seats, even the older gentleman Lord Benjamin, James’ uncle. Drake made the introductions for the ladies,

“Miss Lillian, Lady Harriet, this is Lord James and Lord Benjamin. Gentlemen this is Lady Harriet and her lovely niece Miss Lillian.” He said smoothly and watched as James nodded his head at Harriet before his eyes returned to Lillian. She greeted him politely and continued to smile, but made no other move towards conversation. Lord James didn’t seem to mind as he was prepared,

“So Miss Lillian, will you be attending Lady Charlotte’s soiree tonight?”

Lillian nodded and looked to her aunt,

“We did receive an invitation to that didn’t we Aunt Harriet?”

Harriet nodded in answer and Lillian turned back to the gentlemen, mostly to Lord James who froze as she flash her bright smile at him. Even Drake felt a pull at the way that smile lit her whole face.

“So I will most likely see you there my lord.” She said sweetly and tilted her head at the man. He grinned back like an idiot and Drake resisted the urge to roll his eyes at the drooling pup, Lillian already had the lad wrapped around her tiny finger.

“You most definitely will and I hope that you would honor me by saving me at least one dance.”

Lillian nodded again and waved as the two gentlemen rode off. Then her eyes returned to Drake and he saw something flash behind her eyes.

“Will…Will you be attending tonight my lord?” She asked and he looked deep into her eyes, recognizing the hope shining in their depths. He wondered why she would even care when it was obvious that there would be many admirers waiting for her, by the number of young eyes that fell on her as they rode along.

“I had planned on making a short appearance tonight. Perhaps I can stay long enough to share another dance with you before retiring for the evening.” He said, making sure to keep his tone neutral. Even so he caught how her eyes lit up even brighter and her smile doubled in brilliance. He turned to greet a passing carriage full of society’s ladies and tried not to think about how Lady Lillian’s enthusiasm towards him made him feel strange. Not uncomfortable per say, but it did make him feel less in control of things than he was used to. He didn’t like it and so focused back on the task at hand and made sure everyone who stopped to greet him acknowledged Lillian as well. Just as he had done the night before.

Only unlike last night, Lillian was much more relaxed and chatted with everyone freely. He did notice that if she started to get too excited or stray off the path of polite conversation her aunt would gently pull her back. Drake smiled as he thought that launching this young woman may be easier than he had first thought. Maybe what Jacob had said rang with some truth. Miss Lillian could step into society as an individual and could very well have a line of admirers, so long as she watches her step and Drake was there to shield her from sharp tongues.

Those silks may as well be moved to my warehouse now old man.

© 2015 AtomicPuffin

Author's Note

thank you for those that have read this. please let me know what you think and if you think I should continue on this one.

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Yay, new chapter :). Well now I want to know what goes down at the party.

Posted 9 Years Ago


9 Years Ago

thank you so much for leaving a review! I'm happy that there's someone who likes this one so far and.. read more

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1 Review
Added on August 3, 2015
Last Updated on August 3, 2015



whittier, CA

Hello I'm new to this site and although I've been writing short stories for years, only recently have I gained the confidence to post some of the newer ones. I write Romance and hope someday I can imp.. more..

Chapter One Chapter One

A Chapter by AtomicPuffin

Chapter Two Chapter Two

A Chapter by AtomicPuffin