Enlightened Ego

Enlightened Ego

A Poem by AiR - Atman in Ravi

We all have an Ego, it is there in our head
It will go along with us till we are dead
It is the one that, 'I', 'me' and 'mine', has always said

It is the Ego that causes anger, the Ego that causes hate 
It brings in agony, pushes peace out of the gate
Alas! We suffer through life with it and it’s too late!

The Ego has a best friend, It is our rascal Mind
The Mind fools us to believe that the Ego is 'I', we find 
Together the Mind and Ego become ME, in which we grind

As long as the Ego is ignorant, we will live as 'I' 
We will not go on a quest, we will just cry and die! 
It's time to ask the valid question, 'Who am I?'

Am I this Body? No, I am not! One day, it will go
I came 9 months before, after that the Body did grow
As long as I don't Realize this, I'll suffer through the show

We all suffer the triple suffering after we come to earth 
It is the Ego and the Mind that makes us take this birth 
If we Realize we are the Soul, then there is no rebirth

How can the Ego be Enlightened? We must Realize the Truth 
We're not the Body or the Mind, get to the bottom of the root 
We'll Realize we are the Soul, that will be our fruit

The Ego can't be annihilated, it can't be killed!
But it can be Enlightened, if the mind is stilled
This will never happen, if with ignorance, we are filled

It's the Ego that is responsible for revenge and greed
It makes us proud and selfish, this happens indeed!
But when the Ego is Enlightened, we can pull out the weed

'Who am I?' we ask, when we go on a quest
 'I am not 'I',' is the rest of the test
Then, I will never die, this becomes our crest

When from man, you remove the Ego, you will Realize God
As, when to God, you add Ego, you get man and lose the Lord 
We can be Enlightened with this equation, which we forgot!

The truth is that we are not the different Bodies, we seem to wear 
We are in fact, the Divine Soul, the Supreme we all share
 But to realize this Truth is truly very rare!

When the Ego is Enlightened, we Realize, we are all Divine 
Manifestations of the Supreme, we are all that Sunshine 
But we are lost in ignorance, in pleasure and in wine

When the Ego is Enlightened, there is Bliss, Love and Peace 
When we let go of the Ego, agony and anguish will cease 
Little do we Realize, the Ego's big disease!

'Not this, Not this,' The truth is, 'We are that' 
Not the Body or Mind, we are the Soul, in fact! 
The Enlightened Ego is the one who bells the cat!

The Ego that is not Enlightened, believes, 'I am 'I' '
It lives and it suffers and it cries till we die
But the Enlightened Ego is blissful, Realizing, 'I am not 'I''

The Enlightened Ego saves us from all misery on earth 
When we Realize the Truth, then there is no rebirth 
So, Enlighten the Ego, priceless is its worth!

© 2024 AiR - Atman in Ravi

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Added on September 1, 2024
Last Updated on September 1, 2024
Tags: realization, Moksha, Happiness, Liberation, Karma, Ego, Mind, Divine, Salvation, Rebirth


AiR - Atman in Ravi
AiR - Atman in Ravi

AiR — Atman in Ravi, is an Awakened Soul, Transformational Author, Singer, Philanthropist and Happiness Ambassador. He is on a mission to help people discover the way to Eternal Happiness throug.. more..
