![]() The A to Z of HappinessA Poem by AiR - Atman in RaviDo you want to be Happy? Do you want to Smile? Do you want to remain in Bliss, all the while? Do you want to Discover, how to always be Glad? Do you want Freedom from being miserable and sad? Then, just follow the A to Z of Happiness And you will reach the state of Eternal Bliss What is happiness? Do you even know? It's about that Smile that gives your face a glow It is being Joyous, it is being Blissful It is being Peaceful, it is being Cheerful True Happiness is being free from misery and stress It is Eternal Happiness that comes from Truth Consciousness We have been taught that Happiness is Pleasure Believing in this myth, we have lost the Treasure! We believe that Success is Happiness and seek Achievement We don’t realize that true Happiness is Fulfilment! We are so lost in a life of excitement We don’t discover the ultimate peak of Enlightenment Happiness is not Pleasure that comes from winning a race When will we get out of the anxiety of the chase? True Happiness is living in Tranquillity and Peace It is a state where all miseries cease The Truly Happy one discovers the Purpose of his Birth Blissful is he, who knows why he came to earth! We all seek Pleasure, we don’t want Pain But why do we become unhappy, again and again? We want to experience Peace, Love and Bliss But we live in Fear, Anxiety and Unhappiness! Little do we realize that the culprit is the Mind It steals our Joy and Peace, making us Blind! If we want to be Happy, we must flip from NEP to PEP From Negative to Positive, first, we must take this step We must kill the Mind that says, it’s King Still the monkey that causes suffering! We must pull the Triggers that will make us Glad And eliminate those Joy Stealers that make us Sad! There is a way to be Happy, at all times It is not just about Money, Nickels and Dimes! Of course, Money can give us Pleasure, it can make us Smile But Money can’t buy Happiness, all the while! If we want that state of Ultimate Happiness We must flip from Mind to Consciousness Let us learn the Secrets that can create Bliss Make others Happy and you can have Happiness We can be Happy if we Give before we are gone And not be miserable and again be Reborn! If we discover Karma, the Law of Action We can learn to be Happy without a toxic Reaction The Secret of Happiness is to Accept, not to Wonder To eliminate all Hope and live in Surrender Happiness is neither in a ‘Yesterday’ that is gone Nor is Happiness in ‘Tomorrow’, not yet born! Truly Happy is the one who makes this vow He will be Happy, ‘Today’, living in the ‘Now’ If you want Eternal Happiness, start a Quest Unlearn what you have learned, put your beliefs to test Happiness is something else, get to the root Overcome Ignorance and realize the Truth To be Happy, first tame your Monkey Mind Then, Bliss, Love and Peace, you will Find! Eternal Happiness is when we discover the Purpose of Life Then, we are free from all misery and strife When we realize, we are not the Body, Ego or the Mind We are the Divine Soul, when this Truth we find Then, we are Liberated from the Triple Suffering on earth We can sing, dance and live with Mirth To be Truly Happy, we must achieve this Goal Not live as the Body or Mind but as the Soul We must realize this world is a Leela, a Cosmic Show We are mere actors, we come and we go When we realize that everything is Maya, a Cosmic Illusion Then, we escape from all sadness and delusion! Enlightenment is the Ultimate Peak of Bliss, of Happiness It is a state of living in Consciousness It is living like a Yogi, in Eternal Bliss United with the Divine, free from unhappiness Just learn the Happy Mantra and live in Bliss Just follow The A to Z of Happiness Happiness is a Paradox, don’t try to be Glad ‘I want to be Happy!’ this will make you Sad Happiness is within, for Bliss, do not search Don’t think you will be Happy in a temple or a church Rejoice in ‘Today’! Don’t think you will be Happy ‘Tomorrow’! Just choose to be Happy and wipe away all Sorrow If you really want to be Happy, just listen to me! For I have learned how, from Misery, to be Free! I have myself evolved from Achievement to Fulfilment I have experienced the Bliss that comes from Enlightenment Just follow me and you are sure to live with a Smile My A to Z will give you Bliss, all the while!
© 2023 AiR - Atman in Ravi |
Added on October 24, 2023 Last Updated on October 24, 2023 Tags: Spirituality, Realization, Truth, AiR - Atman in Ravi, Karma, Rebirth, Death, Enlightenment, Message, Spiritual Author![]() AiR - Atman in RaviAboutAiR — Atman in Ravi, is an Awakened Soul, Transformational Author, Singer, Philanthropist and Happiness Ambassador. He is on a mission to help people discover the way to Eternal Happiness throug.. more..Writing