![]() AstrasA Chapter by Kiro Moon![]() adding some parts of my story for now till i link them together so hopefully you guys enjoy it![]() Astra: The last pure blood line of holy priestess and priests her soul is pure holy light *golden* allowing her to use holy arts of magic *no one else can use them due to their souls* in her travels to cleanse the lands from darkness plaguing towns astra was caught in a raid from *dark knight inforcers* she quickly acted and barriered everyone *holy shield* allowing most of the townfolk to escape but astra hears the cries of a little girl she quickly runs to the cries and sees Elathan " A Celtic lord of Darkness towering the little girl untill a bright light shields her elathan turns to astra with all his knights with eyes darken with years of infested darknesss astra stands her ground as she points to the exist *for the little girl* as a small army of dark knight ride in the town circling astra laughing at her as she was easy prey as they charge at her she says a single word *spark* little flickers of light show around astra as soon as one of the dark knights got near her it ignites and explodes causing anyone near him harm *just not astra* as she lifts her staff and slams the bottom on to the floor she yells *divining light* from the heavens rays of light strike the the dark knights Elathan yells to the knights don't fear the light as he orders them to charge laughing astra still holding her ground striking with her divining light untill she notices elethan casting a spell she tries to stop him by sending a bolt of light as she hears a whisper *it's over* and feels herself being pulled then sees her body in front of her as she turns she sees elethan's in a demonic form sealing her away in diamond crest astras body falls elathan order then knights to take her body *her light spell still active making it hard to touch her* but hears a horn blowing *chagre attack call for the knights of light* he order to fall back leaving astras body behind as the white knights chase them away.
© 2016 Kiro MoonAuthor's Note
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