Chapter 17

Chapter 17

A Chapter by Astra


This is one opportunity I wouldn’t dream of passing up.
Marcus’ words echoed in Geoff’s head as he felt the barrier of protection go up around the boy. The fears ingrained in Marcus through years of neglect drifted through Geoff’s consciousness. Geoff let the papers drop to the desk as he leaned back in the chair, his eyes straying to the sky outside.
How could he possibly tell Marcus the truth about his lineage? The boy already had enough difficulties trying to catch up to apprentices his age. Telling him that his family had left him in Max’s care all these years without bothering to gain proof of his actual death could stop the progress he was making.
But, how could he possibly keep it a secret? How could he leave Marcus in the dark about who and what he was? It wasn’t fair to keep this knowledge from the boy, even if it was to protect him. Marcus had enough of those in power trying to protect him from truths. If the rebels wanted the boy on their side, Geoff would have to tell Marcus before Max or someone else decided to share this news with him.
But, you’ve already told him the truth, haven’t you, son? He just doesn’t know it.
It doesn’t count as telling him if he doesn’t understand what I’m saying, now does it? Geoff retorted as his father chuckled. I thought you were doing something for Uncle Gregory.
I am. Daniel admitted, not bothering to point out Geoff had called Gregory uncle instead of father as he had been. However, that does not keep me from helping you if you need me. I’ve told you that before I believe.
Geoff ignored that. What exactly are you doing?
. I’m letting Kincaid know his daughter, Astra, has returned unharmed to our realm and is currently trying to help you with your brother. I already told you that.
I know what you told me, but what are you really doing?
Daniel chuckled again. What? Don’t you believe me?
You could have told him about Astra through the spells of communication. Hell, Uncle Gregory could have contacted Kincaid through the spells, especially since he’s not up to traveling yet. What are you, Uncle Gregory and Uncle Misha planning now?
I told your uncles you’d figure it out eventually. Daniel sighed. What have I been doing since you returned to our side?
You’re recruiting more men. Geoff closed his eyes. Do you think Kincaid is going to help us now that his daughter is safe?
Won’t know until I ask him, now will I? Which is why your uncle has me going in person and along the way, if I happen to find men sympathetic to our cause and send them your way, now that won’t hurt us any either.
No, that definitely won’t hurt us. But, Dad, are they going to want to fight for a reformed traitor and a sixteen year old apprentice?
Daniel’s voice sounded different when he answered. You were never a traitor, kiddo. Even fighting under Max, you protected the people by sending me the information he gave you. As for your brother, once Marcus is able to figure out the truth, he’ll show the men his true spirit. Michael Carmichael may have been invented, but the heart and honesty behind the character is very real. You will just have to show him that when the time comes.
Geoff sighed, What the hell did I do to deserve such a complicated apprentice?
Do you really want me to answer that? Daniel asked.
No. Geoff opened his eyes as Daniel laughed. Wondering if his father really was waiting for him to open up first as Uncle Misha had said, Geoff decided to find out. If Marcus was really his brother, he would need Daniel on his side and only finding the chance to discuss the past would make that happen. Knowing Daniel was ready to cut out, Geoff said.  Dad, when you get back, I need to talk to you.
What’s wrong?
Nothing, at least nothing yet, I just need to talk to you.
 Alright, when I get back, we’ll talk. Just do me a favor and don’t push yourself.
What do you mean?
Marcus is your first real apprentice, who just might be your little brother, and I know you don’t want to lose him because of the test facing you when the counsel meeting finally happens. Trying to teach him everything I’ve shown you over a short amount of time will only push him from you.
You want me to take my time and give him the training he needs, not the training the counsel wants him to have. Did it ever occur to you I might have already decided to do that?
I figured you might have.
Than why are you mentioning it now?
To remind you for later, in case something happens that you aren’t able to control. Even if he manages to take off on you, he’ll eventually return because you taught him what he needed, not what others expected you to teach him.
            Just like you have. Geoff heard the words without his father having to say them. It was time to end this conversation before he did something to annoy the man. So, we’ll see you in two months?
            Yes, unless you need me for something before then.
            I’ll be fine.
            I know, just reminding you, son.
            Daniel cut out before Geoff could answer. It wasn’t until Geoff turned back to the papers on his desk that he realized he’d called the man dad instead of Daniel. He hadn’t used that term when referring to his father in ages. Hell, he hadn’t thought of Daniel as his father since he had been dropped off at the castle at sixteen. It had only been this year that he had begun to think of Daniel as his father again. Maybe it really was past time to let it go.
            Two hours later, a knock at the study door brought Geoff’s attention back to his surroundings. Glancing at his desk, Geoff realized he hadn’t gotten anything done, his mind bouncing between his brother and his father. Scanning the hall outside the door, Geoff sat back in his chair, rubbing his eyes as Ailora entered.
            “I’m assuming Marcus is outside reading somewhere.” She said coming closer.
            “I believe so. I haven’t heard from him since I sent him off. Why?”
            “I just sent Astra to look for him. We have company coming and I want Marcus near you when they come in.”
            “Unwelcome company?” Geoff asked as she sat down on the opposite side of the desk.
            “You could say that.”
            “Max is still bothering you?” Geoff growled.
            “Not Max exactly.” Ailora sighed. “His cronies, however, have not stopped coming by and I do not want Marcus thinking he brought them here.”       
            “Which he will if he finds out who they work for,” Geoff finished for her.
            “That’s if they don’t recognize him first like Evans did.” Ailora added. “If he’s near you, I know he won’t react as badly as if he ran into them say outside on his own.”
            Geoff looked at her, a sudden thought occurring to him. “How far away are they?”
            Ailora shrugged as she watched him stand up and round the desk. “I’m not sure.”
            “Did you just send Astra to find Marcus or has she been gone for awhile?”
            “I just sent her maybe five minutes ago. Why is there a problem?”
            Geoff closed his eyes and groaned. “There is now.”
            Ailora joined him by the door. “What happened?”
            Geoff didn’t answer. Instead, he opened the door as Astra came running down the hallway, fear in her eyes. Ailora met her outside the door, grabbing her shoulders as she looked behind the girl.
            “Where is Marcus, Astra?”
            Astra shook her head, “I don’t know. Marcus and the extra horse Geoff brought with him are gone as is the supply bag from upstairs and the sword he’s been working with.” She turned to Geoff, “I think he felt the men coming and just reacted. I don’t think he realizes this could be seen as a betrayal to the commitment he gave you last night. He really wants to be your apprentice. I know he does.”
            “He did.” Geoff answered. “However, right now, he’s blaming himself for bringing Max’s men to us because he agreed to study under me. He’ll deny he has any connection to me until I reach him.”
            Ailora’s eyes widened. “Oh gods, if the counsel hears his denials, after having a witness to his confirmation last night, you’ll have a harder time convincing them to let him stay with you.”
            Geoff nodded, “I know, which is why I’m going after him. Thankfully, we’re still bound, so I know the direction he’s heading. I’ll let Darian know Marcus is heading his way alone and why. Hopefully, he’ll be able to slow Marcus down until I can get there.”
            “What should I tell Max’s people when they show up?”
            “What you always tell them, sweetheart. They’ve just missed me.” Geoff closed and locked the door behind him. He watched Astra’s eyes widen in surprise as the room disappeared into the wall. “It’s a protection against Max and his followers. If Marcus had stayed, he’d have realized why this is the safest city for all mages, even those on the run.”
            “You mean everyone has a room that does that?” Astra asked.
            “It’s not just the room,” Geoff answered. “Everything changes, protecting those of us who oppose the madman and his tyranny. You will see what I mean, right now I’ve got to get ready and leave before those men show up.”
            As Geoff climbed on Freedom’s back, ready to ring Marcus’ neck for taking off, Astra ran out from the inn. She reached his side as he settled and turned to tie the bundle of food Ailora handed him to the back of the saddle.
            “When you find him, don’t hurt him.” She pleaded. “You have every right to be angry with him for taking off, but he doesn’t mean it. Marcus doesn’t understand what he’s doing right now. He’s only thinking of protecting everyone and this is the only way he’s learned how.”
            “Astra, in order to learn from me, he has to learn to trust me. If he’s unwilling to even try when these types of situations occur, I can do nothing for him.” Geoff growled.
            “I understand that, but as much as you wanted to be, you have not been around when your brother’s needed you. Marcus has learned to trust and rely only on himself over the years, a few months of your help is not going to change his first instincts when there is trouble.” Astra retorted. “Just remember that before you say anything that will prevent him from trying to gain back his rightful place at your side.”
            She turned around, walking away before Geoff could answer her. Ailora frowned after her. “She will apologize for that when we meet up with you and my brothers.”
            Geoff sighed, “Don’t bother. She’s doing exactly what she has learned over the years when Marcus disappears on someone trying to help him. And she’s right, a few months will not change years of ingrained habit.”
            Ailora looked up at him, “But…?”
            “But that will not prevent me from whatever punishment I think of when I finally catch up.”
            Ailora shook her head. “As Astra said, just don’t hurt him. I think he’s been hurt enough through the years. Besides, he’ll already be expecting you to react like that madman when he finally stops and thinks about what he’s done. Hurting him will only pull Marcus away from you.”
            Geoff nodded. “I know. I’ll see you in a few weeks.”
            Ailora smiled. “I love you.”
            Geoff smiled, leaning down to her. “As I love you.”
            Ailora watched him fade into the forest path as the sun burned at its highest point. She turned from the scene, her eyes filling with pain as she thought about him. Though Geoff didn’t realize it, he was the one the madman wanted. This demon had created situations that pulled Daniel from Geoff’s side at a young age, never giving Geoff a chance to connect to his father as he should have. The demon had killed Melanie McPherson and ripped Marcus from the family, declaring Gregory insane a few months later.
            Ailora’s eyes filled with tears as she remembered Geoff’s childhood fears of living with a man he barely knew in order to learn his power. The madman had been more than ready to fill Geoff’s head with taunts and lies when he had returned to the castle a few years later hurting from what he considered his father’s rejection.
            The rift all those plans and lies had created had yet to heal. Geoff isolated himself from truly caring about people for fear of being hurt like that again. Even she and Darian could not fully penetrate the shield he had erected around himself all those years ago and the man who pretended to be Maximus McPherson used that to keep from being overthrown.
            Astra met her at the front entrance to the inn. “Geoff’s hurting as much as Marcus is.”
            Ailora nodded, “Yes, he is.”
            “Do you think Geoff will heal if he tries to help Marcus?”
            “That’s what I’m hoping.” Ailora answered moving inside and closing the door behind her. “I can already see a change in him since his brother has come back, but only time will see if it works.”
            “Would Max’s influence over Marcus disappear too?”
            Ailora looked at her. “There is something you should know, though I’ll understand if you don’t believe me.”
            “What’s that?”
            “The man you know as Max is not Marcus’ uncle.”
            “Oh, I know that. He’s Marcus’ father.”
            Ailora shook her head. “No, he’s not Marcus’ father either.”
            “Then, who is Marcus’ father? And who is Max?”
            “The true king, Gregory McPherson, is Marcus’ father.”
            “Than how can Max not be Marcus’ uncle?”
            “Because the man you know as Max, isn’t really Max.”
            “The real Max McPherson disappeared years ago. Many of us, including his brothers, believe the man portraying Max imprisoned the real one and is using his identity to hurt Geoff and Marcus.”
            “But why would he do that?”
            “I need you to promise me that you will not tell a soul what I share with you.”
            Astra nodded, “I won’t. I swear it.”
            Ailora locked the door with her power. “Than come with me, it’s time you learned a little of Elocin’s history before we meet our unwanted company.”

© 2008 Astra

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Added on November 21, 2008



St. Augustine, FL

I have traveld to and lived in several different states on the East side of the Mississippi river. I have never been farther than St. Louis though I wish to one day get out west. I have spent 10 days .. more..

The Calling Card The Calling Card

A Story by Astra