![]() Chapter 13A Chapter by Astra“You did tell him to come to Kingston?” Ailora asked, watching Geoff pace down her hallway. “Yes, I told him to come here. There was no where else he could go without getting caught in one of Max’s traps.” Geoff growled at her, stopping only long enough to glare before pacing again. Astra came in from the front room, watching Geoff wearing the wooden planks thin a few minutes before turning to Ailora. “Randy and Mister Johnson wish to pay for their meal and insist on seeing you before they leave. I’ll stay with him until you get back if you want?” Geoff turned and stared at her, “I don’t need anyone staying with me. I can pace well enough on my own.” “I know that sir,” Astra replied, turning to him. “But I was thinking of joining you for I find I do not pace well on my own at all.” Ailora stood up, walking to the swinging door Astra had entered through, “Do not wear out my floor boards; I just had Darian replace them and wish to keep this floor longer than I have the others so far.” Astra moved to Geoff’s side as Ailora disappeared. “He will come you know. It may be later than you wish, but he will be here. He respects you too much not to show up.” “There have been complications Astra,” Geoff answered, swinging to the side window. “If he shows up, I’ll be surprised.” “Than why are you so worried?” “Because those complications are causing your boyfriend to question everything he has grown to believe and everything I am trying to show him. He is a danger right now, to himself most of all.” “I’m not going to blow myself up you know. I do have some intelligence when it comes to my magick.” “Marcus!” Astra swung around and ran to him, throwing herself into his arms. He caught her and smiled, “How long have I been gone this time?” “A few days, not as long as that first time, are you alright?” Marcus nodded as he let her go. “I need to talk to Geoff, if you could give us some time.” Astra nodded, backing away. “Actually, I can give you a room to talk privately. Ailora has a study through the door at the back of the room I’ll just let her know you’ve asked to borrow it.” “Thank you Astra.” Geoff answered. She smiled at him and left through the same door Ailora had just left. Marcus waited for Geoff to lead the way, he had no idea where he was going and he did not want to be the first one in the room just in case. Instead, Geoff leaned against the windowsill, watching Marcus closely. “I needed time to think.” Marcus said into the silence. Geoff nodded, pushing off the sill and heading towards the far door. “I’ve been formally introduced to your friend. She’s as powerful as you are it seems, though she seems to have more control over it than you do.” “She still has all her memories.” Marcus muttered following him. “And she has had previous training from someone, though she’s reluctant to tell me who and where this training had been from.” Geoff opened the door, ushering Marcus in front of him. “We all have our secrets it seems.” Marcus entered the study and stopped in the doorway, awed by the amount of paper and books Ailora had in the small room. A thick, wooden desk covered with papers filled up one wall and several cases of books and knickknacks filled the other three. Geoff nudged him forward, shutting the door behind them. “Have a seat.” Marcus moved slowly across the room to one of the chairs facing the desk as Geoff took the seat behind it. Watching Geoff settle into the tall backed chair, Marcus blinked. “This is your office isn’t it?” Geoff nodded, “Ailora uses it for her office as well though since many of the manuscripts and books you see are useful to both of us. Besides, as I am usually never here there is no reason to allow this room to go waste.” “How much trouble am I in?” Marcus blurted, not wanting to delay this any longer than he already had. “None at the moment, unless you have caused some catastrophe somewhere while magick hopping. For which case, I’ll have to hear what happened before deciding what to do.” “Is that what it’s called, magick hopping?” “It’s what I call it. There is no official term for it since not many mages have the ability to do it, intentional or not.” “Is it possible to do without getting angry first?” “That I do not know. Marcus, what happened out there?” Marcus stared at the desktop. “Nothing.” Geoff studied him, “Another apprenticeship would be nothing for someone not wanting to be confined in one I guess.” Marcus looked up startled, “Another apprenticeship? Is that what you think Evans was offering? Were you not paying attention to anything he said?” “I wasn’t there Marcus, I have no idea what happened.” “But you were talking to me almost the entire time.” “Our connection links me to you and what you allow me to hear, nothing more. Evans stopped in that grove for a reason Marcus, what did he offer you?” Marcus looked back at the desk, “He was offering another form of slavery and I wasn’t willing to pay that price.” Geoff waited, knowing something else had caused the anger he had felt exploding from the boy before he had disappeared. “Are you really Max’s nephew?” “I was wondering when they would spring that on me.” Geoff muttered. “So you are?” “Yes, Max is my uncle and as I’m sure Evans told you I did fight for him before coming to my senses.” Marcus looked up, interest brightening his eyes. Geoff realized sharing his own experiences could bring the boy closer. “I joined Max at your age Marcus, rebelling against the restrictions I felt had been placed on me. Darian and I fought together gaining practical skills neither of us had learned as apprentices. I gained experience in commanding men as well as strategy and fighting styles, learning all that my own teacher denied me. “I didn’t realize the damage Max caused to the people or to our world until a few years after I had begun and by than it was almost too late to correct my mistakes. I had let my family and myself down by following the dictates of Max’s rule and I swore I would find a way to make up for it by bringing Max down.” “Is that why you’re in charge of these rebels?” “Yes, Darian and I gathered those that would listen to us and started the resistance against Max’s tyranny. It was not an easy task, many still believed I was one of the traitors and would turn on them when I had the chance.” “Than how come your group is so large now? Surely if they still believed you to be a traitor, you would have been turned over to Max by now.” “I received assistance from two unexpected sources.” “Who?” “You and my own teacher, you both gave me support when no one else believed I could make it. Once I had your help more of our people flocked to my side, you and my teacher were the ones to turn this war around and gave our side a reason to believe in choices again.” “How?” Geoff smiled, “My teacher stood next to me, bullying many of the older leaders into giving me their support even though he and I have not seen eye to eye in many years. And you, well you were our spy on the inside, slipping us information on Max’s plans and places of interest that gave us a few victories early on. Thanks to those victories, more people began to believe that we might have a chance.” “Your teacher still supports you, even though you broke away from him and fought against him for years?” “I know it sounds strange to you Marcus after all you have dealt with under Max’s thumb, but not everyone reacts to differences of opinion as he does. Many teachers believe as I do in allowing the students to express their own opinions and the time in following them out.” “Did the counsel know I was stuck in Max’s care?” “Yes Marcus, those fools knew you were stuck with Max. I was working with Payne and the other Spartans to get you away from him when you disappeared. If you had said anything about what Max inflicted, you would have been among us two years ago, but you always managed to slip away before we could find out the entire truth.” “So, I wasn’t left in his power on purpose, I did it to myself.” “There were others you constantly mentioned, people unable to see how destructive he was and you were the only one standing between them and Max. If you had another option Marcus I do believe you would have gotten free of Max when we tried to help you.” “Does Evans know anything about any of that?” “I have no idea if he does or not.” Marcus nodded. His eyes wandered the section of the room he could see landing on pamphlets about rules and teaching practices for new apprentices. “Are you going to leave me with some guy that doesn’t know what he’s doing if I don’t agree to your terms before that stupid meeting?” “No, nor have I ever left any of the apprentices in my care to someone that does not know how to teach. Evans and I are old enemies Marcus due to an apprentice he wanted to handle and I would not allow him to take into custody.” “Why would you deny a willing instructor?” “Because not every mage is made to teach, especially not Evans, he craves power and sucks it from anyone he can, Max included. I saw it from the first time I met the man and I refuse to allow any apprentice to fall into that kind of instruction.” “Am I the Heir?” “As I told you before, you have the potential to become the Heir. You need to learn to control not only the difficult spells, but also when the simpler ones activate and why. Without gaining confidence in your own powers and abilities, not even the Heir’s supposed strength would save you from inuring yourself and others around you.” “Geoff, I…” A knock at the door stopped whatever Marcus was going to say. Ailora stuck her head around the wooden slab, “Geoff when you and Marcus are finished, there are several men here to see you. Something about payment for apprentice fines?” “I’ll be there in a few minutes.” Geoff answered, wondering what Marcus had been about to say. Ailora closed the door and Marcus stood up. “You should probably see what they want. Knowing my tendency to overreact, I probably did cause damage somewhere without realizing it.” “Are you sure?” Marcus nodded, “Yeah, I’m sure.” Geoff watched as Marcus headed to the door. He had been about to say something, but now seemed reluctant to continue whatever it had been. Was it connected to their current discussion or was he hiding something from his conversation with Evans? Marcus stopped at the door, turning back around he asked, “If I promise to come back inside, can I go see how Gemini’s doing?” Geoff nodded, “Actually Marcus, the rest of the day is yours. I think your recent adventures have earned you some time to yourself if you want.” “Is it safe to do that?” “Kingston is one of the few strongholds the rebels hold without fear of Max interfering. You are safe here.” Marcus opened the door, as Geoff called out, “If you do need help with anything Marcus,” “I’ll let you know.” Marcus closed the door behind him, leaning against it before straightening and heading to the front room to let Ailora know she could send those men in. Geoff stared at the closed door feeling Marcus’ own confusion pulsing through their link. What was the boy hiding from him now? Another knock at the door tore him from his musings and he turned his concentration onto his visitors. Surprise had him standing up as Daniel and Misha both walked into the room. “What do I owe this visit to?” “What is an apprentice fine Geoffrey Nathaniel?” Daniel growled as he closed the door behind him, setting up a barrier as he did so. “Why do you ask?” Geoff replied. His senses flared as they moved closer. What was going on?
Marcus made it halfway across Ailora’s courtyard before he stopped dead. Turning back to the inn, his eyes narrowed as his magick coursed back into the building. The barrier Geoff had taught him rebounded his power back to him. Why would Geoff need a barrier here? No one was going to listen in on any conversation their commander had, this town respected him too much. Debating whether he should try contacting Geoff, Marcus walked back the way he had come. His unease increased the closer he got to the building. Breathing deeper, he pushed away his concern searching for Astra and Ailora. Both women were now in the back room as well. Astra? When she didn’t reply, Marcus reached for Geoff. What is going on? Stay outside Marcus. I don’t want you involved in this. It’s a little too late for that. Whoever you’re with has Astra terrified and I won’t allow that to happen. Do you trust me? Marcus paused. Did he trust Geoff? I guess so. Than believe me when I tell you she will be all right. I need you to listen to me this once and stay away from the building and from your communication links. When it is safe, I will contact you. Why? Just do as I ask Marcus, I’ll explain when this is over. Marcus closed the link not wanting to answer. Geoff asked for something he wasn’t sure he was willing to give him yet. Marcus stood in the courtyard staring up at the building, knowing he could listen to what was going on without anyone inside realizing it. However, that was something Max would want him to do and Marcus refused to do anything that would connect him to Max in anyway. Daniel watched from the only window in the room as the boy crossed the courtyard and entered the stables. “His power of perception is phenomenal.” Misha muttered from behind him. “So is his need to protect those he has entrusted with his past.” Astra added softly. “He protects you above all else.” Astra nodded, “I am the only person he trusts right now. Though, his trust in his teacher is growing.” “He doesn’t have a teacher yet.” Daniel growled, continuing to watch the stable doors. “Geoff is his teacher you jerk.” Astra snapped. “If you would just get past that stupid pledge you require apprentices to spit out, you would see that.” Everyone turned to her, surprised by the outburst. Astra glared back at them, “He will never say the words that will put him under the control of anyone else again. No matter how much he may want to, his pride and self-preservation will not allow it.” She turned on Geoff than, “He has almost said it like three times now, and always something has come up that prevents it. Three times now those stupid words have gotten stuck because he can’t bring himself to allow the control Max had over him to be given to someone else, even if he trusts that person with his life.” Tears formed in her eyes as she started backing to the door, “Can’t you see? He needs you to accept him without making him grovel like Max did. He has accepted you as his teacher. He’s given you more trust than he has given anyone trying to help him. Even my uncle Payne and the other Spartans have never gotten him to open up as he has for you and he’s been with them longer than anyone.” “Astra, if he doesn’t accept the terms as all apprentices must, he will fight against everything I ask of him.” “He’s going to fight against them whether he says the words or not.” Astra cried as the door swung open. “He’s a McPherson just as much as you are. Fighting against rules is in your blood or something.” She turned around, tears falling down her cheeks as she ran out into the hall, the door swinging shut behind her. Geoff stood up, looking past his father’s shoulder as Marcus appeared in the courtyard holding his arms out to Astra as she ran into him. As she buried her face in his shoulder, Marcus’ eyes turned to the window. Geoff watched as they turned molten silver and his anger swept into the building, destroying all the barriers set in place. He turned away, taking the girl with him. Geoff watched them walk towards the center of town before restoring the barriers. He turned to Daniel, his own eyes glowing, “What does she mean he’s a McPherson as much as I am? Who exactly is Marcus, Daniel?” Ailora moved to Geoff’s side, her hand lying on his arm. “Geoff, you might want to calm down before you blow up my inn again.” Geoff ignored her. “Who is he Daniel?” “Tell him Daniel.” Misha said, shrugging “This was bound to come up sooner or later anyway.” “What was bound to come up?” Geoff asked his eyes glued to his father’s. “Your uncle Gregory believes the boy is his missing son.” Daniel answered waiting for the explosion he knew would come. Geoff stared at him as the news sank in. “He believes what?” “Geoff, please calm down. I can’t afford to rebuild right now.” “Ailora, I don’t think that is going to help him any at the moment.” Misha muttered as he motioned her to him. “Why don’t we go find your apprentice and Marcus and see if we can’t calm the girl?” “But my inn?” “I promise anything we break will be repaired,” Daniel said. Geoff waited until the door shut behind them and the extra barriers were set in place before giving in to his frustration. “Why was I not informed of this before today?!” “Because I wasn’t sure you would take him as your apprentice if you had any suspicions he could be your brother.” “So you KNEW about this?” “Of course I knew,” Daniel growled. “Do you think I would allow some recreation to sink his claws into you after everything I’ve gone through to make sure Max could never touch you again?” “WHAT?!” “Geoffrey, I’m going to freeze your voice if you do not calm down.” Daniel warned. Geoff snorted, “Don’t try acting like my father after all of this time Daniel. It’s a little late to try fixing the gap you created.” “It’s only too late if one of us dies,” Daniel replied. “Now calm down before Marcus feels your anger and comes storming in here.” “How would you know if he could feel my anger or not?” “Both Gregory and I felt you create the mind meld when you were a child before your brother disappeared. We kept hoping you would bring it up so we could try to find Marcus when he disappeared.” “How could you have found a dead body?” Geoff asked coldly, wondering when they would have told him about Marcus if Astra had not said anything. “Gregory kept insisting Marcus wasn’t dead, that he would have felt it just as he felt your mother’s.” “Why didn’t either of you tell me this?” “How would you have expected us to tell you? ‘Son, would you mind trying to contact your brother, your uncle doesn’t think he’s really dead.’ You would have gone to Max much sooner than you did.” Geoff watched Daniel’s eyes darken and realized he was right. If they had told him that, he would have told everyone and both Daniel and Gregory would have been declared insane instead of just Gregory. Taking a deep breath, Geoff pulled himself together, easing the tension on the wards around the room. “Why did you think I wouldn’t have taken Marcus as my apprentice if I had known your suspicions?” “Because I know you son, if you had thought Max had control of your brother you would have held the boy at arms length waiting to see if he would turn on you as well.” “When were you going to tell me about Marcus?” “I had hoped you would figure it out yourself or the boy would do something to remind you.” “So you weren’t going to say anything?” “I would I have said something before the counsel meeting if you did not already know by then,” Daniel growled. “Geoff, I don’t think he needs to know yet.” “I’m not going to tell him if that’s what you’re getting at.” Geoff muttered, “He has enough to focus on right now.” Daniel nodded. Awkward silence filled the room, the others still roaming outside. Geoff turned back to his desk, sitting on the edge as he watched Daniel start pacing. The rhythm of his footfalls lulled Geoff into memories before their family had fallen apart. Remembering his brother and the questions he used to ask while following him around, Geoff realized many of things he had seen over the years about the other realm had been through a curious child’s eyes. His intuition of how Max worked and thought had not been from real experience with the man, but because someone had given him that knowledge as he experienced it. Was it possible that his brother had been alive all these years and living as Max’s slave until he gathered enough strength and courage to get away? Or had Max created this child to be similar to his dead nephew to throw his brothers off from his true plans? Geoff shook his head. Max knew nothing of the link between his nephews, had not been able to sense their attempt at spells as Gregory and Daniel could. He could never have recreated the link to match perfectly to the one Geoff had with his brother. This meant Marcus had spent his entire childhood lost between the two worlds alone and probably wondering why his family did not come to rescue him from Max. Geoff groaned, his hands going to his head. He felt Daniel’s steps coming closer and looked up. “You do realize you have just made this a lot harder right? Now, not only do I have to teach him how to use and control the magick flowing through him, but I also have to find a way to assure him that we did not leave him with Max on purpose when his memories start coming back without telling him the truth.” “At least you understand why I did not want you to know either. Both of you learning the information at the same time would have eased his mind, now I’m not sure if he will believe anything you tell him once he learns the truth.” Geoff looked towards the window. “Are you going to follow us around the entire time Marcus is in my care?” “Your uncle has cornered me into going on a mission for him. I have to go see Kincaid and let him know his daughter is back in our realm again.” “You didn’t answer my question.” Geoff said, turning back to him. “You have two months without me around Geoffrey, use it well.” “Why are you doing this?” “Your uncle asked me to go because he cannot.” Geoff frowned, “I don’t mean seeing Kincaid, why are you following me around?” Daniel studied him, their eyes clashing as they both tried to read more than the other was allowing. Realizing Geoff would not allow him in, Daniel sighed. “You have two months without my interference. Try not to lose or kill him before I get back.” Geoff scowled as his father disappeared, the wards evaporating as well. What did that last crack mean? He hadn’t lost Marcus when they were children, why would he lose him now?
Marcus stopped in the courtyard of The King’s Arm, sending Astra inside with her teacher and the man introduced as Uncle Misha. The second man, the one that had upset Astra, stood against the stable doors watching him. Straightening the frown from his face, Marcus moved across the yard. Daniel watched his nephew stalk towards him, Gregory’s temper burning brightly from Melanie’s eyes. The boy had already adopted his brother’s walk, neither one probably noticing that he had done so. As the boy stopped a few feet in front of him, anger vibrating every part of him, Daniel realized the girl had been right. Marcus truly was as much a McPherson as any of them were. “So you’re Geoff’s apprentice?” Daniel greeted him, giving the boy time to calm before answering. “I’ve heard quite a bit about you boy and I can’t say I’m surprised my son has taken you on.” “And why is that sir?” Marcus muttered from clenched teeth. Daniel smiled inwardly. “You will see in time Marcus. For now I’ll give you some advice, do not test your luck. He has been lenient so far, but nothing lasts forever.” “I’m quite aware of that sir.” “Uncle Daniel, Marcus, we are family after all.” “Fine, Uncle Daniel, may I ask you a question?” Daniel’s eyes sparked, amusement hidden within them. His son would have a long two months ahead of him it seemed. Perfect punishment for all the trouble he had caused during his own apprenticeship. “And what would that be?” “What did you say to Astra?” “I said nothing to your friend,” Daniel answered. “She did not like the topic I and Uncle Misha were discussing with your teacher. If you wish to know more than that, I suggest you talk to Geoff.” “Yes sir.” Marcus turned away, stopping at the back door to the inn when Daniel called to him. “And Marcus, remind him that he has two months before you ask him.” “Why?” “He’ll understand. If you see your Uncle Misha, tell him I’m ready to go when he is.” Marcus nodded, his anger disappearing as confusion took its place. Why was he supposed to remind Geoff about two months? He went inside, searching to see if Astra was safe before heading to the study. Behind the closed door, Marcus could hear Misha and Geoff arguing. Marcus knocked on the door, not wanting to be caught eavesdropping. On Geoff’s growled command to enter, Marcus walked in closing the door immediately when he realized their argument had continued. Misha stood by the window, leaning against the wall with his arms crossed, a scowl on his face matching the one across from him. “What is he planning Uncle Misha? My father does not tell me his whereabouts without a reason behind it.” Geoff growled from his desk. Misha scowled back at him. “You know your father doesn’t share his thoughts with me unless he needs my help. If you really want to know why don’t you ask him yourself.” “I did, and as always I got nothing in return.” “Maybe he’s waiting on something else from you, did you ever think of that?” “You know my answer to that.” Geoff spat. He looked over catching Marcus standing frozen in the doorway. “Come in Marcus, we’re almost through.” Marcus hesitantly moved forward as Misha growled at Geoff. “Maybe it’s that answer that is keeping him from sharing his plans with you. Your father only wants one thing from you Geoffrey, is it that difficult to do?” “Do you even know what it is he wants?” Geoff asked. Misha nodded, “I agree with him.” “You would.” Geoff muttered. “So does Gregory.” “Of course he does.” Geoff snorted, “He’s wanted me to reconcile with my father forever.” “If all three of us expect you to do it, why not just get it over with?” “As much as I respect you, this is my fight with the man and I will settle it my way.” “And be left in the dark until you do.” Geoff muttered something only Misha heard. He pushed away from the wall. “You may feel that way, but you would not be here now if not for your father. I suggest you remember that before you continue the thought.” Geoff didn’t answer, his face darkening with a brighter shade of red than Misha’s. Misha turned from him with a grunt, blocking Marcus’ view. “You seem calmer than you were a few minutes ago.” “I talked to Uncle Daniel.” Marcus replied shrugging. Misha looked over his shoulder, “At least one of you do.” “He says he’s ready to head out when you are.” Marcus added, “He’s waiting at the stables.” Misha chuckled, “I would keep this one Geoff. He knows when to send people on their way.” “I plan on keeping him.” Geoff growled, coming up behind him. “I’ll be back in a second Marcus.” As they walked away, the door remaining open to the hallway, Marcus turned back to the room. Glancing to make sure they were gone, Marcus wandered to the closest bookshelf, randomly selecting and flipping through the books before putting them back on the shelf exactly as he had found them. As he made his way around the room, Marcus realized Geoff and Ailora had probably read every single manuscript they had piled carefully in the room. Every text held information about the world they lived in, the other realm Marcus had come from and the magick they called on when they needed it. What I wouldn’t have given to have had this much information at my fingertips growing up Marcus thought as he wandered to the last bookshelf closest to Geoff’s desk and the window. A worn out leather binding buried behind larger books caught his attention immediately. Careful not to disturb the volumes around it, Marcus pulled the book from its hiding place. Covered in dust, Marcus brought it to the light blowing some of the grime off to see if a title came with this particular book. Only an intricate design of swirls and lines littered the cover, Marcus opened the book and felt it come to life. Intrigued, Marcus carried it to the chair he had sat in earlier by Geoff’s desk. Once settled, Marcus reopened the book- immediately falling into the first page as the words appeared and disappeared as he read. Geoff stopped on the threshold moments later, watching as Marcus turned another page, his attention completely absorbed with the information before him. Geoff tilted his head, trying to discover what had caught Marcus but could not catch the title at his angle. Marcus shifted, relaxing more in the chair as he fell deeper into the story. Geoff watched him, wondering if the boy had ever had a chance to just sit and read as he was now. After several more minutes passed without Marcus looking up to see he had returned, Geoff smiled and backed out of the door, closing it quietly behind him. There would be little time in the coming weeks to delve that far into any type of reading material and Marcus deserved a break at least for a few more hours anyway. He made his way to the kitchen thinking to ask about dinner to ensure food made its way to the study if Marcus did not come out on his own. Inside, Geoff stopped to avoid the mushroom cloud of blue smoke rising from the middle worktable. Coughing slightly as he entered, Geoff found Astra in the middle of the smoke frowning at the bowl and ingredients before her. “I so thought I had it that time.” She muttered to herself, waving her fingers to clear the smoke around her. Geoff chuckled, turning Astra’s attention to him. She smiled and beckoned him closer, “I promise it won’t explode on you.” He smiled back and sat in the chair opposite her. “What are you trying to do?” Astra frowned, “I was hoping you’d be able to tell me. Ailora told me to try this spell with these ingredients, but she didn’t tell me how to mix them or anything. Do you know what I’m doing wrong?” Geoff shook his head. “I’m afraid with Ailora’s concoctions I’m as lost as you are.” “Darn it. I’ll just have to try later I guess.” She looked up noticing Marcus wasn’t with him. “Where’s Marcus?” “In my study,” Geoff looked across the table as she sat down. “How many books have you two had access to in the other realm?” Astra blinked, “We both had access to the local library, but hardly ever used it since we were always either moving to a safer location with the gangs or slipping back here to help you and the others.” “How about when you two were here?” “Well, Uncle Payne has a few books, as do many of the others and I used to read them quite a bit. I’m not sure if Marcus ever picked up a book though, truthfully I’ve never seen him with a book come to think of it.” “Do you know if Marcus can read?” Astra frowned, “I would assume so. He read many of the transcripts from the other villages and scouts when he portrayed Michael and I think Max made him read a few proclamations once. We never really talk about it. Why?” “He has one of the books and I was just wondering if he was really reading it or just looking through it.” “He has a book in his hands?” Astra asked surprise bright in her eyes. “And he’s reading it?” Geoff nodded, “I’m assuming his reading it. Why does that surprise you?” “Don’t you see, this is what I was talking about earlier, he trusts you.” “How can you tell that from him picking up a book?” “I have never seen him pick one up! Don’t you understand, he isn’t afraid to do things around you. I remember asking him once when it was raining why he didn’t just grab one of Uncle Payne’s books to read. He told me it wasn’t a good idea, he was afraid Max would take it from him. I didn’t understand why Max would bother taking a book and I dropped the subject.” “Max would take the book from him?” Astra nodded, “That’s what he said. I guess Max didn’t want him reading anything that he didn’t consider relevant to the training he had Marcus undergoing.” “What kind of training?” “I don’t know. Marcus wouldn’t talk about it. Every time he went away with Max on his own, he never talked about what had happened, even if he was covered in blood and looked like a ghost.” “Max returned him to the Spartans?” Astra nodded, “Uncle Payne didn’t give him any choice. If Max didn’t return him, they would go looking for him. After that first time, Uncle Payne did not allow Marcus to stay anywhere with Max alone.” “After what first time?” Astra covered her mouth, “Oh, I’ve given too much away. Marcus really should be the one to tell you all of this.” “Astra, he doesn’t remember any of it. You are the only one who can tell me what happened to him before you two arrived here four months ago.” “Then you’ll have to wait until he gets his memory back. I’m sorry Geoff, but he really needs to be the one to explain his past. You’ll only see how it affects him if he’s the one to tell you.” She turned back to her potions, “Maybe I should try saying the spell at the same time I add the basil or is it rosemary I’m supposed to add?” Geoff sighed and stood up. She would not be giving any more information out today. “When the kitchen is back to normal, could you have the cook send Marcus food if he isn’t out of there by then?” Astra nodded, “Of course. Where are you going?” “I need a little time to think. Ailora will know where to find me if something comes up.” “Okay, I’ll let her know. Will you be back in time to eat?” Geoff nodded, “Yes, I’ll be back.” He walked to the door, turning back to watch her a few moments. Her frown deepened as she stared at the ingredients around the bowl, muttering to herself under her breath. She had the tactical skills of both the Kincaid’s and the Spartan’s and used them to her advantage. Ailora had chosen well for her first apprentice, the girl would both give and gain experience and information bonding them together far more than any blood bond could. Geoff left Astra to her lesson, checking on Marcus before heading outside. The boy didn’t even look up as the door opened and Geoff stuck his head around it. He still sat in the same position, the book glued to his hands as another page flipped over. Wondering when and where Ailora had gotten the book and why she had added to the library’s collection, Geoff closed the door again setting a spell around the room to give the boy privacy. He walked outside, heading towards the stables as the information he had gained swirled through his mind. Freedom was saddled and waiting on him when he got there. Frowning slightly, Geoff gained his mount and headed to the open fields surrounding the small town, his mind too occupied to wonder how the stable master had known he would need his horse. When they got to the open field, Freedom took off running for all he was worth. Geoff let him go, his mind drifting to the questions about the boy he had taken on. Gregory and Misha both believed the child to be the son taken years ago when Max first started to take over. Daniel seemed reluctant to believe in the boy, but Geoff knew that had more to do with his own version of events than actual proof. Daniel had been the first to hear Geoff’s tearful story of how his brother had disappeared. He had gone to the river the boys had been playing near to look for himself and finding nothing had agreed with his son’s logic, the youngest son of the King had drown and would wash up somewhere down river. Unfortunately, the body had never resurfaced, nor had the rocks turned red from a body smashing against them. As the years had gone on and no body returned to them, Geoff began to wonder if he had been wrong in listening to Max. Afraid to be locked up as Gregory had been, Geoff locked away the thought fortifying his belief that his little brother was gone for good. Now Geoff faced with that very question. If he had listened to his own feelings, would he have realized the connection still worked and that his brother was actually alive? Would Marcus have returned to them before now, with his memories intact? Or would he have died as they had all believed him to be all those years ago? Geoff shook the last thought away. If Max wanted to kill the boy, he would have done so in the beginning. No, Max had a reason to keep the boy alive if he was in fact the same child, though his plans would definitely have to be changed if he ever realized Marcus was in fact Michael Carmichael. Geoff frowned remembering Marcus’ reaction to the people in Trumpet’s Echo when they had decided he was Michael Carmichael. The boy had no knowledge of his time before two years ago, at least knowledge that he was willing to share with anyone. Astra knew, but she seemed reluctant to bring it up, insisting that Marcus be the one to share his past. How would he be able to share his past if he couldn’t remember it to begin with? And why wouldn’t she share what she knew with Marcus? Had she tried before with no results or had something happened to prevent her from mentioning them? By insisting Marcus become his apprentice, he had taken on more than any of the teacher’s he associated with. However, he could not retract the offer, no matter what the truth really was or who Marcus turned out to be. If Marcus had really been under Max’s influence since he disappeared at five until he had finally decided he had had enough, the boy would need Geoff’s help to learn not only about his power, but who he was before Max caught up to him again.
© 2008 Astra |
Added on June 16, 2008 The Apprentice
Chapter 10
By Astra
Chapter 11
By Astra
Chapter 12
By Astra
Chapter 13
By Astra
Chapter 14
By Astra
Chapter 15
By Astra
Chapter 16
By Astra
Chapter 17
By Astra
Chapter 18
By AstraAuthor![]() AstraSt. Augustine, FLAboutI have traveld to and lived in several different states on the East side of the Mississippi river. I have never been farther than St. Louis though I wish to one day get out west. I have spent 10 days .. more..Writing