![]() Chapter 12A Chapter by Astra“So you thought you could escape his wrath slave?” Evans growled. Marcus ignored him. Watching from the slits of his swollen eyes, he studied Evans and the two thugs with him. Serrano had pulled him from the Llessur’s farm to this abandoned, weed and stone infested, yard on the other side of town to prevent Geoff from reaching him before Evans was ready. His two thugs had released Marcus’ hands, giving him a chance to fight back when they attacked him. It didn’t give him much of an advantage however, as there were two of them and only one of him. He did have the sword, but Marcus knew without proper training the weapon would be useless. During the attack, Marcus had used his time to send the images of his surroundings back to his mentor. Though a part of him wondered why he was even bothering to accept Geoff’s help when he did not want the man around to begin with, another part desperately hoped Geoff would show up and deal with these three so he would no longer have to. Not one of the three men saw these thoughts cross his face as they threw him up against the crumbling stonewalls that surrounded them, kicking his feet out from under him and holding his arms back. Several hard lefts to his face pushed him backwards, dropping him into the dirt packed ground, blood dripping from his mouth as he took a breath and tried to get to his feet. A hard kick to the ribs sent him back down, groaning in agony as he curled into a ball. “Enough,” Evans growled moving closer to him and ushering his men back. Marcus opened his swollen eyes, looking out through the slits to see Evans sneering at him from a few feet above him. “Thought you had escaped your true master did you?” He laughed. “Max was waiting for you boy. Didn’t expect you to have company, but than Geoffrey Nathaniel has always been a strange man. Did he offer you choices? Hmm boy, did he tell you that you had a right to decide how you learned your power?” Marcus did not answer. He slowly climbed to his feet, his small gaze meeting Evan’s cold glare as best he could. “Proud boy? Of what? Being a puppet to the nephew instead of the slave you were of Max?” Marcus’ limited gaze must have shown his confusion, for Evans’ grin turned more sinister. “Did he not tell you? The man you run from is the brother of Geoff’s father. At one time, Geoff served Max as I do now. The coward could not stomach the violence and broke away, telling everyone there was a better choice.” Evans laughed, his eyes calculating as he met Marcus’ gaze again. Inside, Marcus’ eyes narrowed. Serrano Evans discredited Geoff because he wanted something from Marcus that did not meet with Max’s plans. Evans had let that family relation slip knowing Geoff would have never shared that on his own especially now that he knew about Marcus’ connection to the maniac. “Still not shaken boy?” Evans asked, still amused. “You’ve traded one cruelty for another. Geoff will never give you the status you deserve. As with all the other apprentices he picks up, Geoff will drop you the first opportunity he gets leaving you in the hands of someone incapable of handling your true potential.” He is not going to prod me into getting angry. Marcus told himself as the questions about his mentor rose in his mind. He is not going to get me to bite. I can ask Geoff about this myself when I see him again. I am not going to fall for this trap. “Geoff will not give any help to gain your true power anymore than Max will.” Evans continued, ignoring Marcus’ shifting stance. “No one can give you the true status you deserve.” Marcus’ lips thinned, knowing this theatrical pause would begin the tirade of reasons Evans stopped to begin with. While Evans waited for Marcus to give the response he wanted, Marcus started the breathing technique that Geoff had just shown him in order to calm his body and mind. “What is my true status?” Marcus muttered, keeping his tone aggravated as Evans expected. Inside, his cooling temper unlocked his power. He continued breathing, allowing his magick to flow throughout his body. His fingers tingled as the recently learned healing spell danced along his skin and into his bruises. As his face healed, Marcus felt another spell activate over it, keeping the cuts, bruises and swelling as an outer shell as the real skin below it healed. Surprised by this secondary spell starting on it’s own, Marcus missed part of Evans’ speech. “Well-respected man, you’ll be under my banner no one will dare defy anything you say. I’ll make sure you get the respect you deserve your highness, and not even Max will stand in your way once you make it known.” Make what known? Marcus wondered. The healing spell died, fading as if it had never been. The other spell melted into his healed face, acting as the real one and not the image it truly was. “So, what do you think?” Evans asked, alerting Marcus he had missed the rest of the explanation. “Think of what?” Marcus asked. Evans narrowed his eyes. “You know what I’m asking boy. Don’t play dumb. Once your power hits its peak, you will be unable to hide that you are the Heir, even to yourself. Under me, you will be the most respected man our world will ever know.” Under him? If I’m the most respected and powerful mage, why should I be under anyone? Does he think Max has brought me so low that I can’t think for myself? “My offer is going to be the best you’ll get boy.” Evans growled, leaning in closer. Marcus backed away from him, hitting the stonewall. I guess I’m not supposed to think for myself. I really don’t need this. Marcus inched himself down the wall to the crumbling section only a foot away. If he could reach the gap, he could get rid of Evans and his thugs. He let Evans’ ranting about the rest of Max’s cronies plans pass over him as his concentration focused on building a shield around himself. Once the shield stabilized enough to leave alone, Marcus tuned back into Evans, listening to Geoff’s rant from months ago. You know it’s kinda ironic, he’s spewing the exact same crap you did for the exact same reason. I never told you I’d make you the most respectable mage our world has ever known. Geoff muttered back, Marcus grinned. He knew Geoff had been paying attention. Or that I was the Heir. That has yet to be seen. Don’t you think I fit the profile? Marcus asked, biting his tongue to keep from laughing. Right now, I fit the profile more than you do. You do have the potential to become the Heir, once you’re training is complete of course. Marcus groaned inwardly, Somehow I knew you were going to say that. “Marcus, I can promise you more freedom than any other mage in our realm.” Evans interrupted, “Join me and no one can touch you.” Marcus reached the gap in the wall. He stepped backwards over the stone, placing the erected shield into the stone now in front of him. His left hand dropped to his sword, his fingers curling around the hilt as he continued backing up. Allowing the secondary spell to drop, Marcus ignored Geoff’s warning to be careful as he faced Max’s lap dog. “So far in the span of five months, I have been offered freedom no one else could possibly give me three times. From what you just told me, I can look forward to hearing it even more often whether I join you or not.” “What do you mean if?” Evans asked his smile fading. “Your version requires a payment of slavery. I must do the bidding of whoever holds my passage. You said it yourself; I will be a well-respected man under your banner. If I was well-respected, why would I be under anyone?” At least you realize that. Geoff cut into his thoughts. Marcus ignored him. “I don’t think that price is something I’m willing to pay to anyone.” Evans moved closer to the wall, “You say that, yet you stand in the shadow of a system that promotes slavery. You are unable to do as you wish, you are confined to rules and restrictions placed because they are afraid of what you can do.” Marcus snorted. “Of course they’re afraid; I have an unlimited amount of power I can call on at anytime to use as I see fit. Only a fool would not be afraid of me.” “Than why bury yourself under their rules? You can have anything you want if you just let me help you take control of these old men and fools too weak to stand on their own.” Marcus’ magick flared, a barrier surrounding him as a spell just missed him. Startled, Marcus backed up again, feeling for any obstacles in his way. What was that? Which one? Mine, how did it sense danger before I did? Your magick is you Marcus, not a separate entity. The power responded to what you sensed. But I didn’t sense anything! Are you sure? I was, Marcus muttered, realizing he had reacted just as quickly as he had with Aunt Lizzie. This is why I stayed alive so long. Most likely, when we meet up again we will work on your senses and that sword at your side. “Boy, why would you choose a man who has lied to you?” Evans yelled, unable to move past the wall. “Why choose a system that left you in Max’s care, not ever wondering what became of you?” Marcus kept backing up, but Evans’ words cut through him. The counsel knew he was trapped with Max? “Did you not think they could have freed you all those years ago when you crossed between the realms the first time? They chose to leave you as Max’s slave. They left you Marcus, left you until your power grew and you could no longer hide your potential.” Marcus felt anger rising as Evan’s words pushed behind the wall he had erected around his childhood. These people knew he was alive, but let him switch between worlds not bothering to stop the torture and cruelty he had experienced. Before he could block Evans out and get control, Marcus felt another spell rise to the surface, pulling him from the forest area and Evans. The spell dropped him in the middle of a river. Pushing his way to the surface, Marcus gasped for air as he broke the surface. He looked around as he treaded water, wiping the droplets from his face. “Where the hell am I?” Marcus muttered. Remembering the sword, Marcus swam to the bank, dragging himself to a patch of sunlight to dry off. Blinking, Marcus sat up. “Why is the sun out?” He had left Evans and the stone grove in the middle of the night. Had he traveled through the night or had it been days since he had last been seen? He could feel Astra’s concern pulling at him. He ignored her, thinking over what Evans had said. If the counsel had known about him, why had they left him to fend for himself? Memories from Trumpet’s Echo pushed into his thoughts. Emé and the others had called him Michael not Marcus; was it possible that the counsel knew him as Michael as well? If so, that would explain why they had left him to fend for himself. As Astra pushed at their connection again, Marcus realized he hadn’t been by himself. He had lived among Spartans of and on while he had been drifting between the two worlds. Those men and women had protected him while he stayed here and had sent Astra with him or turned a blind eye when she had joined him into the other world Max thrust him into. Either Evans didn’t know about his past, or he knew that Marcus had no memories and had tried to use it against him. And if Evans knew about his lack of memories, Max knew and could possibly be the one that had blocked his memories to begin with. Marcus! Astra broke through his thoughts. I’m fine, at least I am right now. Oh Gods, I thought I lost you. Your teacher has warned his rebels you had been captured. He’s been looking for you everywhere. I don’t have a teacher Astra, unless you’re talking about Geoff. Of course I’m talking about Geoff. He’s been searching for the last week wondering what happened. Where have you been? A week! Marcus sat straighter, his eyes widening at the thought. Geoff was going to kill him. Astra, I gotta go. I’ve got to talk to him. I’d have a good excuse if I were you. Your teacher is not in the greatest of moods right now. I wouldn’t be either, Marcus thought as she started to leave, especially if my reputation was on the line. And he’s not my teacher. Yes he is Marcus, you wouldn’t want to be contacting him so badly if you hadn’t made your choice. Astra whispered as she left. Pushing her words to the back of his mind to examine later, Marcus took a deep breath setting up wards around himself to block any intruders before contacting Geoff. You were right. Anger and my magick do not combine well at all. Where the hell have you been boy? Marcus winced. Honestly, I have no idea. I remember backing away from Evans’ and then the next thing I know, I’m swimming to the surface of some river and its morning. Show me what you see. How? Faic(Faicinn) cuir gu Geoff. Marcus repeated it and immediately felt Geoff’s power flowing into him. What did I say? You sent me what you were seeing. I added a spell so that I can be there with you until you can get to safety. Now look around Marcus, show me everything you can see without getting up. Marcus looked around, shifting slightly so he could look behind him as well. You’re closer to Kingston than I thought you would be. Where? Kingston, the city my fiancé and her apprentice are staying. If you head there, I’ll be able to meet up with you in a few days. Astra is your fiancé’s apprentice isn’t she? What makes you say that? You paused before you told me. You know I’m trying to keep her from Max’s reach, how can my going there after what just happened protect her from him? She’ll be fine Marcus, trust me. I expect to see you in three days. Where are you? Currently, I’m sitting in a vacant room talking to you. Otherwise I’m with the counsel, trying to keep these fools from adding you to their wanted dead or alive list. This stunt of yours is really hindering your chances of making a real choice. It’s not like I meant to disappear like that. How was I supposed to know I could even perform that kind of spell? I’ve warned you about keeping your anger low when you’re casting. If you had done as I instructed you would have never had to find out. I tried doing that. Marcus growled, his anger reappearing. I didn’t blow up without a reason, but than that doesn’t really matter to you does it? As long as I stick around long enough so those old fools believe you can teach an apprentice before cutting me loose or sending me to some idiot who has no idea what the hell I can do. Not wanting to listen to anything Geoff would say about his anger coming back, Marcus closed down the spells, pulling as far from the man as he could without giving himself away. Geoff felt Marcus’ anger push him out, throwing him back into his own body. He stared back at the room he had started in. The boy had broken the spells connecting them. “That was a foolhardy thing to do boy.” Geoff ignored his father, breathing in deeply to regain his balance and erase the dizziness the backlash had caused. “I need to head out.” He stood up, turning to face Daniel’s scowling face. “Inform our people that Marcus is on his own and needs assistance. Anyone who finds him needs to try to keep him until I can get there.” “And if they can’t?” Daniel growled. Geoff ‘s eyes blazed to life. “They had better remember which direction he took off in. My apprentice is a wanted man now, not only by Max but any lunatic craving the power Max’s reign denies them.” “Evans won’t touch the boy Geoff.” Daniel promised, adding the compulsion to calm into his tone. “I will see to it personally.” Geoff, feeling the compulsion, nodded giving in to his father’s request, “Evans is yours, I have more important prey to track down.” “Yes, that boy you’ve taken on will surely need you by the end of this. For when you find him, the counsel requires your presence.” Geoff brushed past him, “I know.” Daniel grabbed his shoulder, “They will see the truth Geoffrey, Marcus will have his choice.” Geoff looked at him, “You know you don’t eavesdrop as well as you used to.” “And you are forgetting to keep your face vacant.” Daniel growled back. Geoff grinned and moved away from his father’s hold. Daniel shook his head, “Geoffrey Nathaniel, you had better be careful when you face those fools. Your continued lack of respect for their authority could lose you this one.” Geoff stopped at the doorway, turning enough to see Daniel’s face. “If you or Uncle Gregory stood up to them, it would not be their authority I would be facing.” He walked out, disappearing before his father could respond. Daniel stared at the door, “How much have you discovered Geoffrey Nathaniel? Marcus stared at the river, trying to clear his anger before trying to contact Geoff again. The man didn’t even know what had caused his anger to begin with let alone had a chance to defend himself before Marcus had thrown him out of his mind. Astra’s words rebounded as he took a deep breath and he paused. Had he made his decision? Marcus shook his head; if he had he would have returned to the house with the children using Geoff as a shield. Marcus snorted. Who was he kidding? Even if he had formally accepted Geoff’s offer he would have left with Evans to protect the family anyway. “What am I going to do?” Marcus muttered aloud. “Now would be a good time to figure out what I’ve gotten myself into. If I could stay focused, I can figure out what to do next without his help.” As the sun beat down, Marcus’ focus centered on the rushing water as his mind wandered over the last few months. He had arrived in this world ignorant of its rules, but aware he had some connection to it. Geoff had protected him and Astra almost from the beginning, trying to evaluate his skills in an unbiased setting. He must have shown some potential for the man to agree to train him without the benefit of having the law fall on his side. Since joining Geoff, Marcus realized he had become less ignorant of not only the rules, but also his own power and worth. He had gained control of himself, had begun to form his own opinions and as the argument yesterday showed, he was no longer afraid to speak his mind. It was the worst hell he could ever construct for himself, too bad the counsel and people like Evans planned to destroy anything he gained from this self-inflicted punishment. A spell cast in the woods to his right brought his thoughts up short. Immediately turning to the signature, Marcus slowly moved to the side of his perch and slid back into the water. How much would a delay in meeting you cost me? What are you planning? Geoff answered immediately. I’m not planning anything. I just wondered. You do not ask me questions like this if you weren’t planning anything Marcus. What is going on? I’ve got company, I have to get closer to find out if they are friend or foe and I wondered… If they were foe, would you be in trouble for not meeting me? Geoff finished for him. Marcus heard the exasperation in Geoff’s voice and a grin crossed his face. I really have become predictable. Not predictable, just typical of a student at this stage, once you discover their side contact me and I will let you know whether you’ll be in trouble or not. And if I can’t contact you? You are a resourceful young mage Marcus, you are already using methods you believed yourself incapable of mastering. You will find a way. It wasn’t that I thought I was incapable of mastering this, Max used to tell me that this form of communication caused the student to become a mind slave to the teacher. Under the circumstances, I really didn’t want to take that chance. Now with everything Evans is trying to add to this,… Marcus tapered off. He hadn’t told Geoff anything about what Evans had said yet. I want to know what Evans has decided to share with you when I get to you Marcus. Why? Marcus narrowed his eyes, even though Geoff could not see his face. I’ll explain when I see you, be careful Marcus even if they are friends. Yes sir. The connection broke as the caster moved closer to Marcus’ spot on the bank. Shading his power even as he cast out his senses trying to identify his company, Marcus made his way back to the river, melting himself into a side of the closest boulder as the power moved closer to him. Marcus closed his eyes seeing the world through what he felt, stretching beyond the rock and the trees around it. About twenty wavering images flickered through the darker shadows of the trees. The caster led them, setting off bursts of light as they walked. Obviously, they aren’t worried about anyone catching them this close to town. Marcus thought, recognizing the carelessness he had shown when first arriving. He projected himself closer, staying in the shadows as he tried to see who blocked his way to town. Catching a glimpse of clothing in a patch of sunlight, Marcus almost pulled back. Just in time, he remembered Geoff’s warning the last time he had done that and stopped himself. Instead, he followed them trying to learn how they had arrived and why they were there in the first place. He felt a tug on the link between him and Geoff and realized his confusion had amplified. Not wanting to alert the men around him, Marcus opened their link using a spell only used by the most experienced of mages. Eadarainn fosgailte inntinnean. You do realize that spell is dangerous. Geoff muttered immediately. Marcus ignored him, his focus on the men around him. He heard Geoff mutter something about stubborn fools, but ignored that as well. He needed his mentor to see what he saw at least this once. He did not need to listen to him complain about the inconsistency of his magick, it wasn’t his fault some things worked and others didn’t. What have you found? Geoff asked a moment later, finally seeing his company. Marcus tuned the spell to allow Geoff to hear what he did. These men had plans to capture the heir to the throne, giving Max more time to find the brat and hone his powers to do exactly as Max wanted. Marcus felt the hair on the back of his neck start to stand up, his anger electrifying the air around him. Geoff pulled him back to his own body slowly in order to keep the men from identifying his position. Calm down before that front man of theirs realizes you are here. But they are after me and this other guy because of that bast… Marcus stopped, his voice blocked off, his eyes narrowing as he tried to close his link to his teacher. Realizing Geoff now held the spell open; Marcus folded his arms and removed the melding spell pleased that he controlled at least one of the three he had cast. Geoff had started on another lecture of why being angry could affect his own casting, but Marcus ignored him. He could hear the men coming closer, stopping just outside of his line of sight. They could not see him, thanks to Geoff’s own cover, but if he cast anything else they would be able to sense him. At least their guide would be able to, he doubted any of the guys he had grown up with had any power or they would have used it to try to impress Max back in the other world. “We need to find that brat or we’re toast.” “Toast, we’ll be the ashes of toast if the boss realizes we lost the scent of that kid. Why did we agree to this anyway? That kid was of no use to us anyway. We should have just let him go to begin with.” Their guide hissed at them to be quiet. Marcus inched to the side of the boulder, sneaking a look to where they were and froze. They had found his tracks into the water. The guide looked around; sniffing the dirt and grass he pulled up. “The mage is close. You must be silent to lure him out of hiding if your voices have not already pushed him farther away.” The men looked around, clutching their guns and knives as they clustered together, peering into the surrounding trees. Marcus watched as the guide continued sniffing, his body slinking through the dirt. Fascinated, Marcus caught himself being drawn out of hiding. Stopping himself in time, he felt the other spells release him. He reminds me of a snake. He is one of Max’s most devoted servants. A snake is an apt description, Geoff growled. Marcus could hear the disgust in his voice and wondered who the man had been before becoming what he was. A good friend, Geoff answered, like many others who have turned to keep themselves or their families alive. How many lives has Max destroyed here? Too many, but Marcus I don’t want you worrying about that right now. Concentrate on getting out of there without alerting him or those others that you are as close as you are. Once you get away, head to the main road and head to Kingston. I’ll meet you there. I’m sorry about before. We’ll discuss it later Marcus. Geoff left him alone, as the snake man slithered closer. “I can still smell this one on the wind. He has only just left this area. We must hurry and catch him before any of his men can find him.” “Why do we have to go after him?” Marcus watched wide-eyed as the snake man moved so suddenly, the two leaders of the group almost ran him over. They backed up, their eyes bulging at the look on the snake man’s face. “Why do we have to go after him? Do you have any idea why the child was left in your care to begin with? His power is so great, his majesty’s spells are only a smidge of what the boy can create. We need him for our plans, and if he joins the other side the reward you are expecting will never reach you. Now MOVE!” Marcus cringed as the man yelled, watching the group spread out to look for him. He didn’t want to think about what would happen if he got caught. As strange as Geoff was, Marcus realized he would rather face the unknown than the situation he would find himself in if Max or his minions caught him again. Breathing deeply, Marcus closed his eyes, imagining himself away from the water’s edge and on the road to Kingston. Belatedly, Marcus wondered if he should have specified when and where on the road he would like to reappear as his magick pulled him into space once again.
© 2008 Astra |
Added on June 16, 2008 The Apprentice
Chapter 10
By Astra
Chapter 11
By Astra
Chapter 12
By Astra
Chapter 13
By Astra
Chapter 14
By Astra
Chapter 15
By Astra
Chapter 16
By Astra
Chapter 17
By Astra
Chapter 18
By AstraAuthor![]() AstraSt. Augustine, FLAboutI have traveld to and lived in several different states on the East side of the Mississippi river. I have never been farther than St. Louis though I wish to one day get out west. I have spent 10 days .. more..Writing