Chapter 1

Chapter 1

A Chapter by Astra


       As the trees rippled with a freezing wind, the young man standing beneath their shade shivered. Looking out over the land he had been thrust into, the thought that had been pestering him since he had opened his eyes hit him. All of this so new, but so darn familiar, he ached to have even one person recognize him. He knew it was impossible having never stepped foot in this much forestry before, but still the thought that he had been here before nagged him.
       The boy took off his shoes feeling the soil and grass beneath his toes, his senses relaxed, adapting to his surroundings. The ground beneath his toes had the most wonderful calming effect on his nerves, almost as if he belonged to it. The thought made him smile, for he had never belonged to anything or anyone, only in his nightmares and dreams had he left the life of an orphan.
      Astra believed what he thought of as nightmares and dreams were his actual memories, but some were just too sick to be real and the others too fanciful. He did not want to remember the deaths of thousands committed by the maniac’s hands nor did he want to believe in the dreams when he had been with good people and enjoying life. Although his life with Astra in it seemed fanciful enough; no one else had ever been there for him, he had always been alone.
      The crackling of leather, a buzzing sound at first, grew more insistent as he stood in the open air remembering how their lives had been uncertain on their way here. Now, Astra had been gone for several days, hopefully out of sight of their pursuers. He had had no idea mysterious visitors were not welcome in this strange and beautiful land, not until after he and Astra had assisted Josiah Kent and his son Ryn. They had met with problems after that. Constantly moving to keep from becoming captured, he came up with the idea that Astra should go on ahead and he would catch up with her. She protested strongly saying he knew nothing of the people, customs, or landmarks here; splitting up would cause even more problems.
      His argument won when he told her that she would die if Max got them, and he would never be able to allow that. She could do not argue with the truth no matter how much she wanted to. She had made him promise one thing before she left, he would hang on to the map she had made and her locket. Both would help him find her again and would alert him if danger found her.
            Touching the chain around his neck, he felt the warmth it still carried from her. He knew very well the powers of the map and chain; he had discovered their uses when Max had come back early this year. Astra had been missing for three weeks before anyone had told him she had been taken. He had gone to her hiding place and found both the locket and the map thrown about in the clutter left by the struggle. He had grabbed on to both, yelling Astra’s name, tears rolling down his face and onto the locket. The strengthening light that had spread from it had awakened him from his grief….just like the growing sound of what he recognized as horses awakened him from deep thought.
            He grabbed the makeshift bag that Lady Otis had given him on his departure from Merignac and tossed it into the tree beside him. He jumped, grabbing the low branch, and pulled himself into the tree just as the noise ceased. Very slowly, he got to his feet and climbed up to a higher branch with more leaves. The source of the noise was close and until deemed friend or foe, he knew he could not afford to be seen.
            “Are you sure you felt something here Darian? Why would Geoff go this far out of his way if he wanted to see Ailora in Kingsford?”
            “Jas, I know Geoff’s outline. He’s out here somewhere, and I plan on finding out why as soon as we find him. It’s possible that he got sidetracked looking for that boy.”
            He heard the voices before they came into view. He moved slightly and his vision opened onto the field below. Two men on horseback were in the clearing searching the area around them closely. On closer inspection, he realized the one closest to him was maybe a year or two older than himself and the other looked about the same age as his friend Harry from back home. Touching the locket, he asked his question mentally. In moments, he had a response.
            “Harry’s around 24, 25. What does that matter now? Are you in trouble?”
            “No, but I might be in a few minutes. There are two men in front of me and they aren’t moving away. I’m going to cut this because I think they’re picking it up.”
            “Okay, stay safe.”
            “You too.”
            He let the locket fall back to his chest, regretting having to let her go, focusing his eyes back to the two in front of him. They had continued their discussion and were now onto another topic.
            “Are you really going to let Geoff marry her? Won’t that be a little weird?”
            The one named Darian glanced at his companion with a trace of annoyance. “We’ve been over this Jas. Yes, I’m letting her marry him and no it won’t be a little weird. They were meant for each other, we’ve both seen that. I don’t think I could’ve had the heart to tell either of them no even in jest.”
            “Then why wouldn’t you consent for me?”
            Darian rolled his eyes, “Jason, you were 14 years old. Why the hell do you think?”
            The younger one, Jason, started laughing. Ah, they must be brothers. They had similar physical features, the same build, and a connection that could not be distinguished any other way.
            A dull ache beat in his inner heart. Sometime long ago, he had had that same type of connection, but like everything else in his life, it had disappeared, swallowed by nightmares and unwanted memories of living on the run from Max’s henchman. He had the instant desire to be gone, no longer watching these two looking for this mysterious Geoff person. Being this close to the brothers reminded him of the gap in his own life.
            The other two must have sensed his desire as they turned to look at the tree he lay in. They moved closer and he silently cursed, he had forgotten to move the bag up with him. Darian reached up to collect it as he wished he could swing down, grab the bag and be on his way without them following him.
            “Hey bro, that bag belongs to someone. His shoes are still here,” Jason called.
He uttered another silent curse. He had left those down there too. He definitely couldn’t leave now. Ryn had given him those shoes and he had promised to return them to him as soon as he could. Sighing, he began to straighten up to announce his presence when another rider came into view.
            This must be who they came looking for, he thought when Darian turned away from his bag and faced the new comer. His guess was confirmed when Darian yelled, “You just get here?!”
            The new rider came to a halt a few feet back, just out of Marcus’ sight. He must have nodded because Jason started laughing. “I told you. I knew you were wrong!”
            The new comer’s voice almost knocked him from his perch. It sounded so familiar to him, a little deeper, but still the same voice. Where had he met this person before? It felt like the same man that had started after him and Astra from the Kent’s farm, but he could not remember ever hearing the man’s voice. He tried scooting up a little closer, but the branch must have wrapped itself into his clothes for he was held fast.
            “What are you talking about Jason? Darian’s never wrong. I just got here, but I had also been through here a few minutes ago.”
            Geoff continued to scowl as Jason and Darian began bickering back and forth. He could never understand how Darian put up with Jason at times like this, but then he had never had the chance to get as close to anyone as the two of them were. He glanced at the tree again; at least the boy had stopped moving. Darian had almost caught sight of him if Geoff hadn’t appeared. Though the boy had power he hadn’t recognized the spell; that would have led to more problems if he had.         
            He was pulled back into the conversation when Jason asked if he knew who the shoes and bag belonged to. “Yes, he will be right back. I sent him on an errand for me.”
            “These are your apprentice’s?”
            Geoff nodded again. He felt the boy’s confusion and desperation to see what was going on. Geoff frowned wondering how to get rid of his friends so he could explain to the boy what would be happening from now on. He felt the boy break the holding spell; Darian looked up as the leaves began to sway. Geoff had to create a breeze, freeze the boy back in place, while yelling at him to stay put all in the same moment without letting on to his friends. At least the boy listened, Geoff thought as the tree limbs stilled once more. He wanted to laugh aloud at the boy’s angry reply, but he stayed quiet and silently waited until Darian and Jason took their leave.
            Frustration began to make him light-headed. This Geoff person had frozen him to the tree and instead of letting him get down so he could explain the truth, the man had yelled at him to stay put and let him handle it. Being stuck in the tree and having no other help, he complied unhappily. He was no one’s apprentice, and would never be again. Hadn’t he just gotten out of the last one by sheer luck? Why would this man claim to be his teacher if they had never met? Was he just fooling his friends to make himself seem more important? He wouldn’t deal with that again. He had already had enough of self-absorbed tyrannical idiots; besides, he had too many other things to do than rely on this man to help him.      
            Noise directly below him broke him from his thoughts. Jason and Darian were finally leaving. Too bad he would never see them again; Jason seemed like an interesting person. He watched their progress as far as he could wishing he could watch them the rest of the way. With the thought, he almost rolled out of the tree. Finally released from Geoff’s spell, he slowly lowered himself to the ground. He wondered where the new rider had gone, seeing him nowhere as he gathered his shoes and the bag. As he straightened up and turned, he hit a barrier. Only strong hands grabbing his shoulders stopped him from falling backwards. He looked up into the two silver-green glowing spheres and instantly wondered if this was why people backed away from him, his own eyes glared at him. 
            Geoff stared at the boy surprised at the similarities they shared, but annoyed. Since he had caught up to this runt and the girl, Geoff had been playing clean up crew to the scraps they had gotten into. Without his help, Max would have gotten a hold of the boy long before now.
            As Geoff glared at him, the boy’s silver-green eyes widened, holding the same wonderment he felt. Geoff could have sworn he was staring at an exact copy of himself at a younger age. The only difference was the boy had darker hair and his power was also a mite stronger than his own, but Geoff expected this since Max, one of the stronger mages in their time, had most likely taught the boy from a young age.
            He let the boy go when he felt him regain balance. The boy backed up a few spaces continuing to stare at him. The boy’s questions stood frozen on his tongue, the similarities between them leaving him speechless. Geoff could hear the questions, but refused to answer them. Their ability to communicate via the mind should not be possible. His father and uncle could only do it because Geoff had let them in. This child had not been allowed nor had been placed under a spell to connect them.
            As the child continued to back up, Geoff reached out grabbing the boy’s left arm as he tried to leave. “I meant what I said, you are my apprentice.”
            “I am an apprentice to no one,” came the growled reply.
            “Do you want to stay on the run for the rest of your life?”
            “What if I did? And how would you know I was running?”
            “You wouldn’t have tried to hide if you were free to be here. The news you are my apprentice will stop the search parties.”
            “I’m not a force the people want to go against. You’ll be safe as long as people think you’re with me.”
            “There are some people who know the truth though.”
            “How do you think I found out about you?”
            The boy shrugged. Geoff could hear his internal debate questioning his reasoning. It wasn’t everyday that someone would take on an apprentice to keep him from being hunted. It sounded too coincidental and too much like a setup. Geoff felt the boy try to pull away. He had two options release him and follow or tighten his grip and convince the boy he was serious. The boy glared at him, watching him closely. That look gave Geoff an idea for a third option. He released the boy’s arm and stepped back, allowing the boy to leave if he wished.
            He blinked. Geoff was allowing him to leave? After telling him he had to be his apprentice, Geoff was letting him leave? Max would have never allowed that. Once a decision had been made, any deviation was punished, no matter how slight a deviation it had been. This guy must have another reason behind this. There was no way a teacher would just allow a student to walk away. He was probably throwing out bait to make him stay. That had to be the only reason Geoff was letting him leave. He narrowed his eyes; wondering where the true trap lay. As he sent out his senses looking for the sign the man planned something; his eyes widened. Geoff really was giving him a choice.
            Suspiciously, he tilted his head, “If I accepted, what would I have to do?”
            “What do you mean?”
            ‘Would there be any “special” tasks I would have to perform? Are there any repercussions I should expect if I do not follow everything you tell me?” Am I going to be your slave?
            No. He heard the denial in his head before the man actually spoke the words. Just like when the man had stopped him from moving earlier. What was going on?
            “No, there are no “special” tasks you will have to perform. I will only give orders that will ensure your safety. You will know the difference between my suggestions and my orders. If you do stray, depending on the situation, the punishment will be made accordingly. I do not intend for you to be my slave, nor do I want you to fear me. For this to work, we will have to respect each other. This is the only way you will truly learn anything.”
            “But you know nothing about me! Why take me on as an apprentice?”
            In answer, Geoff raised his right hand, the boy’s right moving in response. A silver light erupted between them blinding them. When he could see again, he could see his confusion reflected in Geoff’s eyes. What was this man? What did he just do to him?
            “We can detect our own.”
“Our own?”
            “Mages, people with the special power of magick. You are one such person. You have the basic skills that prevent your magick from killing you and for protecting yourself against others. Since the moment you arrived, your power has called out to all mages. It is why I have been following you. ”
            “WHAT? Why?”
            “Your power is the strongest we have ever seen here. No one is quite as strong, at least any that are alive now. I am one of the few who can match you. I have also had the strongest sense of you.”
            “Strongest sense of me?”
            “Your power pulls at my own. If you so choose, I will be your guide in learning the extent of your power.”
            He backed up. This man did not seem afraid of him, was offering help if he had the courage to take it. Geoff knew he was running from something and yet he promised the aide. He knew how to control his own power and possibly knew other skills as well, skills the boy knew he would need if Max ever caught up to him.
            Max. The thought of his old teacher froze any agreement he might have made. Max would be looking for him and would destroy anyone who had kept him a secret. Geoff would be in danger if Max ever found out. If he could trust this man, then he would need to warn him before accepting his offer. The man had been following him for quite some time without trying to talk to him before this. There had to be something more to this man’s story. 
            “You have other reasons to help me don’t you?”
            “Yes, but right at this moment they are of no concern to you. You have yet to join me, and until you do can I assume it safe to explain my mission.”
            He hesitated again. There was another motive! He knew it! Everyone needed him for something. He couldn’t just be another person learning a craft; everyone had ulterior motives for teaching him something. Should he leave? He studied the man again. He was a confident person, not very laid back, with a serious expression. He was definitely an all business type of guy, but his friends had not seemed too worried, in fact the younger one had no fear of him at all. Could he achieve that sense of freedom too? Was it possible for him to team up with this man and still have no fear of him? Another dream popped into his head, a man taking him on, guiding him through his confusion, and the feeling there had not been fear. He pushed it away forcefully; those dreams would not help him if he was to focus on the here and now.
            He had to get away from Max and the minions Max would send. Max would stand no chance against this man if he did join him. Did he risk it? Did he dare trust a man who appeared out of nowhere to teach him things he needed to know? Did he dare to trust this stranger with his life and Astra’s? Max had appeared out of nowhere, had offered to teach and guide, had promised to get rid of the pain, and yet he had been burned, almost killed because he could not continue with Max’s demands of payment. Could he place his trust in this man and not get burned by it? Could he accept the payment this man was asking for while still maintaining his real self? A voice deep inside him answered yes.
            Geoff wondered how long it would take the boy to realize he could be trusted. He had never had anyone not trust him before and the feeling was not pleasant. Is this how you feel Daniel? Because I do not trust you, do you feel this uncomfortable? He did not receive an answer, not that he expected one. Daniel had stopped talking to him the moment he had left him at the castle five years ago, even though he had heard him at the jail when Daniel and Misha broke him out. Geoff blinked; he had to stay focused on the boy. If he lost focus, the boy would leave and end up in trouble far beyond his imagining. Geoff doubted the boy even knew who Max really was let alone what he would want him for. Changes in the boy’s face brought Geoff’s attention back where it belonged. The boy looked as if he had come to a decision.
            “I’m going to be honest here. I really don’t trust you. I’ve dealt with someone offering the same thing and it wasn’t all it was cracked up to be.”
            “And why was that?”
            The boy hesitated briefly before saying, “I was already an apprentice to someone else. I am a great prize to him and once he finds out I’m gone, he’ll be after me.”
            “Why did you leave?” Geoff watched as the boy’s agitation increased.
            “I decided it wasn’t worth the trouble.”
            “What kind of trouble?”
            The boy refused to answer or meet his eyes.
            Geoff sighed, “Boy, I need to know what kind of trouble if I’m going to help you out of this.”
            Geoff heard the growl before he saw the boy move. Immediately, Geoff caught him around the waist, preventing him from leaving. While the boy struggled, Geoff called the bag and the boy’s shoes to his hands.
            “Let me go!”
            “Sorry, kid, can’t do that. You’re obviously hiding from someone and without my aide; you’re going to get caught. I can’t let you run off on your own, not with the power you hold. You’re just stuck with me until you can tell me the truth.”
            Geoff hauled him to his horse, tying the bag to the side with a wave of his hand. The boy’s shoes reclaimed his feet the same way. Knowing to expect the boy to run, Geoff put him down, having no other way to get him on the horse.
            The moment Geoff put him down, the boy backed up. There was nowhere to run that this man wouldn’t catch him. He waved his right hand encompassing the area around them, hoping to put up a shield to block the man. Instead, the silent forest erupted into a cacophony of sound the moment his hand stopped waving. The boy covered his ears and spun around startled. Geoff grabbed his shoulder keeping the boy upright and leaned down removing a hand from one of his ears. “DO IT AGAIN!”
            The boy looked at him; fear apparent in his spring green eyes, then nodded and waved his hand again. The noise stopped immediately. Geoff could feel the boy’s body tense as he stared into the darkness of the trees. He could almost hear the confusing questions running through his mind.
            “That is what happens when you do not shield your power. It sets the animals off.”
            “Is that what happened? I accidentally did that the first night we were here too.”
            “We? There is someone else with you?”
            The boy stiffened, “I meant I; the first night I was here.”
            He was still hiding the girl from others. She had warned Geoff it would happen. He wouldn’t get anywhere with the boy if he prodded, so Geoff let him go accepting the change. “Has no one shown you to guard your power around animals?”
            The boy shook his head, “I have never had any animals around to set them off like that. Can’t be shown something if the situation is never created.”
            “Very true,” Geoff paused a moment studying the boy’s back as he relaxed. The shirt clung to him in several places, revealing a great amount of strength and abuse. The boy had several things to tell him before accepting the inevitable. Geoff looked at the forest; this obviously was not the best place for that discussion.
            “You have information you need to share with me. The animals are getting quite restless with your uncontained magick flowing into their territory. It would be safer for you and I to continue this discussion in a more people populated environment. I suggest we leave now before dusk catches us still on the road.”
            The boy whirled, “You’re taking me with you even though I have not accepted your offer? Why? I thought I had to accept before you could claim me as such?”
            The corners of Geoff’s mouth lifted, “Yes, you’re coming with me because you have not told me everything I need to know and it’s dangerous for you to remain here. In the best interest of your safety, it would be wiser for you to be seen with me and have me claim you as my student even though nothing is official. Besides, there are no witnesses here; who is to say you did not accept my offer?”
            The boy backed up again, more wary than before, “But these aren’t normal circumstances?” Geoff could see he was trying hard to ignore his last comment. Geoff mentally cursed himself for adding it in. If he wanted the boy’s trust, he couldn’t force his decision like that.
            “No, you are being hunted by a madman. If you wish to remain your own person and not a puppet on a string, I suggest you follow my lead and play along until you decide one way or the other.”
            He squirmed as Geoff used his own words against him. Wasn’t following his lead becoming a puppet on a string anyway? He was being manipulated again and did not like it. Hadn’t those been Max’s reasons for insisting he join him? Hadn’t his safety been on the line then too? He stopped thinking about it. Max had manipulated the events to cause his safety to be in jeopardy. This man had nothing to do with causing the problems he was experiencing now. At least he hoped not.
            “What in the world do you have in this bag?”
            He looked up to see Geoff studying the bag Lady Otis had given him and shrugged. “I haven’t actually had time to look and see what was there.”
            He hadn’t realized he had dropped it or that the man had added it to his horse’s supplies. Watching as the bag fell open at the slightest tug and the contents rolled onto the grass between them, he felt his jaw drop as he stared at the contents. Everything from cooking utensils to extra clothes had been piled into the bag. The bag had not been that heavy. How could all of that junk fit in there?
            “Where did you get the bag from?”
            “A woman named Lady Otis gave it to me. How the hell did all of that fit in there? It wasn’t that big or that heavy when she handed it to me.”
            “Lady Otis is a mage. She is able to create things for our cause without them becoming too burdensome.” The man knelt down next to the pile digging for something. “What the hell?”
            He moved closer to see what the man was looking at. It seemed to be a carved wooden disk looped through by a leather band. It reminded him of the disk the Kent’s had given him before he had left. That disk still lay in his pocket. His hand went to it as he watched the man pull Lady Otis’ gift from the pile on the ground. The man turned to look at him. “Do you know what this is?”
            “A wooden disk on a leather band, it’s probably just a gift for helping her out. I got another one from a family I had stayed with earlier.”
            “You have what?” the man sounded like he was choking. “May I… may I see it?”
            He pulled it out of his pocket and handed it over. The man held one in each hand staring at them. After a few minutes, Geoff held them out indicating he take them back. He went to put them in his pocket, but the man grabbed his hand. “Put them on underneath your shirt. Do not ever take them off.”
            “Why? What are they?”
            “They are medallions, important clues to the questions your powers form. Your new friends seem to think your power highly important, for those medallions were meant as protection. We need to leave here immediately. Do you know how to ride?”
            He shook his head as the medallions slipped around his neck. He held them up staring at them. They looked oddly familiar to him, but not even his dreams could tell him why.
            “Boy put those away and get moving.”
            He looked over at Geoff, the growl in his voice matching the dark set in his face. The medallions had caused the change and he did not like that one bit. As the medallions slipped under his clothes, he growled back. “My name is Marcus, not boy.”
            The man stopped the spell he was using to pile everything back in the bag and stared at him. “What did you say?”
            “I said my name is Marcus, not boy. And if these medallions are going to make you angry I can always get out of here myself. I’m sure Lady Otis and the Kent’s would be more than happy to see me again.”
            The man continued to stare at him. His face had lost color again, and his hands were shaking. Out of the corner of his eye, Marcus watched as the work Geoff had done broke apart. Without thinking, Marcus stuffed the bag, tying it back to the man’s horse. The man’s gaze dropped to the bag. “Where did you learn that?”
            “I watched Lady Otis do it the first time. And then she let me do it the second time to make sure I understood how the bag worked.”
            “You only watched her once?”
            Marcus nodded, wondering why the guy was so surprised. “It’s not like it’s all that difficult. Stop staring at me like I’m some goddamn science experiment.”
            The man‘s face darkened, “Not many people would be able to do that spell after just watching her only once, let alone twice.  The cursing will stop now. You may have been allowed to swear where you’re from, but as my apprentice it is forbidden.”
            The man growled, “Your spells are controlled by your emotions. Cursing is used in anger and could ruin a spell midway. Did you not learn this already?”
            “If I had known that, do you think I would still be cursing?”
            “Yes. Now let’s go.”
            Marcus stared at him. “How would you know?”
            “How would I know what?” The man pulled his horse away from the forest.
            “That I would still be cursing even if I had known it would mess me up.”
            “B…Marcus, I have seen things in you I have seen in only one other person. And I know for a fact that this other person would continue to do something even if he knew the consequences for it.”
            “Who is that?”
            “Me. And another thing, even though you have not yet accepted the apprenticeship yet, for all outer eyes it would be best if you started addressing me as sir or by my name.”
            “But I don’t know your name,” Marcus replied, wondering if the man would know he was lying since he had heard Geoff’s friends call him that to begin with. He saw the man’s glance and quickly added, “Sir.”
            The man got on his horse and held out his hand. Marcus eyed it warily as the man introduced himself. “I am known by my friends as Geoff. And now I suggest you get on the horse Marcus or you will become a fixture to this area.”
            Marcus did not need to ask or look around. He felt the animals crawling from their holes to attack the one who disturbed their peace. He scrambled up as Geoff pulled and held on as the horse bolted from the field. As they rode, he realized that the handshake just sealed his fate. Whether he liked it or not, he was now Geoff’s apprentice.

© 2008 Astra

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Added on June 16, 2008



St. Augustine, FL

I have traveld to and lived in several different states on the East side of the Mississippi river. I have never been farther than St. Louis though I wish to one day get out west. I have spent 10 days .. more..

The Calling Card The Calling Card

A Story by Astra