sweetest essence

sweetest essence

A Poem by Ashly Christen

truth, freedom that I have found


I will not force you to believe anything

I will not tell you that you are wrong

I will offer you the freedom that I have found

I will offer you the strong rock that has held fast forever

I will tell you my story if you want to hear

I will not force anything down your throat

realize when I talk about these things I believe it is because I am excited and want you to know the same joy, I wish the world to know the same peace that flows through my heart

it is in everyone

a trickle of a stream

a dewdrop from a leaf

but it can be so much more if you allow it

it can rush like a rapid river

pull towns under like a current tide

it can overcome and wash away the pain

it can put you on top of the mountain instead of crawling in the gravel and sharp broken rocks at the bottom

stretch out your arms and take in, embrace, feel the freedom floating on the wind through and around you,

happiness is around the corner

should you choose it

I lived in anger so much of my life

and still struggle with it because of all life has dealt me

but I guarantee that there is a strength in me that can not be defeated and it is through the one that breathed life into me, the one that shaped my soul just as he shaped the world

I decided

I chose to be happy because I knew that is what I deserved

I know that I am of worth and am entitled to joy and peace and I took it like a greedy little squirrel with a nut, but this I will hold forever

even in my deepest darkest places I know where to find the light

and where there is some

there is always more

you only have to have the courage to open the door

it is so easy to be afraid

to let fear rule your life

it is so easy to quit, to give up, to wallow in sorrow

but the real challenge is not in sorrow but in joy and taking the freedom that is yours by right of the one and only God.

Believe what you must, search for joy and freedom, for knowledge, thirst for life, but I tell you I know the secret, I know the taste of life and I will not stop partaking

for it is the sweetest essence

I believe there are many theories

many stories

and in each one may be some truth

an alteration of the truth

a root

follow the root to the tree of life

until your life overflows with such power that you have no choice but to give it back to everyone around you, take what is yours, be happy, be free, believe, what is there to loose but pride

© 2013 Ashly Christen

Author's Note

Ashly Christen
don't be a hater,
spread the love

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last line..."what is there to lose but pride"

needs the correction, but what a great ending!

we have to swallow pride sometimes to forgive or to be forgiven...part of this reminds me of langston hughes' poem "Cross"---but with a touch of ferlinghetti..

a beat sort of rhythm and wording to this...the repetition of the "i'"

good piece.


Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Ashly Christen

11 Years Ago

thank you much Jacob for the read, lol I had to giggle a bit when I read my typo, but hey, I suppose.. read more


"Happiness is just around the corner"
You said it======years ago in the poem, `Sweet essence.
Hope you are still writiing. Will look for you again.
----=-John Crowley


Posted 8 Years Ago

who's hating this was GREAT! A bit long bot worth reading.
Thanks for sharing.

Kelley Frost

Posted 8 Years Ago

I love the straight forward language in your poetry, Ashly...a very poignant poem of faith and trust...which is the essence of a relationship whether is a friendship or to something intimate...you are a wonderful writer, Ashly. Nicely done.

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Ashly Christen

11 Years Ago

thank you very much :D
Everett DeValle

11 Years Ago

You are very welcome, Ashly. :)
Thank you for these very deep words of truth, encouragement, self-esteem, wisdom and love.

" Love your neighbour as you love yourself."
This means YOU put yourself first before being able to love others.


Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Ashly Christen

11 Years Ago

thank you prince :D
guess that's why they say you can never make anyone else happy until you h.. read more
Assuming you meant to 'lose' pride rather than some subliminal symbolism with pride as a pair of pants, and commanding you to loosen them to allow a breath. I liked this.

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Ashly Christen

11 Years Ago

thank you tai :)
It is easy to be jaded by life, but we don't have to be that way... love is a powerful and magical thing... unfortunately hate spreads faster then love so we must do all we can to spread the love. Such a wonderfully uplifting poem.

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Ashly Christen

11 Years Ago

thank you much cowboy :)
beautiful words, nicely arranged to spread your message.....i love mankind, love mother earth and love all creatures, great and small....but i am pagan. need i say more?

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Ashly Christen

11 Years Ago

either way im glad you can still appreciate this piece and the beauty of the earth and all creatures.. read more
" You shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free."

Freedom is to be desired above all things except love and only love can bring freedom. Beautiful write...beautifully voiced!

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Ashly Christen

11 Years Ago

thank you fabulous Fabian :)

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Ashly Christen

11 Years Ago

thank ya :)
Oh Wow...what an incredible poem, awesome write my friend...so much hope and beauty, i'd almost forgotten...almost. I so needed to read this tonight...you have done well my friend...God bless you always...=)

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Ashly Christen

11 Years Ago

thank you much mr night, perhaps this was written just for you :) God bless you as well

11 Years Ago


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11 Reviews
Shelved in 1 Library
Added on January 30, 2013
Last Updated on January 30, 2013
Tags: God, truth, life, anger, hurt, pain, freedom, joy, love, tree, root, forever, sorrow, challenge, thirst, believe, jesus, christ, religion


Ashly Christen
Ashly Christen

champaign , IL

so, my name is ashly. I have been through alot in life, my childhood was anything but easy and I am constantly being faced with new hurdles and journeys. I have learned alot from all i have been t.. more..


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