Harry Potter and the Power of Darkness
A Book by Ashleigh
When Harry receives his deceased godfather's amass of wealth, his world is turned upside-down yet again. Plagued with new responsibilities and dangers, he goes against everything he's ever stood for in order to defend those he loves against evil. 
© 2008 Ashleigh
Author's Note
Chapter I of this series was not originally written by me. A former close friend of mine and I decided to co-write this series and I agreed to write all of his ideas for the story after seeing his first rough draft of Chapter I. I then proceeded to edit Chapter I, and continue on with the series. All chapters after Chapter I were originally written by me, but the storyline is my former friend's.
DISCLAIMER: I do not own any rights to Harry Potter. I am not affiliated with J. K. Rowling, Warner Brothers Studios or any of their affiliates in any way. I am not receiving monetary benefits from this series. It is merely a fanfiction written purely out of my love for the original Harry Potter series.
Added on December 16, 2008
Last Updated on December 18, 2008
AshleighI live absolutely anywhere and everywhere I choose, whenever I please, thanks to a little something called imagination., Canada
I'm always looking for new reading material on Writers Cafe to review. I regularly create contests to give me an opportunity to read things tailored to my interests. I'll post any acti.. more..