Dance in the Light

Dance in the Light

A Poem by Ashira Macy

I see you through the overwhelming haze

Of hesitation drifting along like silk

From behind your misanthrope-gilded curtains.


Your presence echoes through me,

Resonates with caressing artistry,

And oh… it takes my breath away.


No clouds to be seen,

Though rain drips down upon my cheeks

As you hide away in your own shadow.


I see you, even if you are blind to me

And I’ll wait here in your shadow with you

Until we dance together in the light… or waste away.

© 2015 Ashira Macy

Author's Note

Ashira Macy
This is my first poem in a long time, but it is pretty close to me right now. Hope you all enjoy. =)

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firstly, i hope you are back..........good to see you again!!!!

this is beautiful.......
the longing........the wait.........for the dance........for rescue from shadows.......
flows like that beautiful silk.....
amazingly worded....

"No clouds to be seen,

Though rain drips down upon my cheeks

As you hide away in your own shadow."

i loved it!!!

Posted 9 Years Ago

This is beautifully written, elegant and pristine wording and delivery,
Enjoyed the fluency and serene message, thanks for sharing and b-blessed!

Posted 9 Years Ago

A most beautiful dance, Ashira...and I loved the gave your words such an eloquence!


Posted 9 Years Ago

Thanks for sharing and calling my attention to this poem. The images are too liquid to hold in my hands.

Posted 9 Years Ago

The emotions and imagery are spilling gently across the cyber page and are enjoyed tremendously...:)................

Posted 9 Years Ago

I love when a poem is written and it's the emotions that are dying to be released from you. You did an awesome job spilling your feelings my friend... good work :)

Posted 9 Years Ago

I love the sense of anticipation you build in this piece. We never know what waits in the shadows of the stage we play our life out on. The sadness and pain of waiting for love, life, or whatever to reveal itself is evident though... "No clouds to be seen,/Though rain drips down upon my cheeks..." reveals to me a wealth of emotion. Here's hoping you dance in the light soon!

Posted 9 Years Ago

Powerful description took me to good places and thoughts.
"I see you, even if you are blind to me
And I’ll wait here in your shadow with you
Until we dance together in the light… or waste away."
I liked the above ending. Thank you dear Poet for the outstanding poetry. What we yearn for can be so near and so for at the same time.

Posted 9 Years Ago

hey, after long time! I think you have returned with a bang. Good work. Wasting away isn't that bad, no?

Posted 9 Years Ago

Wonderful write with wonderful font.
Lovely write dear.

e you, even if you are blind to me
And I’ll wait here in your shadow with you

Posted 9 Years Ago

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21 Reviews
Added on April 15, 2015
Last Updated on April 15, 2015
Tags: love, romance, dark, light, complicated


Ashira Macy
Ashira Macy

Martinez, CA

I am 24 years old and just getting back into writing after not using the skill for a few years, so I am a bit rusty. I am excited to share my new work as well as some old with this community and would.. more..

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A Poem by Ashira Macy

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