Dance in the Light

Dance in the Light

A Poem by Ashira Macy

I see you through the overwhelming haze

Of hesitation drifting along like silk

From behind your misanthrope-gilded curtains.


Your presence echoes through me,

Resonates with caressing artistry,

And oh… it takes my breath away.


No clouds to be seen,

Though rain drips down upon my cheeks

As you hide away in your own shadow.


I see you, even if you are blind to me

And I’ll wait here in your shadow with you

Until we dance together in the light… or waste away.

© 2015 Ashira Macy

Author's Note

Ashira Macy
This is my first poem in a long time, but it is pretty close to me right now. Hope you all enjoy. =)

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Your last stanza is brutal.."I see you, even if you're blind to me" gave me chills. Well done!

Posted 9 Years Ago

A really nice piece , had me smiling (strangely) towards the end.

Posted 9 Years Ago

you r an amazing poet i love it

Posted 9 Years Ago

Beautiful words in the darkness that reigns in each word. Many can relate to this at some point in their lives. Nicely penned.

Posted 9 Years Ago

This poem moved me.. it makes me feel something that i thought i wouldn't feel anymore. something strange. :-)
a bitter-sweet piece.. :-)

Posted 9 Years Ago

I like the "misanthrope-gilded curtains" and the last stanza, especially the last line, it builds well.

Thanks for sharing.

Posted 9 Years Ago

This is inspiring. I'd hope that we all someday find the one who
will be there no matter what. Thank you for this.

Posted 9 Years Ago

It is great to hear from you again! I've been wondering how you've been.

The poem was simply lovely, to me at least.

Dancing can represent many things, A beautiful deadly battle between two equals, a sensual moment with one you cherish, the wrestling tongues of two lovers, a verbal battle, the balance between chaos and order, etc.

The dancing I see here is one of life and death, as well as a love unrequited.

This was marvelously penned my dear! Thank you for sharing it with me!

Posted 9 Years Ago

ooooooooooooooooo lovely dark and enticing .. kind of the way Vampires move ;) glad you are back and posting ..

Posted 9 Years Ago

A solid piece this from you Ashira. I enjoyed your opening stanza, it read beautifully in my mind. It is good to harbour hopes and even revel in the fantasy of 'dancing' with someone even if that dance doesn't come to fruition or perhaps turns into a dance of death. Nice one, Thanks for sharing.

Posted 9 Years Ago

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21 Reviews
Added on April 15, 2015
Last Updated on April 15, 2015
Tags: love, romance, dark, light, complicated


Ashira Macy
Ashira Macy

Martinez, CA

I am 24 years old and just getting back into writing after not using the skill for a few years, so I am a bit rusty. I am excited to share my new work as well as some old with this community and would.. more..

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