![]() Overview of the WarA Chapter by Victor Cartel![]() A Minecraft fan story. The whole story in one short chapter. Consider this the "TL;DR" version of the book![]() To understand the pronoun usage, read the second chapter: "Pronouns" ----------------------------------------------------- It started simply, with a couple of friends. They were just enjoying the day while it lasted at their shelter, knowing that there was nothing to fear until nightfall. This didn't last long, however... Usually the enemy is that of a creeper, or a zombie...never your best friend. That's why it was so unexpected. It caught the poor Morel off guard."Would you like some mushroom stew?" Helix asked, plain and simple. It wasn't that much of a question to hir, but to Morel it was like asking him to eat his own arm. He said no, that he doesn't eat Mushrooms, but this wasn't good enough for Helix. Morel left - he couldn't handle someone like Helix if they were force-feeding him his own friends. After all, Morel never asked Helix to eat any form of spider despite his fear of them eating him - it didn't make any sense to Morel why Helix would offer him Mushroom Stew, or to shove it down his throat for that matter. He couldn't possibly be expected to stay. From that day on, the two agreed that they'd meet again in a years time, after they both had rebuilt their homes, after they'd both had time away from each other. And they did. Kingdom Shroomis and {insert name of Spider Kingdom here} were built quickly, and were built with forceful defenses...they were built for war. The day Morel and Helix met again was almost too soon. It was as if not a day had passed. Morel didn't understand what had snapped in Helix's mind, but it certainly didn't go anywhere. Ze was still the same Mushroom-feasting beast ze was the day ze choked Morel on Mushroom Stew. In fact, ze brought a bowl of Mushroom Stew with hir, and with a glistening in hir eyes that was practically inhuman, ze handed Morel the bowl. "Are you sure you don't want seconds...?" Ze uttered cruelly, a smile on hir face that sickened Morel to the very core. Morel hit the bowl away, looking deep into his former friend's eyes. Helix's expression merely grew bored and dull, and ze looked at hir former friend right back with a deepening glare. War broke out practically at that very moment. It was a terrible battle - Spiders dying left and right, Mushrooms being smashed all over the place. Stew was everywhere, and string was flying. Eventually, however, the battle was handed over to the winners, and the losers retreated home to form a new plan. Helix the Spider Rider of the Abyss was victorious. Morel was upset, and with a curse under his breath he bowed to the Royalty, apologizing for his mistakes with a deep grief. King Shroomis, of whom the Kingdom was named after, and Queen Shroomina were not upset with Morel, however. In fact, they had a plot to get right back at the nasty Spider leader. The King merely looked at Morel, and a smile grew on his face. Morel knew what to do. "Call for Guardian MooMoo!" He shouted, and a few Shrooms of the royal council were on their way. Time went by and Helix couldn't understand why the Shrooms and their sickening lead Knight, Morel the Mushroom Master they called him now, wasn't meeting hir on the battlegrounds. Ze didn't stand and wait, however. Ze decided to attack hirself. Ze launched an attack of spiders, ordering hir spider army to climb the walls of the tower in Kingdom Shroomis and capture the King and Queen. What Helix didn't realize was this was a trap, and that ze had just sent hir spiders straight into it. The King and Queen laid in wait in the center of the top of the Mushroom Tower, Guardian MooMoo at their side. Morel was ready. The moment the Spiders got half way up the wall, boiling hot MooMoo Milk was poured down the sides of the Mushroom Tower, sending the ones at the top into a burning heap of death, and the ones at the bottom scrambling to not get crushed by the weight of their burning allies. The Battle of Mushroom Tower was won quickly by Morel and his Royal leaders, a little too easily. Helix was upset, and called for some of the survivors to be sacrificed to the great Spider Queen, but eventually demanded a hault on further killings when hir most loyal Spider servant and the leader of hir army brought hir something amazing... Princess Mushiness. With an evil chuckle, ze took the helpless little Shroom and sent her to the dungeon, then sent a letter to Morel stating the terrible sacrifice ze would make of the sweet Princess if Morel didn't submit to hir ways, losing the war and thus sending Shroomkind to a never ending slavery. When Morel walked outside the kingdom, he saw the sign covered in string. With a scowl he read it, then took it down and brought it to the King. King Shroomis knew that his dear Queen couldn't handle the news well, and decided to go right into battle. He sent Morel and his army of Mooshrooms to battle the evil spiders, and to take back Princess Mushiness by force. Screaming their battle cries of "Moorah! Moorah!" they stormed the Arachnid fortress. The Spiders were too strong, however, and easily brought Morel down to his knees. Many battles known as the Morel Conquests later, Morel and his army were being beaten down. They had only won two of the five battles if you counted draws as winning, but they hadn't even gotten away from ground zero to get to the Princess. A new plan had to be devised, and so King Shroomis was consulted... special forces were called in. Helix could see them coming from a mile away, but the shock was too great for hir to fully understand it all. One moment ze was laughing at the pathetic "battles" that Morel was waging with a herd of mushroom-covered cows and the words of praise Princess Mushiness was giving them, and the next minute ze was sending hir best troops to protect the fortress from a small group of mushroom-holding Endermen. The forces were too great, however, and the Enderman Army was a shock all of it's own. Though there wasn't many of the Endermen themselves, the kills that they got in were large in numbers, and even when the army was pulling back they had done some damage to the castle. This alone had given them the ability to break into the dungeon. And just as Helix was praising hirself for building the dungeons too short for the Endermen to get into, in rode Morel on Guardian MooMoo, running in and rescuing the Princess. A terrible day indeed... For the Mushroom Kingdom it wasn't, however, and the day was celebrated, being titled "the Glorious Mush of Shroom" and giving a wonderful celebration for Princess Mushi's return. For some reason, however, there was a very ominous feeling underlying the entire party. Morel never once let his guard down, but rather than paying any real attention, he wrote the feeling off as his battle senses since the war clearly wasn't over. He knew that Helix had too much pride to consider this defeat, but he didn't know how much respect he had for their day of celebration... Helix seemed to have a lot of respect, however, and even came to the palace himself, with nothing but a calm spider for protection - hir right hand spider, specifically - and begged an appearance with the Royal Family. With a sly smile, ze entered the throne room, King Shroomis holding back Morel with the wave of a stock. Morel was first to ask despite this, however, shouting with scorn, "What do you want, Helix!?" Helix continued to smile, and even gave a slight bow as ze called the King and Queen, "Your Grace..." Morel growled at the sarcastic words. "...I have brought a method of peace for our lands. If you'll kindly ask your daughter to greet us, I'll call in my friend to give her a hello." Helix's smile was too menacing to simply take listen to hir words. Undoubtedly ze was planning to take her right back. "Typical fiend..." Morel scoffed. Helix shook hir head. "Oh where are my manners...of course you don't trust me! I'll simply have to introduce you first." With a turn of hir head, ze shouted down the royal hall, "Prince Fungi!" With awe and shock written all over their spots, the King and Queen could hardly believe that their ally's son, Prince Fungi, was standing before them with a Spider and an Arachnid Warrior by his side. The Princess ran from her room, reaching out for the Prince, but Morel defied orders of standing down to stop her. "First you capture a helpless damsel, now you've tricked this Prince into befriending you!? What's wrong with you! You're sick I tell you, sick!" The royal council all gasped in worry and shock, scared for the once third-party ally Prince being involved in such a dastardly way. Helix smiled even wider. "My, my, you are quick to jump to conclusions. I can assure you that I didn't go to Prince Fungi, nor did I even attempt to gain contact with the Palace of Moosh. In fact, he came to me." The King wasn't angry, but merely told Morel to step aside. He then asked Helix what ze sought by doing such a thing, to which ze replied with a nod and another bow. Getting on one knee, ze looked up to the King and said, "The end of all this." Helix paused dramatically. "I wish to hold the honorable wedding in my fortress, as a peace offering to your Kingdom. After the wedding we can write out a Peace Treaty, and the day can go down in history as the ending of the war, and the uniting of two allied Kingdoms." The King thought it over for a while, then merely asked, "If I were to accept this offer, would we be allowed to have the royal council and the royal army present at all times?" The Queen begged him to simply refuse the offer entirely, but Helix nodded and uttered, "Yes," with a light hiss supplying the end of hir sentence. King Shroomis looked to his daughter as she stood at Prince Fungi's side, and as he saw her happiness growing he accepted. Then the Prince was on his way back to the Arachnid fortress alongside Helix and hir favorite spider, and the Princess was back to her room with her mother to prepare for her wedding. Morel and the King discussed. "This is clearly a trap, and you're walking straight into it," Morel warned. The King nodded once, "I'm aware. But at the same time they are leaving themselves open. We have just as much of a chance of attacking them at the heart and winning this war as they have of attacking us at our weakest." "But sire-!" The King hushed him. "I want this war to be over as much as you do, Morel, and I swear to you now that it will come Princess Mushi's wedding night." The King headed to his quarters for the night, leaving Morel to his thoughts. It wasn't long until the wedding day came. Princess Mushiness was ecstatic and her Parents were so proud, but worried about the possibility of attack as well. Morel was on the defensive, preparing for the coming attack...and then it hit them. Skeleton warriors came crashing through the windows, shooting arrows at every mushroom in sight! Zombies blocked the doorways, threatening to smash anyone who dared to attempt to get past them. Spiders were crawling all over the helpless innocents that had come to witness the wedding, and a great massacre of Shroomkind was underway! Morel could do nothing except attempt to get the royalty to safety. That's when, clad in armor and wielding a diamond sword, Helix came at Morel. For a while they dueled, but Morel's iron sword was no match for Helix's diamond one, and Helix had Morel at his knees, diamond sword at his throat and backed into the wall. Morel simply smirked, moving backwards and step, holding all the mushroom royalty in his arm, and leaping from the fourth story down. He suffered a broken leg, but his armor took the rest of the fall, and he felt it was worth it for the royal family. "Run! Run you fools!" He shouted, but the King wouldn't have it. The King sent his family scrambling for Home, and stayed by the limping warrior's side as he slowly tried to make his way after them. "I'm sorry, my dear Knight. I have failed you." The King uttered softly, knowing that running at this point was hopeless. "No, my King. You were right. This needed to end, no matter what." Morel smiled, then looked to the sky, shouting, "MOORAH!!! MOORAH!!! MOORAH!!!" The King smiled back, and they sat in silence, not even running towards their castle anymore, and awaiting death to come for them, undoubtedly by Helix's hand. Helix had just left hir open doors, charging full force for the King and his Knight only ten feet away when the Earth started to shake. Suddenly, a stampede of Mooshrooms came running from the palace, followed by an army of Endermen wielding TNT. Sending them forward were King MushMush and Queen Moosh, fighting the foe who was using their son for evil. Helix backed down, running back to hir fortress for cover, and struggling to get to the throne room for cover. Hir sword was the first to fall, then each bit of armor as ze realized the armor was only slowing hir down. The moment ze got to hir throne, King Shroomis and Morel the Mushroom Master were already at the center of the evil royal's room. They stopped when they heard Helix's chuckling, and noticed hir hand was on the handle of a lever. Looking down, The King and Knight took a step back, but Helix simply waved a finger telling them not to, and they were stuck. Helix smiled, pointing to Morel. "If you move one step, either to kill me or to flee, I will pull this lever and the carpet beneath will fall out under you, forcing you to fall into a portal to the End." Morel's eyes widened. "The End!? Are you mad, you too are on the carpet! If you pull that lever, we'll ALL die!" Ze chuckled again, an evil laugh ensuing afterwards. "I knew this would be the end result the whole time! What did you think I meant there back at your castle when I said that I sought an end? You really thought it meant peace!? No, foolish Mushroom Warrior - I was seeking the end of you. If that means I must end myself for it, then so be it." Helix's smile stayed plastered on hir face. "Now admit defeat and possibly leave with your lives, or be thrown into the End alongside me!" A long silence awaited them all, and Morel searched every inch of his mind to find an alternate solution. He couldn't run fast enough to get away, and even if he threw the King there was no way Helix's army would let him live. Morel closed his eyes, opening his mouth to accept defeat... ...when Princess Mushiness's scream of, "STOP!" was heard at the end of the corridor. With Prince Fungi at her side, they looked at each other with sweet smiles, and then turned to the angry enemies. Prince Fungi stepped once forward and simply said, "I have a better idea." Nowadays, the war is finally over and the two previous, ruined Kingdoms have been abandoned. Morel is still a knight, but alongside him is now his fellow warrior, Helix. The two have been newly dubbed the Warriors of Beyond, since they are both willing to go above and beyond to protect what's most important to them. They both are fighters for the new Kingdom they now serve, the Palace of Moosh. Helix helps by providing a formidable army of spiders and undead, and has even taught Morel how to create a diamond sword of his own. Morel helps to ease the Mooshrooms into a peaceful state, and has helped Helix to realize the power behind their milk - both as a weapon, and a nourishing, strengthening treat. The Kingdom is ruled by King Fungi and Queen Mushiness, for their parents have stepped down from the throne and retired, now aiding the Mooshrooms, Spiders, Morel, and Helix alike however they may. Lastly, Helix and Morel have all allied with the Endermen, and are all working together to try and find a way to get to and from the end alongside the Endermen, in case they are needed once more to help fight powerful foes. As such, the Endermen have formed what they titled an "Abysmal Brotherhood" between Helix and their kind. As for Mushroom Stew, it is now a delicacy, not offered to anyone of the Kingdom except the honorable Spider Queen in the case that criminals need be sacrificed for the bettering of the public. Helix and Morel have come to this agreement peacefully, and it doesn't look like war will break out for a long, long time if ever again. ...that is, until the creepers realize they missed out. © 2012 Victor CartelAuthor's Note
StatsAuthor![]() Victor CartelWestminster, COAboutCheck the about me page on my website, Ashira's Notebook, for an extensive survey about myself. more..Writing