I used to sing sad songs
In cold rooms.
Frozen Fingers
And Lifeless Eyes.
Attempted to smile, but it felt fake.
Not a single sound of happiness i could make
For so long I'd thought my soul was inconsolable
I'd been drowning in this pain.
Searching for help, wishing for some hope.
Sinking, deeper... and deeper
I was just about to surrender to the waves of depression.
Let it devour me, take the bit of myself I had left.
I closed my eyes...
Unfamiliar noises filled my sharp surroundings.
Nothing new I'd thought.
Insanity practically vanquished my brain.
Let me take one last look at what's left...
So I tore my gaze away from my horrible past,
to see...
In Plain view...
My Beautiful Rescue...
I Breath of change.
I Rise slowly from the depths of sorrow
Take my hand, a rush of a lost feeling caresses
my cold body...
Everything that I had thought I'd lost in the
Storm... You have.
And piece by piece you're bringing me back
I'm no longer drowning...