Easy answer, part II

Easy answer, part II

A Poem by Ashentara

It would be so easy to down a bottle of Jack's
Or take a few happy pills
It's so tempting to give in
just for the temporary relief
just to sleep for once
to stop hurting for a few hours
Everybody has their poison
Mine is writing
Writing till my fingertips ache
till my heart stops bleeding
till I feel strong enough
to consider living another day


But tonight.. tonight is different

I’m writing and drinking at the same time

And it actually inspires me

I still long for death, I still long to join

My soulmate in the afterlife

But suicide is not my thing

I’m too much of a coward

So I’m thinking… maybe a hangover

and a good indigestion might be the answer

tonight…  Where did I put that box of chocolates?


© 2009 Ashentara

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Added on October 17, 2009
Last Updated on October 17, 2009



Brest, France

Bio... hmmm.... what can I say. I'm 30 going on 31, I'm French, I translate video games for a living, but my dream would be to become a real writer. Working on it! I have a daughter whose name is Gab.. more..

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A Poem by Ashentara