

A Poem by Ashentara

True story.


I’ve had the time of my life with you babe

And I don’t cry because of it

I cry because it’s over

And it’ll never be the same

No one believed in me like you did

No one accepted me as I am like you did

No one ever will

I truly believe in soulmates

You only get one

I found mine

I'm so lucky

I just wish we could have spent more time together

I love you so much

I just want to be with you

No one else

I’ve tried to date other people

But no one comes even close

I knew no one would ever replace you

But no one’s ever come close to filling a bit of that

Black aching void in my heart

That place you used to fill with roses and sweets and cheese

That place is yours only


I miss you so much

You were the one person I could confide anything in

I never held back anything from you

Even stuff I wasn’t so proud of

You just always had the right words, the right answers

I felt so safe with you at my side

So complete.

© 2009 Ashentara

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Added on October 17, 2009



Brest, France

Bio... hmmm.... what can I say. I'm 30 going on 31, I'm French, I translate video games for a living, but my dream would be to become a real writer. Working on it! I have a daughter whose name is Gab.. more..

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A Poem by Ashentara