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A Story by Ashentara

another one dedicated to my late fiancé



Oh babe

Whenever I doubt about something is when I miss you the most

I miss your sound advice and your sweet guidance

I’m trying to move on and get my life back on track

But of course it’s not that easy

And when I hit a hurdle is really when I wish you were there

To tell me what to do, to give me your thoughts

But then again

If you were there

I wouldn’t be hitting those hurdles right now


Tonight’s hard

I miss you so much

I feel estranged from the world and the world’s ways

If that makes any sense


I wish I could curl up in bed

And sleep for days

Just forget about everything

And dream of you


Like I did last night

It was so peaceful, so good

I woke up feeling refreshed and relaxed

Babe why did you have to go

That question I’ve asked a thousand times

I still don’t have the answer

And probably never will


I know meeting you was the best thing that ever happened to me in life

I just don’t know why you had to go so soon

When we were so happy, so much in love

When we had so many plans

When everything was finally falling into place

After all the hardships we’d both been through


I felt we deserved our love

Our happiness


But apparently not in this life

I’ll forever love you, you know that

You were, are, and will always be my one true love


I didn’t need to meet you to know that.

Together we’re invincible

Nothing can erase our love

And even if live and death decided to part us

We shall forever be one in our hearts

And we’ll meet again someday




© 2008 Ashentara

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This is touching. Losing someone is always hard, especially the one you are in love with. I wouldn't know that kind of pain, but I can imagine how difficult it must be. Thank you for sharing this.

Posted 16 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on February 11, 2008



Brest, France

Bio... hmmm.... what can I say. I'm 30 going on 31, I'm French, I translate video games for a living, but my dream would be to become a real writer. Working on it! I have a daughter whose name is Gab.. more..

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A Poem by Ashentara